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spring  '57 


WAL-T  puB-Z-INSK^-E-DPie.  DOfl &PTV -  - T&p 


Stadium  Fund: 

Target      $250,000 
To  Date    $145,000 

Deadline  —  Alumni  Day 

It  was  contagious  at  Stanford 

(and  we  couldn't  be  happier!) 

Seven  years  ago,  a  Stanford  graduate  joined 
New  England  Life  at  our  branch  office  in  Palo 
Alto,  California.  Six  months  later,  another  Stanford 
man  arrived.  Then,  within  three  years,  two  other 
Stanford  stalwarts  were  saying,  "Move  over,  fellows." 

We're  all  in  favor  of  this  kind  of  "contagion."  Espe- 
cially when  New  England  Life  ends  up  with  a  congen- 
ial quartet  like  this:  (left  to  right,  in  photo)  Jack 
Martinelli  ('48),  Earle  Patten  ('49),  Joe  Pickering 
(Bus.  School  '50),  Dave  Hoffman  (Bus.  School  '51). 
These  men  have  made  fine  progress  together,  too.  All 
have  qualified  for  membership  in  our  Leaders  Asso- 
ciation —  the  company's  top  production  club. 

What  made  them  decide  on  New  England  Life? 
Jack:  ".  .  .  looked  into  other  life  companies,  but  liked 
what  New  England  Life  had  to  sell."  Earle:  ".  .  .  like 
the  comprehensive  and  personalized  training."  Joe: 
".  .  .  impressed  by  the  company's  outstanding  reputa- 
tion in  the  business  and  financial  community."  Dave: 

"...  a  quality  company  and  I  wanted  to  be  in  business 
for  myself." 

There's  room  in  the  New  England  Life  picture  for 
other  ambitious  college  men  who  meet  our  require- 
ments. You  get  income  while  you're  learning.  You 
can  work  almost  anywhere  in  the  U.  S.  A.  Your  future 
is  full  of  sizable  rewards. 

You  can  get  more  information  about  this  career  op- 
portunity by  writing  Vice  President  L.  M.  Huppeler, 
501  Boylston  Street,  Boston  17,  Mass. 






These  Boston  College  men  are  New  England  Life  representatives: 

Charles  L.  Quinn,  '33,  Boston  James  A.  Ryan,  '47,  Boston  Lloyd  P.  McDonald,  '51,  Boston 

William  C.  Kelly,  '40,  Boston  William  P.Shields,  '50  Boston  Sherman  W.  Saltmarsh,  Jr.,  '53,  Boston 

John  J.  O'Donnell,  '40,  Boston  Robert  J.  Kaler,  '51,  Boston  George  P.  Kane,  '54,  Boston 

Maurice  W.  Levy,  '40  Boston  Paul  E.  Gibbons,  '55 

Ask  one  of  these  competent  men  to  tell  you  about  the  advantages  of  insuring  in  the  New  England  Life. 



John    J.   Griffin,    '35 

First    Vice-President 

Charles  W.  O'Brien,  '33 

Second,   Vice-President 

Christopher  J.  Duncan,  M.D.. 


John  F.  Groden,  '30 


Joseph  McKenney,  '27 

Francis  X.  J.  Donelan,  '48 
Timothy  H.  Donohue,  '34 
Robert  E.  Foy,  Jr.,  '21 
Edward  M.  Gallagher,  Jr.,  '32 
Robert  J.  Glennon,  '34 
William  F.  Herlihy,  '18 
William  F.  Joy,  '40 
Rt.  Rev.  Lawrence  J.  Riley,  '36 
Hon.  Elias  F.  Shamon,  '20 
William  J.  Sullivan,  M.D.,  '30 

William  J.  Flynn,  '39 

Rev.  Francis  V.  Sullivan,  S.J.,  '21 

Spring  Issue 
William  J.  Flynn,  '39,  Editor 

John   F.  Norton,   '22 
Albert  J.  Sullivan,  '37 


Thomas  H.  O'Connor,  '49 


John  S.  Dooley,  '26 
John  Murphy 



alumni  news 

VOL.  XX  No.  2 

spring  '57 

Therefore  ...  I  am  for  it! 
"Signs  of  the  Golden  Era" 

Experiment  in   Conversation  7 

B.  C.  in  Baghdad  8 

Alumni   Round-Up   10 

Sports    12 

B.  C.  Clubs  

B.  C.  Club  Directory  

News  from  the  Classes  

Recently  Deceased  Alumni 

alumni  hall 



COVER:  Bob  Coyne's  cartoon  recalls  some 
of  the  stars  that  made  the  old  Alumni  Sta- 
dium rock  on  Saturday  afternoons,  and 
symbolizes  the  big  job  ahead  to  build  the 
new  Stadium.  More  on  pages  2-6. 

"...  I  sense  that  something  very 
important  to  Boston  College  is  at  issue; 
something  which  is  bound  up  with  the 
tradition  and  the  spirit  and  the  pres- 
tige of  Boston  College,  with  the  place  of 
the  college  in  the  collegiate  world  as 
well  as  in  the  local  and  the  national 
community.  Therefore  I,  of  course,  am 
for  it.  There  is  one  motive  which  op- 
erates very  strongly  in  my  own  person- 
al case  and  should  therefore,  I  think, 
operate  in  the  case  of  non-alumni  as 

Therefore. . .  I  am  for  it! 

By  Most  Rev.  John  J.  Wright,  D.D.,  '31 
From  Address  at  Kick-Off  Dinner,  January  23,  1957 

well  as  alumni  in  the  general  Boston, 
and  for  that  matter  New  England, 
community.  It  is  the  fact  that  the 
athletic  program  at  Boston  College, 
and  above  all  football,  is  bound  up  not 
only  with  the  contribution  of  the  col- 
lege to  the  life  of  the  student  and  the 
alumnus,  but  also  to  the  contribution 
of  the  college  to  the  life  of  the  general 
community.  Boston  College  has  a  re- 
lationship to  and  a  responsibility  to  its 
students  and  to  its  alumni,  but  it  also 
has  one  to  the  general  Boston,  Mas- 
sachusetts and  New  England  commu- 

For  better  or  for  worse,  and  in  my 
own  philosophy  for  better,  Boston  re- 
mains, though  a  city  and  a  metropoli- 
tan area,  very  definitely  New  England. 
And  New  England  is  almost  the  only 
part  of  the  United  States    which  re- 

mains local.  Local  in  its  outlook,  local 
in  its  loyalty,  local  in  its  interests,  and 
local  in  its  spirit.  In  such  communities 
as  ours  here  in  New  England  an  in- 
stitution like  Boston  College  is  able  to 
catch  and  to  fire  the  imaginations  of 
thousands,  tens  of  thousands,  hun- 
dreds of  thousands  of  people,  who  come 
to  think  of  themselves  as  subway 
alumni,  or  otherwise  friends  of  Boston 
College  and  therefore  by  indirection  of 
everything  of  which  the  college  is  a 
symbol.  So  I  am  solidly  with  Father 
Rector  for  college  and  community,  and 
to  put  the  proper  word  on  it,  for  ap- 
ostolic reasons.  It  is  therefore  to  dra- 
matize the  need  of  the  college  for  its 
own  athletic  center  and  stadium  here 
at  Chestnut  Hill  that  I  shall  take  my 
pledge  cards  and  peddle  them  in  ex- 
ceedingly difficult  territory  indeed. 

Signs  of  the  "Golden  Era" 

Someone  tabbed  the  immediate  future  of  B.C.  as  the  "Golden  Era". 
A  neat  apostrophe:  2  new  dorms,  1  new  gym,  1  relocated  and  enlarged  stadium 

document  it.  Here  are  some  facts  and  figures: 

Kostka  and  Gonzaga 

On  March  11  Father  Rector  broke  ground  for  the  con- 
struction of  twin  residence  halls  on  the  property  of  Car- 
dinal O'Connell  Hall.  These  buildings,  each  250  feet  in 
length,  are  joined  by  an  underground  passage. 

Simple  in  line  and  with  little  ornament  they  are  a  splen- 
did example  of  the  restrained  Tudor  architecture.  Three 
hundred  students,  two  in  a  room,  and  twelve  prefects  will 
be  housed  in  these  two  halls;  that  is,  ISO  students  in  each 
section,  50  on  each  corridor,  at  each  end  of  which  will 
reside  a  Father  of  the  faculty.  One  of  these  two  sections 
will  run  along  Beacon  Street,  from  east  to  west,  facing 
O'Connell  Hall.  The  other,  set  at  a  right  angle  to  the  first, 
will  follow  a  path  from  south  to  north,  along  Hammond 

On,  the  lower  floor  of  this  Hammond  St.  unit  will  be 
a  chapel  with  seating  for  575  students,  3  public  altars  in 
the  sanctuary  and  4  private  chapels  off  the  sacristy.  The 
chapel  will  be  paneled  in  wood,  and  the  beamed  ceiling 
will  be  appropriately  decorated  to  conform  to  the  simple 
decor  of  this  room.  In  the  southern  facade  of  the  chapel 
wing  there  will  be  a  richly  ornamented  entrance,  in  the 
stone  arch  of  which  will  be  carved  a  traditional  figure 
of  the  Lamb  resting  upon  the  missal.  Surrounding  this 
bas  relief  the  words,  "Ecce  Agnus  Dei  Ecce  Qui  Tollit 
Peccata  Mundi,"  will  be  incised  in  the  stone.  A  gleaming 
white  marble  statue  of  St.  Joseph  and  the  child  Jesus  will 
stand  on  a  bracket  above  this  doorway  against  the  severe 
brick  wall. 

Outside  the  main  entrance  to  the  chapel  is  a  flagged 
terrace  which  is  in  reality  the  roof  of  a  neatly  concealed 
boiler  room.  From  this  terrace,  along  the  east  side  of 
the  chapel,  outside  its  seven  large  windows,  one  may 
walk  the  flagged  promenade  to  the  side  entrance  to  the 
chapel.  Though  this  is  in  reality  a  basement  chapel,  due 
to  the  manner  of  its  construction  and  its  position,  it  will 
be  both  airy  and  lightsome. 

Because  of  the  proximity  of  these  dormitories  to  O'Con- 
nell Hall  all  of  the  rooms  in  the  first  floor  of  this  latter 
building  will  be  devoted  to  student  use  as  lounges,  re- 
ception rooms  for  visitors,  television  room,  etc.  O'Connell 
Hall  will  thus  become  the  center  for  the  social  activities 
of  the  boarding  students. 

With  the  completion  of  these  two  units,  which  will  be 
known  as  Kostka  Hall  and  Gonzaga  Hall,  m  honor  of 
St.  Stanislaus  Kostka  and  St.  Aloysius  Gonzaga,  there 
will  be  facilities  on  the  campus  for  650  undergraduate 
male  students. 

Southwell  House,  a  small  dormitory  on  Commonwealth 
Avenue  for  36  students,  will  in  the  future  be  made  avail- 
able for  students  of  the  Law  School.  It  is  located  close  to 
this  school  and  should  be  a  convenient  place  of  residence 
for  its  out-of-town  students. 

The  over-all  plans  for  development  of  dormitories  pro- 
vide for  facilities  for  1200  students.  Provisions  have  been 
made  within  two  years  for  one-half  this  number.  We  look 
forward,  with  God's  help,  to  completing  our  present  plans 
for  1200  and  searching  about  for  more  worlds  to  conquer. 

At  long  last,  a  gym 

On  May  13,  His  Excellency,  Archbishop  Cushing,  will 
bless  the  ground  and  turn  the  first  sod  to  inaugurate  the 
building  of  the  Boston  College  Gymnasium.  To  the  many 
who  have  waited  so  patiently  for  this  event,  May  13  will 
be  a  most  welcome  day.  So  often  this  much  needed  struc- 
ture has  had  to  yield  in  the  list  of  priorities  to  other  and 
greater  needs.  Now  at  long  last  a  beginning  is  about  to 
be  made. 

The  triangle  of  land  between  Beacon  Street  and  the 
reservoir  parking  area  is  the  site  of  this  new  structure. 
Even  a  casual  glance  at  the  plans  will  convince  one  that 
this  is  to  be  a  proud  pile,  a  worthy  monument  to  our 
alumni  who  by  their  devoted  efforts  gathered  in  the  first 
three  hundred  thousands  of  the  many  other  hundred 
thousands  with  which  this  building  will  be  financed. 

Facing  the  reservoir  is  the  main  entrance  with  its 
modern  facade  of  glass.  This  leads  into  a  gracious  and 
spacious  lobby,  which  in  turn  opens  upon  the  basketball 
pavilion  which  measures  122'  x  192'  and  has  a  seating 
capacity  of  3000  for  games  and  other  functions.  Under 
the  balconies  on  which  some  of  these  seats  are  located 
are  offices  for  the  coaches  of  the  various  sports,  athletic 
directors,  etc. 

In  the  basement  under  this  portion  of  the  building  and 
also  under  the  lobby  are  shower  and  locker  rooms,  stock 
rooms,  trainers'  room,  ROTC  offices,  four  squash  courts, 
a  rifle  range,  a  gymnastic  room,  a  room  for  boxing  and 
wrestling,  a  golf  practice  room,  a  room  for  billiards  and 
table  tennis. 

Above  the  lobby  are  offices  for  all  the  school  publica- 
tions, The  Heights,  Sub  Turri,  Stylus,  Guidepost,  two 
lounges  and  an  office  for  the  Gold  Key  Society. 

Adjoining  the  lobby,  and  running  obliquely  to  the  main 
gymnasium  there  is  drawn  into  the  plan  a  large  wing 
which  would  be  used  for   many  purposes.   Essentially  it 

(Continued  on  page  4) 

The  Golden  Era 


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AVa>  Dorm  under  construction  on  Hammond  St.  Lower  floor  has 
a  chapel  for  575  students.  The  second  dorm  also  under  construction 
is  at  right  angles  with  this  one  and  runs  along  Beacon  St.  Together 
they  will  house  300  students. 

would  be  a  skating  rink,  which  in  turn 
would  be  used,  when  skating  is  not  in 
season,  as  an  indoor  cage  for  baseball 
and  football  in  bad  weather,  for  tennis, 
badminton,  volley  ball,  and  ROTC 
drill,  etc.  This  wing  is  sketched  into 
the  present  plans  with  the  hope  that 
we  shall  have  sufficient  funds  with 
which  to  complete  it. 


>e  new 



Rev.  Joseph  R. 


John  IF.  King,  Contractor,  John  Bow 

president,  surveying  campus  land  for  new  buildings  with 
n  Co.,  Inc. 

Because  of  the  large  amount  of 
money  that  would  be  needed  to  put 
our  present  stadium  facilities  into  first 
class  condition,  it  has  been  decided 
after  much  discussion  to  locate  the 
stadium  in  the  reservoir  area  in  close 
proximity  to  the  new  gymnasium  and 
in  the  midst  of  the  parking  space.  In 
this  way  we  shall  be  able  to  use  the 
facilities  of  the  gymnasium  for  show- 
ers, dressing  rooms,  etc.  Then,  too,  the 
entrances  and  exits  to  the  stadium  can 
be  so  planned  as  to  permit  a  steady 
flow  of  traffic  in  and  out  of  this  field. 
We  look  forward  to  providing  seats 
for  about  22,000  spectators  in  this  new 
structure.    ■ 

In  speaking  of  these  developments 
Father  Rector  expressed  his  sincere 
thanks  to  all  the  alumni  who  have  so 
generously  labored  and  contributed 
that  the  stadium  fund  goal  might  be 
reached.  Realizing  that  there  is  yet 
much  to  be  accomplished  that  the 
campaign  might  go  over  the  top  be- 
fore Alumni  Day,  Father  Rector  asked 
that  an  appeal  be  made  to  every  alum- 
nus to  participate  in  this  effort  that  the 
success  for  which  we  hope  might  be 

Stadium  Fund  Drive 
Goal:  $250,000  by  Alumni  Day 

Statistics  tor 
iirst  $143,736 

Student  Fund 



One  more  bucketfull  and  we're  in!  Left,  Joe  McKenney,  '21 .  Stadium  Fund  Chairman,  and  3rd 
left  John  J.  Griffin,  '35,  Alumni  President,  being  presented  over  #1,600,  from  students  at  the 
Heights.  Jay  Cronin,  '56,  2nd  left,  -president  of  Gold  Key  Society,  and  Eddie  Miller,  '56,  right, 
president  of  CBA  make  presentation. 

No.  of 





$   72,775.00 








A  wrist  exercise  highly  recommended  for  all 
alumni  before  Alumni  Day,  here  nobly  demon- 
strated on  a  real,  live  check. 

^>M- ^  v/-?^. 

At  Stadium  Fund  Drive's  Kick- 
off  Dinner  —  Bishop  John  J. 
Wright,  D.D.,  '31,  speaks  to  so- 
licitors to  make  an  all  out  cam- 
paign for  funds.  Bishop  Eric  Mc- 
Kenzie,  '14  and  toastmaster  Dr. 
Christopher  J .  Duncan,  '24,  listen. 

Barristers'  stadium  fund  com- 
mittee at  kick-off  banquet  are 
happy  campaigners:  Front  row 
left  to  right:  John  I-  Flynn,  '39, 
Lawrence  J.  Fitzgerald  '39,  John 
J.  Mackin,  '33,  Charles  IF. 
O'Brien,  '33.  Standing  left  to 
right:  George  J.  Devlin,  '39, 
Walter  F.  Sullivan,  '35,  John  J. 
Brosnahan,  '49,  George  Padula, 
'SO,  Stephen  J .  White,  Thomas  IF. 
Crosby,  '31,  Thomas  P.  Russell, 
'42,  Peter  F.  Hines,  '55. 

Enjoying  themselves  at  Stadium 
Fund  Drive's  Banquet  are  left  to 
right:  Gerard  A.  Trepanier,  '29, 
James  J.  Regan,  '29,  Fr.  John  E. 
Kenney','28  George  P.  Donaldson, 
'29,  Dr.  Kenneth  A.  Brown,  '29, 
Fr.  John  L.  Frawley,  '29,  Rev. 
Francis  J.  Harkins,  '29. 

Experiment  in  Conversation 

John  C.  Cort 

A  FEW  YEARS  AGO  professor 
Samuel  Beer,  chairman  of  the  de- 
partment of  government  at  Harvard, 
confessed  that  he  didn't  know  where 
Boston  College,  one  of  the  largest 
Catholic  universities  in  the  country, 
was  located,  although  he  had  lived 
only  a  few  miles  away  from  it  for 
over  twenty  years. 

I  don't  think  this  made  him  very 
different  from  the  average  Harvard 
professor.  What  did  make  him  dif- 
ferent was  that  Beer  decided  to  find 
out  where  Boston  College  was  located 
and  maybe  to  bring  some  of  its  pro- 
fessors into  the  same  room  with  a 
group  of  his  fellow  faculty  members 
from  Cambridge,  with  a  view  to  ex- 
ploring some  of  the  areas  of  friction 
and  difference  that  impede  friendship 
and  cooperation  between  the  two 
communities.  Mr.  Beer  didn't  know 
any  B.C.  professors  himself  well 
enough  to  try  on  this  radical  idea,  but 
through  a  Catholic  friend  who  did 
know  some,  a  meeting  was  set  up  in 
the  friend's  home,  a  kind  of  neutral 
no  man's  land  between  the  two  camps. 
This  was  June,   1955. 

Among  those  attending  that  first 
meeting  were,  on  the  Harvard  side, 
besides  Beer:  Arthur  Schlesinger,  Jr., 
the  historian;  Seymour  Harris,  head  of 
the  department  of  economics;  Louis 
Lyons,  curator  of  the  Nieman  Foun- 
dation; and  Dr.  Dean  Clark,  professor 
at  the  Harvard  Medical  School  and 
director  of  Massachusetts  General 
Hospital.  On  the  Boston  College  side 
were  Father  William  Kenealy,  S.J., 
then  dean  of  the  Law  School;  Don 
White,  associate  dean  of  the  Business 
School;  Ed  Hirsh,  head  of  the  Eng- 
lish department;  Paul  Heffron,  head 
of  the  department  of  history  and  gov- 
ernment; Dick  Sullivan,  professor  of 
law;  and  Bill  Daly,  professor  of  his- 

k  S  THINGS  have  turned  out,  those 
-'*•  who  attended  did  have  something 
in  common,  namely,  an  interest  in  so- 
cial  justice   and   civil    liberties.   What 

Adapted  from  Commonweal,  Feb.  22,  '57. 
Mr.  Cort  is  well  knozon  for  his  labor  writings. 

they  had  in  disagreement  they  pro- 
ceeded to  explore.  At  the  end  of  a 
lively  evening's  talk,  they  agreed  to 
take  up  the  items  seriatim  at  subse- 
quent meetings. 

As  the  meeting  broke  up,  three  of 
the  Catholics  stood  out  on  the  side- 
walk discussing  it.  One  of  them  said, 
"That  was  a  surprise:  I  expected  So- 
and-So  to  ride  herd  on  the  discussion 
all  night,  but  he  hardly  said  a  word. 
And  So-and-So — he  has  the  reputation 
of  being  a  terrible  revolutionary,  but 
I  found  him  as  reasonable  a  man  as 
you  could  want  to  meet."' 

What  the  Harvards  were  saying 
about  their  new  Catholic  friends  that 
night  I  don't  know,  but  apparently 
they  enjoyed  the  experience  because 
most  of  them  have  been  coming  back 
ever  since  at  approximately  six-week 
intervals.  If  it  goes  no  further,  the 
experiment  can  already  be  declared  a 

Among  the  subjects  discussed  have 
been:  Censorship,  Federal  Aid  to  Edu- 
cation, Adoption  Problems  (a  peren- 
nial headache  around  Boston),  Is  the 
Catholic  Press  Free?,  Anti-Catholic- 
ism is  the  Anti-Semitism  of  the  Libe- 
rals, Tensions  Between  Jews  and 
Catholics,  Catholics  in  Politics,  Is  Be- 
lief in  God  Necessary  to  Social  Co- 
operation?, and  of  course  Birth  Con- 

One  highlight  was  an  appearance  by 
Father  John  Courtney  Murray,  the 
Jesuit  theologian,  leading  off  a  dis- 
cussion of  one  of  his  favorite  ques- 
tions: "How  much  unity  do  we  need, 
how  much  pluralism  can  we  stand?" 
A  most  impressive  man,  was  the  con- 
sensus. One  member  of  the  group 
pointed  out  that  it  takes  a  good  man 
to  hold  the  floor  without  interruptions 
after  the  group  has  passed  the  two- 
beer  mark  and  all  tongues  are  un- 
limbered.  But  that  night,  he  said, 
whenever  Father  Murray  opened  his 
mouth,  all  present  listened  in  silence 
and  respect. 

A  similarly  impressive  man  was  Dr. 
Paul  Tillich  of  the  Harvard  Theolog- 
ical School,  guest  of  honor  on  another 
occasion.  Few  could  follow  all  the 
turnings  of  his  deep  and  difficult  the- 
ology, except  to  recognize   a   familiar 

landmark  now  and  then,  such  as  the 
doctrine  of  original  sin,  but  all  were 
moved  by  this  wise  and  noble  man  in 
relentless  pursuit  of  the  truth. 

Other  guests  and  members  of  the 
group,  some  of  them  invited  to  talk  on 
their  specialties,  have  included  Mark 
Howe,  professor  at  Harvard  Law 
School;  Monsignor  Francis  J.  Lally, 
editor  of  the  Boston  Pilot;  Gerry 
Berlin,  regional  counsel  for  the  Amer- 
ican Jewish  Congress;  Father  Robert 
Drinan,  S.J.,  dean  of  the  B.C.  Law 
School;  Jimmy  O'Dea,  district  attor- 
ney of  Middlesex  County  (Mass.) ; 
Lawrence  Fuchs,  Brandeis  professor 
and  author  of  The  Political  Behavior 
of  American  Jeivs;  Joe  Dever,  Cath- 
olic novelist;  Father  George  Casey, 
pastor  and  columnist  for  the  Boston 
Pilot;  and  this  writer. 

AFTER  A  year  and  a  half  of  meet- 
ing together,  arguing  together, 
drinking  beer  and  eating  cheese  and 
crackers  together,  Sam  Beer,  founder 
and  still  chairman,  summed  it  up  this 
way:  "For  us  on  the  Harvard  side  it 
has  been  an  invaluable  experience  to 
learn  at  first  hand  that  there  is  no 
truth  in  the  old  bromide  about  the 
Catholic  Church  being  a  monolithic 
community  in  which  the  priests  hand 
down  a  stereotyped  set  of  opinions  to 
the  laity.  We  learned  that  once  beyond 
the  area  of  dogma  there  is  plenty  of 
freedom  for  Catholics  to  disagree  and 
criticize  each  other  on  questions  of  so- 
cial and  political  policy.  We  heard 
them  doing  it." 

This  was  the  reaction  of  Bill  Daly 
of  B.C.:  "I  was  surprised  at  the 
amount  of  agreement  among  us,  par- 
ticularly on  social  and  political  ques- 
tions. But  for  me  one  of  the  best  parts 
of  it  was  just  getting  to  know  people 
who  had  only  been  names  to  me  for 
many  years.  It  was  a  result  of  our 
meetings  that  Schlesinger  was  invited 
by  the  Faculty  Club  to  speak  at  Bos- 
ton College.  And  a  fine  talk  it  was, 
on  'Conservatism.'  " 

It's  a  terrible  thing  to  have  to  fall 
back  on  the  old  truisms,  but  it  is  re- 
markable how  the  ancient  prejudices 
melt  when  exposed  to  the  light  of  a 
little  frank  and  pleasant  conversation. 

B.  C.  in  Baghdad 

Father  Sidney  M.  MacNeii,  S.J.,  30 

March  9th,  1957  was  the  twenty- 
fifth  anniversary  of  the  founding  of 
Baghdad  College,  in  Iraq,  by  Father 
William  A.  Rice,  S.J.,  former  Adminis- 
trator of  Boston  College.  Fr.  Rice  had 
also  been  Rector  of  Shadowbrook  be- 
fore he  was  assigned  to  establish  the 
Baghdad  educational  mission. 

In  Baghdad,  Fr.  Rice  was  Superior 
of  the  Mission,  Rector  of  the  College, 
and,  for  a  time,  Acting  Apostolic  Dele- 
gate to  Iraq.  In  1939,  he  was  named 
Bishop  of  Belize,  British  Honduras. 
There  he  labored  valiantly  for  the 
faith  until  his  sudden  death  on  Feb- 
ruary 28,  1946.  (Mitchell  A.  Rice,  a 
junior  in  the  Business  School,  is  a 
nephew  of  the  late  Bishop  Rice.) 

The  home  of  the  bean  and  the  cod 
has  had  an  overwhelming  influence  in 
this  far  away  mission  on  the  banks  of 
the  Tigris.  The  inspiration  of  all  the 
Jesuits  there  has  been  the  original 
"Yankee  Xavier",  Mr.  Henry  Mc- 
Glinchey, S.J.,  the  first  American  Jesuit 
to  die  in  India.  Mr.  McGlinchey,  a 
Jesuit  Scholastic,  was  a  brother  of  Rt. 
Rev.  Monsignor  Joseph  McGlinchey, 
'02,  Pastor  of  Saint  Mary's  church  in 
Lynn,  and  formerly  Director  of  the 
Propagation  of  the  faith  for  the  Bos- 
ton Archdiocese. 

Again,  on  the  very  first  page  of  the 
initial  edition  of  "The  Baghdadi" 
(dated  February  18,  1932)  written  by 
the  co-founder  of  the  mission,  Father 
Edward  F.  Madaras,  S.J.,  we  read: 
"This  morning,  Thursday,  we  both 
(Frs.    Rice    and    Madaras)     resumed 

Fr.  Sidney  M.  MacNeii,  S.J.,  Boston  Col- 
lege, '30,  Graduate  School  '31  has  been  three 
times  to  the  Middle  East,  where  he  spent 
fifteen  years.  His  foreign  studies  were  made  in 
Beirut  and  Louvain.  At  present,  Fr.  MacNeii 
is  teaching   Theology  at  Boston   College. 

saying  Mass.  Fortunately,  we  have  a 
Mass  kit,  donated  to  us  by  Mrs.  Mary 
Dunn,  through  Father  Cushing,  Direc- 
tor of  the  Propagation  of  the  Faith." 
When  this  was  written,  the  co-foun- 
ders of  Baghdad  College  were  aboard 
ship  on  their  way  to  the  Middle  East. 

Since  1932,  the  educational  venture 
of  the  Boston  Jesuits  in  Baghdad  has 
progressed  far  beyond  the  most  san- 
guine expectations.  This  has  been  ac- 
complished with  the  abundant  bless- 
ings of  God  and  the  generous  co- 
operation of  our  many  Iraqi  and 
American  friends. 

From  the  two  Fathers,  who  arrived 
in  Baghdad  on  March  9,  1932  and  the 
two  dozen  lads  who  appeared  for  the 
first  registration  in  August,  1932, 
Baghdad  College  has  grown  prodigi- 
ously to  a  faculty  of  forty-five  Boston 
Jesuits,  many  of  whom  are  Boston 
College  Alumni,  and  a  lay  faculty  of 
twenty,  who  instruct  a  student  body 
of  approximately  eight  hundred. 

The  students  represent  every  social 
and  religious  group  in  the  country. 
Christians  constitute  62%  of  the  total 
enrollment;  Moslems  of  both  Shia  and 
Sunni  elements  account  for  37%; 
the  Jewish  group  1%.  (Nearly  all  the 
Jewish  families  left  Iraq  several  years 
ago  for  Palestine.) 

Among  the  Catholics  are  boys  of 
the  following  rites:  Chaldean,  Syrian, 
Armenian,  Greek,  and  Latin.  Dissident 
groups  are  the  Jacobites,  Nestorians, 
and  the  Armenian,  Greek,  and  Rus- 
sian schismatics. 

The  Patriarch  of  the  Chaldean 
Catholics,  His  Beatitude,  Yusuf  VII 
Ghanima,  is  also,  by  personal  appoint- 
ment of  His  Royal  Highness,  King 
Faisal  II,  a  Senator  in  the  government 
and   the    official    representative  of   all 

First  fruit  of  25  years  in  the  vineyard:  Fr. 
Abdidahad  Stephan  of  the  Syrian  Catholic  rite, 
first  Baghdad  College  graduate  to  become  a 

the  Christians  in  Iraq.  Throughout  the 
years  since  the  foundation  of  Baghdad 
College  in  1932,  this  Patriarch  and  all 
the  members  of  the  hierarchy  and 
clergy  of  Iraq  have  been  the  enthusias- 
tic supporters  and  wise  counsellors  of 
our  work  for  the  youth  of  Iraq. 

The  country  of  Iraq  is  at  least  95% 
Moslem.  The  Boston  Jesuits  came  as 
strangers  into  this  Moslem  world.  And 
these  Moslem  people  together  with  all 
the  Christians  received  us  as  their 
friends.  This  very  kind  reception,  once 
given  and  never  for  an  instant  with- 
drawn, is  the  most  deeply  appreciated 
tribute  to  our  work  during  the  past 
quarter-century.  All  the  people  of 
Iraq,  irrespective  of  their  religious  be- 
liefs, have  been  most  cordial  and  gen- 
erous to  the  Yankee  Jesuits.  Obvious- 
ly, then,  our  hearts  are  full  of  grati- 
tude and  affection  for  our  Iraqi 
people.  They  have  entrusted  to  our 
care  their  most  precious  possessions, 
their  sons.  And  we  have  found  that 
their  sons  measure  up  to  the  excellent 
qualities  of  their  splendid  parents. 

To  the  government  of  Iraq  we  owe 
a  tremendous  debt  of  gratitude.  This 
government  has  ever  encouraged  us  in 
our     educational     work:     "An     Iraqi 

School  for  Iraqi  Boys".  This  govern- 
ment has  witnessed  the  ardent  and 
good-spirited  competition  of  Baghdad 
College  boys  with  the  boys  of  the 
public  schools  on  the  sport  fields  and 
in  the  official  state  examinations.  Fre- 
quently, the  ranking  members  of  the 
government  have  praised  our  emphasis 
on  moral  training  and  disciplined  citi- 

In  recent  years  the  need  was  felt 
for  higher  studies  and  hopes  were  ex- 
pressed that  the  Boston  Jesuits  might 
establish  university  courses.  (Baghdad 
"College"  is  used  in  the  European 
sense  of  college.  Terminal  studies  ap- 
proximate our  sophomore  college  year 
in  the  United  States.)  University 
studies  have  now  been  instituted  in 
Business  Administration  and  Engi- 
neering Physics  at  "Al-Hikma  Univer- 
sity" in  Baghdad.  These  higher  studies 
are  housed,  for  the  present,  in  one  of 
the  buildings  on  the  Baghdad  College 
property.  This  is  a  very  beautiful 
campus  near  the  Tigris  river.  Eight 
splendid  buildings  and  spacious  play- 
ing fields,  bordered  by  graceful  palms 
and  interlaced  with  lawns  and  hun- 
dreds of  rose  bushes,  are  the  comfort 
and  joy  of  all  who  see  them. 

The  Iraqi  government  showed  the 
greatest  interest  in  our  proposal  to  es- 
tablish university  studies.  Again,  their 
generosity  was  astounding.  The  gov- 
ernment donated  to  us  168  acres  of  ex- 
cellent land  for  the  university  site. 
This  land,  the  greatest  benefaction  we 
have  ever  received,  would  have  cost 
us  several  hundred  thousand  dollars. 

The  government  of  the  United 
States  aided  us  very  substantially,  too, 
in  granting  us  from  Point-4  funds 
$110,000  for  laboratory  equipment. 
Now  we  must  pray  for  several  new 
buildings.  We  shall  pray  confidently, 
for  the  motto  of  the  original  Baghdad 
College  is:  "Maria,  Spes".  (Mary  is 
our  hope.) 

Our  first  vocation  to  the  Jesuit  order 
from  our  school  in  Baghdad  is  Mr. 
Stanley  B.  Marrow,  S.J.,  who  entered 
the  Society  of  Jesus  from  his  junior 
year  at  Boston  College  in  1949.  Mr. 
Alarrow,  S.J.,  is  now  teaching  at 
Baghdad  College.  Another  of  our 
graduates  in  Baghdad  is  here  at  the 
Boston  College  Graduate  School  ma- 
joring in  Chemistry,  —  Mr.  Samir 

Surely,  all  the  Boston  College  Alum- 
ni would  be  thrilled,  could  they  see 
the  Baghdad  College  football,  basket- 
ball, or  track  team  performing  in  the 
Baghdad  stadium.  Their  maroon  and 
gold  uniforms,  right  from  Boston,  real- 
ly sparkle.  Best  of  all  are  the  big  let- 
ters on  the  jerseys:  B.C.  We  think 
of  the  glorious  towers  on  the  heights; 
whereas  B.C. — Baghdad  is  in  the  great 
valley  of  Babylon.  We  bow  to  Boston's 
"  'This  wisdom's  earthly  fane".  But 
we  remember  that  the  new  B.C.  is 
situated  in  the  cradle  of  the  world's 

The  weary  but  happy  day  is  done: 
for  the  Fathers,  Scholastics,  and  de- 
voted Brothers  in  Baghdad.  The  day 
begins  at  four  o'clock  in  the  morning 
at  this  time  of  the   year.   So,  by  ten 

o'clock  at  night  we  are  all  tired.  One 
by  one  Boston  Jesuits  crawl  slowly  up 
the  outside  stairs  to  the  flat  roof  where 
they  sleep.  Due  to  the  intense  heat 
during  five  months  of  the  year,  it  is 
impossible  to  sleep  inside  the  house. 
The  temperature  soars  all  too  often 
to  1}0,  115,  and  120  degrees.  Yes,  in 
the  shade. 

Each  bed  is  carefully  protected  by 
a  mosquito  net  and  a  flit  gun.  For  a 
very  few  moments  we  follow  the  shoot- 
ing stars;  and,  just  before  we  fall 
asleep,  we  pray  for  all  our  Iraqi  and 
American  friends,  especially  for  the 
Alumni  of  the  original  B.  C. — BOS- 

*     *     *     * 

The    following    Alumni    of    Boston 
College  are  assigned  to  the  faculty  of 
Baghdad  College  in  Iraq: 
Rev.  Leo  J.  Shea   S.J.,  '25 
Rev.  Joseph  P.  Connell   S.J.,  '29 
Rev.  Thomas  B.  Mulve'hill,  S.J.,  '35 
Rev.  Joseph  L.  Ryan,  S.J.,  '55 
Rev.  Edward  J.  Banks,  S.J.,  '40 
Rev.  Stanislaus  T.  Gerry,  S.J.    '34 
Rev.  Charles  W.  Mahan,  S.J.,  '21 
Rev.  Joseph  P.  Merrick,  S.J.,  '17 
Rev.  Paul  A.  Nash,  S.J.,  '40 
Rev.  Mr.  Albert  A.  Cardoni,  S.J.,  '50 
Rev.  Mr.  Stanley  B.  Marrow,  S.J. ,'51 
Presently  on  leave: 

Rev.  James  P.  Larkin,  S.J.,  '31 
Rev.  Sidney  MacNeil,  S.J.,   '30 
Also:  at  Baghdad — 

Rev.  Ernest  B.  Foley,  S.J.,  who  was 
a  member  of  the  Boston  College  fac- 
ulty for  14  years. 

Left  to  right:  Revs.  John  A.  Mifsud.  Charles  M.  Loeffler,  Edward  F.  Madaras,  Joseph  J.  La  Bran, 
Joseph  Quinn,   Thomas  B.  Mulvehill  '35,  Stanislaus  T.  Gerry  '34,  Joseph  P.  Merrick  '17,  John  L. 
Mahoney,  Thomas  F.  Hussey,  Sidney  M.  MacNeil  '30  and  the  Chaldean  Patriarch  accompanied  by 
his  Auxiliary-Bishop  and  Master  oj  Ceremonies. 


June  7,  Friday:  ALUMNI  DAY 


11:30  A.M. —Mass     for    Deceased 
Alumni,  St.  Ignatius  Church 

12:30  P.M.— General  Luncheons  — 
Lyons  Hall 

25th     Anniversary     Class,     1932, 
Luncheon,  Alumni  Hall 

2:30  P.M.  —  Pictures,  Anniversary 

2:45  P.M. — Parade  of  the  Classes 

3:00  P.M.— Ball  Game  —  B.C.  vs. 

4:00  P.M.— Fifty     Year     Class     of 
1907— Reception,  St.  Mary's  Hall 

5:00 -6:00  P.M.— Social  Hour,  Ly- 
ons Hall 

6:00  P.M.— Sit  Down  Dinner,  Col- 
lege Dining  Room,  Lyons  Hall 

7:00  P.M. — Alumni  Association  Bus- 
iness Meeting 

8:00  PM.— Open  House,  Alumni 

May  23rd  Boston  College 
Business  Conference 

The  All  Day  Business  Conference 
on  the  Heights  will  take  place 
Thursday,  May  23rd.  For  the  first 
time  the  business  conference  will 
branch  out  beyond  the  problems  of 
Greater  Boston  and  become  state- 
wide. Its  theme  will  be  Improving 
the  Business  Climate  in  Massachu- 
setts. Carl  J.  Gilbert,  president  of 
Gillettes  will  serve  as  general  chair- 
man for  the  program. 
All  interested  Alumni  should  make 
every  effort  to  be  present  and  invite 
their  fellow  business  associates.  Reg- 
istration will  take  place  at  9:30  A. 
M.  Lunch  will  be  served  at  noon. 
Complete  cost  for  the  day  —  $5.00. 
Make  reservations  at  Dean  of  Bus- 
iness School's  Office.  DE  2-3200, 
ext.  248. 

May  1:  Medical  Reunion 

Medical  Alumni  return  for  their  an- 
nual dinner  on  Wednesday,  May  1. 
Registration:  4:45  P.M.,  Devlin 
Hall;  5:00,  Symposium  on  Boston 
College  Research  conducted  by  the 
Chairmen  of  the  5  Science  depart- 
ments; 6:15,  Social  Hour,  College 
Dining  Room,  Lyons  Hall;  7:00, 
Dinner  —  Speaker,  Rev.  William  J. 
V.  E.  Casey,  '35,  Dean,  College  of 
Arts  &  Sciences.  Dr.  Christopher  J. 
Duncan,  '24,  will  be  master  of  cere- 

May  31-June  2.  Alumni  Retreat 

Campion  Hall,  Andover  is  again  the 
scene  of  the  Annual  Alumni  Retreat. 
Alumni  and  friends  are  welcome. 
Co-chairmen:  Tom  Cudmore,  '40, 
90  State  St.,  Albany,  N.Y.,  and  Tim 
Sullivan,  '33,  10  Pierce  Ave.,  Dor- 

June  11:  Commencement  Day 

All  Alumni  are  invited,  but  must  re- 
quest tickets  before  May  17.  Call 
Alumni  Hall  for  them.  Scene:  Bos- 
ton Garden,  at  12:45  P.M. 

Prof.  Henry  J.  McMahon,  '40,  newly  appointed 
Assistant  Dean  of  AUS. 

Prof.  Weston  M.  Jcnks,  Jr.,  '45,  new  Director 
of  Educational  Guidance,  Ai^S. 



Laetare  Breakfast 

Over  1200  Alumni  at  the  Heights, 
and  hundreds  of  others  all  over  the 
world,  gathered  for  the  Laetare  Com- 
munion Breakfast,  March  31st.  At  B. 
C,  Rev.  Harold  C.  Gardiner,  S.J.,  lit- 
erary editor  of  America  spoke  on  "The 
Open  Mind."  Daniel  G.  Holland,  '35, 
served  as  general  chairman,  and 
Charles  W.  O'Brien,  '33,  was  toast- 
master.  The  proceeds  of  the  breakfast 
went  to  the  Alumni  Laetare  Scholar- 
ship Fund. 

Father  Sullivan  Award 

To  perpetuate  the  memory  of  the 
late  Rev.  James  D.  Sullivan,  S.J., 
former  Dean  of  the  College  of  Busi- 
ness Administration,  who  died  in  Jan- 
uary, the  CBA  Student  Senate  has  es- 
tablished the  Father  Sullivan  Memo- 
rial Award.  It  will  be  presented  an- 
nually to  the  CBA  Senior  who  has 
shown  outstanding  ability  and  loyalty 
to  the  school.  The  first  award — to  con- 
sist of  a  plaque  plus  cash — will  be  pre- 
sented at  the  Annual  Banquet,  May  8, 
Msgr.  Francis  J.  Lally,  Pilot  Editor, 
will  be  the  main  speaker. 

$50,000  (less  5c)  Air  Force  Grant 

The  Air  Force,  through  their  Cam- 
bridge Research  Center's  Geophysics 
Research  Dept.,  has  granted  #49,- 
999.95  (sic)  to  the  Physics  Dept.  The 
authorized  project:  study  of  the  prop- 


erties  of  a  plasma,  of  partially  ionized 
gas,  and  their  interrelationships. 

Fr.  William  G.  Guindon,  S.J.,  Chair- 
man of  the  Physics  Dept.  heads-up  the 
project,  assisted  by  Fr.  John  H.  Kin- 
nier,  S.J.  and  Dr.  Frederick  E.  White, 
professor  of  Physics,  plus  several  grad- 
uate students  and  technicians. 
Dental  Reunion 

75  of  the  "Dentists  of  B.C."  return- 
ed for  their  annual  dinner  April  3rd  at 
Alumni  Hall.  Main  business  on  the 
agenda  besides  enjoying  themselves 
was  electing  new  officers.  Results:  Dr. 
Hubert  A.  McGuirl,  '29,  President, 
Thomas  J.  Jones,  Jr.,  D.D.S.,  '33, 
Vice-President,  Edward  L.  Flaherty, 
D.M.D.,  '47,  Secretary,  and  Thomas 
J.  F.  Ford,  D.M.D.,  '40,  Treasurer. 
New  Faculty  Appointments 
Prof.  Henry  J.  McMahon,  '40,  to  As- 
sistant Dean.  Prof.  McMahon,  '40 
joined  the  History  Dept.  in  1946  after 
four  years  in  the  Navy  on  anti-sub- 
marine service  in  the  Caribbean  and 

Prof.  Weston  M.  Jenks,  Jr.,  '45,  to  Di- 
rector of  Educational  Guidance  in 
A&S.  On  the  English  faculty  since 
1947,  Prof.  Jenks  founded,  and  still 
heads,  the  Military  Contact  Advisory 
Board,  and  the  Writers'  Workshop.  He 
is  at  present  an  Administrative  mem- 
ber of  the  staff  of  the  Naval  Reserve 
Officer's  School,  Worcester. 

Prof.  Warren  A.  Seavey,  to  the  faculty 
of  the  Law  School  in  September.  Prof. 
Seavey  is  now  Bussey  Professor  of 
Law  at  Harvard  Law  School,  was  for- 
merly dean  of  the  Univ.  of  Nebraska 
Law  School,  president  of  the  Assoc,  of 
American  Law  Schools. 
Prof.  Richard  G.  Huber,  to  the  faculty 
of  the  Law  School  in  Sept.  Now  at  Tu- 
lane,  Prof.  Huber  has  also  taught  at 
the  Univ.  of  South  Carolina  Law 
School.  He  is  a  graduate  of  the  U.  S. 
Naval  Academy,  Univ.  of  Iowa  and 
Harvard  Law  School. 


Dr.  Bernard  Farragher,  '42,  English 
Prof.,  was  elected  in  April,  chairman 
of  the  English  Section  of  the  regional 
National  Catholic  Educational  Assoc. 
for  the  years  19S7-S9.  Earlier,  Dr.  Far- 
ragher was  elected  Director  of  the  N. 
E.  Unit  of  the  College  English  Assoc. 

And  here's  a  switch:  Fr.  Stanley  J. 
Bezuszka,  S.J.,  chairman  of  the  Math 
Dept.,  is  taking  up  industrial  training. 
Polaroid  Corp.  has  invited  him  to  train 
its  technical  employee  in  math.  Fr. 
Bezuszka  has  been  instrumental  in  de- 
veloping new  techniques  in  presenting 
this  subject:  hence,  his  appointment. 
He  sums  up  his  approach  thus:  "To 
train  men  for  the  new  ideas  of  tomor- 
row, not  for  the  embalming  of  the  con- 
cepts of  yesterday." 

It  was  standing  room  only  (1100  requests  for  tickets  had  to  be  refused)  when  Robert  Frost,  dean 
of  American  poets,  spoke  April  3rd  during  the  Diamond  Jubilee  of  the  Stylus.  Here  Poet  Frost 
chats  with  Fr.  Henry  M.  Brock,  S.J.,  of  Preston,  and  Fr.  Francis  Sweeney,  S.J.,  Stylus  moderator. 

Governor  Foster  Furcolo  spoke  at  the  Business  Seminar  on  February  19th  on  "Relationship  of 
Boston  and  the  Metropolitan  Community  to  the  Commonwealth."  Here,  he  confers  with  the  Rev. 
John  J.  L,  Collins,  S.J .,  Department  of  Finance  chairman,  College  of  Business  Administration; 
John  T.  Calvin,  '37 ,  seminar  planning  committee  chairman;  and  the  Rev.  W .  Seavey  Joyce,  S.J., 
Dean,  College  of  Business  Administration. 


John  Curley.  '13,  left,  Athletic  Director  for  28  years,  recently  appointed  Director  of  Athletic 
Facilities,  Bill  Flynn,  '39,  right,  Alumni  Secretary,  becomes  Athletic  Director,  effective  July  1st. 
Here  with  Father  Rector,  they  look  over  the  plans  for  the  new  Stadium,  Gym,  Rink. 


by  Charles  J.  Harvey,  '49 

FOOTBALL — "I'm  more  than  a  little 
satisfied  with  the  B.  C.  team  this 
Spring,"  said  Mike  Holovak  in  the 
waning  days  of  Spring  training. 

"Maybe,"  Mike  added,  "it's  be- 
cause we'll  be  playing  in  our  own  sta- 
dium, or  opening  with  a  team  like 
Navy.  Whatever  it  is,  there's  been  a 
lot  of  enthusiasm  around  here." 

The  spirit  being  displayed  might 
stem  from  the  fact  that  there's  com- 
petition for  almost  every  position. 

The  backfield  boasts  some  of  the 
best  prospects  in  the  East,  with  a  ma- 
jor battle  on  at  all  four  posts.  Par- 
ticularly at  fullback:  Arlington's  Don 
Seagar,  according  to  Holovak,  "has 
been  particularly  outstanding";  fresh- 
man Harry  Ball,  the  Beverly  "block- 
buster", is  adding  pressure;  and  vet- 
eran Larry  Plenty  (working  with  the 
baseball  team)  is  known  to  have 

At  quarterback,  Don  Allard  and  in 
the  halfback  slots,  Alan  Miller  and 
Tommy  Joe  Sullivan,  seem  to  have 
themselves  starting  berths.  But  Jim 
Colclough's  showing  during  the  closing 
weeks  of  the  1956  season  and  his  per- 
formances this  Spring  certainly  stamp 

him  as  a  back  to  watch.  And  "Little 
Boots"  Connolly,  freshmen  Vin  Hogan 
and  Jim  Sullivan  are  others  stirring 
things  up  in  the  backfield. 

Up  front  the  situation  looks  quite 
promising  as  well. 

Ed  DeGraw  and  Tom  Meehan  are 
the  two  to  beat  at  the  guard  positions. 
But,  George  Mancini,  and  freshmen 
Frank  Casey,  Tony  LaRosa  (Everett) 
and  Frank  Moretti  (Rindge  Tech)  are 
pushing  them. 

Tackles,  and  brothers,  Steve  and 
Leon  Bennett  are  trying  for  the  base- 
ball team.  But  other  good  tackles  are 
taking  a  shot  at  their  jobs.  Mike  Hur- 
ley (Jersey  City)  and  Hamden's  Jim 
O'Brien  look  good  and  Stan  Gabis, 
continuing  to  improve,  is  a  definite 
prospect.  Jerry  Havrda,  Joe  Gabis, 
Tom  Lane  and  Ralph  Rogers  round 
out  the  tackle  squad. 

The  center  position  poses  one  of  the 
larger  problems.  Still,  Mike  offers 
Tony  Abraham  as  a  strong  candidate. 
Tony  comes  from  Luke  Urban's  Dur- 
fee  High.  While  George  Larkin  has 
been  aspiring  to  a  baseball  position 
he's  been  doubling  up  with  the  football 
team  reporting  to  the  grid  squad  after 

his  diamond  workout.  Larkin's  1956 
experience  could  pay  off  this  year. 

The  end  squad  is  a  good  sized  one: 
Alex  Kulevich,  regular  left  end  from 
last  year,  is  aware  of  freshman  Clem 
Kacergis  breathing  down  his  neck;  and 
veteran  John  Flanagan  knows  that 
Don  Tosi  will  be  available  in  Septem- 
ber. Jim  Cotter,  another  good  pros- 
pect, is  working  with  both  the  base- 
ball and  football  squads. 

BASEBALL  —  Coach  Johnny  Temple 
faces  the  usual  problem  of  starting  a 
season  without  too  much  preparation. 
N.  E.  weather  restricts  the  outdoor 
practice  sessions. 

So  the  baseball  team,  scheduled  to 
open  the  season  at  Amherst  on  the 
13  th  of  April,  faces  the  season  virtual- 
ly practiceless.  Less  than  three  days 
before  the  Amherst  game  Coach  Tem- 
ple was  barely  able  to  decide  upon  the 
personnel  for  his  squad  let  alone  a 
starting  nine. 

Captain  Bernie  Teliszewski  heads  a 
small  group  of  veterans  returning  this 
season.  The  slugging  outfielder,  named 
the  Most  Valuable  Player  in  the 
Greater  Boston  Collegiate  League  last 
year,  has  been  moved  to  right  field. 
Bobby  Taggert,  junior  from  Arlington, 
who  had  some  experience  last  year, 
goes  to  centerfield. 

Third  baseman  Ernie  LeDuc, 
catcher  Larry  Plenty  and  pitcher  Ed 
Buckley  are  the  only  others  returning 
from  last  year's  squad.  Buckley's 
pitching  is  still  questionable  because 
of  a  shoulder  injury  but  if  he  is  ready 
Temple  will  lean  heavily  upon  the  sea- 
soned right  hander.  For  support  BC 
will  have  Barney  Curtin's  '32  son 
Jim,  a  good  looking  sophomore  right 
hand  pitcher,  sophomore  Karl  Burgess 
and  basketball  star  George  Giersch. 

The  Eagles  will  be  shooting  for  its 
second  Greater  Boston  League  title 
this  Spring.  The  League's  first  winner 
(1953)  B.C.  has  placed  second  every 
other  season.  Harvard  has  been  de- 
fending champions  for  the  past  two 

TRACK— This  Spring  the  B.  C.  track 
squad  will  compete  in  three  dual  meets, 
Bowdoin,  Maine  and  Holy  Cross  and 
one  tri-meet  with  Amherst  and  R.P.I. 
These  are  followed  by  the  Eastern 
Intercollegiates,  the  New  England  In- 
tercollegiate and  the  IC4-A  meets. 

Coach  Bill  Gilligan  cites  track  con- 
ditions at  the  Heights  as  "definitely  on 
the  upswing." 

Eddie  Allard  is  a  "a  most  versatile 
and  most  capable  performer,"  accord- 
ing to  Gilligan.  Allard,  an  excellent 
team  man,  was  anchor  man  on  the 
mile  relay  last  winter.  This  Spring  he 
is  active  in  the  high  and  low  hurdles. 

Smashing  Opener:  NAVY 

.  Always  Thrilling  Climax:  the  CROSS 

the  high  jump  and  broad  jump.  Gil- 
ligan  says  Allard  is  best  over  the  high 
hurdles.  So  the  coach  may  temper  the 
Eagle's  extra  activities  in  anticipation 
of  the  New  England's  where  he  sus- 
pects Allard  may  be  able  to  cop  the 
hurdle  event. 

The  B.C.  Coach  also  names  Captain 
John  Murphy  of  Waterbury,  Conn., 
as  a  two-mile  contender  in  the  New 
England's.  Natick's  Bob  Higgins  is  an- 
other multi-event  man.  Bob,  in  the 
dual  meets,  is  always  good  for  a  few 
points.  While  the  discus  is  his  best  ef- 
forts, Higgins  can  pick  up  points  in  the 
javelin,  hammer,  high  jump  and  shot 

Gilligan  concludes  with,  "If  the  day 
comes  when  we  have  indoor  facilities 
we  would  naturally  show  vast  im- 
provement. Still,  things  look  better  all 
the  time.  We  have  some  excellent 
freshmen  this  year  who  will  be  a  big 
help  to  us  in  the  future." 

BASKETBALL— The  smile  on  Dino  Mar- 
tin's face  suggested  that  the  B.C.  bas- 
ketball team  just  won  the  NCAA,  NIT 
and  Sugar  Bowl  titles. 

Actually  the  big  grin  came  with  the 
Rector's  announcement  of  the  plans 
for  the  new  gymnasium. 

"You  can't  imagine  how  much  this 
will  mean  for  the  future  of  BC  basket- 
ball," exclaimed  Dino.  "One  of  the 
first  questions  potential  students  ask 
is,  'what  kind  of  a  gym  do  you  haver'." 

The  past  season,  Martin's  fourth, 
was  the  first  for  BC  to  better  the  .500 
mark  in  six  year.  It  was  a  team  that 
won  some  games  it  perhaps  had  no 
right  to  win.  And,  too,  lost  some  it 
shouldn't  have  lost.  Still,  Martin  went 
through  the  season  with  three  soph- 
omores in  the  starting  five  and  laid  the 
ground  work  for  future  improvement. 

Only  two  seniors  depart  this  year, 
Captain  Paul  McAdams  and  Dick 
Dunn.  Both  were  big  contributors  to 
the  team.  But,  Martin  has  most  of  his 
strength  remaining.  His  two  top  scor- 
ers, George  Giersch  and  Barry  Mc- 
Grath,  return.  Captain-elect  Jack  Har- 
rington, until  he  broke  a  finger,  was  a 
big  scorer.  This  trio,  plus  Bob  Lat- 
kany,  Ted  Lyons,  George  Bigelow,  all 
of  whom  played  regularly  last  winter, 
offer  promise  for  next  winter. 

HOCKEY— The  eighth  annual  Pike's 
Peak  Club  dinner  wrapped  up  the 
1956-57  hockey  season. 

President  Joe  Carroll  and  toast- 
master  "Wimpy"  Burtnett  did  a  fine 
job  with  the  toasting  of  the  most  re- 
cent squad  at  Peter  Charlton's  40-40 

The  Rev.  Maurice  V.  Dullea,  S.J., 
Chairman  of  the  Athletic  Board,  re- 
ceived a  special  gift  from  the  club 
members  in  recognition  of  his  devoted 

service  to  Boston  College  athletics  and 
hockey  in  particular. 

Defenseman  Donald  Fox  received 
the  Norman  F.  Daily  Memorial  trophy 
awarded  each  year  to  the  Most  Val- 
uable Player  on  the  squad  while  his 
defensemate  Dick  Michaud  was  award- 
ed the  Lt.  Thomas  Livingston,  Jr. 
Memorial  trophy  for  his  qualities  of 
scholarship,  ability,  character  and 

Goaltender  Al  Pitts,  winner  of  the 
Mary  Warren  Memorial  trophy  for 
sportsmanship,  was  cited  for  "his  co- 
operative effort,  untiring  service  and 
devotion  to  the  team." 

Little  Ned  Bunyon  received  two 
awards  as  the  most  improved  player: 
Lt.  George  Malone  Memorial  trophy 
to  the  most  improved  player  on  the 
1956-57  B.C.  team  and  the  Paul  Hines, 
Jr.  award  given  by  the  Boston  sports- 
writers  to  New  England's  most  im- 
proved player. 

Bill  Gillies  was  named  the  outstand- 
ing freshman  player  and  received  the 
Frederick  P.  Martone  trophy.  Each 
senior  on  the  squad  received  a  special 
jacket  from  the  Club. 


Graduate  Athletic  Board  the  new  con- 
stitution of  the  Board  was  unanimous- 
ly adopted,  in  line  with  the  reorgan- 
ization of  the  Board.  Meetings  will 
now  be  called  by  the  Chairman  on  the 
third  Wednesday  of  September,  Jan- 
uary and  June,  and  at  other  times 
when  necessity  arises.  Retiring  from 
the  Board  in  June  will  be  Chairman 
Nat  Hasenfus,  '22,  and  Robert  Cur- 
ran,  '35. 

B.  C.  Sportsmen 

Frank  G.  Bowden, 
for  20  years  Busi- 
ness Manager  of 
Athletics,  has  de- 
parted to  become 
Exec.  V.  P.  of  Har- 
vard Federal  Sav- 
ings Bank,  Dor- 

Eddie  Miller  '56,  re- 
membered as  a  first 
string  left  field  on 
the  baseball  team, 
who  won  his  great- 
est victory  over  po- 
lio two  years  ago, 
takes  over  Frank 
Bowden's  post  un- 
der new  Athletic  Di- 
rector, Bill  Flynn. 

Fin  St.  Pierre,  '55, 
(and  BC  law  school 
student),  replaces 
Sisto  Averno  as  var- 
sity line  coach. 

Bernie'  1  eliszewski, 
MVP  of  Boston  Col- 
lege's baseball  lea- 
gue last  year,  is  the 
ball  team's  '57  cap- 


Tommy  Joe  Sulli- 
van, LHB,  will  cap- 
tain the  '57  football 
team.  (Season's  tick- 
kets  are  available 
now.  See  below, 

Coaches  Dino  Martin  and  John  Kelley,  '28,  beam  at  the  captains-elect  of  basketball 
and  hockey:  Jack  Harrington  and  Jack  Cadagan. 


Sept.  21     Navy 

Sept.  28     Florida  State 

Oct.       5     Quantico  Marines 

Oct.   12     Dayton 
Oct.    19     Villanova 
Oct.  26     Detroit  (away) 

Nov.     9     B.  U. 
Nov.   16     Marquette 
Nov.  30     Holy  Cross 

B.  C.  CLUBS 


At  the  First  Annual  Jesuit  College 
Communion  Breakfast,  January  5,  1957, 
B.  C.  had  forty-six  members  of  her 
Alumni  present  and  since  this  was  the 
first  activity  of  our  newly  organized 
club,  we  were  very  pleased  with  the  turn- 
out. Father  Maxwell's  talk  was  well  re- 
ceived. Thomas  J.  Cudmore,  '40,  was 
elected  the  first  president.  Tentatively, 
a  get  together  is  planned  for  May. 


The  annual  winter  meeting  of  the  Berk- 
shire County  Chapter  was  held  at  the 
Wendell-Sherwood  Hotel  in  Pittsfield  on 
Jan.  13,  1957.  There  was  a  good  attend- 
ance at  the  session  which  featured  a  bus- 
iness meeting,  refreshments  and  showing 
of  the  film  "Towers  on  the  Heights." 
The  latter  was  very  much  enjoyed  by 
those  present  and  was  shown  also  by  an 
alumnus,  Joseph  Carroll,  '30,  at  Lenox 
High  School  the  following  day  for  the 
benefit  of  prospective  students  at  B.C. 

On  Laetare  Sunday,  March  31st,  the 
group  had  its  Mass  at  Cranwell  Prep, 
Lenox,  Mass.,  with  breakfast  at  the  Pine 
Acre  Inn. 

Plans  are  tentatively  being  made  for  a 
June  picnic  on  the  grounds  of  Shadow- 
brook  with  members  and  their  families 
attending.  This  will  be  the  first  mixed 
occasion  of  the  Chapter. 

Central  New  York 

On  Laetare  Sunday  the  Central  New 
York  Club  had  Mass  at  St.  Patrick's 
Church  with  breakfast  at  "The  Skillet". 
Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

The  new  film  "The  Towers  on  the 
Heights"  was  shown  at  the  breakfast  and 
again  at  3:00  P.M.  at  the  Syracuse  Hotel 
for  local  high  school  seniors. 

At  the  breakfast  the  following  officers 
were  elected:  Rev.  Raymond  Kennedy, 
S.J.,  Moderator;  Michael  F.  Finn,  '32, 
President;  Edward  J.  Hart,  '37,  Execu- 
tive V.  P.;  Rocco  P.  Canale,  '43,  Water- 
town,  N.  Y.  Area,  V.  P.;  John  B.  Hogan, 
'52,  Binghamton,  N.  Y.  Area,  V.  P.;  John 
W.  Hayes,  '41,  Utica,  N.  Y.  Area,  V.  P.; 
Joseph  A.  Walsh,  '37,  Treasurer;  and 
James  J.  Rowe,  '50  CBA,  Secretary. 


Herbert  L.  Chernack,  '39,  president,  re- 
ports the  club  had  a  very  successful  reu- 
nion on  the  occasion  of  Father  Rector's 
visit  to  the  Windy  City  in  January  of 
this  year.  The  club  enjoyed  seeing  the 
film  "The  Towers  on  the  Heights." 


An  organizational  meeting  of  the  Bos- 
ton College  Club  of  Cleveland  was  held 
at  the  home  of  Ward  Strange,  '50,  on 
Dec.  12,  1956.  Seventeen  B.C.  men  at- 
tended and  all  had  a  rousing  time.  Of- 
ficers elected  were:  Ward  F.  Strange, 
'50,  President;  John  O'Neil,  '52,  Vice- 
President;  John  J.  Connelly,  '50,  Treas- 
urer; and  John  F.  Lyons,  '48,  Secretary. 

The  newly-organized  Boston  College 
Club  of  Cleveland  held  a  "Founder's  Din- 
ner Meeting"  Tuesday  evening,  Feb.  26, 
at  6:30  P.M.  The  dinner  meeting  was 
held  in  a  private  dining  room  at  Ander's 
Cafeteria  and  all  those  present  are  con- 
sidered Charter  Members  of  the  Club.  A 
social  hour  preceded  the  dinner  and  a 
short  business  meeting  followed.  Fea- 
tured was  the  newly-released  Boston  Col- 
lege film,  "Towers  on  the  Heights." 


Eleven  graduates  of  Boston  College, 
with  their  wives,  greeted  the  Very  Rev. 
Joseph  R.  N.  Maxwell,  S.J.,  president  of 
the  school,  at  a  reception  and  dinner  in 
Denver,  Feb.  27. 

The  event  was  held  at  the  Park  Hill 
Country  Club.  Arrangements  were  made 
by  the  Very  Rev.  Fabian  F.  Joyce,  O.F.M., 
'39,  pastor  of  St.  Elizabeth's  Parish,  Den- 
ver; James  F.  McTiernan,  '36,  president, 
and  Francis  A.  Smith,  '40. 


The  club  enjoyed  a  large  turnout  at 
the  showing  of  the  BC-HC  film  and  "The 
Towers  on  the  Heights"  by  Mike  Holo- 
vak  last  December. 

George  F.  McGunnigle,  '37  was  elected 
president  to  succeed  Dr.  Tim  Curran,  '34 
who  has  done  such  a  wonderful  job. 

Father  Thomas  Fleming,  S.J.,  execu- 
tive assistant  to  Father  Rector,  addressed 
the  Laetare  Communion  Breakfast  of  the 
Connecticut  Club.  All  enjoyed  hearing 
Father  Fleming  describe  the  recent  de- 
velopments of  the  College. 


On  Laetare  Sunday  the  Detroit  Club 
received  Communion  in  a  body  at  10:00 
A.M.  High  Mass  at  St.  Aloysius'  Church 
in  Detroit,  and  breakfasted  at  the  Sher- 

Next  on  the  agenda  will  be  the  election 
of  officers  and  the  ratification  of  the 


Every  year  the  Boston  College  Club  of 
Everett  sponsors  a  debate  at  the  Everett 
Senior  High  School  and  presents  a  gold 
medal  to  the  best  speaker.  For  Everett 
High's  historic  debating  society,  the  Ly- 
ceum, it  is  the  big  event  of  the  season. 

In  the  past  the  medal  had  no  formal 
name,  but  from  this  year  on  it  will  be 
known  as  the  Walter  R.  Morris  Medal  to 
commemorate  the  memory  of  Walter 
Morris,  '26. 

Walter's  classmates  will  remember 
that  he  was  valedictorian  of  his  class  and 
was  an  eloquent  debater  himself,  win- 
ning the  Vincent  P.  Roberts  Medal  and 
serving  as  Vice-President  of  the  Mar- 
quette Debating  Society  and  President  of 
the  Fulton  Debating  Society.  Between 
1930  and  1940  he  was  a  professor  at  Bos- 
ton College  Law  School.  Walter  used  his 
debating  skill  to  good  advantage,  for  he 
became  a  prominent  Boston  attorney  and 


was  Past  President  of  the  Middlesex 
County  Bar  Association.  He  was  a  lead- 
ing citizen  of  Everett,  a  loyal  Bald  Eagle, 
and  an  enthusiastic  member  of  the  B.C. 
Club  of  Everett. 

His  spirit  will  live  on  in  the  inspira- 
tion the  Walter  R.  Morris  Medal  will  give 
to  the  Everett  High  student  debaters. 


The  Boston  College  Club  of  Greater 
Lawrence  had  its  Annual  Meeting  on 
Tuesday  night,  February  5th,  at  Campion 
Hall  in  North  Andover.  All  of  the  present 
officers  of  the  Club  were  re-elected  for 
another  year.  These  are  as  follows:  Pres- 
ident, Daniel  F.  Cahill,  '32;  Vice-Presi- 
dent, William  J.  Sipsey,  '48;  Treasurer, 
Bernard  J.  Kiernan,  '33:  Secretary,  Ed- 
ward F.  Glynn,  '29;  and  Recording  Sec- 
retary, Robert  W.  Sullivan,  '27. 

Coach  Mike  Holovak  was  the  speaker 
of  the  evening.  He  showed  pictures  of  the 
Holy  Cross  game  and  also  the  new  pic- 
ture of  the  Campus  at  Boston  College.  A 
very  enthusiastic  group  attended  and 
seemed  to  enjoy  the  meeting. 

Gerard  T.  Trepanier,  '29,  was  appointed 
Chairman  of  the  committee  on  the  fund 
drive  for  the  new  stadium.  He  is  getting 
together  a  committee  to  make  a  special 
appeal,  primarily  to  other  than  Boston 
College  graduates,  for  financial  support. 

Sixty-five  members — the  largest  num- 
ber for  many  years — attended  the  annual 
Communion  breakfast  of  the  club  in  St. 
Patrick's  school,  Sunday,  March  31st. 
The  club  attended  the  8:30  Mass  in  St. 
Patrick's  church,  celebrated  by  Rev.  Fran- 
cis J.  Dinan.  Following  the  breakfast 
Postmaster  Daniel  F.  Cahill,  '32,  toast- 
master,  introduced  Rt.  Rev.  Msgr.  Ed- 
mund D.  Daly,  '99,  pastor,  who  greeted 
the  members.  Msgr.  Daly  is  the  oldest 
member  of  the  club.  Rev.  George  P.  Mc- 
Namara  was  introduced.  Rev.  Michael 
Walsh,  S.J.,  chairman  of  the  pre-medical 
department  of  Boston  College,  spoke  on 
the  rapid  strides  of  the  college  in  recent 

Los  Angeles 

Father  Rector's  visit  in  January  to 
Southern  California,  the  first  in  four 
years  was  greeted  by  a  large  number  of 
Alumni  who  attended  a  dinner  and  a 
meeting  at  the  Mayfair  Hotel,  Los  An- 
geles. President,  Robert  S.  Shea,  '52,  was 
out  of  town  and  Vice-President,  John 
Mulroy,  '41,  acted  as  chairman  of  this 
very  successful  get  together. 


Rev.  William  E.  Fitzgerald,  S.J.  was 
guest  speaker  at  the  annual  Communion 
breakfast  of  the  Lowell  Boston  College 
club  held  Laetare  Sunday  at  the  Immacu- 
late CYO  hall. 

Lower  Merrimack  Valley 

The  Boston  College  Alumni  Club  of 
the  lower  Merrimack  Valley  observed 
Laetare  Sunday  at  a  communion  break- 
fast in  DiBurro's  restaurant,  Essex  St., 

after  members  attended  Mass  in  St.  Ri- 
ta's Church. 

Thirty  members  attended,  including 
alumni  from  Haverhill,  Newburyport, 
Amesbury,  Merrimac,  Groveland,  George- 
town, West  Newbury  and  Salisbury. 

The  Rev.  W.  Seavey  Joyce,  S.J.,  Ph.D., 
Dean  of  Boston  College  School  of  Busi- 
ness Administration  spoke. 

Fr.  Joyce  stressed  the  importance  of 
alumni  organizations  helping  to  support 
the  growth  of  Boston  College  with  its 
new  schools  of  business,  education,  nurs- 
ing and  law. 

Committee  members  who  attended 
were  Thomas  J.  Donovan,  '44,  Club  pres- 
ident; Joseph  P.  Ritchie,  '49,  secretary- 
treasurer;  Joseph  L.  Miett,  '52,  vice- 
president;  John  J.  Lynch  '39,  Theodore 
Pelosi,  '51  and  Richard  Schena,  '50. 


Rev.  Edmond  Walsh,  S.J.,  director  of 
admissions  at  Boston  College  was  the 
guest  speaker  at  the  annual  Laetare  Sun- 
day Communion  breakfast  of  the  Boston 
College  Club  of  Greater  Lynn. 

Alumni  students  and  friends  received 
Communion  at  the  8  o'clock  Mass  at  St. 
Joseph's  church  and  at  9  o'clock  proceed- 
ed to  the  Hawthorne  restaurant  on  Cen- 
tral Avenue  for  breakfast. 

Paul  N.  Martin,  president  of  the  B.C. 
club  acted  as  toastmaster  and  presented 
the  other  invited  guests:  Alumni,  Mayor 
Thomas  P.  Costin,  Jr.,  '51;  Rev.  D.  0.  Du- 
quette, '42  of  St.  Mary's,  spiritual  di- 
rector; James  E.  Collins,  '04,  oldest 
alumnus  in  Greater  Lynn;  former  Lynner 
Randall  P.  Cameron,  '49  CBA,  Mass.  Jay- 
cees'  Outstanding  Young  Man  of  the 
Year;  and  B.C.  faculty  member  Nicholas 
DuChemin,  former  G.  E.  vice-president. 
Members  of  the  committee  included  Rep. 
George  J.  O'Shea,  '50  CBA,  George  Laub- 
ner,  '50,  Paul  Lauzon,  '51,  Jasper  T. 
Grassa,  '50  CBA,  Dr.  J.  Greenler,  '45, 
Robert  Shay,  '51  CBA,  Alfred  N.  Weber, 
'47  CBA,  Francis  Black,  '51  CBA,  and 
William  Fogarty,  '50  CBA. 

New  York 

We  here  in  the  New  York  metropolitan 
area  celebrated  Laetare  Sunday  having 
our  first  annual  retreat  at  Manresa  on 
Staten  Island.  The  retreat  started  Fri- 
day evening,  March  31st. 

Our  Annual  Rector's  Reception  and 
Dinner  will  be  held  Wednesday,  May  15th, 
1957  in  the  Bowman  Room  of  the  Hotel 


The  Club  had  an  excellent  Laetare 
Breakfast  under  the  chairman  Don  Mc- 
Morrow,  '45,  and  made  a  contribution  to 
the  Laetare  Scholarship  Fund. 


The  Boston  College  Club  of  Quincy  at 
its  reorganization  meeting  recently  at 
Quincy  K.  of  C.  Hall,  with  50  Boston  Col- 
lege men  present,  planned  for  the  drive 
in  this  area  for  the  Boston  College  cam- 

The  meeting  featured  a  Boston  College 
film  in  sound  and  color.  "The  Towers  on 
the  Heights,"  which  was  presented  by 
William  Flynn,  executive  secretary  of  the 
Boston  College  Alumni  Association. 

Bill  Flynn  talked  on  the  expansion 
plans  for  the  Heights,  which  include  a 
dormitory  for  600  students,  a  hockey 
arena,  a  gymnasium,  and  stadium. 

A  nominating  committee,  made  up  of 
Paul  Duffey,  '40;  Charles  Crowley,  '52; 
Gil  Bouley,  '44;  Ken  Soule,  '56;  and  Coun- 
cillor Charles  L.  Shea,  '50,  was  appointed 
to  present  a  slate  of  officers  for  election. 

San  Francisco 

Rev.  Joseph  R.  N.  Maxwell,  S.J.,  pres- 
ident of  Boston  College,  was  honored  by 
northern  California  alumni.  A  reception 
was  held  in  his  honor  at  the  San  Fran- 
cisco Naval  Shipyard  Officers  Club.  The 
chairman  is  Edward  A.  Hogan,  '30,  of 
San  Francisco,  assisted  by  John  F. 
Roake,  '40,  of  Burlingame;  George  F. 
Clinton,  '38,  Belmont;  Emil  J.  Canning, 
'44,  Oakland;  Peter  J.  Monohan,  '23,  San 
Rafael;  John  F.  O'Connell,  '27,  Menlo 
Park;  and  William  J.  Hamrock,  '45,  Palo 

Washington,  D.  C. 

One  hundred  members  and  guests  of 
the  Boston  College  Club  of  Washington, 
D.C.,  were  in  attendance  at  its  Annual 
Laetare  Sunday  Mass  at  St.  Thomas  the 
Apostle  Church  and  Communion  Break- 
fast which  followed  at  the  Sheraton-Park 
Hotel.  Reverend  Father  Joseph  Teletcha, 
'39  was  Celebrant  at  the  Mass.  The  speak- 
er at  the  Breakfast  was  Reverend  Father 
Robert  F.  Drinan,  S.J.,  '40,  Dean,  Boston 
College  Law  School,  whose  subject  was 
"The  Responsibility  of  the  Christian  To- 
day in  Professional  or  Public  Life." 

Father  Drinan  called  for  restoration 
to  the  American  conscience  of  its  ideals 
and  stressed  the  desperate  need  for  ded- 
icated  Christian   men  in  government  to 

recall  to  the  nation  the  profound  truths 
on  which  its  future  and  destiny  depends. 

Anthony  P.  Flynn,  '36,  of  Falls  Church, 
Virginia,  was  presented  the  first  Laetare 
Award  of  Merit  of  the  Boston  College 
Club  of  Washington. 

Anthony  Perry,  '27,  of  Washington, 
D.C.,  is  president  of  the  Club  and  Joseph 
L.  O'Brien,  '27  of  Fairfax  County,  Vir- 
ginia, was  chairman  of  the  committee  for 


The  Boston  College  Club  of  Worcester 
County  honored  the  school's  president, 
the  Very  Rev.  Joseph  R.  N.  Maxwell,  S.J., 
at  a  dinner  and  dance  at  Hotel  Bancroft. 
About  100  persons  attended. 

Father  Maxwell  said  with  the  ever-ex- 
panding college  program  in  the  United 
States  it  is  wonderful  what  big  business 
is  doing  today  to  ease  the  burden  carried 
by  the  field  of  education  in  preserving 
our  way  of  life. 

He  said  this  interest  of  big  business 
has  provided  a  big  lift  in  carrying  educa- 
tion from  an  isolated  spot  into  "a  bright 
field  where  someone  is  interested  in  what 
we  are  doing." 

Father  Maxwell  also  said  the  increas- 
ing number  of  gifts  from  corporation  to 
institutions  of  higher  learning  is  mostly 
aimed  at  preserving  and  developing  the 
liberal  arts. 

Other  speakers  were  Bishop  Wright, 
'30,  and  Robert  C.  Maher,  '42  CBA,  pres- 
ident of  the  club.  Films  were  shown,  and 
George  Gregory's  orchestra  played  for 











































Thomas  J.   Cudmore,   '40,  545   Broadway,   Albany   7,   N.  Y. 

F.   Richard   Drennan,  L'50,  44  Livingston   Ave.,   Pittsfield 

James  A.  Heaney,  '50,  60  Hemlock  St.,  Fall  River 

Alfred  M.  DeVito,   '48,  392  Cambridge  St. 

John   J.   Brennan,  '33,  6  Cedar   St. 

Michael  F.   Finn,  '32,  513   North   Geddes  St.,   Syracuse 

Herbert  L.  Chernack,   '39,  12200  South  69th  St.,  Palos  Heights 

Paul  P.   Kane,  '49,  3645   Edwards  Road 

Ward  F.  Strange,  '50,  275  East  262nd  St.,  Euclid 

George  F.  McGunnigle,  '37,  37  Sisson  Ave.,  Hartford 

James  F.  McTiernan,  '36,  3032  West  Scott  Place 

Paul  J.  Ryder,  '47,  19356  Riverview 

John  E.  Mangini,  '51,  49  Bayswater  St. 

Paul  A.  Good,  '43,  18  Linden  St.,  Reading 

Mario   Gianelli,  '48,   6   Evans  St.,   Stoneham 

Joseph  L.  Delaney,  '44,  12610  N.E.  1st  Ave.,  North  Miami 

James  W.  Luby,  '43,  99  Pearl  St. 

Daniel  F.  Cahill,  '32,  11   Woodward   Ave.,  No.  Andover 

Robert  S.  Shea,  '52,  22323  Elinwood  Drive,  Torrance,  Calif. 

John  J.  Fleming,  '45,  23  Willow  St. 

Thomas  J.  Donovan,  '44,  36  Eleventh  Ave.,  Haverhill 

Paul  N.  Martin,  '49,  18A  Bulfinch   St. 

Thomas  S.  Feeley,  '38,  71   Robin  Hood  Rd.,  Stoneham 

William  P.   Noonan,  '48,   120   Hillside   St. 

Francis  J.  Costello,  '39,  266  Middle  St.,  Portsmouth 

William  D.  Tribble,  L'33,  29  Stark  St.,  Manchester 

Francis  X.  Donelan,  '48,  43  Fern  St.,  New  Rochelle 

John  V.  E.  Cunney,  M.D.,  '30,  376  Essex  St.,  Salem 

Francis  E.   Harrington,  L'35,   University  of  Portland 

Paul   K.  Lambert,  '44,  50  W.   Maple   Ave.,   Merchantville,   N.  J. 

George  W.  Flavin,  '35,  226  W.  Squantum  St.,  Quincy  69 

Michael  L.  Healy,  '23,  21    Langham  Road,  Providence 

Edward  A.   Hogan,  '30,  766  Third  Ave. 

John  R.  Gately,  M.D.,  '35,  800  General  Insurance  Bldg.,  Seattle 

Edward  F.  O'Brien,  '28,  627  So.  Main  St. 

John  J.   Phelan,  '42,   74   Mohawk  Drive 

Michael  J.  Rock,  '25,  5  Laurel  Court,  Burlington 

William  D.  Corbett,  '45,  17  Highland  Ave.,  Watertown 

Anthony  J.  A.  Perry,  '26,  4000  Massachusetts  Ave. 

Nathaniel  J.  Hasenfus,  '22,  15  Kirk  St. 

Lawrence  V.  Donovan,  '30,  1928  North  49th  St.,  Milwaukee 

Robert  C.  Maher,  '42  CBA,  8  Hadwen  Lane 




The  Alumni 


Old    Guard 

24  contributing   51,230.00 

Rt.  Rev.  John  A.  Degan,  '87  James  F.  Drey,  '00 

Rt.  Rev.  George  V.  Leahy,  '89  Martin  A.  Lorenz,  '01 

Rev.  John  J.  Nugent,  '95  Daniel  F.  Gallagher,  '02 

Rt.  Rev.  Matthew  J.  Gleason,  Rt.  Rev.  Joseph  F.  Mc- 

'96  Glinchey,  '02 

Rt.  Rev.  James  H.  Ptialan,  '96  Rev.  Edmund  C.  Sliney,  '02 

Rt.  Rev.  Thomas  M.  Brady,  William  J.  Good,  Esq.,  '03 

'98  James  E.  Collins,  '04 

Rt.  Rev.  Edmund  D.  Daly,  '99  Neil  J.  Devlin,  '04 

John  B.  Doyle,'99  Hugo  J.  Epp,  '04 

Rt.  Rev.  Charles  A.  Finn,  '99  Rt.  Rev.  Patrick  J.  Lydon,  '04 

John  J.  Hayes,  '99  John  T.  Kerens,  '05 

Hon.  John  E.  Swift,  '99  Bernard  I.  McManus,  '05 
Dr.  Jeremiah  J.  Donovan,  '00 

Class  of   1906 

6   contributing    $1,225.00 
Rt.  Rev.  Joseph  M.  Fitzgibbons  Rt.  Rev.  Robert  E.  Lee 
John  P.  Gallagher  Joseph  A.  Spelman 

Rt.  Rev.  Irving  L.  Gifford  Leonard  S.  Whalen 



The  Class  of  1907  observes  its  Golden 
Anniversary  of  graduation  in  June. 
Members  of  the  50-year  class  will  be 
guests  of  Father  Rector  for  the  activ- 
ities of  Alumni  Day,  Friday,  June  7. 

The  Alumni  of  1907  are:  JAMES  W. 
P.  HEASLEY,  O.P.,  DR.  JOHN  P. 

The  Alumni  Office  would  appreciate 
receiving  information  on  the  follow- 
ing whose  addresses  are  not  on  file: 

Class   of    1907 

2   contributing   $50.00 
James  W.  Carr  Henry  J.  McGuiness 



The  sympathy  of  classmates  is  ex- 
tended to  the  family  of  our  late  disting- 
uished member,  HON.  JAMES  E.  LUBY, 
associate  justice  of  the  Framingham  Dis- 
trict Court  and  an  attorney  for  44  years. 
He  was  the  1938  winner  of  the  William 
V.  McKenney  Alumni  Medal  award. 

THOMAS  E.  MAHONEY  was  buried 
from  St.  Kevin's  Church,  Dorchester  on 
February  9.  He  was  a  teacher  for  40 
years  in  the  Boston  School  system.  Our 
condolences  to  his  wife  and  sister. 

Class   of    1908 

4  contributing   $140.00 
Thomas  W.  Hopkins  Hon.  James  E.  Luby 

Edward  J.  Looby  Angus  J.  MacNeil 

Class  of   1909 

10  contributing  $333.00 
Rt.  Rev.  Eugene  P.  Cryne  Rt.  Rev.  John  W.  Mahoney 

Dr.  James  E.  Gibbons  Rt.  Rev.  Bernard  S.  0'Kane 

Rev.  Florence  W.  McCarthy       John  J.  Savage 
Maurice  A.  McLaughlin  Edward  B.  Sheehan,  M.D. 

Rt.  Rev.  Myles  J.  McSwiney      John  J.  Sullivan 

Class   of    1910 

6   contributing   $210.00 
Charles  A.  Birmingham  Rev.  John  E.  Doherty 

James  A.  Coveney  William  F.  Mack 

Rev.  James  V.  Cronin  Edward  T.  Ryan 

)-|-|  WILLIAM   D.  MURPHY 

77  Waban  Hill  Road  No., 
Chestnut  Hill 

Class  members  attending  the  Laetare 
Communion  Breakfast  were:  JIM  COT- 
KIELY  and  his  son  Laurence,  Jr.,  '43, 

We  would  like  to  keep  up  the  good 
standing  of  the  class — still  want  to  be 
number  one — so   if  you  haven't  already 

made  your  contribution  to   the   Stadium 
Fund  why  not  do   so   now?     It   will   be 
credited  to  the  Alumni  Fund  for  1957. 
Class   of    1911 

21    contributing    $620.00 

William  D.  Murphy,  Class  Agent 

Ernest  W.  Anderson  Lawrence  E.  Kiely 

Rev.  Daniel  F.  Burke  George  J.  Leonard 

Rev.  John  W.  Churchward  Edward  M.  McDonough 

James  J.  Cotter  John  P.  McEleney 
Edward  J.  Cummings,  M.D.       Frederick  J.  Murphy 

John  G.  Downing,  M.D.  William  D.  Murphy 

Frederick  A.  Dunfey  Leo  P.  Noonan 

Miah  J.  Falvey  William  A.  O'Brien 

Rev.  Aloysius  R.  Finn  Rev.  Timothy  A.  Sheehan 

Rt.  Rev.  Thomas  A.  Flynn  Rev.  David  B.  Waters 
Rev.  Edward  M.  Hartigan 

Class   of    1912 

10  contributing   $970.00 
Stephen    H.    Mahoney,    Class  Agent 
Edmund  J.  Butler,  M.D.  William  S.  Lenihan 

Edmund  J.  Butler  Joseph  P.  McHugh 

Rev.  Garrett  J.  Condon  Stephen  H.  Mahoney 

Rt.  Rev.  Thomas  F.  Garrity        Rt.  Rev.  John  J.  Phelan 
James  E.  Gibbons  Henry  A.  Sullivan 

>1  !l        RAYMOND  T.  HENDERSON 
J-^        597   Walnut   St.,   Newtonville 

Congratulations  to  JOHN  CURLEY  on 
his  new  position  as  Director  of  Athletic 
Facilities  at  College  after  so  many  suc- 
cessful years  as  Graduate  Manager 
of  Athletics.  His  appointment  should 
prompt  classmates  to  give  generously  to 
the  Stadium  Fund. 

The  class  is  saddened  to  learn  of  the 
death  of  our  classmate  REV.  GEORGE 
MARIN,  S.J.  He  died  on  Christmas  Eve 
while  visiting  his  sisters  in  Lowell, 
Mass.  where  he  was  born.  He  was  only 
18  years  of  age  when  he  graduated  in 
1913,  received  an  M.A.  in  1914,  and 
studied  at  Harvard  Law  School  before 
entering  the  Society  of  Jesus,  Canadian 
Province  in  1915.  He  volunteered  for  the 
missions  in  China  and  was  sent  to 
Shanghai  in  1920  and  in  the  following 
years  distinguished  himself  in  his  mis- 
sionary work  as  parish  priest  of  Sutsien 
in  the  Hsuchow  district  of  Kiansu,  Su- 
perior of  the  Hscuchow  Mission,  and 
Apostolic  Administrator,  Visitor  of  all 
Jesuit  Missions  in  China,  founder  and 
Vice-Superior  of  the  Chabanel  Language 
School.  In  1948  Father  returned  to  Mont- 
real and  in  the  next  year  was  sent  to 
Japan  by  the  Father  General  of  the  Or- 
der to  be  the  Tertian  Instructor.  After 
this  appointment  he  was  sent  to  Manila 
to  be  the  Socius  and  Secretary  to  the 
Vice-Visitor  of  the  dispersed  Chinese 
Mission  and  remained  in  Manila  until 
1955  when  he  was  sent  to  the  new  res- 
idence at  Bangkok,  Thailand  as  Spiritual 
Father.  Illness  forced  his  return  first  to 
Japan  and  then  to  Canada,  and  while 
visiting  his  sisters  in  Lowell,  Mass.  he 
was  stricken  with  a  heart  attack  and 
died  in  Lowell  on  Christmas  Eve.  R.I. P. 
Our  sincere  sympathy  to  his  family.  One 
sister,  an  alumna  of  Boston  College,  is 
now  St.  Madeline  duCarmel,  C.N.D.,  pro- 
fessor at  Notre  Dame  College,  Ottawa, 

Representing  1913  at  the  Laetare 
Communion  Breakfast:  TOM  GANNON, 
JACK  CASEY  and  his  alumnus  son, 
Tom.  Our  annual  class  reunion  will  be 
held  on  Thursday,  April  25  with  a  dinner 
at  Alumni  Hall.  Details  will  be  in  the 
mail  shortly,  but  make  plans  now  to  at- 

(Editor's  note:  The  sincere  sympathy 
of  classmates  and  alumni  friends  is  ex- 
tended to  RAY  HENDERSON  on  the 
death  of  his  wife.) 


Class   of    1913 

18  contributing  $770.00 
Raymond    F.    Henderson,    Class  Agent 
Edmund  R.  Boucher  Raymond  F.  Henderson 

Rt.  Rev.  Francis  A.  Burke  Rev.  Peter  T.  Lineham 

John  B.  Casey  Owen  J.  McGaffigan 

Edward  L.  Curran  Peter  T.  McMahon 

Joseph  A.  Fitzgerald  Joseph  F.  Moloney 

Thomas  L.  Gannon  Francis  J.  Murphy 

Joseph  H.  Gildea  Rt.  Rev.  Benet  J.  O'Brien 

Arthur  L.  Gould  Martin  F.  O'Connor 

Thomas  F.  Hanron  Rt.  Rev.  Francis  L.  Phelan 

'14.       JOHN   S.  KEOHANE 

J-  ■        1147  Tremont  St.,  Boston 

BISHOP  MacKENZIE,  Pastor  of  Sacred 
Heart  Parish,  Newton  Centre  conducted 
a  successful  drive  for  a  new  Convent. 

Married:  St.  Joseph's  Church,  Wake- 
field, WALTER  HICKEY'S  daughter 
Margaret  (Regis)  to  Philip  F.  McCarthy 
(Holy  Cross). 

FREDERICK  T.  DOYLE,  after  thirty 
years  as  Assistant  District  Attorney  of 
Suffolk  County  has  retired  and  returned 
to  the  private  practice  of  law.  A  Veteran 
of  World  War  1,  the  American  Legion's 
first  Commander  in  Suffolk  County,  Past 
Grand  Knight  in  the  Knights  of  Colum- 
bus, Fred  certainly  deserves  the  great 
mead  of  praise  which  was  showered  up- 
on him  and  merits  our  best  wishes  for  a 
happy  future. 

DAN  YOUNG,  after  a  siege  of  illness, 
has  returned  to  East  Milton  where  we 
hope  he  will  have  continued  good  health. 
His  new  address  is  435  Adams  Street. 
On  January  2  we  buried  FATHER  TOM 
MURPHY,  Pastor  of  St.  Joseph's  Parish, 
Belmont  and  an  original  member  of  our 
class  which  entered  B.  C.  High  in  1906. 
FATHER  TOM  was  always  a  loyal,  gen- 
erous and  interested  member  of  our  class. 
The  night  before  he  was  stricken  he 
expressed  his  intention  of  attending  the 
Varsity  Club  Dinner.  May  his  good  soul 
rest  in  peace! 

Pastor  Emeritus  of  St.  Francis  of  Assisi 
Church,  Belfast,  Maine.  He  had  been 
pastor  previously  at  St.  Joseph's  Parish, 
Farmington  and  Holy  Family  Parish  at 
Lisbon  Falls.  R.I.P. 

ED  SULLIVAN,  in  retirement  at  West 
Harwich  is  devoting  his  time  to  civic 
interest  and  public  speaking.  He  spoke 
at  the  St.  Patrick's  Day  dinner  of  the 
Clover  Club  and  at  the  dinner  to  the 
Lord  Mayor  of  Dublin. 

DR.  TOM  REID  who  has  retired  is  liv- 
ing at  15  Chesterfield  Road,  Milton. 

BILL  O'SULLIVAN'S  daughter  Mary 
(Regis)  and  William  Finucane  (Holy 
Cross)  have  been  blessed  with  their  fifth 
child,  the  third  daughter.  His  son  Paul 
'56  is  with  the  Army  at  Aberdeen, 

JOHN  KEOHANE'S  son  Lieutenant 
Francis  X.,  is  expected  to  return  from 
his  tour,  of  duty  in  Germany  with  his 
wife  and  one  year  old  daughter  in  May. 

J.  PAUL  KEOHANE  '56  is  in  the 
selling  department  of  Remington  Rand. 

Died— March  21— THOMAS  COURT- 
NEY O'HARE — a  valued  member  of  our 
class  whose  loss  will  be  felt.  Tom,  with 
constituted  the  first  contingent  from  B.  C. 
to  enter  the  then  new  Harvard  Graduate 
Business  School  in  1914.  We  will  not  for- 
get him.  He  was  buried  from  the  Sacred 
Heart  Church,  Newton  Centre,  where  he 
was  married  five  years  ago.  At  the  cem- 
etery BISHOP  MacKENZIE  gave  the 
final  absolution.  Other  members  of  the 
Class    who    attended    were:    Monsignors 

The  Alumni 


MOND, ed  Mclaughlin  and  john 

KEOHANE  acted  as  honorary  pallbear- 

Class    of    1914 

19  contributing  SI, 870.00 
John   S.    Keohane,    Class    Agent 

Rt.  Rev.  Robert  P.  Barry 
Rev.  Charles  I.  Brown 
Rev.  Patrick  J.  Dawson 
Rev.  Frederick  J.  Deasy 
Rev.  William  J.  Desmond 
Dr.  Francis  P.  Devlin 
Rt.  Rev.  Thomas  F.  Devlin 
James  A.  Dunbar 
Rt.  Rev.  Timothy  C.  Gleason 
John  J.  Hogan 

Class   of   1915 

23   contributing    31,045.00 
John   A.   Lahive,   Class    Agent 

Rev.  John  J.  Joyce 
John  W.  Kapples 
John  S.  Keohane 
Rev.  Edward  J.  McLaughlin 
Most  Rev   Eric  F.  MacKenzie 
Thomas  C.  0'Hare 
William  J.  O'Sullivan 
Dr.  William  A.  Sullivan 
Daniel  J.  Young 

Rev.  John  J.  Allston 
Philip  J.  Bond 
Dr.  John  F.  Bradley 
Rev.  George  S.  Brennan 
Robert  J.  Burns 
Rt.  Rev.  Philip  J.  Coyne 
John  A.  Fleming 
Paul  L.  Flynn 
Thomas  F.  Galvin 
John  F.  Gillespie,  Jr. 
William  F.  Greely 
Rev.  James  F.  Grimes 

George  S.  Hennessy 
James  P.  Hopkins 
John  A.  Lahive 
Rev.  Joseph  J.  Leonard 
Joseph  A.  Mahoney 
Cornelius  F.  Merrigan 
Rt.  Rev.  Stephen  F.  Moran 
Rev.  Lawrence  P.  Morrisroe 
In  memory  of 

Rev.  Michael  J.  Norton 
John  J.  Walsh 
Rev.  George  F.  Wiseman 

>1£        JAMES  L.  O'BRIEN 
1\J        41  Pond  Circle,  Jamaica  Plain 

BILL  TOOMEY,  our  youngest  looking 
member,  recently  retired  as  Director  of 
Public  Works,  Arlington,  Mass. 

GEORGE  HENDRICKS  is  now  a 
Management  Consultant  at  231  South 
LaSalle  Street,  Chicago. 

FALVEY  are  great  boosters  of  winter 
vacations  in  Florida. 

The  class  has  responded  very  well  to 
the  Stadium  Fund  and  if  you  haven't 
sent  your  check,  do  it  now.  We  want  to 
be  among  the  class  leaders. 

JACK  ATKINSON'S  son,  Tom,  is  now 
associated  with  Atkinson  Shoe  Co. 

Our  new  class  president  is  DR.  ROY 

Class  of    1916 

36  contributing   52,785.00 
Arthur   R.    Falvey,   D.M.D.,   Class  Agent 

John  B.  Atkinson  Rev.  Robert  L.  Hinchliffe 

William  L.  Carney  John  E.  Hopkins,  M.D. 

Rev.  George  W.  Casey  Harry  F.  Ki  ley 

Edward  A.  Coffey,  Esq.  Hon.  James  B.  Linehan 

Rev.  John  l\l.  Cunningham  Florence  J.  McAuliffe 

D.  Leo  Daley  Edward  J.  McCarthy,  Assoc. 

Rt.  Rev.  William  J.  Daly  Col.  John  J.  McDermott 

Patrick  J.  Donovan  Rt.  Rev.  Charles  D.  Mclnnis 

William  S.  Downey  Rt.  Rev.  Bernard  J.  McNulty 

Rt.  Rev.  Hugh  L.  Doyle  James  L.  O'Brien 

Arthur  R.  Falvey,  D.M.D.  Rev.  Percival  J.  Quill 

Rev.  Ralph  W.  Farrell  John  J.  Quinn,  Jr. 

Harold  J.  Fleming  Francis  J.  Roche 

Leo  A.  Gallagher  Dr.  John  I.  Shea 

Leo  V.  Halloran  Albert  F.  Smith 

Roy  J.  Heffernan,  M.D.  Rev.  Leo  E.  Sullivan 

George  K.  Hendrick  Richard  P.  Taylor 

Major  Francis  K.  Hinchey,  William  J.  Toomey 
U.S.A. F. 

*\H       THOMAS  D.  CRAVEN 
J-  /         107   Barrett  Street,   Needham 

JOHN  FLYNN  announces  that  the  an- 
nual meeting  and  supper  will  be  held  at 
Alumni  Hall  on  Monday,  April  29th.  At 
that  time  plans  will  be  made  for  observ- 

PAUL  WATERS  passed  away  in  Octo- 
ber. We  regret  that. our  notes  had  gone 
to  press  at  the  time  and  we  had  no  report 
of  it  for  the  Fall  issue  of  the  News.  Paul 
had  established  a  creditable  record  in  the 
Boston  Wool  Trade  Association  and  was 
a  recognized  authority  on  specialty  fibres. 
Present  at  the  Requiem  Mass  in  Sacred 
Heart  Church,  Newton  Centre  were 
DULLEA,      S.J.,      FRANK      HEANUE, 

ROLAND  MAHONEY.  The  sincere  sym- 
pathy of  the  class  is  extended  to  the 
members  of  his  family.  May  he  rest  in 

BO  MAHONEY  announces  the  engage- 
ment of  his  daughter  Maureen  Louise  to 
Robert  N.  McCarthy  of  Hull.  The  wed- 
ding will  be  in  April. 

CHARLIE  SHARKEY  suffered  the 
loss  of  his  mother  who  had  lived  with 
him  in  Washington.  The  funeral  was  in 
Somerville  where  Mrs.  Sharkey  had  lived 
most  of  her  95  years.  May  she  rest  in 

Hildamarie  Tracy,  daughter  of  our  late 
classmate  ED  TRACY  was  married  a 
few  months  ago  in  St.  Mark's  Church, 
Dorchester,  to  Arthur  J.  Foster,  Jr.,  of 
Arlington.  The  couple  will  live  in  Forest 
Hills,  N.  Y. 

FRANK  HEANUE  suffered  a  double 
loss  when  his  brother  Joseph  died  in 
November  and  his  sister  Bridget  passed 
away  in  December.  The  sympathy  of  the 
class  is  extended  to  the  Heanue  family. 
May  they  rest  in  peace. 

now  stationed  at  the  Eastern  Provincial 
headquarters  of  the  Oblate  order  at  350 

Class   of    1917 

39  contributing  52,392.00 
John    J.    Doyle,    Class   Agent 

Vincent  P.  Burke  William  F.  McCormack 

Rt.  Rev.  John  J.  Connolly  John  J.  Mahoney 

Thomas  D.  Craven  Matthew  F.  Mealy 

Rev.  John  F.  Donoghue  John  J.  Mulcahy 

John  J.  Doyle  Rev.  Francis  J.  Murphy 

Walter  T.  Durnan  Maurice  G.  Murphy 

Philip  J.  Dwyer  Joseph  G.  Nevins 

Rev   Francis  N.  Flaherty  Daniel  G.  O'Connor 

John  H.  Flynn  Thomas  A.  Printon 

Very  Rev.  Augustus  S.  Rev.  Francis  X.  Quinn 

Hargedon  William  R.  Reid 

Francis  W.  Heanue  Rt.  Rev.  William  F.  Reilly 

John  J.  A.  Hennessey  Lt.  Col.  Charles  F.  Sharkey, 
Michael  T.  Hickey  U.S.A. 

Martin  P.  Higgins  Rt.  Rev.  Albert  J.  Shea 

Rev.  John  G.  Hogan  J.  Lester  Shea 

James  I.  Kelley  Dr.  Charles  D.  Smith 

Francis  G.  Lee  Dr.  Charles  F.  Twomey 

Francis  T.  Limont  Paul  A.  Waters 
Rt.  Rev.  William  J.  McCarthy    Rev.  John  F.  Welsh 
John  A.  McCarty 

j-i  Q        M.  FRANCIS  NOLAN 
J_Q        17  So.  Normandy  Avenue, 

The  class  proudly  adds  the  name  of 
another  Jesuit  Bishop  to  its  roster — 
S.J.,  was  consecrated  a  Bishop  in  St. 
Patrick's  Cathedral,  New  York  City  on 
March  25.  The  Holy  Father  has  ap- 
pointed him  Vicar-Apostolic  of  the  Ca- 
roline-Marshall Islands  in  the  Pacific 
and  Titular  Bishop  of  Sassura  succeed- 
ing Most  Rev.  Thomas  J.  Feeney,  '16, 
who  died  last  year.  Our  BISHOP  JOHN 
J.  McELENEY,  S.J.,  of  Kingston,  Ja- 
maica, B.W.I.,  was  a  co-consecrator  at 
the  ceremony  in  New  York. 

Bishop  Kennally  has  spent  28  of  his 
35  years  as  a  missionary  in  the  Philip- 
pines. He  spent  three  years  of  World 
War  II  in  concentration  camps,  a  Jap- 
anese prison  and  hospital.  Our  congratu- 
lations and  prayerful  good  wishes  to  the 

Present  at  the  Laetare  Breakfast  at 
the  Heights:  TOM  WALSH,  CHARLIE 

DAN  HARKINS  is  now  located  at 
6303  McArthur  Blvd.,  Summer  Highland, 
Washington  16,  D.  C.  after  8  years  in 
Europe  with  the  American  Committee 
for  Liberation  from  Bolshevism,  Inc.  His 
son,  Dan,  has  just  started  with  Goodyear 
in  Akron,  Ohio. 

Golf  -  Tennis  -  Baseball  -  Football 



-sj-thlelic    S^upplieA 

for  all 



Bucky"  Warren,  inc. 

HA  6-7618 




JOHN  W.  (Bucky)  WARREN  '33 


Jack  Delaney's 







John     Lacey     Delaney,     '28,    General    Manager 
John    Lacey    Delaney,   Jr.,   'SB,   Also.    Manager 



'Win-  Alumni 

The  class  has  a  good  number  of  con- 
tributors to  the  Stadium  Fund  but  we 
would  like  to  make  it  100  %  participation 
for  this  important  drive.  Please  send  in 
your  gift — it  wil]  be  credited  to  the 
1957  Alumni   Fund. 

Class   of    1918 

35  contributing   $1,365.00 
M.    Francis   Nolan,    Class    Agent 

Rev.  J.  Francis  Brady  J.  Paul  Lynch 

William  J.  Carey  Daniel  J.  Murphy 

William  M.  Cashin  J.  Vincent  Murray 
Col.  Warren  J.  Clear,  U.S.A.      M.  Francis  Nolan 

John  P.  Creed,  M.D.  Rt.  Rev.  Harry  M.  O'Connor 

David  F.  Daler  Rev.  Michael  L.  O'Connor 

John  J.  Danahy  John  M.  O'Loughlin 

James  A.  Donovan  Capt.  Clarence  H.  Pike, 
Rev.  Thomas  F.  Ferris  U.S.N. 

Charles  S.  FitzGerald  Francis  C.  Ramisch 

Joseph  J.  Forrester  Thomas  A.  Reynolds 

Francis  P.  Frazier  John  J.  Roman 

Francis  A.  Gately  James  I.  Rooney 

Clarence  W.  Greene  John  C.  Sargent 

Rev.  William  L.  Gross  Rev.  Remi  B.  Schuver 

William  F.  Herlihy  Charles  T.  Sexton 

Thomas  S.  Hurley  Lewis  G.  Sullivan 

Rev.  Otis  F.  Kelly  William  S.  Walsh 

'1Q        FRANCIS  J.  ROLAND 
*-■*        10  Homewood  Rd.,  W.  Roxbury 

FATHER  "ED"  DOUGLAS,  S.J.  has 
completed  his  sentence  at  Holy  Cross 
and  returned  to  join  his  classmate 
the  Heights.  FATHER  MARTIN  says 
that  the  term  was  decreased  on  account 
of  good  behavior. 

of  FRANK  SHEA  and  wife  of  PHILIP 
MITCHELL  '52,  have  just  enrolled  their 
son  in  the  class  of  '77. 

ANNE,  daughter  of  JIM  HANLEY, 
and  JOANNE,  daughter  of  FRANK 
ROLAND,  both  alumnae  of  Manhattan- 
ville  '54  announced  their  engagements 
at  Christmas  time.  Both  girls  remained 
in  the  Jesuit  family — Anne's  fiancee  is 
Charles  Donelan,  Georgetown  '53,  and 
Joanne's  is  John  J.  McCarthy,  B.  C.  '54. 

We  have  just  learned  of  the  death  of 
FRANCIS  J.  WHELAN  on  September 
21,  1956.  Our  sincere  sympathy  to  his 

Class   of    1919 

35   contributing    S955.00 
William    E.   O'Connor,   Class   Agent 

Frank  L.  Alciere  Rev.  Joseph  P.  McNamara 

Thomas  H.  Bresnahan  Michael  J.  Maher 

Francis  X.  Cotter  William  F.  M.  Maloney 

Francis  X.  Curley  Henry  W.  Mueller 

Edward  J.  Danehy  William  J.  O'Brien 

James  H.  Deeley  William  E.  O'Connor 

Joseph  A.  Donahoe  Rev.  Leo  [\I.  0'Day 

Bernard  F.  Donovan  Rev.  John  J.  0'Leary 

Rev.  Herbert  K.  A.  Driscoll  William  A.  Reardon 

Walter  A.  Falvey  Francis  X.  Renehan 

Rev.  Dennis  J.  Fitzpatrick  James  H.  Riley 

John  W.  Gorman  Rt.  Rev.  Joseph  A.  Robinson 

Rev.  William  H.  Harrington  Francis  J.  Roland 

John  A.  Hickey  Francis  D.  Shea 

Rev.  Michael  J.  Horrigan  Frederick  J.  Shea 

John  B.  Kelley  John  M.  Tobin 

Rev.  John  D.  Lyons  Augustine  C.  Whelan 
Joseph  A.  McAvinnue 

'90      J-  ROBERT  BRAWLEY 
^-'yj      33  Pomf  ret  Street  West  Roxbury 

DAN  LEARY,  who  retired  from  the 
Lynn  schools,  is  now  teaching  at  St. 
Michael's  Academy  in  the  Bronx,  New 

BILL  PASHBY'S  son,  William  M.,  who 
was  ordained  a  Jesuit  three  years  ago 
is  stationed  at  St.  Peter  and  Paul's  in 
Kingston,  Jamaica.  His  daughter,  Rose 
Marie,  is  a  sophomore  in  the  School  of 

BILL  DEMPSEY,  recovered  from  his 
recent  illness,  is  planning  a  trip  to 
Indiana  where  his  daughter  Mary  took 
her  final  vows  as  a  Sister  of  Providence. 
She  is  now  Sister  Thomas  Michael  at 
St.  Mary's  of  the  Woods,  Indiana. 

DR.  NEIL  O'CONNOR  was  due  to  re- 
sume his  practice  on  April  1  after  a 
trip  through  Italy  while  recuperating 
from  his  illness  of  the  past  winter. 

The  sympathy  of  the  class  is  extended 

to  Mrs.  JOHN  J.  HENDRY  of  Chelsea, 
wife  of  our  classmate,  Doctor  John,  who 
passed  away  in  January. 

ED  HIGGINS  is  back  on  the  job  fol- 
lowing an  operation  which  hospitalized 
him  during  February. 

JUDGE  ELIAS  SHAMON  has  done 
a  wonderful  job  gathering  in  funds  for 
the  Alumni  Fund  and  the  Football  Fund. 
He  announces  that  JOE  BURKE,  Natick, 
is  the  winner  of  his  personally  conducted 
drive  to  increase  the  class  fund  donation. 

Class   of    1920 

68  contributing   $2,063.00 
J.   Robert   Brawley,    Class  Agent 

Leo  J.  Aicardi  John  C.  Linehan 

William  J.  Bond  Charles  H.  Loring 

Edward  F.  Boyce  Daniel  I.  Lucey 

J.  Robert  Brawley  Rev.  Daniel  A.  McCabe 

John  J.  Brennan  Eugene  C.  McCabe 

Joseph  A.  Burke  Very  Rev.  Edward  A. 
Francis  J    Carrigan  McDonough 

Joseph  P.  Casey  Charles  J.  McGill 

John  F.  Clark  James  J.  Mclnerney 

Gerard  B.  Cleary  Alban  B.  Mclnnis 

Walter  D.  Collins  Edward  J.  McKeown 

William  C.  Connolly  Joseph  I.  McLaughlin 

John  J.  Connors  John  J.  McMorrow 

Edwin  L.  Crowley  Rt.  Rev.  Thomas  F.  McNamara 

Joseph  A.  Curry  .  Rev.  Richard  S  .McShane 

John  P.  Degnan  Dr.  Wilfred  C.  MacDonald 

Rev.  Joseph  M.  Degnan  Joseph  A.  Moran 

Frederick  L.  Donaher  Robert  G.  0'Connell 

Augustine  A.  Donovan  Cornelius  T.  O'Connor,  M.D. 

Francis  P.  Earls  Gerald  W.  0'Neil 

Edward  J    Finnegan  William  F.  Pashby 

Rev.  Daniel  A.  Flynn  Robert  E.  Pyne 

Francis  J.  Gallagher  Emmett  J.  Reardon 

Fred  J.  Gallagher  Rev.  Charles  E.  Riley 

Thomas  F.  Gately  Edward  L.  Roddan 

Francis  P.  Glavin  Dr.  Paul  N.  A.  Rooney 

Kenneth  W.  Goepper  Rev.  George  A.  Scully 

Rev.  Russell  T.  Haley  Hon.  Elias  F.  Shamon 

Edward  A.  Hanlon  Philip  D.  Shea 

Edmund  A.  Higgins  Rev.  Edward  S.  Sullivan 

James  H.  Holland,  Jr.  Henry  L.  Tonry 

Augustine  D.  Horgan  Paul  E.  Troy 

Edward  J.  Hubner  John  F.  Welch 

John  J.  Joyce  George  E.  Wilkie 
Rev.  John  J.  Lane 

'91         GORDON  F.  IRONS 
^-L       9  Emmonsdale  Rd.,  W.  Roxbury 

Recently,  the  Francis  Thompson  Foun- 
dation presented  the  Library  with  two 
remarkable  manuscripts,  the  original  of 
"The  Hound  of  Heaven,"  and  the  original 
of  "The  Essay  on  Shelley."  JUDGE 
JOHN  J.  BURNS,  who  was  the  originator 
and  chief  inspiration  of  the  Foundation, 
made  the  formal  presentation  in  the 
Library  Auditorium. 

Rev.  Hugh  H.  O'Regan,  was  ordained 
February  2,  at  the  Holy  Name  Church 
in  Roslindale. 

ED  HANNON  is  in  charge  of  the 
bankruptcy  proceedings  of  the  "Boston 

pleasant  vacation  in  Florida. 

JUDGE  JOHN  BURNS'S  son,  Brian 
is  a  senior  at  Holy  Cross. 

stationed  at  the  Oblate  House,  Moraine 
Street,  Jamaica  Plain,  the  former  resi- 
dence of  Governor  Curley. 

TOM  BUNYON'S  nephew  was  one  of 
the  stars  on  the  B.  C.  hockey  team  this 
past  season. 

In  the  recent  Loyalty  Fund  listing  for 
1956  the  Class  was  again  near  the  top. 
Most  of  the  credit  goes  to  Class  Agent, 
ED  FOY,  and  our  President,  JERRY 
MAHONEY.  The  Class  is  also  doing  well 
in  the  drive  for  a  new  stadium. 

Since  the  last  issue  of  the  "Alumni 
News,"  the  Class  has  been  saddened  by 
several  losses.  The  sympathy  of  the  Class 
is  extended  to  the  bereaved  families  of 
REV.  ANDREW  J.  CORBETT,  pastor  of 
the  Immaculate  Conception  Church  in 
Newburyport,  who  passed  away  in  Nov- 
ember; of  EDWIN  D.  GALLAGHER, 
who  passed  away  in  the  Veterans  Hospi- 
tal, Jamaica  Plain  in  October;  of  DR. 
JAMES    E.    DONAHUE    of   Watertown, 

who  passed  away  in  November;  of 
THEOBALD  M.  KELLEY  of  Danvers 
and  Marblehead,  a  member  of  the  B.  C. 
hockey  team  in  1918,  who  passed  away 
in  February. 

We  also  extend  our  sympathy  to 
FRANK  GILBERT,  whose  father  passed 
away  in  February. 

Class  of    1921 

61  contributing    $3,153.00 
Robert    E.    Foy,    Jr.,    Class    Agent 

Michael  F.  Brennan  Stephen  J.  Griffin 

Thomas  J.  Bunyon  Frank  J.  Hannon 

John  H.  Burke,  Jr.  Gordon  F.  Irons 

Hon.  John  J.  Burns  Theobald  M.  Kelley 

Rev.  Thomas  J.  Burns  Dr.  Vincent  J.  Kelley 

Leo  J.  Callanan  Rev.  William  T.  Lee 

Linus  M.  Callen  Mark  E.  Linehan 

Francis  A.  Connors  Arthur  F.  McCarthy 

Rev.  Andrew  J.  Corbett  Leo  J.  McCarthy 

Daniel  J.  Costello  Rev.  David  H.  McDonald 

Charles  A.  Coyle  John  J.  McGrath 

Rev.  William  E.  Culhane  M.  Henry  Mclnerney 

Ignatius  P.  Donnelly  Rev.  John  D.  MacEachern 

Rev.  James  P.  Donovan  Jeremiah  W.  Mahoney 

William  F.  Dowling  John  A.  Mahony 

Joseph  J.  Doyle  Ralph  S.  Monks 

Edward  W.  Drohan  Frank  J.  Morrissey 

Herbert  Fallon  Rev.  John  E.  Mullarkey 

Rev.  Michael  J.  Finnegan  Rev.  Cornelius  P.  Murray 

Michael  A.  Fitzpatrick  Thomas  C.  Murray 

Joseph  P.  Flynn  James  F.  O'Brien 

Henry  L.  Ford  James  E.  0'Dowd 

John  J.  Foster,  Jr.  Hugh  H.  O'Regan 

Robert  E.  Foy,  Jr.  Rt.  Rev.  John  T.  Powers 

Thomas  l\l.  Foynes  Rev.  Edmund  J.  Ronan 

Rt.  Rev.  Walter  J.  Furlong  Mark  F.  Russo 

John  B.  Gegan  John  T.  Ryder 

Francis  A.  Gilbert  Edward  L.  Smith 

Rev.  James  G.  Glennon  Hon.  John  J.  Sullivan 

James  A.  Gookin,  Jr.  Rev.  John  A.  York 
I.  Francis  Gregory,  M.D. 

4**-*  15  Kirk  Street,  West  Roxbury 
Since  this  is  our  thirty-fifth  anniver- 
sary, plans  are  being  made  for  a  gala 
occasion.  General  Chairman  is  ARTHUR 
TIERNEY,  who  promises  several  inter- 
esting class  meetings  .  .  .  Deepest  sym- 
pathy is  extended  to  JIM  CAFFREY  on 
the  untimely  passing  of  his  fine  son, 
Lt.  James  A.  Caffrey,  Jr.,  of  the  Marine 
Corps,  who  was  at  Puwere  Airport,  Maui, 
Hawaii.  James  24,  played  football  at 
Northeastern  before  entering  the  Ma- 
rines in  1954  .  .  .  ALBERT  CHAPMAN 
has  retired  and  is  enjoying  life  in  Mary- 
land, traveling  extensively  .  .  .  We  feel 
keenly  the  loss  of  FATHER  JOHN 
CONSODINE,  who  passed  away  in  Janu- 
ary after  a  long  illness.  Father  Conso- 
dine  was  a  loyal  B.  C.  man  and  had  been 
since  his  entrance  to  B.  C.  High  in  1914. 
.  .  .  Had  a  reunion  with  RAY  DRUGAN 
at  the  Providence  Arena  on  the  occasion 
of  the  B.  C.-Brown  hockey  game  .  .  .  our 
section  was  crammed  with  B.  C.  men  of 
our  day  and  date.  BILL  ELBERY'S  son 
was  there,  too,  as  manager  of  the  B.  C. 
freshman  hockey  six  .  .  .  Congratulations 
to  JOE  FORD  on  his  appointment  as 
vice-president  in  charge  of  marketing  of 
Vogue  Dolls,  Inc.  Joe  has  a  wonderful 
family — Mary,  Martha,  Joseph,  Michael, 
and  Thomas.  We  hope  that  some  of  them 
will  be  B.C.ward  in  the  near  future  .  .  . 
JIM  COLLINS  (Revere)  has  returned 
from  his  annual  jaunt  to  Florida.  This 
time  he  announces  the  purchase  of  a 
winter-vacation  home  in  Sarasota.  (We'll 
all  visit  him).  The  wedding  of  Marie 
MULLEN,  daughter  of  ARTHUR,  was 
one  of  the  high  spots  of  the  winter  wed- 
ding season.  Several  classmates  were 
among  the  guests  .  .  .  Next  marriages  of 
children  of  the  class  will  be  two  in  May, 
that  of  Ruth  HEALY,  daughter  of  LEN, 
to  Dr.  Francis  Buckley  of  the  B.  C. 
faculty;  and  that  of  my  son  Walter,  '55, 
to  Rosalie  Erickson  of  Ann  Arbor, 
Michigan  .  .  .  CLEM  JORDAN  is  now 
residing  in  Sacramento,  California  .  .  . 
new  pastor  of  St.  Rose's  church  in 
Chelsea    .    .    .FRED    MORAN,   who    has 


Tlit-  Alumni 

O  R  I  K4  ES 


Rugg   Road,  AUston,  Mass. 

"l\e%v  England's  Largest  and  Finest' 
STadium  2-4200 


been  very  ill,  is  back  at  his  duties  at 
Boston  Trade  High  School.  We  have 
added  a  new  associate  member  to  our 
class,  MR.  FRED  DYER,  architect  who 
was  with  1922  in  war  days.  He  is  a 
member  of  the  firm  of  architects  who 
designed  the  B.  C.  dormitory  on  Tudor 

Class   of    1922 

68  contributing  31,690.00 
Charles   F.  Collins,  Class  Agent 

John  J.  Barry  Rev.  William  A.  Long 

Joseph  E.  Beaver  Charles  A.  McCarthy 

Edward  F.  Bell  Francis  V.  IVlcCorry 

Rev.  Joseph  F.  Bracken  George  L.  McKim 

Francis  C.  Buckley,  M.0.  Rev.  Leonard  A.  McMahon 

James  E.  Callahan  Charles  A.  McMorrow 

William  P.  Canty  Charles  R.  McNamee,  Assoc. 

Charles  F.  Collins  Daniel  J.  McSweeney,  M.D. 

James  J.  Collins  Thomas  F.  IVlahan 

Rev.  William  P.  Conley  Rev.  Cornelius  P.  Mason 

Rev.  John  F.  Connors  Dr.  James  J.  Meehan 

Laurence  J.  Curtin  Rev.  Joseph  D.  Meredith 

Charles  F.  Daley  Paul  Mich 

Francis  X.  Daly  Rev.  Jeremiah  F.  Moriarty 

Rt.  Rev.  Carroll  F.  Deady  Arthur  L.  Morrissey 

Leonard  W.  Dolan  John  F.  Norton 

Rt.  Rev.  James  H.  Doyle  John  J.  Nyhan 

William  R.  Drugan  Flerence  M.  0'Connell 

Paul  R.  Duffly  Rev.  Cornelius  F.  0'Leary 

William  P.  Elbery  Rt.  Rev.  Thomas  J.  Riley 

Eugene  J.  Fanning  Rev    Daniel  J.  Scully 

Rev.  Leo  B.  Flynn  William  J.  Sheehan 

Paul  R.  Foisy  Rt.  Rev.  Cornelius  T.  H. 
Henry  E.  Foley  Sherlock 

Rev.  Thomas  M.  Foley  Dr.  Walter  E.  Skwarlo 

Arthur  J.  Frawley  Rev.  Thomas  E.  Sweeney 

Nathaniel  J.  Hasenfus  Arthur  E.  Tierney 

John  F.  Hayes  Hon.  William  A.  Torphy 

Bernard  F.  Healy  Charles  A.  Tucker 

Arthur  T.  Joyce  Francis  J.  Turnbull 

George  J.  Kearns  Robert  P.  Walsh 

George  H.  Keefe  Rev.  Donald  W.  Whalen 
Rev.  Garrett  F.  Keegan,  D.D.     Francis  P.  White 
Rt.  Rev.  John  W.  Kerrigan         George  D.  Yantis 
Joseph  W.  Linehan 

^'Y\      MYLES  T.  McSWEENEY 
***J      256A  Broadway,  Arlington 

Another  medal  for  the  Admiral  — 
HOGAN,  Ex-'23,  was  presented  with  the 
French  Naval  Medical  Service  award 
recently  at  Washington,  D.  C.  by  Rear- 
Adm.  Louis  Mornu,  French  Naval  attache 
at  the  Capital.  Hogan,  Surgeon-General 
of  the  U.  S.  Navy,  was  awarded  the 
honor  for  distinguished  service  to  the 
French  Naval  Medical  Corps. 

Wedding  bells— PHILIP  McGOVERN, 
JR.,  son  of  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  McGovern, 
now  attending  New  York  Medical  Col- 
lege, was  married  recently  to  Miss  Kath- 
leen Hayes,  graduate  of  Cambridge  City 
Hospital  School  of  Nursing. 

DR.  ED  BURKE'S  lovely  daughter, 
Margaret  Mary,  was  married  Jan.  5  to 
Thomas  Page,  of  Cleveland  Heights,  O., 
at  St.  Thomas  Church,  Jamaica  Plain. 

DR.  PHIL  McGOVERN'S  daughter 
Sheila,  senior  at  the  B.  C.  School  of 
Education,  is  the  first  co-ed  in  B.  C. 
history  to  hold  class  office.  She  is  presi- 
dent of  her  class,  and  also  president  of 
the  Student  Council. 

A  bit  belated,  but  pleasing  news — FR. 
THOMAS  M.  LANE  is  now  pastor  of 
Immaculate  Conception  Church,  New- 

Watching  a  TV  Mass  for  shut-ins  re- 
cently, we  were  pleased  to  see  as  cele- 
brant, our  classmate,  FR.  EDMUND  W. 

Fr.  Croke  is  now  pastor  of  St.  Thomas 
of  Villanova  Church,  Wilmington. 

Whom  Death  has  touched— DR.  JOHN 
M.  FLYNN,  profound  scholar,  eminent 
physician,  and  truly  Catholic  gentleman, 
died  suddenly  last  December.  A  graduate 
of  Harvard  Medical  School,  John  was 
on  the  staffs  of  Peter  Bent  Brigham,  St. 
Elizabeth's,  and  Cambridge  City  Hospi- 
tal. The  Most  Rev.  Eric  F.  MacKenzie, 
Auxiliary  Bishop  of  Boston,  presided  at 
a  pontifical  funeral  Mass  at  Our  Lady 
of  Mercy  Church,  Belmont.  The  Class  of 
'23  extends  its  condolences  to  his  wife, 
Mary,  his  daughters  Joan  and  Elizabeth, 
and  his  son,  John,  Jr.  Joan  is  a  freshman 
in  the  B.  C.  School  of  Education  and 
John,  Jr.  a  pre-med  student  at  the 

Death  has  also  taken  two  ex-members 
of  our  class,  FR.  THOMAS  J.  STAPLE- 
TON,  pastor  of  Corpus  Christi  Church, 
Sandwich,  and  JOHN  T.  McCARTHY, 
of  Roxbury. 

Our  condolences,  too,  to  JOHN  P. 
FLAVIN,  of  Quincy,  whose  mother  died 
since  our  last  issue.  May  they  rest  in 

TED  GARRITY  and  his  charming  wife 
have  recently  returned  from  a  tour  of 

CECE  McGOLDRICK'S  son  George, 
has  just  announced  his  engagement  to 
Miss  Ann  Harrington  of  Jamaica  Plain. 
They  will  be  married  in  the  Fall. 

Class   of    1923 

46  contributing   S2,635  00 
Joseph    G.    Crane,    Class    Agent 

Robert  J.  Allen  Walter  G    Dimmock 

Alfred  J.  Bedard  William  J.  Dolan 

Edward  J    Burke,  M.D.  Richard  J.  Donovan,  M.D. 

Rev.  William  J.  Callahan  John  P.  Flavin 

Rev.  William  J.  Carty  Edward  F.  Fogarty 

Joseph  A.  Comber  Francis  L.  Ford 

Everett  J.  Conway  Joseph  D.  Galvin 

Joseph  G.  Crane  T.  Edmund  Garrity 

Rev.  Edmund  W.  Croke  George  F.  Gormley 

Rev.  Francis  A.  Curley  Francis  J.  Hickey 

Leo  R.  Desmond,  M.D.  Arthur  W.  Kane 

James  J.  Kelley 

Rev.  Thomas  M.  Lane 

Joseph  M.  Lee 

Patrick  H.  Lyons 

Rev.  Harold  F.  McDermott 

Beaven  J.  McGady 

Cecil  F.  McGoldrick 

Philip  P.  McGovern,  M.D. 

Rev.  Norbert  H.  Mclnnis 

Anthony  R.  Mauro 

Peter  J.  Monahan 

Leonard  G.  Morrissey,  D.M.D. 

Lawrence  J.  Murphy 
Frederick  A.  Oberhauser 
Jeremiah  F.  O'Brien 
Cornelius  J.  0'Connell 
Albert  F.  Ripley 
Arthur  T.   Ronan,  M.D. 
Henry  L.  Supple 
Thomas  J.  Swan 
Joseph  L.  Sweeney 
Nicholas  J.  Tangney 
Louis  M.  Tracy 
Timothy  M.  Tully 

,r)A       ANTHONY  E.  LeBLANC 
•^   «       45  Maynard  St.,  Arlington 

The  week  of  February  23rd  through 
March  2nd  was  very  eventful  for  DR. 
and  Mrs.  WALTER  J.  E.  CARROLL. 
Walter  J.  E.  Jr.,  was  married  to  Kathryn 
E.  Corcoran  at  Our  Lady  of  Lourdes 
Church  in  Brockton  on  the  23rd,  and 
Edward  B.  received  his  ensign's  com- 
mission in  the  Naval  Reserve  at  New- 
port, R.  I.  on  March  1. 

JOE  MACHADO  can  be  seen  any  day 
through  the  front  window  at  102  Broad 
Street  where  he  is  manager  of  the  Socony 
Marine  Paints  and  representative  of  the 
Wall  Rope  Works. 

Have  you  a  Bible  in  your  home  ?  If 
not,  and  you  desire  one,  get  in  touch 
with  WALTER  F.  TOBIN,  manager  of 
the  Catholic  Bible  House  at  93  Mass. 
Avenue,  Boston,  or  call  CO  7-8696  and 
Walter  will  see  to  it  that  your  wishes 
are  fulfilled. 

REV.  DANIEL  F.  RIORDAN  has  been 
appointed  pastor  of  Mary  Immaculate  of 
Lourdes  Parish  in  Newton  Upper  Falls, 
and  REV.  FRANK  A.  McLAUGHLIN  as 
pastor  of  St.  Joseph's  Parish,  Lincoln. 

The  sincere  sympathy  of  the  class  is 
extended  to  the  wife  and  family  of  DR. 
ARTHUR  BURNS  of  Norwood  who  died 
on  March  20. 

Class   of   1924 

69   contributing  $2,209.50 
James   A.    Kellaher,    Class    Agent 

Peter  A.  Alemi  Rt   Rev.  George  M.  Dowd 

Edmund  H.  Barry  Christopher  J.  Duncan,  M.D. 

Thomas  P.  Berkeley  John  T.  L.  Fee 

Rev.  Francis  X.  Bransfield  Rev.  Anthony  J.  Flaherty 

James  T.  Brosnan,  M.D.  Francis  L.  Ford 

John  C.  Burchill  Rev.  William  J.  Gorman 

Arthur  V.  Burns,  M.D.  James  F.  Grady 

Eugene  J.  Campbell  Rev.  John  J.  Hart 

Francis  J.  Campbell  J.  Lester  Hourigan 

Walter  J.  E.  Carroll,  M  D.  Rev    Charles  H.  Hyland 

Thomas  M.  Connelly,  D.M.D.  James  A.  Kellaher 

Walter  A.  Conway  Edward  P.  Kelleher 

Rev.  George  W   Corcoran  Thomas  L.  Kelleher 

Rev.  Louis  I.  Cunney  William  J.  Kelleher 

Richard  J.  Cusick  James  J.  Kelly 

Rev.  Charles  A.  Dee  Rev.  Mark  H.  Keohane 

Thomas  A.  Deely  Francis  P.  Kilcoyne 

Dr.  Peter  A.  Dempsey  Very  Rev.  William  R.  Kill  ion 

Carl  A.  DeSimone,  M.D.  James  A.  King 

James  P.  Doherty  Anthony  E.  LeBlanc 

George  W.  Douglass  Gregory  T.  Ludovic 



The  Alumni 

Rev.  Earl  T.  Lyons 
John  T.  McCarthy 
Thomas  S.  Mclntire 
Rev.  James  T.  McKeon 
Joseph  D.  Machado 
Leslie  I.  Madden 
Graham  C.  Magee 
Robert  V.  Merrick 
Edmond  J.  Murphy 
Martin  A.  Murray 
John  Pyne 
Francis  T.  Reardon 
Rev.  Daniel  F.  Riordan 
Joseph  P.  Rooney 

Alfred  E.  Shea 
Charles  W.  Sheehan 
Hon.  Arthur  J.  Sullivan 
Rev.  Edward  J.  Sullivan 
Rev.  George  F.  Sullivan 
J.  Burke  Sullivan 
John  P.  Sullivan 
Frederick  A.  Tobin 
Joseph  L.  Tribble 
James  F.  Walsh 
Rev.  Thomas  F.  P.  Walsh 
William  E.  Walsh 
James  M.  Ward,  M.D. 

George  Paul  Smith,  '25,  recently  named  super- 
intendent of  agencies  for  the  State  Mutual  Life 
Assurance  Co.,  Worcester. 

'9S      EDWARD  J.   O'LEARY 
**-*      22  Bailey  Road,  Arlington 

It  is  with  much  sadness  that  we  must 
report  the  passing  of  three  classmates 
whose  deaths  occurred  since  the  last 
issue  of  this  magazine. 

On  January  20  in  Boston  ED  Mc- 
GRATH,  husband  of  Alice  Carroll  Mc- 
Grath,  succumbed  after  a  brief  illness. 
Ed  was  buried  on  January  23  following 
a  high  Mass  of  requiem  in  St.  Mary  of 
the  Assumption  Church. 

JOHN  GOOD  of  Milton  died  suddenly 
on  February  5.  Following  a  high  Mass 
of  requiem  in  St.  Gregory's  Church  John 
was  buried  on  February  8.  He  is  survived 
by  his  widow  Grace  Lombard  Good  and 
their  children — Mrs.  Francis  E.  Barrett, 
John  J.,  Jr.,  Edward  F.,  Mrs.  Richard 
G.  Finnegan  and   Robert  P. 

Dr.  ARTHUR  CLANCY  of  Newbury- 
port  died  of  a  heart  attack  while  attend- 
ing Mass  on  February  24.  Arthur  is  sur- 
vived by  his  widow  Grace  Lombard  Clan- 
cy. He  was  graduated  from  Georgetown 
University  Medical  School  in  1929.  Dur- 
ing World  War  II  he  served  as  a  captain 
in  the  Army  Medical  Corps.  He  was  on 
the  staff  of  Anna  Jaques  Hospital  as  an 
eye,  ear,  nose  and  throat  specialist.  A 
solemn  high  Mass  was  celebrated  in  the 
Church  of  the  Immaculate  Conception 
on  February  27.  Burial  was  in  St.  Mary's 

Ex-classmate  ED  MALONEY  formerly 
of  Somerville  and  now  a  resident  of  Lex- 
ington has  been  promoted  to  the  rank  of 
Lt.  Col.  in  the  Air  Force.  He  is  now 
assigned  to  the  Air  Force  Cambridge 
Research  Center  at  Hanscomb  Field, 

It  was  most  pleasant  to  grow  nostalgic 
with  fellow  alumnus  RAY  FINNEGAN 
when  that  skillful  writer  for  the  Boston 
Globe  recently  recounted  the  highlights 
of  the  memorable  ball  game  of  June  18, 
1923  at  Braves  Field  in  which  FRANK 
MeCREHAN   excelled  in  defeating  Holy 

Cross    with    OWEN    CARROLL    on    the 
mound,  4  to  1. 

Class   of    1925 

83  contributing   $1,594.08 
Eugene    H.   Giroux,    Class  Agent 
James  M.  Ahearn  Albert  L.  Hyland 

Joseph  A.  Beattie 
Edward  F.  Brickley 
James  F.  Bride 
John  P.  Brosnan 
Rev.  John  J.  Brown 
Rev.  Joseph  P.  Burke,  J. CD. 
Philip  J.  Callan 

Lester  E.  Callahan 
John  W.  Cass,  M.D. 
J.  Elmer  Chisholm 
Rev.  William  E.  Collins 
Dr.  James  F.  Conway 
John  E.  Corcoran 
William  J.  Cotty 
Frederick  A.  Davis 
Rev.  Daniel  C.  DeCourcey 
Rev.  Edward  W.  Desmond 
William  J.  Donahue 
Edwin  T.  Donovan 
Dr.  George  F.  Donovan 
Francis  D.  Elbery 
Herbert  A.  Finnegan 
James  T.  Flaherty 
Stephen  J.  Fleming,  Jr. 
James  H.  Foley 
Harold  A.  Fultz 
Rt.  Rev.  Ralph  J.  Gallagher 
Eugene  H.  Giroux 
William  H.  Glavin 
Charles  W.  Gleason 
John  J.  Good 
Ralph  C.  Good 
Eugene  F.  Gorman,  M.D. 
George  L.  Graham 
John  J.  Hanrihan 
Rev.  Richard  J.  Hawko 
Gerard  E.  Hayes 
Rev.  Joseph  W.  Healy 
James  F.  P.  Hourihan 
Rev.  Timothy  M.  Howard 
Rev.  Raymond  L.  Hyder 

Anthony  Julian 
Rev.  John  J.  Keahane 
Sterling  J.  Kincaid 
Maxmillian  J.  Kowalski 
Joseph  A.  Kozlowsky 
Cornelius  F.  Linnehan 
John  J.  Logan 
Daniel  A.  Lynch 
Daniel  J.  Lynch 
Fred  A.  Meagher 
Louis  G.  Moisan 
Charles  0.  Monahan 
James  C.  Murphy 
John  A.  Murphy 
Walter  D.  Nolan 
William  E.  O'Brien 
Cornelius  A.  O'Keefe 
John  A.  O'Keefe 
Edward  J.  O'Leary 
Edward  J.  O'Neil,  Jr. 
Rev.  Bernard  J.  O'Rourke 
Rev.  John  L.  Parsons 
John  S.  Patten 
Arthur  L.  Quinn 
Thomas  E.  Rafferty 
William  Arthur  Reilly 
Very  Rev.  Arthur  J.  Riley 
Raymond  E.  Ryan 
Stanley  J.  Sepka 
Charles  M.  Shea,  M.D. 
Rev.  Joseph  P.  Shea 
Thomas  J.  Silvia 
George  P.  Smith 
Leo  J.  Sullivan 
James  E.  Tobin 
William  G.  Tobin 
Georc,e  A.  Verde 
William  F.  Walsh 
Albert  A.  Ward 
Louis  R.  Welch 

ZAJ      40  Tennyson  Street,  W.  Roxbury 

Your  correspondent  bemoans  the  fact 
that,  more  and  more,  these  regular  re- 
portings  are  becoming  a  necrology.  As  I 
type  these  notes,  GEORGE  CONNORS' 
death  is  reported  in  today's  paper.  He 
was  a  B.  C.  High  boy,  too,  and  got  his 
law  degree  at  Georgetown,  after  finish- 
ing with  us.  Prominent  in  local  political 
and  legal  circles,  he  had  suffered  a  heart 
attack  about  three  years  ago.  He  died 
suddenly.  Then,  just  before  New  Year's, 
ANDY  CARROLL  died.  Needn't  remind 
you  what  a  fine  ball  player  Andy  was. 

Now  for  more  pleasant  items — PROF. 
CORNELIUS  MOYNIHAN  was  honored 
by  the  B.C.  Law  School  Alumni  Asso- 
ciation and  by  the  Student  Bar  Asso- 
ciation at  a  dinner  last  December,  at 
Commonwealth  Country  Club,  honoring 
25  years  of  instruction  at  the  Law 

Our  reverend  spark  for  the  Boston 
Fire  Department  has  finally  been  re- 
placed. MSGR.  HENRY  J.  O'CONNELL 
was  the  first  chaplain  of  the  department, 
and  is  presently  pastor  of  St.  Ambrose 
Church  in  Dorchester.  Bet  he's  got  a 
short  wave  in  the  truck  of  the  pastoral 
chariot  still,  and  uses  it. 

Spotted  picture  of  our  genial  PAT- 
RICK J.  SULLIVAN,  in  a  recent  Pilot 
issue,  greeting  foreign  educators  on  a 
recent  visit  to  Boston.  Later  had  a  chance 
to  gas  with  him,  while  chasing  Alumni 
Fund  donors.  Didn't  realize  it,  but  the 
class  has  33  members  in  education  in  the 
state;  JOHNNIE  DOOLEY  and 
CHARLIE  SCHROEDER  shared  the 
burden  of  contacting  them.  About  twelve 
of  us  attended  the  kick-off  dinner  for 
the  Stadium  Drive,  after  partaking  of 
BOB  O'DOHERTY'S  hospitality  first. 
Thanks,  Bob,  for  all  of  us. 

Saw  TOM  CAV  and  his  Fran,  as  well 
GAN at  that  5  to  4  overtime  hockey  win 
over  B.U.,  at  the  Garden.  BOB  DALEY'S 
sons  Billy  and  Tommy  are  regular  hoc- 


In  Per  Cent  of  Givers 


Agent                        ir 


P.  C. 


William  D.  Murphy 







John  S.  Keohane 










Raymond  F.  Henderson 




John  J.  Doyle 




J.  Robert  Brawley 




Arthur  R.  Falvey,  D.M.D 







Leo  F.  Roche 



Class  of  1931-25th  Anniversary— 
not  included  in  competition. 

Class  Agent,  1914 
Finished  3rd  in 
percentage  of  givers 

Class  Agent,  1913 
Finished  6th  in 
percentage  of  givers 


Class  Agent,  1917 

Finished  7th  in 

percentage  of  givers 

Class  Agent,  1920 
Finished  8th  in 
percentage  of  givers 

Class  Agent,  1916 
Finished  9th  in 
percentage  of  givers 

Class  Agen,  1946 
Finished  10th  in 
percentage  of  givers 
















the  (^m 


As  chairman  of  the  1956  Alumni  Fund  it  is  my  distinct  pleas- 
ure to  announce  Success. 

For  the  fifth  consecutive  year  the  alumni  have  surpassed  pre- 
vious goals  and  established  a  higher  goal. 

Our  grand  and  highest  total  yet  was  reached  the  past  year  — 
$107,553,  a  $4000  increase  over  1955. 

Individual  contributions  reached  a  new  high  and  surpassed 
for  the  first  time  the  5000  mark. 

My  sincerest  thanks  go  to  all  —  regional  agents,  class  agents, 
supervisors  and  last  not  in  any  way  least  but  most  particularly  to 
generous  alumni  contributors. 




1956  Officers 

Daniel  M.  Driscoll,  '28 


John  J.  Griffin,  '35 

John  J.  Mahoney,  '29 

Charles  W.  O'Brien,  '33 

Executive  Secretary 
William  J.  Flynn,  '39 

Faculty  Advisor 

Rev.  Francis  V.   Sullivan, 
SJ-,  '21 


Richard  J.  Condon,  '28 
John  W.  Dacey,  '34 
Francis  J.  Dever,  '42 
Eugene  F.  Donaldson,  '35 
Charles  S.  FitzGerald,  '18 
Daniel  I.   Cronin,  '34 
Jeremiah   W.   Mahoney,  '21 
Stephen  H.  Mahoney,  '12 
Leo  E.  Wesner,  '51 


Class  agents  and  regional 
agents  are  listed  with  their 
classes  and  with  their  areas 

Dottom  *  107,553  GkritiJkobm  5057  Thcmt^e,  }6.j/a 

{BioojUt  uet)        (G/iACUbtet  uvb)        C&Mt  Met) 



Agent  for  Class  of  1917       |J 

Leader  in  Group  II 


Agent  in  Class  of  1925 
Leader  in  Group  III 


Agent  in  Class  of  1942   AkS 

Leader  in  Group  IV 

thomas  f.  Mcdonald 

Agent  for  Class  of  1942  CBA 
Leader  in  Group  IV 


Agent  for  Class  of  1944  AkS 

Leader  in  Group  V 


Agent  for  Class  of  1944  CBA 

Leader  hi  Group  V 


Agent  for  Class  of  1952  AkS 

Leader  in  Group  VI 


|     Agent  for  Class  of  1952  CBA 
Leader  in  Group  VI 













t*0LD    GUARD 



$  1,230.00 
















































$  6,188.00 






$  2,392.00 
















































$  1,594.08 




•  69 












































$  2,633.00 

















































$  1,159.92 









































$        92.00 






$  1,935.00 






















$  5,687.20 









Total  for  under- 

graduate  schools 







$      458.00 





















t— Class 

contributed  more  money  than   in  1955 


had  more  members 

contribute  than   in 





CT.  399 -97 
N.J.  177-7? 
DEL.  18-6 
MD- 142-34 


1st  number — Total  Alumni 
2nd  number — Contributors 
Thanks  to  Regional  Agents  the 
states  advance. 

Kansas  leads  states — 10  or  fewer 
83.3%;  Wisconsin  tops  states  1 
to  25,  70%;  Florida  leads  parade 
26-100,  38.4%;   New  Jersey  in 
front,  100  and  over,  41.6% 

j  0^tk  VStf**** 







Thanks    to   Group    Leaders    and 
Class  Agents  the  classes  continue 
to  increase  their  contributions. 
40  classes  contribute  over  #1,000 
§                            18  classes  contribute  over  #2,000 
2                              6  classes  contribute  over  #3,000 

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In  Dollars  Given 

Class  Agent  Donors     Amount 

1935   Albert  J.  Morris  105   $6,412.00 

1951    Lloyd  P.  McDonald  A&S 

Joseph  D.  Goode  CBA    421      3,369.70 
1921    Robert  E.  Foy  61      3,153.00 

1939  Lawrence  J.  Fitzgerald   121      3,054.36 
1950  John  R.  Logan  A&S    . 

John  E.  Gallagher  CBA  400 
1916  Arthur  R.  Falvey,  D.M.D.  36 

1933  J.  Raymond  Callen 

1934  Charles  J.  Artesani 
1923  Joseph  G.  Crane 
1942  James  F.  Stanton 

Thomas  F.  McDonald 

The  Alumni 




136     2,633.00 

Class  of  1931-25th  Anniversary— 
not  included    in   competition. 


Class   Agent,   1935 

Finished  1st  in  dollars  given 

*    **•    1 

lloyd  p.  Mcdonald 

Class  Agent,  1951  A&S 
Finished  2nd  in  dollars  given 


Class  Agent,  1951  CBA 

Finished  2nd  in  dollars  given 


Class  Agent,  1921 

Finished  3rd  in  dollars  given 


Class  Agent,  1939  Class  Agent,  1950  CBA 

Finished  4th  in  dollars  given  Finished  5th  in  dollars  given 



Class  Agent,  1950  A&S  Class  Agent,  1916 

Finished  5th  in  dollars  given  Finished  6th  in  dollars  given 

•»  «- 


Class  Agent,  1933 

Finished  7th  in  dollars  given 


Class  Agent,  1934 

Finished  8th  in  dollars  given 





keyists  for  St.  Sebastian's.  Can't  you  just 
hear  his  voice  at  rinkside  ? 

MSGR.  MATT  STAPLETON  is  to  be 
the  guest  speaker  at  the  annual  Com- 
munion Breakfast  of  our  St.  Theresa's 
Holy  Name  Society  in  April.  Alumni 
News  clip  service  sends  me  a  story  on 
JIM  BROPHY'S  completion  of  30  years 
of  service  with  the  Telephone  Company, 
as  an  engineer.  He's  a  member  of  the 
Springfield  Symphony  Chorus,  and  is  di- 
rector of  St.  Cecelia's  Men's  Choir  in 
Wilbraham.  He  and  wife  Grace  have  a 
daughter,  Eileen. 

We  regret  that  we  were  forced  to  post- 
pone the  date  for  our  annual  dinner,  be- 
cause of  conflict  with  a  Stadium  Fund 
affair  at  Alumni  Hall,  but  you  will  have 
been  notified  of  arrangements  before 
you  read  these  notes.  Another  reminder 
— and  do  I  need  more  than  our  opening 
notes  ? — it's  later  than  you  think.  Plan 
now  to  come  with  us  to  the  Hotel  Went- 
worth  during  that  first  weekend  in  June. 
Contact  JACK  DORSEY  at  Ta  5-0735; 
which  reminds  me,  as  a  closing  note,  that 
Jack  took  that  17-day  cruise  to  the  Ca- 
ribbean on  the  He  de  France  this  late 
winter.  He'll  give  us  a  blow-by-blow  at 
the  next  meeting.  And,  as  the  TV  in- 
spired kids  say,  that's  "ten-four". 

Class   of    1926 

69  contributing  $1,572.92 
John   E.   Dorsey,    Class   Agent 

Louis  E.  Baron,  M.D.  Paul  L.  Lewis 

Henry  F.  Barry  Edmund  K.  Luddy 

Joseph  H.  Beecher  William  J.  Lyons 

Bernard  J.  Braudis  Timothy  F.  McCarthy 

Rev.  Joseph  T.  Brennan  Rev.  Walter  3.  McCracken 

Rev.  Joseph  L.  Browne  Edward  P.  McDevitt 

Frank  J.  Carney  John  F.  McMahon 

Francis  V.  Casey  Arthur  L.  McManus 

J.  Hart  Clinton  Rev.  Joseph  P.  Mantle 

Thomas  F.  Coady,  Jr.  Charles  E.  Monahan 

Thomas  J.  Coakley  Leo  E.  Monahan 

John  A.  Cohan  In  memory  of 
William  J.  Cunningham  Walter  R.  Morris 

Robert  N.  Daley  Arthur  P.  Murray 

John  S.  Dooley,  Jr.  John  J.  O'Brien 

John  E.  Dorsey  Robert  J.  O'Doherty,  M.D. 

Anthony  A.  Driscoll  James  H.  0'Donnell 

Rev.  Daniel  F.  Dunn  Leo  E.  0'Hearn 

Albert  C.  Fallon,  D.M.D.  Albert  R.  O'Neal 

J.  Edward  Flynn,  M.D.  Rev.  Jeremiah  L.  O'Neill 

Thomas  J.  Flynn  Harry  J.  O'Sullivan 

Rev.  Jeremiah  E.  Foley  Anthony  J.  A.  Perry 

Charles  C.  Ford  Rev.  Malachi  J.  Prendergast 

James  W.  Gagan  Rev.  John  H.  Quinlan 

Thomas  V.  Geagan  J.  Murray  Regan 

Arthur  J.  Gorman,  M.D.  Francis  X.  Rooney 

Francis  B.  Greelish  Charles  E.  Schroeder 

Albert  J.  Healey  J.  Robert  Shaughnessey,  M.D. 

Joseph  E.  Hughes  Rev.  James  C.  Shaughnessey 

Arthur  R.  Johnson  Rt.  Rev.  Matthew  P. 
Thomas  G.  Kelliher  Stapleton,  D.D. 

James  F.  Kelly  Rev.  John  T.  Sullivan 

Rev.  Joseph  W.  Kenney  Rev.  Joseph  F.  Sullivan 

Lawrence  P.  Killilea  Patrick  J.  Sullivan 

Rev.  James  F.  Lally  Leon  M.  Vincent 
Albert  J.  Leonard 

,/7'7      JOHN  J.  BUCKLEY 
**  I        20  Dell  Avenue,  Hyde  Park 

The  editor  of  the  Thh'tieth  Anniversary 
yearbook  is  pleased  to  announce  that  the 
response  to  the  questionnaires  has  been 
gratifying.  We  shall  distribute  the  books, 
if  all  goes  well,  at  the  Memorial  Com- 
munion Breakfast  in  May. 

We  regret  to  announce  the  death  of 
our  classmate,  ED  TALBOT,  who  died 
while  in  government  service  in  Yoko- 
hama, Japan,  Nov.  14,  1956. 

RT.  REV.  WALTER  J.  LEACH,  pastor 
of  St.  Ann's  Church,  Wollaston,  cele- 
brated the  twenty-fifth  anniversary  of 
his  ordination  with  an  evening  Mass  at 
which  Archbishop  Cushing  presided. 

now  a  full  Commander  in  the  Naval 
Reserve  and  attached  to  the  Naval  Air 
Station,  Weymouth. 

EDWARD  G.  RICHARDSON,  realtor, 
is  now  with  the  firm  of  Edward  Swartz, 
Newbury  St.  and  will  specialize  in  in- 
vestments  and   residential   properties. 



been  appointed  a  member  of  the  Ameri- 
can Chemistry  Society's  committee  on 
Chemical  Education. 

Forty  of  the  brethren  appeared  at  the 
Christmas  week  dinner  held  at  Alumni 
Hall  on  Dec.  27.  All  enjoyed  the  reunion 
and  the  program,  especially  the  color 
film,  "Towers  on  the  Heights." 

Your  prayers  are  requested  for  the 
repose  of  the  souls  of  the  aunt  of  REV. 
JOHN  E.  CONNORS  and  the  mother  of 

JOE  McKENNEY,  chairman  of  the 
Stadium  Fund,  is  also  very  busy  prepar- 
ing for  our  annual  Memorial  Mass.  WE 

At  the  Christmas  dinner  FR.  JOSEPH 
LYONS  gave  a  heart-warming  talk  on 
the  labors  of  the  parish  priest  and  the 
deep  satisfaction  he  gets  therefrom. 

DR.  JOHN  FOLEY  is  a  colleague  of 
DR.  JOHN  CARROLL  at  the  Massa- 
chusetts Hospital  School.  The  work  done 
in  this  institution  is  truly  inspiring. 

REV.  J.  JOSEPH  RYAN  is  in  Italy 
for  research  in  mediaeval  studies. 

At  the  Varsity  Club  dinner  of  Jan.  6 
DEY  were  much  in  the  spotlight  as  they 
presented  a  well  received  program. 

HOWARD  BUCKLEY  was  recently 
chosen  Treasurer  of  the  Brockton  Agri- 
cultural Society  which  annually  conducts 
the  famous  Brockton  Fair. 

ERNIE  COLLYER  is  a  teacher  at  the 
Divine  Word  Seminary,  Girard,  Pennsyl- 

JIM  DOUGHERTY  is  now  practising 

ED  DUMAS  is  principal  of  the  Lynn 
Cobbet  Junior  High  School. 

BILL  FITZGERALD  is  at  present  in 
Formosa  attached  to  the  Mutual  Security 
Mission  to  China. 

PAUL  GILLIN  is  with  the  Federal 
Reserve  Bank  of  New  York.  His  brother, 
BILL  GILLIN,  is  Personnel  Development 
Advisor  to  the  City  of  Philadelphia. 

TOM  HANEY  has  been  with  the  A&P 
Tea  Co.  for  over  twenty-five  years. 

PHIL  LARKIN  is  General  Manager  of 
the  Chrysler  Airtemp  Distributors  of 
New  Jersey. 

JOE  O'BRIEN  is  Vice-president  of  the 
Air  Transport  Association,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

BOB  O'DONNELL  is  Sales  Manager 
of  the  Weil-Built  Shoe  Co.,  Milford. 

FRANK  REGAN  runs  the  Regan 
Motor  Company,  a  Ford  agency,  in 

DAVE  SULLIVAN  is  the  able  Town 
Moderator  for  the  Town  of  Webster. 

BOB  SULLIVAN  is  Head  of  the 
Chemistry  Department  at  Lawrence  High 

Please  keep  in  mind  the  Family  Memo- 
rial Communion  Breakfast,  May  26,  and 
also  the  big  June  round-up  to  mark  the 
30th  anniversary  of  our  graduation. 

Class   of    1927 

83   contributing    $1,935.00 
Francis  X.  Sullivan,  Class  Agent 

Joseph  T.  Aleckna  John  J.  Donahue 

Rev.  John  E.  Bowen  John  0.  Donovan 

J.  Walter  Bowler  John  C.  Drummond 

Charles  J.  Bridey  Rev.  James  E.  Dunford 

Joseph  A.  Bruton  John  A.  Eaton 

Howard  J.  Buckley  Rev.  John  F.  Feeney 

John  J.  Buckley  Dr.  William  A.  FitzGerald 

Francis  A.  Burns  John  E,  Folan,  Jr. 

Rev.  George  H.  Callahan  John  J.  Foley,  M.  D. 

John  J.  Carroll,  M.  D.  Thomas  P.  Gallagher 

John  R.  Cicchetti,  M.  D.  Frederic  L.  Gannon 

James  J.  Cole  Thomas  N.  Good 

Edward  F.  Condon  J.  Frederick  Harkins 

Rev.  John  E.  Connor  Charles  A.  Hayden 

James  B.  Connors  Thomas  C.  Heffernan 

Francis  J.  Costigan  John  J.  Hickey 

Francis  R.  Doherty  John  T.  Higgins 


Class  Agent,  1942  Class  Agent,  1942 

Finished  10th  in  dollars  given  Finished  10th  in  dollars  given 


The  Alumni 

Rev.  William  R.  Hodgkinson 

Frank  H.  Hurley 

Joseph  E.  Ingoldsby 

Harold  W.  Jenkins 

Col.  J.  Leo  Keefe,  U.  S.  A. 

Thomas  C.  Keefe 

Brendan  A.  Kelly 

John  M.  Kerrigan,  M.  D. 

T.  Philip  Larkin 

Rt.  Rev.  Walter  J.  Leach 

Joseph  D.  Linehan 

Rev.  Joseph  W.  Lyons 

Timothy  F.  P.  Lyons,  M.  D. 

Philip  J.  McArdle 

Rev.  Joseph  P.  McCall 

Frederick  A.  IVlcDermott 

Joseph  McKenney 

William  T.  McKillop 

Chap.  (Cdr.)  Arthur  F. 

McQuaid,  U.  S.  N. 
Rev.  William  J.  Maguire 
William  H.  Marnell 
Rev.  William  S.  Mullen 
William  F.  Murphy 
Eugene  J.  Nicgorski,  M.  D. 

Chaplain  James  F.  rJormile 
Joseph  L.  O'Brien 
John  F.  O'Connell 
Vincent  F.  O'Connell 
Paul  E.  O'Donnell 
Raymond  T.  O'Donnell 
William  H.  Ohrenberger 
Rev.  William  V.  O'Neill 
Rev.  Thomas  J.  O'Rourke 
Rev.  Henry  B.  Pender 
Flavel  D.  Ray 
Rev.  J.  Joseph  Ryan 
Paul  E.  Seymour 
David  J.  Sullivan 
Francis  X.  Sullivan 
Hon.  Jeremiah  J.  Sullivan 
John  E.  Sullivan 
John  E.  Sullivan 
Rev.  Joseph  W.  Sullivan 
William  J.  Sweeney 
John  F.  Toomey 
Walter  J.  Waldron 
George  J.  Ward 
Rev.  John  B.  Welch 
Robert  F.  Welch,  M.  D. 

'98      LLOYD  L.  DOYLE 
-^O      46   Hecla  Street,  Dorchester 

REV.  JOHN  KENNEY  accompanied 
Director  of  the  Holy  Name  Society,  at 
New  York's  St.  Patrick's  Day  fete,  on 
the  reviewing  stand.  DOCTOR  PAUL 
HENCHEY  of  Salem,  member  of  the 
American  College  of  Surgeons,  was  guest 
speaker  at  St.  Raphael's  Holy  Name  So- 
ciety on  Sunday,  Dec.  13. 

The  Taunton  Gazette  gave  a  big  spread 
to  our  illustrious  tycoon,  WALLACE 
E.  CARROLL  who  is  the  president  and 
owner  of  American  Gage  and  Machine 
Co.,  Chicago,  Illinois.  He  is  now  in  Wash- 
ington working  with  the  U.S.  Dept.  of 
Commerce.  (See  fall  issue  of  the  Alumni 

The  class  was  deeply  saddened  at  the 
death  of  JOHN  "Lefty"  SHEA  who  died 
early  in  December.  Expressions  of  sym- 
pathy were  sent  to  his  wife  and  family. 
Also  to  FATHER  JOHN  KELLEY  on 
the  death  of  his  mother.  May  their  souls 
rest  in  peace. 

Your  president  is  now  hopping  around 
with  a  brace  on  the  left  leg.  Coming  along 
pretty  good.  It  has  been  a  long  seige. 
Thank  you  again  for  your  kind  expres- 
sions for  my  speedy  recovery. 

Plans  for  our  29th  reunion  will  be 
drawn  up  later  this   year. 

Congratulations  to  BILL  DACEY  on 
his  promotion  to  assistant  to  the  presi- 
dent of  National  Securities  &  Research 
Corporation.  Bill  was  associated  for  many 
years  with  Hornblower  &  Weeks  in  their 
Boston  and  Detroit  offices  until  1951 
when  he  joined  the  investment  manage- 
ment firm  of  Preston,  Moss  &  Co.,  Bos- 
ton. He  makes  his  home  at  61  Paulding 
Avenue,  Tarrytown,  N.Y. 

A  good  representation  of  the  class 
attended  the  Laetare  Sunday  Communion 
Breakfast.  This  Alumni  Communion 
gathering  supplements  our  regular  class 
communion  breakfast.  Don't  hold  back 
on  the  Stadium  Fund  Drive.  Of  course 
later  on  in  the  fall  you  will  be  looking 
for  tickets.  The  seating  capacity  is 
limited  so  get  it  up.  The  non-graduates 
seem  to  be  stealing  the  ball.  Let's  go  '28. 

Class  of   1928 

93    contributing    $1,803.00 
Charles    P.    Driscoll,   Class   Agent 

George  R.  Allen,  M.  D. 
John  B.  Andosca,  M.  D. 
John  T.  Bagley 
Henry  J.  Ballem 
John  M.  Barry 
Edward  C.  Becherer 
Urville  J.  Beaumont 
John  L.  Burke 
John  C.  Cahill 
Rev.  John  D.  Callahan 
F.  Peter  Carey 
Howard  B.  Carroll 
Wallace  E.  Carroll 
Richard  J.  Condon 
Edward  J.  Conley 
Rev.  James  L.  Conlon 
Raymond  J.  Connolly 
John  J.  Considine 

George  P.  Corcoran 
Rev.  Joseph  B.  Corkery 
Timothy  J.  Cronin 
John  F.  Doherty 
Robert  J.  Donovan 
Maurice  J.  J.  Downey 
Joseph  B.  Doyle,  M.  D. 
Lloyd  L.  Doyle 
Charles  P.  Driscoll 
Daniel  M.  Driscoll 
James  V.  Duffy 
Rev.  Michael  J.  Durant 
Joseph  F.  Fitzgerald 
Warren  J.  Fitzgerald 
James  A.  Garrity 
Michael  J.  Gilarde 
Rev.  Jerome  P.  Gill 
John  E.  Halligan,  Jr. 

Thomas  J.  O'Brien 
Cornelius  G.  O'Donnell 
Alan  F.  O'Farrell 
John  E.  O'Loughlin 
Rev.  Christopher  C.  O'Neill 
William  E.  O'Toole 
Francis  W.  Phelan 
Eugene  J.  Plociennik 
Harold  L.  Qualters 
Kenneth  G.  Richards 
Anthony  A.  Russo 
John  T.  Ryder 
Salvatore  Scelso,  M.  D. 
Rev.  Theodore  J.  Seckel 
Rev.  F.  Gerard  Shea 
Rev.  Francis  S.  Shea 
Arthur  P.  Shinney,  M.  D. 
Edmund  P.  Silk 
Norman  A.  Steele 
Herbert  G.  Stokinger 
Andrew  J.  Sullivan 
Rev.  William  D.  Thomson 
Francis  J.  Tierney 
Patrick  A.  Tompkins 
A.  Roy  Tribble 
Rev.  Bernard  H.  Unsworth 
William  F.  Walsh 
Edward  J.  Watson 

William  A.  Harrington 

Paul  R.  Hinchey,  M.D. 

John  A.  Kelley 

Charles  P.  Kelly 

Rev.  John  J.  Kelly 

Francis  M.  Kennedy 

Edward  A.  Kenney 

Rev.  John  E.  Kenney 

Frederick  E.  L'Ecuyer 

Charles  J.  Leonard 

Joseph  K.  Lynch,  D.  M.  D. 

Joseph  F.  McCarthy 

Paul  J.  McCarty 

A.  Emmett  McCrann 

John  R.  McGillivray 

Rev.  Joseph  E.  McGoldrick 

Joseph  G.  McKenna 

Malcolm  McLoud 

Hon.  Frederick  V.  McMenimen 

John  J.  Mantle 

John  F.  Martin 

Fred  A.  Moncewicz 

Edmund  E.  Morante 

John  J.  Moriarty 

Arthur  I.  Morrisey 

William  G.  Mullen 

Rev.  Charles  B.  Murphy 

Rev.  John  J.  Nagle 

William  F.  Nolan 

^J       158  Milton  St.,  Milton 

JIM  ALPHEN  and  ED  LEE  ran  a  fine 
winter  meeting  at  Alumni  Hall  on  Feb- 
ruary 7.  Present  were  BARR  DOLAN, 
TOM  CONROY  (manager  of  the  famous 
Bachrach  portraits),  CHICK  GLENNON, 
GEORGE  DONALDSON.  Those  present 
pledged  to  support  the  Stadium  Fund 
generously  and  ask  all  who  possibly  can 
to  do  so  too.  Messages  were  received  from 
many  who  could  not  come.  Many  thanks 
for  taking  trouble  to  reply  and  for  your 
good  wishes.  Some  replies  brought  sad 
news.  Please  remember  in  your  prayers 
DONALD  J.  CARTY  who  have  died.  Pray 
too  for  GEORGE  TURCO  and  HOWARD 
ROONEY  that  they  may  soon  be  well 
again.  We  are  happy  to  hear  that  HANK 
O'DAY  is  back  on  the  job  with  U.  S.  Of- 
fice of  Health,  Education  and  Welfare. 
Father  Ed  Walsh,  S.J.,  B.  C.  Admissions 
Director  showed  us  the  excellent  B.  C. 
film  "Towers  on  the  Heights". 

Laetare  Sunday  at  the  Heights  was 
given  a  '29  touch  by  Frank  Cadigan  who 
with  his  son,  John,  '54,  U.S.C.G.  served 
Father  Maxwell's  Mass,  and  by  a  good 
number  of  '29  men  in  the  congregation. 

At  the  excellent  breakfast  program, 
Father  Gardiner  of  AMERICA  told  us 
how  to  have  a  real  "open"  mind  not  an 
empty  one  through  good  reading,  and 
Father  Maxwell  gave  an  inspiring  pic- 
ture of  B.  C.'s  plans  for  the  immediate 
future.  In  addition  to  '29ers  listed  above 
were  present  JACK  TWOMBLY,  JACK 
SPENCER  and  Jackie,  HUGH  McNUL- 
TY,  Boston  Latin  honor  student  Hughie, 
BOND,  FRANK  VOSS  and  many  others 
attended  local  B.  C.  Club  breakfasts. 

KEWPIE  KILROY  proudly  announces 
his  first  son  John  (not  Jr.)  who  will 
play  in  the  B.  C.  Stadium  in  1975.  1957 
is  represented  by  JACK  TWOMBLY,  Jr. 
(Navy  bound);  VIN  SULLIVAN,  Jr. 
(med  school  bound),  and  GENE  HAYES, 
School  of  Ed.    BILL  MILLER's  daughter 

Mary  is  Dean's  List  School  of  Ed  while 
BILL  EDMOND's  Peter  is  a  Freshman 
Pre-Med.  How  many  more  '29  sons  and 
daughters  are  here  ?  Please  let  us  know. 

BILL  EDMONDS  is  Chairman  of  His- 
tory at  Cambridge  Latin  where  ED  O'- 
BRIEN is  in  the  English  Department. 
Each  has  four  children.  Bill — four  sons, 
Peter,  Bill,  Carl  and  Stephen.  Ed— four 
girls,  Kathleen,  Framingham  Teachers, 
Ellen  in  Nursing  Training  at  St.  Eliza- 
beth's, Pat  and  Mary  Liz  at  Holy  Cross 
Academy  with  ED  WESSLING's  girls. 
CHARLIE  BOWSER,  N.  E.  Rep.  for 
Union  Labor  Life  Insurance  also  has  a 
daughter  Cathy  at  St.  E's  Nursing  School 
and  Maryellen  at  Boston  Teachers. 

Guess  JOE  DOLAN  is  still  pushing- 
through  the  St.  Lawrence  Seaway  with 
is  admitting  officer  for  Long  Island  Hos- 
pital. Henry  Leen  is  president  of  the 
Clover  Club;  BILL  PELTIER,  Personnel 
mgr.,  Mass.  Public  Welfare  is  General 
Counsel  for  American  Federation  of 
State,  County  and  Municipal  Employees 
and  the  Allen  "A"  resort  at  Wolfeboro, 
N.H.  (Adv.)  Bill,  Jr.,  eldest  of  four  is  a 
senior  at  Brookline  High.  JOHN  MAHO- 
NEY is  sitting  as  Master  in  drive  to  clear 
the  Mass.  Superior  Court's  backlog  of 
auto  accident  cases.  FATHER  JOHN 
FRAWLEY,  still  administering  the  great 
Cathedral  parish;  GEORGE  LORD  AN, 
Barrister,  Catholic  Truth  speaker  and 
president  (ret.),  Cambridge  Bar  Associa- 
tion, moved  his  busy  office  to  17  Dunster 
St.,  Cambridge.  Melissa  at  Bryn  Mawr 
and  George,  Jr.  at  Brown  &  Nichols. 
FATHER  FRED  HOBBS  doing  a  fine 
job  at  St.  Mary's,  Brookline,  as  usual. 
FATHER  JOE  REGAN  doing  the  same 
at  St. Francis  Xavier,  South  Weymouth. 
at  Baker  High  School,  Lackawanna,  N.Y. 
Pomfret,  Conn.  BILL  McCANN  still 
travels   all   U.S.  for  Benziger  Brothers. 

Please  do  whatever  you  can  for  the 
Stadium  Fund  —  great  or  small.  It  is 
our  big  project  for  this  year.  The  eyes 
of  Boston  are  upon  us.  Our  own  commu- 
nity standing  is  at  stake.  It  must  be  over- 
subscribed. Help  Father  Maxwell  with 
what  he  called  at  the  Communion  Break- 
fast "Maxie's  Nightmare". 
Class  of  1929 

77  contributing  51,879.00 
John   D.   Martin,   Class  Agent 

James  H.  Alphen 
Joseph  F.  Birmingham 
Dermot  F.  Bowen,  M.D. 
Kenneth  A.  Brown,  M.D. 
Robert  F.  Buck 
Joseph  C.  Byrnes 
Francis  C.  Cadigan 
Edward  D.  Cahill 
P.  Gerard  Cahill 
J.  Lloyd  Carnegie 
Harry  R.  Chisholm 
Rev.  Mark  J.  Coakley 
Edward  J.  Connaughton 
Mark  J.  Crehan 
Rev.  John  T.  Cunningham 
James  A.  Dean 
Rev.  Francis  J.  Dinan 
A.  Barr  Dolan 
Peter  F.  Dolan 
John  J.  Donahue 
Leo  C.  Donahue 
George  P.  Donaldson 
Lawrence  B.  Fennell 
William  F.  Flynn,  M.D. 
Francis  X.  Foley,  M.D. 
Rev.  John  L.  Frawley 
Rev.  Charles  F.  Glennon 
Herbert  D.  Gordon 
David  H.  Gorman 
Edward  H.  Groark 
William  A.  Hafferty,  M.D. 
Francis  G.  Haggerty 
Rev.  Francis  J.  Harkins 
Eugene  J.  Hayes 
Dr.  James  A.  Hennessey 
Henry  R.  Keenan 
John  M.  Kilroy 
William  J.  Lafay 
John  J.  Landrigan 

Edward  U.  Lee 
Henry  M.  Leen 
Charles  J.  McCann 
William  J.  McCann,  Jr. 
Allan  J.  McCarthy,  M.D. 
Eugene  G.  McCarthy 
Rev.  Francis  J.  McDonnell 
Very  Rev.  Francis  F.  McElroy 
Edward  J.  McGann 
Hubert  A.  McGu'rl,  D.D.S. 
Eugene  L.  McLaughlin 
Rev.  James  F.  McNamara 
Donald  B.  MacDonald 
Theodore  R.  MacDonald 
John  J.  Mahoney 
Rev.  Joseph  P.  Mahoney 
John  T.  Manning 
John  D.  Martin 
William  T.  Miller,  Jr. 
Arthur  M.  Morrissey,  M.D. 
John  F.  Mungovan 
Richard  F.  Murphy 
Edward  B.  Murray 
Francis  E.  O'Brien 
Dr.  Thomas  L.  O'Connell 
E.  Francis  0'Day  ^ 

Francis  P.  O'Hara 
John  H.  0'Hare 
J.  Francis  Parrell 
Rev.  Bernard  T.  Rattigan 
James  J.  Regan,  Jr. 
Rev.  Joseph  G.  Regan 
James  J.  Riley 
Vincent  P.  Roberts,  Jr. 
Anthony  R.  Russo,  M.D. 
PhMip  P.  Stuart 
Albert  L.  Taylor 
Gerard  A.  Trepanier 


The  Alumni 




GOWAN,  Director  of  the  National  Catho- 
lic Welfare  Conference  addressed  the 
New  England  Hospital  Assembly  at  the 
Hotel  Statler,  Boston  on  March  25. 

The  New  Haven  chapter  of  the  Bellar- 
mine  Mothers  Guild  of  Fairfield  Univer- 
sity and  Prep  School  attended  a  Day  of 
Recollection  at  the  University  in  January. 
REV.  JOSEPH  W.  MURPHY,  S.J.,  assist- 
ant professor  of  History  and  Theology 
at  Fairfield  University  was  the  retreat 

The  sympathy  of  all  his  classmates  is 
extended  to  PAUL  A.  MAHONY  whose 
mother  Anna  L.  Mahony  died  on  March 
6.  The  Requiem  High  Mass  offered  by 
Rt.  Rev.  Msgr.  James  H.  Doyle,  '22  at 
St.  Ignatius  Church  on  March  9  was  at- 
tended by  a  representative  group  of 
classmates.  Very  Rev.  Joseph  R.  N.  Max- 
well, S.J.,  and  Rev.  Francis  V.  Sullivan, 
S.J.,  were  in  the  sanctuary. 

Friends  and  classmates  of  JUDGE 
JOHN  J.  CONNELLY  attended  opening 
ceremonies  for  the  new  chambers  of  the 
Boston  Juvenile  Court  in  Pemberton 
Square  Courthouse   on   March   21. 

SULLIVAN  enjoyed  their  annual  south- 
ern golf  junket.  JOE  WHITEHEAD  is 
a  busy  appraiser  for  the  Federal  Housing- 
Administration.  REV.  EUGENE  BURNS, 
S.J.,  is  stationed  in  Beyrouth,  Lebanon 
at  the  College  of  Notre  Dame  de  Jam- 

JOHN  W.  HAVERTY  attended  the 
Tynack,  New  Jersey  Washington's  Birth- 
day Festival.  The  class  was  well  repre- 
sented at  the  annual  Laetare  Sunday 
Communion   Breakfast   at   the  Heights. 

Our  annual  reunion  dance  will  be  held 
at  Alumni  Hall  on  Friday,  May  17  at 
8:30  P.M.  Get  on  board  for  a  good  time! 

Our  class  is  making  a  fair  showing  in 
the  Stadium  Fund  Drive.  Any  contribu- 
tion will  be  helpful.  Let's  make  it  100 
per  cent  for  1930. 

Class  of  1930 

85  contributing  $1,799.00 
John  W.   Haverty,    Class   Agent 

Francis  X.  Bradley  Edward  A.  Hogan,  Jr. 

Chaplain  Thomas  J.  Burke,  William  J.  Howard 

U.S.N.  John  E.  Hurley 

James  F.  Carolan,  M.D.  John  J.  Keefe 

Norman  A.  Castle  Rev.  Daniel  J.  Kelleher 

Peter  F.  B.  Charlton,  Assoc.  Edmund  L.  Kelleher 

John  R.  Coleman  Thomas  L.  Kelly 

Hon.  John  J.  Connelly  Daniel  M.  Killoran,  M.D. 

Rev.  John  M.  Connolly  Thomas  W.  Lawless 

Simon  Connor  Walter  J,  Liberty 

Rev.  John  P.  Cosgrove  Arthur  E.  Lohan 

John  V.  Cunney,  M.D.  Rev.  M.  Ultan  McCabe 

James  A.  Devine,  M.D.  Rev.  Paul  J.  McCann 

Rev.  John  J.  Donlan  C.  Albert  McCarthy 

Lawrence  V.  Donovan  Rev.  John  J.  McDevitt 

John  F.  Dwyer  James  M.  McGann 

Joseph  W.  Fallon  Rev.  James  J.  McGoohan 

Albert  N.  Farnham  Rt.  Rev.  Donald  A.  McGowan 

John  P.  Farricy,  Jr.  Hon.  John  W.  Mclntyre 

John  T.  Fitzgerald  Francis  J.  McNulty 

Rev.  George  P.  Gallivan  John  F.  McSweeney 

Rev.  Edward  S.  Galvin  Nicholas  A.  Maffeo 

John  B.  Gillooly  Charles  J.  Mahoney 

Walter  J.  Glynn  Francis  A.  Mahoney,  M.D. 

Rev.  Joseph  F.  Gough  Paul  A.  Mahony 

John  J.  Grandfield  Robert  F.  Martin 

William  R.  Green,  M.D.  William  J.  Mulcahy 

John  F.  Groden  Francis  C.  Murphy 

Charles  A.  Harrington  Rev.  James  B.  Murphy 

Rev.  Edward  E.  Harrington  Edward  J.  O'Neill 

Rev.  Leo  S.  Harrison  James  F.  O'Neill 

John  W.  Haverty  Thomas  G.  Perkins 

Charles  J.  Higgins  Rev.  Herbert  A.  Phinney 

Francis  H.  Higgins,  M.D.  Edward  J.  Powers 

J.  Redmond  P.  Hoban  Rev.  William  I.  Proctor 

E.   P.   DEVENEY 

Granite   Manufacturers 

Granite    -    Marble    -    Bronze    Monuments 

664    Gallivan    Blvd.,    Dorchester 

GEN.  6-3857 

EDWARD    P.   DEVENEY   —   Class   1931 

Joseph   F.   Feeney,    31,   noiu  manager  of  Ray- 
theon   Mfg.   Company's  Equipment  Marketing 
Division's  order  service  department. 

Rev.  Joseph  L.  Reilly 
John  F.  Ridge 
John  F.  Roche 
David  D.  Ronan 
Charles  E.  Rooney,  M.D. 
Very  Rev.  John  J.  Ryan 
George  F.  Sawyer 
Rev.  Daniel  F.  Sullivan 

Garrett  L.  Sullivan,  M.D. 
William  J.  Sullivan,  M.D. 
William  A.  Syran 
Rev.  Daniel  J.  Taglino 
Frank  B.  Tallino 
William  E.  Trainor,  Jr. 
Joseph  E.  Welch 
Joseph  S.  Whitehead,  Jr. 

J^-l         JOHN  P.   BARRY 
j\_       370  Chestnut  Hill  Ave., 

The  next  order  of  business  in  line  with 
the  continuous  program  of  the  Class  of 
'31  is  the  Communion  Breakfast  for  our 
families.  This  year  it  will  be  held  on 
May  19  at  St.  Sebastian's  —  both  the 
Mass  and  the  breakfast  through  the  gen- 
erosity of  our  good  MONSIGNOR 
FLANIGAN.  It  is  regretted  that  this 
year  the  Bishop  of  Worcester  cannot  be 
with  us. 

In  the  last  issue  of  the  News  we 
omitted  mention  of  the  death  of  AR- 
THUR   REARDON'S   mother.    RIP. 

TED  CASS  has  had  an  interesting  as- 
signment recently;  he  was  among  those 
summoned  to  New  Jersey  to  process  the 
Hungarian  refugees.  His  work  involved 
the  security  check. 

LARRY  HEALEY,  we  understand,  is 
now  squiring  it  in  Weston. 

JOE  FEENEY  who  has  been  with 
Raytheon  for  the  past  14  years  is  now 
Manager  of  the  order  service  department 
of  the  Equipment  Marketing  Division. 

Governor  Furcolo's  new  chairman  of 
the  State  Housing  Board  is  none  other 
than  ex-'31  JOHN  E.  MALONEY  of 

Remember  those  striking  hats  we  wore 
at  Alumni  Day  last  year?  They  were 
the  result  of  the  activity  of  one  of  the 
outstanding  members  of  the  class — FR. 
EDMUND  K.  CHENEY,  S.J.  Fr.  Ed  has 
been  located  at  Above  Rocks,  Jamaica 
for  about  ten  years.  He  took  over  a 
small  parish  of  St.  Mary's  and  has  made 
it  a  religious,  educational,  social,  cul- 
tural and  crafts  center  for  much  of  the 
island.  He  has  built  schools,  craft  indus- 
tries, and  athletic  and  social  facilities 
there  practically  single-handed.  His 
work  has  been  featured  in  "Spotlight", 
a  news  magazine  of  the  Caribbean  area, 
and  was  well  enough  known  to  cause 
Princess  Margaret  to  spend  some  time 
with  him  on  her  tour  of  the  British  West 

See  you  in  Church! 



Preparatory  School 
For  Boys 


Conducted  by  Priests  of  the  Archdiocese  of 

Offers   Six   Year   Course   Satisfying 
College  Entrance  Requirements 

Grade  VII  to  XII 

Terms.  Dining  Hall  Charges  Included, 
$500  a  Year 

For  Information  write: — 


St.  Sebastian's  Country  Day  School 

HOOD  ST.,  NEWTON  BIgelow  4-1456 




Days  —  Evenings 

Sessions  begin  September, 
January  and  June 

J.  HARRY  LYNCH,  '40 

245  Marlboro  Street 
Boston  16,  Massachusetts  CO  7-4530 


The  A  In  in  11  i 

Class  of  1931 

178  contributing  $15,828.00 
Thomas  W.  Crosby,   Class  Agent 

John  J.  Kearney 

James  A.  Keefe 

Joseph  J.  Kelleher 

Charles  C.  Kelley 

Gerald  M.  Kelley 

Christopher  J.  Kirk,  Jr. 

John  A.  Kobos 

Frederick  C.  LaBrecque,  M.D. 

Edward  V.  Lahey 

Paul  LaJoie 

Gerald  F.  Lambert 

Eugene  F.  Lawlor 

Arthur  F.  Leddy 

Henry  M.  Leen 

John  K.  Lennon 

Rev.  William  J.  Linehan 

James  E.  IVicCabe 

Rev.  Charles  A.  McCarthy 

Charles  C.  McCarthy 

Christopher  J.  McCarthy 

Thomas  J.  McCook 

Thomas  F.  McCready 

Joseph  H.  McDonald 

Rev.  William  J.  McLean 

Joseph  E.  McNealy 

Donald  E.  MacDonald 

Thomas  A.  Maguire 

John  E.  Maloney 

Vincent  C.  Manzi 

Very  Rev.  George  0.  Mason 

Francis  L.  Maynard 

Thomas  F.  Meagher 

Rev.  Francis  X.  Meehan 

Albert  J.  Morelli 

John  C.  Mullaney 

Joseph  P.  Mullen 

Capt.  Charles  S.  Mullin,  Jr. 

(MO  U.S.N. 
John  J.  Murphy 
John  J.  Murray 

Charles  P.  Nolan 

Rev.  Arthur  I.  Norton 
John  A.  O'Brien 

Rev.  Daniel  J.  O'Connell 

George  L.  O'Connell 

Lt.  Col.  Herbert  J.  O'Connor, 

Rev.  Edward  T.  O'Connell 

Thomas  J.  O'Loughlin 

Salvatore  P.  Palmieri,  M.D. 

Rev.  Ernest  P.  Pearsall 

George  J.  Philpott 

John  F.  Powers 

John  P.  Rattigan,  M.D. 

Arthur  J.  Reardon 

John  E.  Reinhardt 

John  Romanello 

Francis  A.  Romeo 

George  J.  Rowlinson 

Adolph  F.  Rullis 

Michael  J.  Rutledge 

John  T.  Ryan 

Richard  F.  Ryan 

Laurence  F.  Sanford 

Ciiarles  A.  Saya 

Joseph  J.  Schuler 

Rev.  Robert  W.  Shea 

W.  Harry  Sheehe 

John  W.  L.  Shork 

Eugene  F.  Smith,  M.D. 

John  J.  Sullivan 

Joseph  T.  Sull'van 

Robert  D.  Sullivan 

Rev.  Timothy  F.  Sullivan 

Mario  E.  Tarallo 

Charles  H.  Taylor 

John  F.  Temple 

Francis  S.  Tribble 

Edwin  F.  Trueman 

Lt.  Col.  Bernard  F.  Trum, 

William  H.  Wallace 

Rev.  William  W.  Wallace 

John  M.  Walsh 

William  L.  Walsh 

Bartholomew  M.  Welch 

Francis  J.  West,  M.D. 

Joseph  H.  Whelan 

Rev.  Maurice  A.  Whelton 

Most  Rev.  John  J.  Wright, 

Edward  A.  Aaron 
Frank  J.  Abate,  M.D. 
Leo  F.  Amrhein,  M.D. 
Anders  T.  Anderson 
Chester  J.  Antos,  M.D. 
James  T.  Barrett,  Jr. 
John  F.  Barrett 
John  P.  Barry 
William  J.  Bennett 
Frank  I.  Bertsch 
Lt.  Col.  Philippe  P.  Boas, 

Joseph  J.  Bradley,  M.D. 
Charles  T.  Brooks 
Austin  J.  Brosnan 
Henry  P.  Burke 
Joseph  S.  Burke 
John  Butler 
Edwin  F.  Butters,  Jr. 
Paul  F.  Callaghan 
Joseph  F.  Callahan 
Edmund  L.  Carey 
William  M.  Carey 
William  M.  Carr,  M.D. 
John  J.  Casey 
John  W.  Casey 
Theodore  R.  Cass 
Peter  F.  B.  Charlton,  Assoc. 
John  E.  Chisholm 
Charles  I.  Clough 
Elmer  J.  Cochrane 
J.  Ralph  Cochrane 
William  R.  Coleman 
George  W.  Condon 
Edward  F.  Connelly 
Ernest  C.  Conti 
Arthur  J.  Conway 
David  F.  Conway,  M.D. 
Thomas  W.  Crosby 
John  P.  Curran 
Michael  J.  Curran 
Rev.  Joseph  D.  Daley 
Rev.  James  S.  Dalton 

Kenneth  V.  Dalton,  M.D. 
Thomas  E.  Daly,  M.D. 

W.  Ewald  Dawson,  M.D. 

Rev.  Bernard  C.  DeCoste 

Edward  P.  Deveney,  Jr. 

William  J.  Devlin,  M.D. 

Joseph  B.  Doherty 

William  G.  Doherty,  Assoc. 

James  B.  Dolan 

Thomas  G.  Dolan 

Dr.  George  J.  Donahue 

Rev.  W'lliam  J.  Donlon 

Joseph  F.  X.  Donovan 

Jerome  Doyle 

Patrick  J.  Droney 

Bernard  C.  Dullea 

Paul  J.  Eaton 

Wilfred  J.  English 

George  F.  Evans 

James  F.  Feeney 

Joseph  F.  Feeney 

Charles  J.  Finn 

William  P.  Finnegan,  M.D. 

John  A.  Finnerty 

Albert  J.  Fitzgerald 

Richard  H.  Fitzpatrick 

Rev.  Edward  B.  Flaherty 

Very  Rev.  Charles  R.  Flanigan 

John  F.  Flavin 

Thomas  J.  E.  Foley 

John  C.  Gill 

Julien  C.  Gingras 

Rev.  Edward  M.  Godfrey 

Paul  A.  Golden 

Richard  J.  Gorman,  M.D. 

John  J.  Greene 

Rev.  Thomas  F.  Griffin 

John  W.  Gross 

Solomon  G.  Hajjar,  M.D. 

John  M.  Harkins 

Rev.  Peter  F.  Hart 

Charles  V.  Hayes 

Lawrence  G.  Healey 

John  F.  Healy,  M.D. 

William  R.  Helfrich,  M.D. 

Rev.  Emile  0.  Hemond 

Kevin  P.  Hern 

Thomas  J.  D.  Home 

Francis  X.  Johnson 

'^O       J0HN  p-  CONNOR 

J^       24  Crestwood  Circle,  Norwood 

kept  the  wheel  of  our  25th  turning  in 
high  speed  and  is  looking  forward  to  a 
strong  finish  between  now  and  June. 
JOHN  COLLINS,  genial  superintendent 
of  schools  in  Wilmington  is  chairman  of 
Alumni  Day — which  assures  a  memorable 
and  successful  reunion.  We  know  you 
have  the  date  underlined  but  just  to  re- 
mind you  again  —  Friday,  June  7:  the 
day's  celebration  beginning  with  Mass 
for    deceased     alumni     at     St.     Ignatius 


James  I'.  Byrne,  "32.  recently  appointed  man- 
ager of  Logan  International  Airport. 

Church  at  11:30  A.M.;  luncheon,  12:30 
P.M.,  at  Alumni  Hall;  anniversary  class 
pictures,  2:30;  Parade  of  the  Classes 
2:45;  baseball  game,  B.C.  vs.  H.C.,  3:00 
Social  Hour,  Lyons  Hall,  5:00  to  6:00 
sit-down  dinner,  6:00;  business  meeting 
7:00,  and  to  wind  up  a  great  day — Open 
House,  Alumni  Hall  at  8:00.  See  you 

MONSIGNOR  JIM  COTTER  is  general 
treasurer  and  he  will  be  happy  to  re- 
ceive your  anniversary  gift  at  the  Chan- 
cery Office,  Lake  Street,  Brighton.  His 
report  as  of  the  week  of  April  8  is  as 
follows.  57  members  contributing  directly 
to  Monsignor — $4,416.00;  additional  con- 
tributors to  the  Stadium  Fund,  15 — for 
the  sum  of  $1,015.00:  total  contributors 
from  the  class,  72  for  $5,431.00. 

The  Corporate  Communion  of  the 
Alumni  found  the  following  members  of 
the  Class  of  '32  in  attendance:  PRESI- 

On  Sunday,  May  12  the  class  will  ob- 
serve its  5th  major  activity — the  Family 
Communion  Day.  Ceremonies  will  begin 
with  Mass  at  9  A.M.  at  the  Heights, 
FATHER  VIN  MACKEY  celebrant. 
Breakfast  will  follow  at  Lyons  Hall.  This 
should  be  a  proud  occasion  and  the  honors 
will,  of  course,  go  to  DR.BILL  EGAN 
who  has  broken  the  tie — his  12  offspring 
have  been  appended  by  7  Hungarians. 

JAMES  F.  BYRNE,  West  Roxbury,  has 
been  named  acting  manager  of  Logan  In- 
ternational Airport.  A  licensed  pilot,  he 
is  a  veteran  of  World  War  II.  He  served 
as  a  major  in  the  Army  Corps  of  Engin- 
eers. JIM  HAYDEN  is  now  director  of 
Pupil's  Personnel  Services  of  the  New 
Bedford  Public  Schools.  Jim  received  his 
Ed.D.  from  B.U.  last  summer  and  also 
was  promoted  to  lt.  colonel  in  the  USAF. 

JOE  MERRICK  is  Purchasing  Agent 
at  Otis  Air  Field  Base,  Falmouth.  DR. 
GEORGE  MORRIS,  father  of  6  children, 
recently  presented  clinical  evidence  that 
one  of  the  potential  reasons  for  rash  on 
the  feet  consists  of  hitherto  overlooked 
chemicals  which  are  employed  in  the  tan- 
ning of  the  hides  from  which  shoes'  are 

reports  on  his  cruise  to  the  Near  East — 
"home  never  seemed  sweeter". 

Fellows  keep  those  contributions  rol- 
ling —  make  them  large  or  small  —  our 
help  is  really  needed. 

of   1932 

uting  51,445.00 
T.  Cotter,  Class  Agent 
Joseph  T.  Hernon 
Daniel  J.  Kelleher,  Jr. 
Joseph  S.  Kelley 
R.  Gerald  Kelley 
Arthur  C.  King 
Thaddeus  T.  Kosciolek 
Joseph  P.  Lynch,  M.D. 
Rt.  Rev.  Daniel  T.  McColgan 
Charles  F.  McLaughlin 
Capt.  Francis  P.  McNerney 
M.  Paul  McSweeney 
Rev.  Vincent  J.  Mackey 
Daniel  A.  Maguire 
Frederick  A.  Meier 
Rev.  Joseph  P.  Monahan 
John  J.  Moran 
Francis  C.  Moynihan 
Joseph  E.  Murphy 
William  S.  Nerone,  M.D. 
Ralph  T.  Noonan 
Christopher  J.  Nugent 
Dr.  Richard  S.  T.  Nugent 
Arthur  J.  O'Brien 
Rev.  John  M.  O'Brien 
Philip  E.  O'Brien 
Guido  A.  Palumbo 
John  G.  Patten 
Rev.  Vincent  J.  Piscitelli 
Rev.  Paul  V.  Rattigan 
Edward  P.  Reardon 
Joseph  F.  Rogers 
Rev.  Daniel  F.  Shalloo 
Nathan  E.  S:lbert,  M.D. 
Paul  F.  Stacey 
Henry  F.  Sullivan,  M.D. 
William  D.  Tribble 
Dr.  Edward  F.  Yurkanis 


75  contrib 
Very  Rev.   James 
Felix  F.  Albano 
Rev.  Eugene  J.  Bailot 
Robert  E.  Barry 
Joseph  J.  P.  Boyle 
John  D.  Brooks 
George  V.  Burke 
Dr.  Charles  P.  Callery 
Rev.  William  C.  Carroll 
Rev.  Jeremiah  J.  Collins 
John  J.  Collins 
Peter  L.  Contardo 
Rev.  Robert  M.  Costello 
Joseph  A.  Costrino,  M.D. 
Daniel  J.  Cotter 
Very  Rev.  James  T.  Cotter 
Very  Rev.  John  F.  Cuffe 
Francis  H.  Curtin 
Christopher  J.  Cutler 
Bernard  E.  Dee 
Edward  A.  Densmore 
Philip  H.  Diehl 
Frank  A.  DiPesa 
Rev.  James  P.  Donohue 
James  C.  Donovan 
Henry  J.  Downes 
Edward  C.  Driscoll 
Gordon  F.  Dunn 
William  J.  Egan,  M.D. 
John  W.  Evans 
Thomas  M.  Feeney,  M.D. 
Rev.  Francis  W.  Finnegan 
Arthur  L.  FitzGerald,  M.D. 
Rev.  William  J.  Fitzgerald 
Rev.  William  J.  Flanagan 
C.  Glynn  Fraser 
Edward  M.  Gallagher,  Jr. 
James  J.  Heggie 
Edward  J.  Herlihy 


_  215  Corey  St.,  West  Roxbury 

Now  is  the  time  for  all  good  men  to 
come  to  the  aid  of  oiir  class.  Alumni  Day 
1957  will  kick  off  a  year  of  intensive 
preparation  for  our  Twenty-Fifth.  So 
rally  'round,  one  and  all,  to  the  support 
of  the  silver  anniversary  program  soon 
to  be  announced.  With  your  personal,  in- 
dividual help  it  will  go  over  the  top; 
without  your  help  it  cannot  be  a  complete 

After  an  extended  tour  of  the  hot 
spots  of  Latin  America,  Alaska  and 
Puerto  Rico,  John  Desmond  is  now  assist- 
ant special  agent  in  charge  of  the 
Seattle  office  of  the  F.  B.  I.  No  wonder 
this  column  hasn't  been  able  to  print 
formal  acknowledgment  of  his  daughter, 
Mary  Clare,  now  18  months  old. 

Another  footloose  traveler,  MONSIG- 
NOR PETER  TUOHY  recently  graced 
the  rostrum  of  St.  Theresa's  Holy  Name 
Society,  West  Roxbury,  where  he  drew 
upon  a  vast  fund  of  knowledge  of  the 
problems  of  the  Near  East  amassed  in 
the  course  of  his  devoted  service  as 
president  of  the  Pontifical  Mission  for 
Palestine  Refugees  and  national  secre- 
tary of  the  Catholic  Near  East  Welfare 

Congratulations  are  also  verv  much  in 
order  for  VERY  REV.  FRANK  DES- 
MOND upon  his  appointment  as  rector 
of  the  Cardinal  O'Connell  Minor  Semi- 
nary in  Jamaica  Plain. 

Another  satellite  of  the  communion 
breakfast  circuit  is  DENNY  RYAN  of 
the  East  Norfolk  District  COURT 
RYANS  who  spoke  recently  before  the 
Holy  Name  Society  of  the  Star  of  the 
Sea  Church.  Denny  also  scintillates  as 
Secretary    of   the    Norfolk    County    Bar 

Another  of  the  '33  RYANS,  JOHN  D. 
of  Chelsea  has  recently  re-opened  his 
law  office  in  his  native  city.  A  recent 
president  of  the  Chelsea  Teachers'  Club 
and  Schoolmen's  Association,  John  now 
lives  in  Everett  with  his  wife,  three 
daughters  and  a  son. 

Chelsea  boasts  another  man  of  distinc- 
tion in  the  person  of  FRANK  TYRRELL 



■  Alitmni       -Jo 

whose  twenty-five  years  of  efficient  serv- 
ice have  been  crowned  with  his  appoint- 
ment as  assistant  clerk  of  the  Superior 
Court  for  civil  business  in  Suffolk  County. 
Frank,  incidentally,  is  a  grandfather. 
Any  others  in  '33  ?  Our  sympathy  is  ex- 
tended to  WALTER  McDONALD  on  the 
recent  death  of  his  mother.  May  she  rest 
in  peace. 

Among  the  most  energetic  and  effica- 
cious workers  in  the  Stadium  Fund  drive 
is  our  own  JOHNNY  MACKIN.  John  is 
one  of  the  chairmen  of  the  lawyer's  divi- 
sion and  wishes  his  co-chairman  would 
get  off  his  duff. 

Class  of  1933 

96  contributing  52,718.50 
J.   Raymond  Callen,   Class   Agent 
Rev.  C.  Albert  Abracinskas        Robert  J.  Jordan 
Arthur  L.  Ballou  Leo  B.  Keegan 

William  F.  Baker  Eugene  W.  Kenney 

Francis  P.  Battles  Bernard  J.  Kiernan 

Laurent  A.  Bouchard,  D.  M.D.  Walter  E.  Kiley 

Joseph  G.  Brennan 
John  H.  Broughman 
Bernard  F.  Browne 
Edward  J.  Burns 
Lawrence  J.  Cadigan 
John  F.  Cahill 
J.  Raymond  Callen 
Edward  G.  Carey,  M.D. 
John  B.  Carr 
David  T.  Casey,  M.D. 
Frederick  A.  Cassidy 
William  V.  Connelly 
James  M.  Connolly 
Matthew  T.  Connolly 
Christopher  C.  Conway,  M.D. 
John  A.  Conway 
Thomas  W.  Cook 
John  J.  Costello 
John  F.  Cotter 
James  H.  Crowley,  Jr. 
Rev.  James  J.  Cullinan 
Cornelius  M.  Dalton 
Rev.  John  F.  Daunis 
Francis  J.  DeFreitas 
John  F.  Desmond 
Rev.  John  M.  Donelin 
Charles  K.  Donohoe 
Gerard  B.  Doyle 
Rev.  Thomas  A.  Dwyer 
Rev.  Albert  G.  Fairbanks 
Peter  G.  Fallon 
Christopher  J.  Fay 
Henry  C.  Fitzgerald 
James  J.  Foley 
Roland  F.  Gatturna 
Joseph  H.  Gibbons 

Francis  J.  Lang 
Thomas  J.  Lyons 
Frederick  C.  McCabe 
Thomas  F.  McCarthy,  M.D. 
Eugene  J.  McDonald,  M.D. 
James  L.  McGovern,  D.M.D. 
Andrew  J.  McGlynn 
Philip  J.  McWiff 
John  J.  Mackin 
John  F.  Mahoney,  Jr. 
Salvatore  J.  Messina,  M.D. 
Thomas  J.  Molloy 
John  B.  Moran 
John  F.  Moynahan 
William  H.  Mulherin 
Francis  X.  Mulligan 
William  J.  Murdock 
John  A.  Weeds 
Edwin  R.  Nolan 
IMorbert  C.  Nyhan 
Charles  W.  O'Brien 
Francis  J.  O'Brien 
John  Re  d  O'Brien 
Robert  J.  Perchard 
Luke  A.  Petrocelli 
James  R.  Powers 
Charles  L.  Quinn 
John  S.  Quinn,  Jr. 
William  J.  Reagan 
Rev.  Thomas  P.  Ridge 
Mario  J.  Romano 
Dennis  F.  Ryan 
William  A.  Ryan 
Rev.  Joseph  F.  Shields 
Charles  A.  Sullivan 
John  F.  Sullivan,  M.D. 
Neil  J.  Sullivan 

Robert  E.  Grandfield,  M.D 

Rt.  Rev.  Christopher  P.  Griffin  Timothy  M.  Sullivan 

Terence  M.  Griffin  William  J.  Sullivan 

John  P.  Hanrahan  Rt.  Rev.  Peter  P.  Tuohy 

Joseph  F.  Henry  Francis  X.  Walsh,  M.D. 

Rev.  Edmund  M.  Higgins  Ralph  F.  Ward 

Thomas  J.  Jones,  D.D.S.  John  W.  Warren 

'^4      DANIEL  I.  CRONIN 
•J*       54  Arborway,  Jamaica  Plain 

Congratulations  to  FATHER  JOHN 
J.  TIERNEY  who  has  been  appointed  by 
Archbishop  Cushing  to  the  position  of 
Director  of  the  Catholic  Charitable  Bu- 
reau in  the  North  Shore.  Father  Tier- 
ney  had  been  assigned  to  St.  Peter's 
parish  in  Cambridge  for  ten  years  prior 
to  this  promotion  and  succeeds  FATHER 
CHARLES  DEWEY  who  has  moved 
from  the  North  Shore  Catholic  Charities 
to  Assistant  Director  of  Catholic  Char- 
ities in  Boston. 

JIM  "SOAPY"  WATERS,  editor  of 
the  Springfield  diocesan  paper  (The 
Catholic  Observer),  carries  a  busy  speak- 
ing assignment  in  the  Springfield  area. 
Jim,  who  now  resides  in  West  Spring- 
field, is  married  to  the  former  Evelyn 
Kelly  of  Watertown  and  is  the  father  of 
six  children. 

AL  BOWMAN  was  recently  promoted 
by  the  Carling  Brewing  Company  at  its 
Natick  plant.  He  is  married  and  the 
father  of  four  children  and  resides  in 

BILL  JOYCE  was  recently  married  to 
Helen  Dorothy  Whalen  of  West  Roxbury, 
a  Boston  University  graduate.  Bill  is  on 
the  faculty  of  Rindge  Tech  in  Cambridge 
and  is  a  past  president  of  the  Cambridge 
Teachers  Club. 

PAUL  BOYLAN  is  now  head  of  the 
Science  Department  at  Roxbury  Me- 
morial High  School.  Paul  lives  in  New- 
ton, has  five  children,  and  is  married 
to  the  former  Eleanor  Daly  of  New  York 

cently discharged  from  the  Navy  which 
he  had  re-entered  in  1950.  Father  Dan 
has  been  assigned  as  curate  of  Sacred 
Heart  Parish,  Haverhill. 

The  sympathy  of  the  class  is  extended 
to  JOHN  CONNORS  on  the  death  of  his 

Class  of   1934 

118  contributing  $2,693.00 
Charles  J.  Artesani,  Class  Agent 

John  G.  Ahearn 

Rev.  Charles  E.  Anadore 

Charles  J.  Artesani 

Thomas  F.  Balfrey 

John  M.  Barry,  M.D. 

John  V.  Bonner 

Charles  G.  Boyce 

Paul  J.  Boylan 

James  A.  Brennan 

Rev.  Thomas  F.  Brosnan 

Francis  X.  Burns 

Rev.  John  A.  Cantwell 

Gilbert  D.  Carney,  D.D.S. 

William  F.  Carr 

Nazzareno  P.  Cedrone 

Owen  L.  Clark 

Rev.  John  J.  Cogavin 

John  F.  Conlin,  M.D. 

David  R.  Corey,  M.D. 

Walter  M.  Costello 

Herbert  L.  Crimlisk 

Daniel  L.  Cronin 

Gerald  E.  Cummings,  M.D. 

Timothy  L.  Curran,  M.D. 

John  W.  Dacey,  Jr. 

Rev.  Russell  H.  Davis 

James  J.  Deary,  Jr. 

Rev.  Charles  F.  Dewey 

Ralph  DiMattia 

William  F.  Dinn 

Francis  A.  Doherty 

Rev.  Martin  J.  Dolphin 

John  Donnelly 

Timothy  H.  Donohue 

Rev.  Charles  F.  Downey 

Walter  H.  Dray 

James  F.  Dunn 

James  J.  Earls 

Alphonse  B.  Ezmunt 

Francis  J.  Farrenkopf 

James  G.  Fay 

PhiMp  I.  Feinberg 

Edward  F.  Fitzgerald,  M.D. 

Nicholas  J.  Fiumara,  M.D. 

James  E.  Flavin 

Rev.  John  J.  Fogarty 

Patrick  B.  Ford 

Robert  M.  Gavin 

Robert  J.  Glennon 

Edward  A.  Gough 

John  F.  Hannon 

Stephen  J.  Hansbury 

Leo  A.  Hogan 

Neal  J.  Holland 

John  J.  Hurley 

Roy  J.  Jensen 

Maurice  F.  Joyce 

William  J.  Joyce 

Stanley  J.  Jundzil 

Edmund  J.  Kelly,  Jr. 

Walter  A.  Kelly 

Herbert  A.  Kenny 

P.  Joseph  Killelea,  Jr. 

James  J.  Kilroy 

Anthony  J.  LaCamera 

Leo  S.  Leveille 

Anthony  M.  Lewis 

Clarence  E.  Long 

John  A.  Long 

John  F.  P.  McCarthy 

James  E.  McCluskey 

Will;am  H.  McDonald 

John  J.  fvlcGillicuddy,  M.D. 

Arthur  J.  McLaughlin 

George  F.  McLaughlin 

John  E.  McManus 

John  A.  Mahoney 

Charles  V.  Manganelli,  M.D. 

Theodore  N.  Marier 

George  W.  Miles 

George  F.  Miller,  M.D. 

Robert  W.  Miller 

Thomas  M.  Mulligan,  M.D. 

Rev.  George  E.  Murphy 

Raphael  J.  Murphy 

William  J.  Murphy 

Louis  F.  Musco 

James  J.  Noonan 

Rev.  William  J.  Noonan 

Laurence  A.  O'Brien 

Jeremiah  W.  O'Connor 

Lenahan  O'Connell 

William  J.  Parks 

Guarino  Pasquantonio 

William  J.  Quinn,  Jr. 

William  C.  Ray 

Raymond  H.  Roberts 

Charles  E.  Roland 

Rev.  Leo  K.  Ryan 

Rev.  John  A.  Saunders 

Roger  T.  Shea 

Rev.  John  J.  Sheehan 

Dr.  John  T.  Sheehan 

Gerald  J.  Slamin 

George  W.  Stuart 

Rev.  Daniel  G.  Sullivan 

Francis  X.  Sullivan,  M.D. 

Thomas  R.  Sullivan 

Arthur  E.  Taddeo,  M.D. 

Rev.  John  J.  Tierney 

Robert  P.  Toland 

Daniel  M.  Twomey 

Rev.  John  F.  Wallace 

Thomas  W.  Ward 

Edmund  L.  Whelan,  M.D. 

John  W.  Whelan 

Rev.  George  J.  Williams 

John  P.  Woods 

'^^      EDWARD  J.   O'BRIEN 
*->->      64  Cedar  Street,  Wollaston 

Congratulations  to  DAN  HOLLAND 
whose  zeal  and  organizational  proficien- 
cy as  Chairman  resulted  in  another  most 
successful  Laetare  Sunday  Communion 
Breakfast.  Even  the  weather  did  a  com- 
plete flip  flop  and  cooperated  beautifully. 

The  Class  is  proud  to  have  one  of  its 
members  President  of  the  Alumni  Asso- 
ciation during  this  era  of  the  large 
doings.  JOHN  GRIFFIN  will  be  grate- 
ful for  any  and  all  aid  and  assistance 
you  can  render  in  the  current  Stadium 
Fund  Drive. 

JACK  MURPHY  is  in  the  insurance 
business  in  Sacramento,  California.  DAN 
HOLLAND,  who  recently  visited  him, 
reports  that  Jack  is  a  member  of  a  suc- 
cessful agency,  has  a  fine  family  and  is 
very  active  in  his  borough's  civic  affairs. 

JOHN  SHEEDY,  owner  of  Radioear 
of  Hartford,  whose  home  and  business 
were  damaged  so  extensively  in  last 
year's  flood,  has  opened  his  hearing  aid 

salesroom  at  106A  State. Street  in  Hart- 

GEORGE  FLAVIN  is  the  moving  force 
in  the  recently  reorganized  Boston  Col- 
lege Club  of  Quincy-Weymouth-Brain- 

CYRIL  O'BRIEN  is  the  new  general 
organizer-business  agent  for  the  Tech- 
nical Engineers  and  Draftsmen's  Union 
in  New  England. 

Twin  brother  CLEM,  Past  D.  D.  of  the 
K   of   C   is   with   the   F     B.   I.    (Q.E.D.) 

JOHN  I.  VAUGHAN  has  been  pro- 
moted to  the  post  of  credit  manager  for 
S.  C.  Johnson  &  Son,  Inc.,  makers  of 
Johnson's  wax. 

Class  of   1935 

105  contributing  $6,412.00 
Albert  J.   Morris,   Class   Agent 
Francis  R.  Liddell 

Chaplain  (Capt.)  Robert  B. 

Adams,  U.S.A. F. 
Edward  H.  Barry,  D.M.D. 
Raymond  L.  Belliveau 
Milton  C.  Borenstein 
Rev.  Clarence  R.  Boucher 
John  A.  Burke 
Edward  M.  Cardillo,  M.D. 
Leo  S.  Chane 
Michael  F.  Collins 
James  E.  Connolly,  D.D.S. 
Francis  J.  Crimmings,  M.D 
Joseph  F.  Curran 
Robert  P.  Curran 
Chaplain  (Major)  Albert  L. 

Cutress,  U.S.A.F. 
John  C.  Daly,  Jr. 
Eli  J.  Darveau,  D.M.D. 
Dominic  J.  DeStefano,  Jr. 
Eugene  F.  Donaldson 
Paul  V.  Donohoe 
Robert  A.  Donovan 
Thomas  F.  Dowling 
Rev.  John  J.  Downey 
Rev.  Walter  J.  Doyle 
William  M.  Duffy 
Rev.  Paul  G.  Dugan 
Paul  E.  Dwyer 
Charles  M.  Featherstone 
William  J.  Fitzsimons 
George  V.  Flavin 
Edwin  L.  Forbes 
William  J.  Gallagher 
John  R.  Gately,  M.D. 
Horace  M.  Gerson 
Santo  A.  Giampapa 
William  H.  Giblin 
Francis  J.  Good 
William  J.  Grace,  M.D. 
Charles  L.  Greeley 
William  J.  Greenler,  Jr. 
John  J.  Griffin 
Rev.  James  P.  Hart 
John  J.  Healy 
James  J.  Hinchey 
John  R.  Hogan 
Daniel  G.  Holland 
John  B.  Honahan 
Robert  J.  Huddy 
Paul  D.  Hurley,  M.D. 
John.E.  Joyce 
Mamert  J.  Karbott 
William  A.  Kean 
William  J.  Landrey 

'^£      JOSEPH  P.  KEATING 
*J\J      24  High  Street,  Natick 

Congratulations  to  TOM  MAHONEY 
who  was  elected  president  of  the  Amer- 
ican Catholic  Historical  Association  for 

JOE  FITZGERALD  is  now  connected 
with  American  Distillers  working  out  of 
Westfield.  The  Fitzgeralds  had  a  fourth 
son  and  seventh  child  in  November. 

JIM  BRUEN  is  now  with  Internal 
Revenue  working  out  of  Worcester.  He 
has  four  children. 

The  class  meeting  in  February  was 
well  attended  and  all  members  will  be 
hearing  about  a  social  function  to  be 
held  late  in  the  spring. 

Class  of  1936 

98  contributing  $2,431.00 
George  F.  Mahoney,  Class  Agent 

Rev.  John  J.  McCarthy 
Peter  A.  McCauley 
John  F.  McCurdy 
James  F.  McDonough,  M.D. 
Timothy  V.  McDonough 
John  M.  Mclver,  M.D. 
John  J.  McNulty,  M.D. 
Francis  X.  Maguire 
Richard  C.  Maloney,  D.D.S. 
Robert  N.  Mead 
Louis  J.  Melanson 
John  B.  Miele 
Edwin  T.  Mitchell 
Albert  J.  Morris 
James  J.  Mullen 
Francis  J.  Murphy 
C.  Henry  Murphy,  M.D. 
William  C.  Nash,  M.D. 
John  V.  Nicholson,  D.D.S. 
Richard  J.  Norton 
Clement  A.  O'Brien 
Edward  J.  O'Brien 
Thomas  F.  O'Brien 
Robert  B.  O'Connor,  M.D. 
Gerald  T.  0'Hara 
Henry  W.  Ohrenberger,  M.D. 
Rev.  Edward  J.  0'Keefe 
Francis  X.  0'Loughlin 
John  F.  O'Neill 
Daniel  J.  Pendergast 
Raymond  J.  Perry 
James  M.  Peters,  M.D. 
John  J.  Power 
Francis  W.  Quigley 
Joseph  G.  Riley,  M.D. 
Albert  J.  Rooney 
Joseph  C.  Ryan 
Thomas  I.  Ryan 
John  D.  Sacco,  D.M.D. 
Gerard  M.  Shea 
John  P.  Sheedy 
Henry  L.  Sheehan 
James  P.  Sheehan 
Anthony  J.  Stasfum 
Dr.  James  B.  Sullivan 
Walter  F.  Sullivan 
Rev.  John  L.  Taglino 
Hubert  W.  Ward 
Francis  A.  Welch 
Russell  A.  Welch 
Rev.  J.  David  Welsh 
Robert  J.  Wynne 

Charles  J.  Abizaid 
Henry  G.  Beauregard 
John  L.  Black 
Paul  M.  Bresnahan 
Neil  P.  Bulman 
J.  Albert  Burgoyne 
Gerard  F.  Burke 
John  A.  Burke,  M.D. 
Robert  F.  Cahill 
Very  Rev.  John  P.  Carroll 
Joseph  T.  Clougherty 

William  J.  Collins 
William  P.  Colpoys,  M.D. 
Robert  V.  Condon,  M.D. 
Drury  I.  Connor 
George  J.  Coogan 
Randyl  P.  Cournoyer 
Joseph  E.  Dacey 
Mark  J.  Dalton 
Francis  V.  Daly 
Rev.  Louis  J.  Delahoyde 
John  F.  DiNapoli 



The  Alumni 

Dennis  L.  Dooley 
Sidney  Dunn 
Vincent  R.  Esposito 
John  J.  Fiumaro 
Rev.  Ambrose  B.  Flynn  ■ 
Anthony  P.  Flynn 
Albert  R.  Fulchino 
Edward  A.  Furbush 
Victor  H.  Galvani 
Henry  J.  Gartland 
Paul  F.  Gaughan 
James  V.  Gibbons 
George  M.  C.  Goodwin 
Brenton  S.  Gordon 
Edward  J.  Gorman 
John  F.  Haggerty 
Stephen  E.  Hart 
Joseph  M.  Harvey 
Rev.  John  D.  Hausman 
A.  Francis  Hilbrunner 
Raymond  P.  Hogan 
Frederic  M.  Howard,  M.D. 
Christopher  A.  Iannella 
William  E.  Izzo 
William  V.  Jeselonis 
Frank  J.  Jordan,  M.D. 
Thomas  A.  Keane 
Rev.  John  A.  Keeley 
Bernard  F.  Kelley 
Edward  J.  Kelly,  M.D. 
Edward  F.  Kickham,  M.D. 
Joseph  H.  Killion 
Thomas  H.  Killion 
John  E.  Lally,  M.D. 
Rev.  Walter  W.  Lavin 
Joseph  F.  Lawless,  Jr. 
Paul  C.  Leonard,  M.D. 
Francis  W.  McCarthy 
Patrick  A.  McCarthy 

John  J.  McLaughlin 
James  J.  Macklin,  M.D. 
Rev.  John  J.  Maguire 
George  F.  Mahoney 
John  J.  Mahoney,  Jr. 
Rev.  James  J.  Manning 
Denis  F.  Mehigan 
William  H.  Merigan 
Charles  P.  Miller 
Cdr.  Frederick  T.  Moore,  Jr., 

Richard  E.  Mulcahy,  M.D. 
Thomas  H.  Murray,  M.D. 
Rev.  Thomas  A.  Navien 
Edward  A.  Ochs 
Frederick  P.  O'Connell 
Robert  J.  O'Havre 
James  E.  O'Hearn 
James  J.  O'Leary,  Jr., 
Thomas  P.  O'Neill,  Jr. 
Cornelius  W.  Owens 
Paul  V.  Power 
R.  William  Provenzano, 
Timothy  F.  Ready 
Charles  J.  Richardson 
Rt.  Rev.  Lawrence  J.  Riley, 

John  J.  Riordan 
Frederick  W.  Roche 
John  F.  Roche,  Jr. 
William  H.  Ryan 
Brendon  Shea 
Lawrence  I.  Smith 
Donel  R.  Sullivan,  M.D. 
Paul  T.  Sullivan 
Rev.  George  V.  Sweeney 
Philip  A.  Tracy 
Robert  F.  Welch 
Rev.  John  D.  Zuromskis 

.  M.D. 

.  M.D. 

•)-)n      ALBERT  J.  SULLIVAN 
J  I       6  Powder  House  Terrace,  Med- 

FATHER  JOHN  McCABE,  Maryknoll 
missioner,has  just  finished  a  few  months' 
leave  at  home  Calacala  parish  high  in  the 
Bolivian  Andes.  Father  McCabe  went 
there  in  '42,  newly  ordained.  His  tale  of 
his  "moto"  (a  125-pound,  second-hand, 
German  motorcycle:  cost  $185)  hints  hu- 
morously at  the  rigors  of  the  last  15 
years.  Samples:  "The  rains  made  it  un- 
comfortable on  the  "moto",  and  the  win- 
ter mountain  air,  at  daybreak  stings  the 
eyes  until  I  can  hardly  see  the  road  .  .  . 
It  was  no  strange  sight  to  see  the  padre, 
rolling  along  the  road  on  the  "moto", 
with  saddle  bags  strapped  on,  and  the 
Mass  kit  inside.  Hanging  on  the  handle- 
bars, a  brief  case  or  a  catechetical  chart. 
On  the  rumble-seat  the  sacristan  as  we 
both  went  out  to  teach  catechism." 

BEN  HINES  (P.R.:  New  Haven  R.R.), 
bless  his  heart,  has  appointed  himself 
chief  leg-man  for  this  scrivener.  His 
latest  batch  of  data:  Dear  Al:  Here  are 
a  few  items  from  the  man  on  the  street. 
A  goodly  number  of  '37s  attended  the 
B.C.  Stadium  Fund  Kick-off  dinner,  in- 

Forensic  honors  came  to  '37  through 
the  public  appearance  in  January  of  TIL 
FERDENZI,  a  top  Hearst  sports  writer 
with  the  New  York  Journal  American. 
The  Ashland  native  came  home  to  ad- 
dress the  B.C.  Varsity  Club  at  the  Bos- 
ton Statler  and  had  a  firm  message  for 
the  800  dinner  guests  and  the  Eagle  grid 
squad.  Yer  agent  publicized  this  fete  for 
the  fourth  time. 

WILLIAM  B.  TRAINOR,  well  known 
in  Waltham  where  he  had  worked  since 
graduation,  with  time  out  for  WW  II 
service,  died  February  5  after  an  illness 
which  took  its  toll  over  the  past  two 
years.  Bill  is  survived  by  his  widow,  Ann 
C.  (Mullen)  Trainor,  a  brother  and  two 
sisters.  The  Class  of  '37  sent  Mass  cards. 
ALBERT  M.  FOLKARD,  a  professor  of 
English  at  B.C.  was  guest  speaker  at  St. 
Patrick's  Holy  Name  Society,  according 
to  the  Natick  Herald.  The  well  known 
lecturer  discussed  problems  in  the  Middle 

Class  president  ED  PHILLIPS  has 
moved,  but,  Al,  I  would  imagine  he  has 
kept  you  abreast  of  that,  as  well  as  his 
committee  plans  for  our  20th  anniversary 
come  June. 

PETE  VERACKA  interrupts  his  New 
Haven  R.R.  Industrial  Relations  worka- 
day to  tell  us  he  appreciates  the  recent 
plug  about  his  "family  of  three  children." 
But  he  has  only  two. 

Whereas,  JOE  BARRY  (lawyer) ;  NL- 
RB  certainly  has  four.  The  fourth:  Joan, 
born  in  March,  and  balancing  the  score 
again  to  2  boys,  2  girls. 

CHARLIE  FALLON,  our  baseball  cap- 
tain and  later  a  catcher  in  the  New  York 
Yankee  chain,  is  doing  well  as  a  contrac- 
tor and  builder  in  Quincy  and  the  South 

Keep   the   game   going 

Ben  Hines 
Class  of  1937 

100  contributing  $1,507.00 
William  F.  Huxley,  J.  Laurence  Phalan,  Class  Agents 

Clement  C.  Archer  Benedict  T.  Hines 

John  G.  Barrett  Gerald  F.  Hogan,  M.D. 

Rev.  Henry  F.  Barry  William  F.  Huxley 

Joseph  C.  Barry  Rev.  John  P.  Keilty 

John  J.  Black  Arthur  N.  Kelly,  M.D. 

John  J.  Bonner  Richard  M.  Kelly 

James  A.  Bragan,  M.D.  Vincent  C.  Keough 

Robert  J.  Brennan,  M.D.  Joseph  F.  Kern 

George  V.  Bryson  James  V.  Lavin 

William  A.  Carey,  M.D.  Seymour  B.  Levin 

Frederick  P.  Carmody  John  W.  Lingos,  M.D. 

Carl  J.  Caroselli  Rev.  John  J.  Linnehan 

Kenneth  J.  Carter  John  F.  Loughlin,  M.D. 

Edward  J.  Cavan  Francis  H.  McCabe 

Arthur  Ciampa  John  V.  McCarthy 

Arthur  C.  Conley  Thomas  L.  McDermott 

William  F.  Costello  George  A.  McDonough 

Paul  J.  Coughlin,  M.D.  James  H.  Mclnerney 

Leo  J.  Coveney  John  C.  McManama,  M.D. 

John  D.  Crimmings  Rev.  Paul  J.  McManus 

George  E.  Curtin  Rev.  Thomas  W.  Moriarty 

Charles  P.  Daly  Charles  V.  Morrissey 

Thomas  F.  Davin,  D.M.D.  Paul  T.  Mulloy 

Angelo  A.  DiMattia  James  E.  Nolan 

James  D.  Doherty  John  J.  Norton 

William  A.  Doherty  Joseph  P.  O'Brien 

John  W.  Donahue  John  L.  0'Hara,  M.D. 

John  F.  Donelan  Rev.  Arthur  J.  O'Neill,  S.S.J. 

Thomas  F.  Dorsey  Paul  E.  Partridge 

John  J.  Driscoll  J.  Laurence  Phalan 

James  F.  Droney  John  H.  Pike 

James  T.  Dunn  Robert  D.  Provasoli 

Charles  G.  Fallon  Charles  J.  Quigley 

Francis  A.  Fiekers  Chaplain  (L.  Cdr.)  John  M. 
John  F.  Fitzgerald  Quirk,  U.S.N. 

Raymond  M.  Fitzpatrick  Joseph  M.  Richards 

Albert  C.  Flahive  Charles  M.  Roughan,  Jr. 

Joseph  F.  Fleming  Joseph  F.  Ruttle 

Sidney  B.  Fox  Rt.  Rev.  Robert  J.  Sennott 

Michael  J.  Frasca,  D.M.D.  Joseph  J.  Shapiro,  D.M.D. 

David  L.  Futransky  James  T.  Shaughnessy 

John  T.  Galvin  Albert  J.  Sullivan 

Thomas  E.  Gaquin  Michael  H.  Sullivan 

James  A.  Gildea  Timothy  F.  Sullivan 

Paul  N.  Giroux  Burchill  T.  Sweeney 

John  J.  Gleason  William  H.  Thomas 

Theodore  A.  Glynn,  Jr.  Albert  T.  Tortolini 

Joseph  L.  Gormley  Aldo  G.  Verde,  M.D. 

Rev.  George  B.  Gray  Thomas  H.  Wall 

Edward  J.  Hart  Joseph  A.  Walsh 
John  J.  HerMhy 

'^C  THOMAS  F.  TRUE,  JR. 
•^(J  37  Pomfret  St.,  West  Roxbury 
After  a  lapse  of  a  few  years  the  class 
of  1938  is  being-  reactivated.  At  a  Com- 
munion Breakfast,  arranged  on  very 
short  notice,  an  enthusiastic  representa- 
tion of  the  class  elected  a  new  slate  of 
officers  —  JIM  O'HARE,  president; 
FRANK  STAPLETON,  vice-president; 
BOB  CURTIS,  treasurer  and  TOM 
TRUE,  secretary.  Serving  on  the  ex- 
ecutive board  will  be  BOB  CALLAHAN, 
FRANK  HUNT,  JACK  (Cambridge) 
The  45  members  of  the  class  who  at- 
tended the  breakfast  were  —  TOM 

RY MULLIN  came  up  from  Fairfield 
University  to  be  our  speaker.  He  gave 
an  excellent  and  enlightening  talk  on 
"What  Do  You  Know  of  the  Missionary 
Vocation  of  the  Layman?"  JACK  MY- 
ERS who  served  as  altar  boy,  with 
Father  Rlullin  as  celebrant  at  the  Mass, 
is  district  sales  manager  for  Stromberg 
Carlson.  Jack  now  lives  in  Milton.  JIM 
CAHILL  informed  us  that  our  class  baby, 
Jim,  Jr.  is  now  serving  with  the  Army 
in  Germany.  JOHN  DROMEY  is  con- 
nected with  Harvard  College  in  a  fund 
raising  capacity.  John  lives  in  Belmont. 
Boston  newspapers  recently  showed  the 
smiling  countenance  of  FATHER 
GLYNN  when  he  was  appointed  Regional 
Public  Relations  Director  for  the  Bene- 
ficial Finance  System  of  Morristown, 
N.J.  Also  in  the  news  was  FATHER 
JOHN  McMANMON,  the  new  chaplain 
of  the  Boston  Fire  Department.  He  will 
have  the  rank  of  district  chief.  The 
"Sparky"  must  run  in  Father  John's 
blood — his  father  was  a  captain  in  the 
Lowell  Fire  Department.  BOB  CALLA- 
HAN has  resigned  as  Assistant  District 
Attorney  of  Middlesex  County  to  devote 
full  time  to  his  private  practice.  Bob 
maintains  his  law  offices  in  Medford 
Square.  On  Feb.  19  the  Hartford,  Conn., 
newspaper  carried  the  announcement  of 
DR.  FRED  LANDRIGAN'S  bethrothal 
to  Miss  Santina  Salvio.  Fred,  a  specialist 
in  opthamology  is  on  the  Staff  of  the 
Mass.  Memorial  Hospital,  St.  Elizabeth's 
Hospital,  Boston  City  Hospital,  and  the 
Faulkner  Hospital.  He  also  is  a  member 
of  the  faculty  of  the  B.U.  School  of 
Medicine.  LT.  COL.  PAUL  CUNNIFF, 
now  stationed  in  Alaska,  broke  his  arm 
skating  up  there  on  Christmas  Day.  '38 
was  prominent  at  '  the  Stadium  Fund 
Kick-Off  Dinner  when  JIM  O'HARE 
and  JOE  SHEEHAN  presented  the  rec- 
tor, Father.  Maxwell,  with  an  original 
drawing  of  himself  by  Bob  Coyne.  At  the 
same   dinner  we   also   spotted   FATHER 

john  Mclaughlin,  frank  cor- 
bett,  frank  stapleton,  dr.  tom 

GREENE,  who  had  an  emergency  call 
to  leave,  JOHN  MORRIS,  and  BOB 
CURTIS.  At  the  Shadowbrook  Appre- 
ciation Dinner,  MARTY  MAHONEY, 
representing  a  group  from  Weymouth, 
presented  Father  Coleran,  S.J.,  the  pro- 
vincial, with  a  check  for  $3,000. 

BOB  POWER  now  a  partner  in  the 
law  firm — Peabody,  Arnold,  Batchelder, 
and  Luther,  recently  announced  the  ar- 
rival of  his  third  bov,  Christopher. 

TOM  O'CONNOR,  Levittown,  N.Y.,  has 
been  appointed  assistant  director  of  The 
Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society's  pen- 
sion trust  division. 

COL.  BYRON  V.  LEARY,  formerly 
of  Everett,  made  headlines  when  he  was 
appointed  to  head  the  United  Nations 
truce  observers  in  Palestine  in  Novem- 
ber. The  distinguished  Marine  and  his 
wife  have  three  children. 

Here  are  a  few  lines  from  a  letter 
from  DR.  BILL  CLIFFORD  —  "It  has 
been  a  long  time  since  I  have  been  in 
Boston.  I  have   been  practicing  here   in 


T1W  AEggniEi 


Miami  for  about  six  years — my  special- 
ty being-  surgery.  At  the  present  time,  I 
have  a  20-room  Clinic  in  North  Miami 
and  two  associates.  As  well  as  five  chil- 
dren. Most  of  my  practice  is  confined  to 
St.  Francis  Hospital  on  Miami  Beach. 

"I  am  looking  forward  to  visiting  Bos- 
ton in  the  near  future,  and  perhaps,  we 
will  make  it  for  the  game,  which  I  un- 
derstand is  already  scheduled  between 
the  University  of  Miami  and  Boston  Col- 

"I  enjoy  receiving  my  copy  of  the  Bos- 
ton College  News,  and  hearing  the  news 
of  my  classmates,  most  of  whom  I  have 
not   seen   for  a   good  long   while." 

It's  letters  such  as  this  that  will  help 
to  pull  the  class  together  again.  With 
the  new  regime  we're  off  to  a  good  start, 
let's  keep  the  ball  rolling. 

Class  of  1938 

101  contributing  $2,118.00 
Robert  D.  Callahan,  Class  Agent 

Daniel  A.  Barry,  Jr. 
Paul  M.  Bartholomew 
William  B.  Bergen 
Charles  T.  Birmingham,  Jr. 
Hugo  P.  Blandori 
James   F.   Blute,  M.D. 
Joseph  D.  Breslin 
Arthur  F.  Buckley,    M.D. 
Charles  H.  Callahan 
Robert  D.  Callahan 
James  D.  Casey 
John  P.  Castelli 
William  J.  Clifford,    M.D. 
James  J.  Condon 
Albert  J.  Connelly 
John  P.  Connolly 
Francis  J.  Corbett 
Edward  S.  Corrigan 
Rev.  James  A.  Cosgrove 
Thomas  F.  Cosgrove 
Joseph  M.  Creed 
Paul  J.Cunniff 
Robert  E.  Curtis 
James  W.  Dailey 
Anthony  J.  DiNatale 
James  R.  Doherty 
Charles  A.  Donelan 
Eugene  H.  Dorr,  Jr. 
Leo  C.  Downs 
Franc:s  G.  Fallon 
L.  E.  Frederic  Fenaux 
William  D.  Finan 
John  F.  Finnerty 
James  A.  Fitzgerald,  M.D. 
Cdr.  Robert  J.  Fleming, 

Daniel  P.  Foley 
John  H.  Galway,  Jr. 
John  P.  Gately 
Richard  M.  Gill 
Thomas  F.  Greene,  M.D. 
John  F.  Guthrie 
Joseph  P.  Hartigan 
Francis  A.  Hunt 
Gerard  V.  Jones 
Albert  E.  Keleher,  Jr. 
John  L.  Kelly,  M.D. 
Paul  J.  Kelly 
Charles  D.  Kimball 
Lt.  Col.  uohn  H.  King, 

Alfred  B.  Knasas 

Frederick  L.  Landrigan,    M.D. 
Ralph  J.  Lu-se 
Harry  L.  Lynch 
William  A.  Lynch,  M.D. 
George  A.  McCormack,     M.D. 
Rev.  John  A.  McLaughlin 
Francis  J.  McMahon,  M.D. 
Rev.  John  J.  McMahon 
Rev.  John  J.  McManmon 
Thomas  J.  McNamara,    M.D. 
Francis  P.  Mackey 
Peter  A.  Maffeo,  M.D. 
William  F.  Mahoney 
Anthony  M.  Maiella,    M.D. 
John  F.  Mannix 
Capt.  Joseph  F.  Marshall, 

Wallace  P.  Marshall 
Gerard  N.  Michaud,  M.D. 
Daniel  J.  Moran 
John  B.  Morris 
Paul  V.  Mulkern 
Rev.  Robert  F.  Murray 
Robert  W.  O'Connell 
Arthur  T.  F.  O'Connor 
Thomas  E.  O'Connor 
James  M.  O'Hare 
Rev.  Mime  B.  Pitaro 
Robert  D.  Power 
William  B.  Prior 
Robert  M.  Roche 
Mario  J.  Roscio 
Edward  D.  Ryan,  M.D. 
Henry  S.  Ryan 
W.  Herbert  Scannell,  Jr. 
Paul  L.  Schultz 
Very  Rev.  Francis  J.  Sexton 
John  E.  Shaw,  M.D. 
Joseph  R.  Sheehan 
Paul  A.  Snell 
Francis  J.  Solari 
Eugene  P.  Soles 
Richard  H.  Stanton,  M.D. 
Francis  G.  Stapleton 
John  J.  Sullivan 
Rev.  Paul  H.  Sweeney 
Rev.  David  A.  Sylvester 
Edward  W.  Toomey 
Francis  L.  Toomey 
Thomas  F.  True,  Jr. 
Rev.  Frederick  M.  Walsh 
Anthony  P.  Williamson 

'^Q      THOMAS  F.  TURN  AN 

J s  450  Pelham  Road,  New  Rochelle 
If  interested  in  reasons  for  old  $ec- 
Trea$.  four  new  addresses  in  four  is- 
sues simply  so  signify  on  check  for  $2.50 
and  mail  to  latest  address  above.  The 
last  move  did  uncover  some  news.  The 
difference  between  the  -iatrists  and  the 
-ologists  has  ever  been  confusing.  Thir- 
ty-Nine has  at  least  one  of  each.  DR. 
DAN  CHANSKY  is  a  practicing  psychi- 
atrist in  New  York.  After  BC,  Tufts  and 
Harvard  that  is.  DR.  FRED  FABIAN  re- 
ceived his  Master's  at  the  Heights,  cov- 
ered the  Pacific  with  the  American  Di- 
vision, worked  at  various  V.A.  Hospital 
and  took  his  Ph.D.  at  BU.  He  is  now 
Psychologist  at  Northport,  L.  I.  V.  A. 
Hospital.  Add  to  cross-country  collegiate 
commuters  RALPH  BALDWIN.  After 
Fordham,  Catholic  U.,  College  of  New 
Rochelle  and  University  of  Toronto, 
Ralph  received  his  Ph.D.  from  Johns 
Hopkins  and  his  thesis  was  published  by 
the  U.  of  Uppsala,   Sweden.   He  is   now 

Consultant-Advanced    Management   with 
General  Electric,  Crotonville,  N.  Y. 

LEO  SWIERK  is  the  man  to  chart 
Thirty-Niners'  travels.  Former  Navy 
Commander  he  is  Sales  Mgr.  for  A.  J. 
Nystrom  Co.,  leading  publisher  and  man- 
ufacturer of  charts,  maps  and  visual 
aids  for  schools  and  colleges.  With  ref- 
erences to  the  Navy,  Education  and 
Ph.D.'s  we  can  really  move.  KENNETH 
DEVINE  is  teaching  in  the  Mamaro- 
neck,  N.Y.  High  School  system.  He  is 
married  to  the  former  Georgette  Tou- 
signant  of  Concord,  N.H.  and  has  a  boy 
and  two  girls.  PAUL  B.  FLYNN  has  be- 
taken himself  from  Ass't.  Principal  of 
Barre,  Mass.  H.  S.  to  the  English  De- 
partment at  Hingham  High.  He  is  living 
in  Rockland  where  he  is  active  in  the 
real  estate  field  as  well  as  a  Boston  Red 
Feather  Committee  Member. 

DR.  FRANK  STRACCIA  is  practising 
Neuro-psychiatry  at  350  Beacon  St., 
Boston.  He  is  married  and  the  father  of 
three  children. 

Continuing  at  the  Naval  Reserve  Of- 
ficers Training  School  in  Boston  are  Lt. 
LOY  and  PAUL  NEEDHAM,  Lts.  WIL- 
FRANK  -LOWRY,  and  Lt.  (jg)  ART 
FLEMING.  In  the  Ph.D.  division  we 
S.J.  preparing  for  his,  in  the  classics,  at 
Fordham.  Also  FR.  RICHARD  M. 
HEATH  who  left  the  Heights  after 
Freshman,  was  graduated  from  the  Na- 
val Academy,  Annapolis,  in  1940  and 
joined  the  Dominicans.  He  got  his  Doc- 
tor's in  Rome  and  is  now  professor  of 
philosophy  and  theology,  and  chaplain, 
at  LaSalle  College,  Philadelphia. 

Then  there  is  Bench,  Bar  and  Business. 
JUDGE  DANIEL  KEYES  recently  com- 
pleted his  tenth  year  on  the  Massachu- 
setts Bench  by  sitting  as  Presiding  Jus- 
tice of  Bristol  County  Superior  Court, 
Criminal  Session.  Dan  is  also  Chairman 
of  the  Shadowbrook  Fund  Drive  in  the 
Springfield  area.  JOHN  F.  McCARTY, 
Trial  Attorney  with  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission,  Washington,  D.C.,  announ- 
ces the  arrival  of  a  son  John  who  makes 
it  two  and  one  now.  GEORGE  FALLON 
has  resigned  his  employee  relations  post 
with  Boston  Edison  to  join  the  Boston 
law  firm  of  Johnson,  Clapp,  Ives  and 
King  as  trial  attorney.  JOHN  J.  KEL- 
LEY  of  Ambler,  Pa.,  has  been  promoted 
to  General  Manager,  Philco  Distributors 
in  Philadelphia.  ANDY  O'BRIEN  con- 
tinues to  forge  (perhaps  that  isn't  just 
the  word)  ahead  in  the  banking  business. 
He  is  now  Vice-President  of  Norfolk 
County  Trust  Company  in  charge  of  the 
Real  Estate  Dep't. 

We  had  a  fair  attendance  at  our 
Alumni  Hall  Pre-Lenten  Dance,  March 
2.  We  saw  for  the  first  time  BC's  new 
color  film  "Towers  On  The  Heights" 
featuring  FRANK  McDERMOTT  in 
brief  vignette  and  PRES.  PAUL  NEED- 
HAM  snowed  color  slides  of  last  year's 
gathering.  Award  for  the  longest  haul 
getting  to  the  meeting  went  to  BOB 
GRIFFIN  who  blew  in  from  Teheran, 
Iran  just  to  be  on  hand. 

Thus  far  Thirty-Nine.  Remember  Lae- 
tare  Sunday  and  Alumni  Day.  News, 
notes  and  nouri$hment  for  Class  Work- 
ing Fund  accepted  daily  at  new  address 

Class  of  1939 

121  contributing  $3,054.36 
Lawrence  J.  Fitzgerald,  Class  Agent 
Lt.  Col.  Thomas  J.  Ahern,  Edward  J.  Ash 

U.S. MX.  Paul  T.  Banks 

Arthur  C.  Allan  Andrew  P.  Bismarck 

Rev.  Paul  F.  Anderson  Alfred  W.  Branca,  M.D. 

Francis  P.  Brennan 
Rev.  Gerald  L.  Bucke 
Lawrence  H.  C.  Burkhard 
Leo  D.  Caplice 
Richard  F.  Casey 
Herbert  L.  Chernack 
Charles  W.  Cleary 
Rev.  Donald  G.  Clifford 
James  F.  Comerford,  Jr. 
Francis  J.  Costello 
John  J.  Costello 
Gerard  T.  Coughlin 
Lt.  Col.  Raymond  G.  Coyne, 

John  E.  Cronin 
Arthur  B.  Crowley 
John  T.  Crowley 
Francis  X.  Cuddy 
George  J.  Devlin 
Paul  Devlin 
James  J.  Doherty 
Rev.  John  F.  Donovan 
Paul .  F.  Dunigan 
Nelson  F.  Erickson,  Jr. 
Rev.  Francis  H.  Fallon 
Lawrence  J.  Fitzgerald 
Lawrence  J.  Fitzpatrick 
John  G.  Flynn,  M.D. 
John  J.  Flynn,  III 
William  J.  Flynn 
William  P.  Ford 
Rev.  A.  Paul  Gallivan 
James  F.  Gill igan 
Walter  H.  Grady 
Henry  B.  Grainger,  M.D. 
Robert  T.  Griffin 
Rev.  Russell  V.  Guarcello 
Edward. B.  Hall 
Bartholomew  J.  Hegarty 
J.  Leonard  Hennessy 
William  E.  Holland 
Daniel  F.  Horton 
John  J.  Hunter,  M.D. 
David  J.  Hurley 
Ira  A.  Jivelekian 
Vincent  W.  Johnson 
Rev.  James  H.  Joyce 
John  E.  Keefe 
Joseph  D.  Kelleher 
James  F.  Kelly,  Jr. 
John  J.  Kelley 
Peter  A.  Kerr 
Hon.  Daniel  M.  Keyes,  Jr. 
Harold  V.  Langlois,  Jr. 
Francis  X.  Lowry 
Roy  T.  Lydon,  M.D. 
James  P.  Lynch 
John  J.  Lynch 

Lt.  Cdr.  George  A.  Lyons, 

Eugene  F.  McAuliffe,  M.D. 
Francis  X.  McBride 
Philip  F.  McCarthy 
William  E.  McCarthy 
John  F.  McCarty 
Frederick  J.  McCready,  M.D. 
Francis  J.  McDermott 
Frederick  T.  McDermott 
Cdr.  Francis  D.  McGaffigan, 

Donald  F.  McGinnis 
James  I.  McGrath 
James  T.  McGuire 
J.  Rand  McNally,  Jr. 
Rev.  Joseph  P.  McNulty 
Charles  J.  Maguire 
John  F.  Mahoney 
Joseph  P.  Martin 
Leo  B.  Monagnan,  M.D. 
John  L.  Monahan,  M.D. 
Paul  F.  Moore 
Richard  J.  Morris 
Charles  J.  Murphy 
Francis  X.  Murphy 
John  J.  Murphy 
Frank  D.  Murray 
Paul  F.  Nagle 
Paul  W.  Needham 
Rev.  John  F.  Nelson,  U.S.A.F. 
George  J.  Norberg 
Andrew  J.  O'Brien 
Paul  A.  O'Brien,  M.D. 
Rev.  Alfonso  G.  Palladino 
Joseph  Pandolfino,  M.D. 
Norman  R.  Pilote 
Robert  K.  Powers 
Edmund  P.  Quinn,  M.D. 
Philip  Quinn,  M.D. 
Thomas  F.  Quinn 
Herbert  L.  Rooney 
Joseph  A.  Sammartino 
Cornelius  P.  Scanlon 
Francis  W.  Sennott,  M.D. 
Robert  A.  Smith 
Lawrence  W.  Spi  I  lane 
Frank  A.  Straccia,  M.D. 
Arthur  P.  Sullivan,  M.D. 
Rev.  James  L.  Sullivan 
Thomas  R.  Sullivan 
Rev.  Joseph  L.  Teletchea 
Philip  J.  Thompson 
Thomas  J.  Travers 
Thomas  F.  Turnan 
Joseph  F. Tuscher 
Edward  J.  Twigg,  M.D. 
Vincent  J.  Vetrone 
David  I.  Walsh 


'Aft      WILLIAM   F. 

TV/      44   Lincoln   St.,   Melrose 

The  sympathy  of  the  class  is  extended 
to  the  family  of  DR.  BILL  SWEENEY 
who  died  in  January  after  an  extended 
illness.  Also  to  VITO  ANANIS  on  the 
death  of  his  wife  in  November;  to  MON- 
SIGNOR  LALLY  on  the  death  of  his 
mother,  and  to  FATHER  CHARLES 
McISAAC  on  the  death  of  his  mother. 

Congratulations  to  FRANK  AHEARN 
on  his  appointment  as  Deputy  Secretary 
of  State  for  the  Commonwealth.  Also  to 
FRANK  HASSEY  who  has  been  elected 
vice-president  and  director  of  the  Wendell 
Berman  Insurance  Agency;  to  PROFES- 
SOR HENRY  McMAHON  who  has  been 
appointed  Assistant  Dean  of  the  College 
of  Arts  and  Sciences,  Boston  College, 
who  has  been  further  honored  by  being 
named  as  a  delegate  to  UNESCO  and  a 
director  of  the  Fund  for  the  Republic. 
The  engagement  of  Lucille  A.  Vadenais 
of  Woonsocket,  R.I.  to  JACK  MCCAR- 
THY of  Brookline  has  been  announced 
and  a  May  wedding  is  planned.  Jack  is 
Rhode  Island  manager  for  Libby,  Mc- 
Neil  and   Libby  Co.    Congrats,   Jack. 

Atty.  Jerry  Cronin  has  joined  the  legal 
staff  of  the  David  E.  Fitzgerald,  Jr.  law 
offices  in  New  Haven,  Conn. 

CHARLIE  GREEN  is  very  active  in 
civic  affairs  in  Randolph.  Recently  he 
was  a  candidate  for  the  school  committee. 
He  is  employed  as  a  local  representative 
for  the  U.  S.  Chamber  of  Commerce. 

DR.  JOE  SHANNON  (Medford)  sends 
his  greetings  to  all  in  the  class  from 
San  Jose,  California  where  he  is  prac- 
tising- dentistry. 

IRVING  LITANT  is  in  the  Capacitor 
Department  of  G.  E.   He  is   a  specialist 


The  Aluismi 

Secretary  of  State  Edward  ].  Cronin,  lejt,  greets  Boston  City  Councillor  Francis  X.  Jhearn,  '40 
whom  fie  appointed  as  First  Deputy  Secretary   of  State. 

in  organic  liquids  and  fluorinated  com- 
pounds, holds  three  patents  and  has  a 
fourth  pending.  He  was  a  research  chem- 
ist on  the  Atomic  Energy  project  at 
Johns  Hopkins  University  from  1942  to 
1945  and  is  co-author  of  "Metallic  Fluo- 
rides in  Fluorocarbon  Synthesis",  pub- 
lished by  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission. 
All  members  of  the  class  are  urged  to 
give  generously  to  the  Stadium  Fund. 
Keep   up  our    good    record. 

Class  of  1940 

110  contributing  52,370.50 

William  F.  Joy,  Class  Agent 

Francis  X.  Ahearn  James  D.  Hanify 

Edward  F.  X.  Barrett  Arthur  J.  Hassett,  Jr.,  M.D. 

William  H.  Brie,  Jr.  Hugh  W.  Hayes 

James  E.  Burke  Edward  J.  Healey,  M.D. 

Francis  J.  Burns  Owen  T.  Hillberg 

Rev.  James  G.  Byrne  William  F.  Irwin 

Arthur  C.  Cadegan,  Jr.  William  F.  Joy 

Edward  F.  Cameron  William  C.  Kelly 

Elmore  M.  Campbell,  M.D.  Edmund  J.  Kenny 

Rev.  William  S.  Carpenger  Very  Rev.  Francis  J.  Lally 

Walter  E.  Carrigan,  M.D.  John  F.  Leary 

Leo  F.  Carty  Leo  E.  Logue 

Richard  F.  Cassidy  David  J.  Lucey 

Peter  V.  Cignetti  J.  Harry  Lynch 

Rev.  John  P.  Coffey  Rev.  Charles  W.  McCarthy 

Rev.  Francis  P.  Connors  John  T.  McCarthy,  Jr. 

Joseph  G.  Costigan  Daniel  L.  McCue,  Jr. 

Jeremiah  A.  Cronin  John  J.  McCue 

Lt.  Col.  Thomas  J.  Cross,  Robert  H.  McGee 

U.S.M.C.  William  P.  McGlone 

Thomas  J.  Cudmore  Robert  E.  McGovern 

Rev.  John  J.  Dacey  Rev.  Charles  A.  Mclsaac 

John  T.  Dalton,  M.D.  Joseph  W.  McKenney 

Joseph  F.  Dannehy  John  F.  McLaughlin 

Henry  T.  Desmond  John  L.  McLaughlin,  Jr. 

James  M.  Doonan,  M.D.  Henry  J.  McMahon 

Francis  W.  Drinan,  M.D.  Joseph  H.  McPherson,  Jr. 

Paul  K.  Duffey  Henry  A.  Magno,  M.D. 

William  A.  Duffey,  Jr.  William  A.  Maisey,  Jr. 

Thomas  F.  Duncan,  M.D.  Rev.  John  F.  Mulkern 

Patrick  J.  Ennis  John  J.  Mulligan 

Edmund  F.  Finnerty,  M.D.  Edmund  J.  Nagle 

Joseph  W.  Foley,  D.M.D.  Vinicio  H.  Nasca 

Thomas  J.  Ford,  D.M.D.  George  T.  O'Brien 

John  E.  Foristall  John  C.  0'Hara 

Thomas  J.  Furey  Rev.  Francis  J.  O'Neill 

Thomas  J.  Gair  J.  Williams  0'Neil,  M.D. 

Francis  P.  Gallagher  Robert  M.  Phillips,  M.D. 

Gerald  J.  Gallagher  Lt.  Col.  Robert  J.  J.  Picardi, 

Anthony  C.  Giangreco,  M.D.  U.S.M.C. 

William  P.'Gilligan  Robert  W.  Power 

Robert  F.  Gladu  Thomas  J.  Powers 

John  F.  Gosselin  William  J.  Powers,  M.D. 

Rev.  William  A.  Granville    ■  Joseph  B.  Regan 

Edward  M.  Greeley  Rev.  Joseph  P.  Reilly 

Paul  J.  Greeley  Frederick  T.  Roberts 

Edward  J.  Handy,  M.D.  Patrick  J.  Roche 

J.  Sherman  Rogan  Thomas  V.  Sweeney 

James  J.  Ryan  Edward  C.  Swenson 

Rev.  John  F.  Scannell  William  J.  Sweeney,  M.D. 
Timothy  J.  Shannon,  D.D.S.       James  E.  Thompson 

John  J.  Sheehan,  Jr.  Robert  F.  Tilley,  M.D. 

Rev.  Charles  I.  Sheeny  Jeremiah  J.  Twomey 

James  E.  Sullivan  John  J.  Walsh 

John  J.  Sullivan,  Jr.  Henry  J.  White,  Jr. 

James  D.  Supple  Richard  H.  Wright,  M.D. 

'41         CHARLES  J.  MURPHY 
T"-L        142  Summer  St.,  Somerville 

Congratulations  to  ATTY.  JOSEPH  P. 
CULLiNANE  of  Manchester  who  has 
just  been  appointed  second  assistant 
register  of  deeds  at  Salem.  He  is  town 
moderator  in  Manchester  and  commander 
of  Amoral-Bailey  Post  No.  13,  American 

JOE  ZABILSKI,  head  coach  at  North- 
eastern, plans  to  remain  another  year. 

REV.  LUKE  A.  FARLEY  is  vice-offi- 
cial of  the  Matrimonial  Tribunal  of  the 
Boston  Archdiocese. 

WILLIAM  LOONEY  received  his  doc- 
torate in  Social  Work  at  Western  Re- 
serve University  in  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

S.J.,  is  Director  of  the  Jesuit  Seminary 
Guild  and  Mission  Bureau  for  the  Mary- 
land Province  at  700  N.  Calvert  St.,  Bal- 
timore, Md. 

ARTHUR  McCOURT,  one  of  Boston's 
leading  brokerage  managers,  has  joined 
Mutual  of  New  York  as  brokerage  super- 
visor for  the  John  P. .  Meehan  Agency 
located  at  31  Milk  St. 

LOU  MONTGOMERY  is  associated 
with  St.  Benedict's  Center  in  the  Diocese 
of  Hartford,  Conn.  He  was  awarded  the 
Hoey  National  Award  for  Interracial 
Justice,  one  of  the  outstanding  awards  in 
the  field  of  cultural  relations,  from  Fran- 
cis Cardinal  Spellman,  Archbishop  of 
New  York. 

BERNIE  FRAZIER  writes  from  Paris 
"spending  36  hours  here  on  way  back  to 
N.Y.  Have  been  to  Liberia  again',  and  also 
Morocco  and  Ghana  as  part  of  press 
group  with  Vice-President  Nixon  on  his 
African  tour".  Nice  going,  Bernie. 

Class  of   1941 

84  contributing  $1,570.00 
Thomas  J.  Galligan,  Class  Agent 

Pasguale  J.  Abruzzese  J.  Ralph  LaRochelle,  Jr., 
Chaplain  John  A.  Abucewic,  D.D.S. 

U.S.N.  Col.  Robert  F.  Long,  U.S.A. F. 

John  R.  Ambrogne  Paul  J.  McCabe 

Herbert  W.  Arnold  Joseph  M.  McCafferty 

John  J.  Bane  Michael  J.  McDonagh 

John  F.  Beatty  Thomas  E.  McDonald 

Francis  H.  Bellew  Dr.  Paul  C.  McGrath 

Rev.  John  J.  Bernatonis  George  B.  McManama,  M.D. 

Francis  X.  Blouin  Rev.  Joseph  F.  Maguire 

John  J.  Brady  William  D.  Maguire 

William  F.  Brewin  Philip  M.  Malloy 

Rev.  John  A.  Broderick  David  B.  Merrick 

Edward  J.  Burke  John  M.  Morrissey 

John  M.  Callahan  John  M.  Mulroy 

Rev.  John  T.  Calter  Charles  J.  Murphy 

Martin  J.  Carew,  Jr.  Joseph  C.  Murray 

Francis  R.  Coady  Albert  V.  Nyren 

Rev.  Edward  D.  Cowhig  Francis  J.  O'Brien 

John  J.  Colahan,  Jr.  John  F.  O'Brien 

John  J.  Connor,  Jr.  John  J.  O'Brien,  Jr. 

Rev.  John  W.  Connor  Arthur  M.  Parker,  M.D. 

John  J.  Cranley,  M.D.  Paul  C.  Post 

John  E.  Daly  Rev.  James  J.  Radochia 

Joseph  P.  Daly  Robert  M.  Rados 

Rev.  Francis  J.  Dolan  John  F.  Roake 

William  A.  Dowd,  Jr.  Edward  S.  Roche,  Jr. 

Rev.  Luke  A.  Farley  Rev.  James  M.  Rogers 

Rev.  Thomas  J.  Finnegan  E.  Elmer  Ross,  Jr. 

Bernard  W.  Frazier  Francis  J.  Ryan 

Harry  L.  Fulchino,  M.D.  Rev.  Simeon  W.  Saulenas 

Robert  J.  Gallagher  William  F.  Sharkey 

Thomas  J.  Galligan,  Jr.  Henry  J.  Sheehan 

Francis  J.  Galvani  Robert  E.  Sliney 

Fred  J.  Gibney  Emil  Slizewski 

Mario  F.  Guarcello  Nicholas  J.  Sottile 

George  E.  Hanlon  Ralph  A.  Struzziero,  D.M.D. 

J.  Warren  Heffernan  Paul  V.  True 

John  E.  Jansen,  Jr.  George  M.  Tully,  M.D. 

Fred  L.  Jaquith  Cornelius  Vincent 

Paul  X.  Keegan  James  R.  Wall,  M.D. 

Rev.  George  V.  Kerr  David  R.  White 

Rev.  John  E.  Kinchla  William  J.  White,  M.D. 

j^/-)      PAUL   J.   MAGUIRE 
4- /      20  Silloway  Street,  Dorchester 
153  Thornton  Road,  Needham 

The  condolences  of  the  class  are  ex- 
tended to  Bob  Mee  on  the  death  of  Ms 

ERNIE  HANDY  was  recently  ap- 
pointed legal  advisor  and  attorney  for 
the  newly  created  Lebanese  consul  in 
Boston.   Congratulations. 

JOE  BOOTHROYD,  presently  teaching 
at  Waltham  High  School,  is  a  candidate 
for  selectman  in   Maynard. 

BOB  LALLY  is  now  assistant  to  the 
president  of  Stanley  Home  Products,  Inc., 
as  well  as  director  of  several  of  its  sub- 
sidiary  companies. 

Congratulations  to  BOB  JAURON  on 
his  successful  guidance  of  the  St.  Joseph 
football  team  which  he  brought  to  the 
Alumni  Bowl  at  Little  Rock. 

Orchids  to  the  dance  committee  headed 
HEFFRON  assisting. 

Congratulations  to  JIM  and  Mary 
REILLY  on  their  newest  arrival,  Mary 
Elizabeth  to  join  brothers  Jimmy,  Paul 
and  Peter.  Also  to  the  JOHN  Mc- 
MAHONS  on  the  arrival  of  their  eighth 

ED  McCORMACK  was  recently  ap- 
pointed to  head  the  new  internal  audit 
staff  at  M.I.T. 

FRANK  DEVER  is  teaching  Estate 
Planning  at  the  Graduate  Division  of 
Suffolk  University  in  addition  to  heading 
the  Estate  and  Trust  Division  for  New 
England  at  the  Internal  Revenue  Bureau. 

The  GRAINGERS  have  recently  moved 
to  a  new  home  in  Wellesley. 

The  construction  of  the  Central  Artery 
in  Boston  has  caused  BOB  SHAUGH- 
NESSY  to  relocate  and  he  can  now  be 
found  spending  his  days  at  Cornhill  and 
Washington  Streets. 

BOB  MAHER  has  been  busily  engaged 
this  year  in  activities  as  president  of 
the  B.  C.   Club  of  Worcester. 

The    Class    extends    its    sympathy   to 


The  Alumni 


FRANK  MURPHY  on  the  recent  death 
of  his  mother. 

and  BOB  MEUSE  are  working  hard  on 
the  Annual  Alumni  Retreat  scheduled 
for  May  31 — June  2.  Please  contact  one 
of  the  above     as  soon  as  possible. 

Your  A&S  agent  has  been  promoted 
to  sales  manager  at  Kane  Chevrolet  Co., 
and  will  welcome  any  visitors — social  or 

JOHNNY  CONNERY  continues  his 
climb  up  the  ladder  of  success  with  the 
Telephone  Co.,  and  now  is  a  member  of 
the  Human  Relations  staff  in   Boston. 

JACK  McGLOIN  is  busily  engaged 
building  and  selling  pre-fab  houses.  We 
all  wish  JIM  TRAVERS,  who  is  pre- 
sently hospitalized,   a  speedy   recovery. 

The  Annual  CBA  '42  dinner  was  held 
at  Alumni  Hall  on  January  26  with  the 
usual  quorum  present.  Guest  speakers 
for  the  evening  were:  John  Drummey, 
our  number  one  booster;  Rev.  W.  Seavey 
Joyce,  S.J.,  and  Rev.  Francis  B.  Mc- 
Manus,  S.J.  The  nominating  committee 
met  in  the  usual  telephone  booth  and 
the  class  officers  for  the  ensuing  year 
are  AMBIE  CLAUS,  president  and 
JOHNNY  CONNERY,  secretary-treas- 

The  '42  CBA's  are  planning  a  15th  an- 
niversary reunion  party  on  May  11,  1957 
for  members  of  the  class  and  their  wives 
— mark  the  date  on  your  calendar  now — 
more  details  will  follow  shortly — let's 
all  get  together  and  make  this  a  great 

The  next  committee  meeting  of  the 
Class  of  1942  will  be  held  at  Alumni  Hall 
on  Tuesday,  April  23.  Notices  will  be 
sent  out  to  confirm  this  date.  Plans  will 
be  made  for  the  clambake  and  everyone 
is  invited. 

Class  of   1942 

136   contributing    $2,633.00 
James  F.  Stanton,  Thomas  F.  McDonald,  Class  Agents 

Robert  W.  Attridge  Ernest  J.  Handy 

Vincent  P.  Bane  Robert  A.  Harris 

Rev.  Daniel  J.  Barrett  John  J.  Hart 

George  F.  Bent  Clement  J.  Hasenfus 

David  P.  B;rtwell  James  E.  Hawco 

Joseph  E.  Boothroyd  Paul  T.  Heffron 

Morris  J.  Bordenca,  M.D.  Thomas  R.  Hinchey,  M.D. 

John  J.  Brennan,  Jr.  Walter  L.  Holder 

Lawrence  E.  Brennan  C.  Pappas  Jameson 

William  F.  Bugden  Gerard  J.  Joyce 

John  B.  Bulman  William  J.  Kane 

John  T.  Butler  John  P.  Keane 

William  J.  Cadigan  Richard  A.  Keating 

James  B.  Cahalane  Rev.  John  P.Kelly 

Richard  A.  Callahan  Joseph  E.  Kelly.D.M.D. 

Charles  W.  Capraro  Edwin  J.  Keyes 

David  J.  Cavan,  M.D.  Louis  J.  Kuc,  D.D.S. 

Ambrose  J.  Claus  Arthur  W.  LaCouture 

Walter  F.  Colbert  Thomas  J.  Lane 

James  P.  Collins  Rev.  John  F.  Lawler 

Francis  L.  Colpoys,  M.D.  Paul  J.  Livingston 

Rev.  Frederick  R.  Condon  David  J.  Lyne,  Assoc. 

William  J.  Connelly  James  H.  McAvoy 

John  J.  Connery  Rev.  James  F.  McCarthy 

Ronald  P.  Corbett  Edward  L.  McCormack 

George  W.  Crowley  Francis  J.  McCue 

Arthur  L.  Curry  Thomas  F.  McDonald 

William  M.  Daly  Jotwr  A.  McGowan,  M.D. 
Francis  A.  D'AmhrosUi,  M.D.     Edward  G.  McGrath 

Walter  L.  Deveney  William  P.  McLaughlin,  Jr. 

Francis  J.  Dever  John  A.   McMahon 

Walter  L.  Deveney  Lt.  Cdr.  Gerald  J.  McMorrow, 
James  F.  Doherty  U.S.N. 

Gerard  F.  Donovan  James  P.  McNulty 

William  P.  Doonan  Francis  X.  Mack,  M.D. 

Francis  L.  Driscoll,  Jr.  Paul  J.  Maguire 

John  P.  Driscoll  Rev.  James  F.  Mahoney 

Thomas  F.  Duffy,  Jr.  James  L.  Malone,  Jr. 

Elphege  0.  Dumond  James  H.  Maloney,  Jr.  D.M.D. 

Robert  L.  Dunn  Joseph  F.  Marcantonio,  D.M.D. 

Rev.  Delphis  0.  Duquette  Edward  T.  Martin 

John  J.  Elliot  Frediano  D.  Mattioli 

Albert  T.  Ferguson  Joseph  F.  Miller 

Richard  J.  Ferriter  Alfred  V.  Morro 

John  C.  Fitzgerald  Francis  X.  Murphy 

John  E.  Fitzgerald  Rev.  Kenneth  B.  Murphy 

John  H.  Fitzgerald,  Jr.  Robert  F.  Muse 

Edward  J.  Fitzpatrick  Harold  E.  Nash,  M.D. 

Thomas  J.  Flanagan  Rev.  Joseph  T.  Nolan 

John  F.  Fox  Robert  J.  Noonan 

William  N.  Gaine  John  J.  W.  Oberg 

Terrence  J.  Geoghegan  James  J.  O'Brien,  M.D. 

Philip  J.  Gill  John  L.  O'Connor 

Marcel  J.  Gould,  M.D.  Bernard  A.  O'Donnell 

Anthony  J.  Graffeo,  M.D.  Rev.  Richard  F.  O'Halloran 

John  V.  Guinee  Paul  G.  O'Hara 

David  A.  O'Keefe 
Thomas  G.  O'Leary 
Joseph  J.  Pazniokas 
Will  am  J.  Powers 
John  P.  Regan 
Charles  W.  Reilly 
Murray  A.  Rice,  D.M.D. 
William  E.  Riley 
Richard  J.  Roche,  M.D. 
Thomas  P.  Russell 
Hugh  E.  Sharkey,  Jr. 
Joseph  A.  Sherry 
J.  Vincent  Smyth 


Robert  P.  Sneddon 
James  F.  Stanton 
Joseph  R.  Stanton,  M.D. 
Richard  E.  Stiles,  M.D. 
Leo  W.  Strumski 
Arthur  F.  Sullivan 
Charles  F.  I.  Sullivan 
Frederick  W.  Tracy 
Paul  J.  Trifiro 
Rev.  Joseph  P.  Veneto 
Leo  J.  Walsh,  D.D.S. 
Theodore  P.  Williams,  Jr. 

A\    -!l'1!  x 

53  Aberdeen  Road,  Squantum 


14  Churchill  Road,  W.  Roxbury 

Congratulations  to  JACK  McELWEE 
on  his  appointment  by  the  Board  of 
Directors  of  John  Hancock  Mutual  Life 
Insurance  Co.  as  an  assistant  secretary 
in  the  Policy  Department.  Jack  has  been 
with  John  Hancock  since  1945.  Keeps 
up  his  Naval  Air  activities  and  has  been 
one  of  the  leaders  in  Red  Cross  fund 
appeal  for  Greater  Boston. 

HENRY  F.  TRAINOR  has  been  named 
superintendent  of  the  Erving  School 
District  in  Western  Massachusetts.  He 
comes  to  that  post  from  Franklin,  Vt., 
high  school  where  he  was  principal  for 
two  years.  The  Trainors  have  four  chil- 
dren, two  boys,  two  girls. 

Recent  arrivals  includes  a  son,  James, 
born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  JOHN  LARNER. 
This  is  their  fourth  child,  second  son. 

REV.  JAMES  M.  O'BRIEN  has  re- 
turned to  his  mission  post  in  Peru  after 
studying  Credit  Union  operations  here 
and  in  Canada.  He  plans  to  introduce  the 
system  in  his  parish  high  in  the  Andes 

Recent  announcement  from  Paper  Mate 
Pen  Company,  division  of  Gillette  Safety 
Razor  Corp.,  tells  us  that  BILL  MURPHY 
has  been  named  eastern  regional  sales 
Manager,  with  headquarters  in  New 

News  from  the  West  coast  from  JIM 
HAGAN  who  is  in  the  paper  business 
in  Oregon  and  doing  well  although  he 
says  that  he's  looking  forward  to  a  trip 
home  to  take  in  a  football  game  in  the 
new  B.  C.  Stadium. 

Among  other  men  of  '43  who  are  now 
living  out  of  state  are  BOB  WINKLER, 
associated  with  N.  E.  Tel.  &  Tel.  in 
Providence  and  living  in  Riverside,  R.  I. 
PAUL  KING,  who  resides  in  Mt.  Clem- 
ens, Michigan,  and  RAY  SISK  now 
basking  in  the  Florida  sunshine. 

The  Bedford  plant  of  Raytheon  Mfg. 
Co.,  Personnel  Division,  is  ably  handled 
by  JOE  NEVINS;  his  name  is  in  the 
paper  practically  every  day — that's  fame! 

During  the  summer,  we  saw  JIM 
GRIMES,  who  is  managing  the  Rock 
Asphalt  Company  in  Haverhill,  and  ac- 
cording to  him,  working  18  hours  a  day. 

Rumor  hath  it  that  SAM  LOSCOCCO 
will  soon  be  back  in  the  Boston  area  in 
a  new  position  after  a  few  years  in 
White  Plains,  N.  Y. 

Last  fall's  elections  did  not  strain  our 
State  Representative,  DAN  O'SULLI- 
VAN;  he  was  returned  for  another  term 
with  no  opposition. 

Among  our  new  home  owners  are  SAM 
CHURCH  in  Lexington  and  VIN  FORTE 
in  Newton.  It  has  been  reported  that 
AL  CONTRADA  is  now  managing  the 
new  Lowell  plant  of  his  employer.  Driv- 
ing aroud  town  in  a  new  station  wagon 

While  stopped  recently  at  a  HJ  having 
coffee,  we  talked  with  BILL  McGRATH 
who  is  traveling  in  N.  E.  and  upper  N.  Y. 
for  a  national  food  company.  Belated 
congratulations  are  due  to  BILL  and 
Mrs.  McGRATH  on  the  birth  of  their 
third  child. 

Coolldge  Corner 
Cooperative  Bank 

Proudly  invites  you  to  inspect 
its  new  modern  banking  facil- 
ities and  say  hello  to 



Savings  Accounts 
Home  Mortgages 

1 320  Beacon  Street 
Brookline  BE  2-5020 

e  r  c  u  r  y 

Sales  and  Service 

We've  built  our  reputation 

on  reliability  and  honesty. 

Our  new  and  used  cars 

are  all  sold  with  our 

personal  guarantee. 

Joe    Curran,    President 
Boston  College  '35 

Bill  Ahearn,  Treasurer 
Holy  Cross  '42 


95   ELIOT   ST.,  MILTON 




The  Alumni 

JACK  MAHONEY  is  chairman  of  our 
class  Sports  Night  to  be  held  May  2  at 
Alumni  Hall.  We  urge  eveyrone  in  the 
class  to  attend  this  bang-up  affair.  Call 
Jack  at  CApitol  7-3840  concerning  tic- 
kets. Proceeds  will  go  to  the  Stadium 
Providence  and  living  in  Riverside,  R.  I. ; 

JIM  SOMERS  is  with  the  Plastics  Div. 
of  G.  E.  at  Pittsfield  and  he  recently  had 
a  reunion  with  MAURICE  LYNCH  who 
is  with  Linde  Air  Products  Co.,  with 
headquai'ters   in   Ossining,   N.  Y. 

Among  those  present  at  last  fall's 
CBA  dinner  were:  GEORGE  BLAND, 

Remember,  you  can  send  in  your  con- 
tributions for  the  B.  C.  Stadium  Fund 
in  small  installments.  Be  sure  to  make 
a  donation.  Just  mail  your  checks  to  the 
Alumni  Office. 

Class  of  1943 

116  contributing  $1,798.50 
Thomas  O'C.    Murray,   Class  Agent 

John  C.  Acton  Joseph  J.  Hurley 

Hector  J.  Alexander  Alfred  W.  Jansen,  M.D. 

Paul  F.  Alphen  Rev.  William  M.  Joyce 

Lawrence  R.  Babine  John  V.  Keaney 

Robert  D.  Blute,  M.D.  Thomas  R.  Kennedy 

Walter  G.  Boudreau  Edward  F.  Kenney 

George  Bray,  Jr.  Francis  A.  Kimmel 

Byron  J.  Brown  Paul  J.  King 

Rev.  Robert  C.  Bryson  John  J.  Larner 

Richard  D.  Buck  John  I.  Logue 

Robert  H.  Butler  Carl  L.  Lucas 

Edward  D.  Callahan  Rev.  Joseph  S.  Lukas 

Rocco  P.  Canale  Francis  P.  McCann 

James  M.  Canty  John  F.  McCarthy 

Marc  E.  Carrigan,  Jr.  Rev.  William  J.  McDevitt 

Rev.  Laurence  C.  Cedrone  John  J.  McGarr 

Rev.  William  J.  Commane  Edward  F.  McGilvery 

James  J.  Connolly,  Jr.  Rev.  Philip  G.  McGinty 

John  J.  Connolly  Rev.  Terrence  R.  McGlone 

Francis  J.  Conroy  George  E.  McKinnon 

Thomas  S.  Conroy,  M.D.  John  J.  McNaught 

Alfred  J.  Contrada  Rev.  Robert  W.  McNeill 

John  F.  Corbett  John  C.  Mahoney 

Edward  V.  Cronin,  D.M.D.  John  E.  Manning,  M.D. 

Stephen  J.  D'Arcy,  Jr.  Thomas  D.  Manning 

Richard  M.  Dart,  M.D.  Charles  P.  Masterson 

John  T.  Day  Aurelius  P.  Mattera 

Robert  J.  DeGiacomo  Rev.  Daniel  F.  Moran 

George  M.  Dimond,  Jr.  John  M.  Murphy,  M.D. 

Edward  L.  Divver,  Jr.  Joseph  L.  Murphy 

James  T.  Duane  Philip  D.  Murphy 

James  0.  Dunn  Thomas  O'C.  Murray 

Robert  E.  Durant,  D.D.S.  Robert  J.  Muse,  D.M.D. 

Harold  J.  Ferland  Edward  F.  Myers,  Jr. 

Albert  M.  Fiorentino  Robert  B.  Nangle,  M.D. 

William  F.  Fitzgerald  Rev.  James  M.  O'Brien,  M.M. 

John  H.  Flynn,  Jr.  Thomas  F.  O'Connor,  M.D. 

Nicholas  P.  Flynn  Sebastian  W.  01  ivo 

David  W.  Folan,  M.D.  John  J.  O'Shea 

Edward  G.  Forristall  Daniel  M.  O'Sullivan 

S.  Vincent  Forte  Francis  G.  Power 

John  T.  Foynes  Francis  L.  Reade,  Jr. 

Paul  A.  Good  Joseph  P.  Reardon,  M.D. 

Walter  T.  Greaney  Norman  W.  Reinhalter,  D.M.D. 

Edward  W.  Greenlaw  Joseph  S.  Repko 

James  H.  Hagan,  Jr.  Yale  W.  Richmond 

Rev.  John  E.  Hartigan  Sabino  J.  Rizzo,  M.D. 

Francis  M.  Harvey  John  A.  Sarjeant 

James  E.  Harvey  Richard  J.  Schoenfeld 

John  S.  Hayes  William  G.  Shea 

Daniel  A.  Healy  James  F.  Somers 

Paul  E.  Healy  Edward  D.  Sullivan,  M.D. 

John  H.  Hegarty  Joseph  E.  Sullivan,  Jr. 

Bernard  S.  Henken  Albert  I.  Sutkus 

Dr.  John  L.  B.  Higgins  Gudo  C.  vallario 

William  M.  Hoar,  Jr.  Charles  A.  Watson 

Michael  J.  Holovak  John  J.  Whelan,  Jr. 

Rev.  George  G.  Huntress  Robert  L.  Winkler 


14  Ware  St.,  Cambridge 
7  St.  Mary's  Rd.,  Cambridge 
Congratulations  to  DR.  DON  WHITE 
on  the  arrival  of  his   third  child,  second 
daughter.     Our    A&S    corespondent    has 
bought  a  new  home  in  Waltham.   RAY 
HOLLAND    is    singing    weekly    at    the 
High  Mass  in  the  Sacred  Heart  Church, 
Weymouth  Landing. 

A  class  reunion  and  dance  is  planned 
at  Alumni  Hall  for  Saturday,  May  11. 
Details  will  be  mailed  to  all  members, 
but  why  not  make  advance  reservations 
now  with  Chairman  MIKE  GARGAN  or 

any  of  the  following  committee  mem- 
donations  to  the  Alumni  Fund  will  be 
gratefully  accepted,  and  don't  forget 
your  pledge  donation  to  the  Stadium 
Fund  will  be  credited  to  the  Alumni  Fund 
for  1957. 

Class  of  1944 

95   contributing   51,159.92 
Christopher  J.   Flynn,    Henry  J.   Brash,    Class   Agents 

Rev.  Joseph  T.  Alves  John  F.  Herlihy 

Frederick  C.  Anderson,  Jr  Francis  R.  Hines,  Jr. 

Angelo  L.  Annacone  Raymond  D.  Holland,  Jr. 

Antonio  G.  Armata  John  P.  Kavanagh 

Joseph  P.  Bane  Joseph  C.  Kelly 

Gioacchino  T.  Barresi  George  P.  King 

Eugene  E.  Bertolli  Eugene  G.  Laforet,  M.D. 

Gilbert  J.  Bouley  Paul  K.  Lambert 

Robert  F.  Bosquet  John  C.  Lang 

Henry  J.  Brash  Robert  R.  LeBlanc 

Philip  D.  Brooks  John  S.  Lyness 

Paul  J.  Burns  Charles  F.  B.  McAleer 

Gerald  A.  Callahan  Edward  H.  McCall,  D.D.S. 

Joseph  R.  Caruso  Matthew  L.  McGrath 

Thomas  S.  Casey  Walter  H.  Maloney 

John  M.  Cataldo  In  memory  of  Leo  E.  Monks 

William  E.  Christie,  M.D.  Rev.  Thomas  J.  Mooney 

Rev.  John  J.  Connelly  Robert  J.  Moore,  Jr. 

William  J.  Corkery  Rev.  Paul  J.  Moriarty 

James  T.  Cotter  Dr.  Joseph  F.  Nates 

Joseph  F.  Cunningham  Rev.  Robert  D.  Navien 

Joseph  K.  Dee  James  0.  Nicholson 

Joseph  L.  Delaney  James  J.  Nolan,  M.D. 

Albert  P.  Dickensheid,  Jr.  James  M.  Oates,  Jr. 

Edward  A.Donovan,  Jr.  Edward  R.  O'Brien 

Thomas  J.  Donovan  William  L.  O'Connor 

James  E.  Dowd  John  W.  0'Grady,  M.D. 

Arthur  J.  F.  Doyle  John  C.  0'Kane 

John  A.  Duggan,  M.D.  Robert  D.  0'Leary 

Paul  R.  Dunn  William  A.  Quinn 

William  E.  Dunn  Rev.  Warren  J.  Regan 

Daniel  J.  Durant  Rev.  William  H.  Roche 

James  D.  Edgeworth  Peter  W.  Sarnie 

Simon  P.  Faherty  Daniel  F.  Shea,  D.M.D. 

John  B.  Finigan  Tino  A.  Spatola 

Anthony  F.  Finelli  Frank  P.  Sposato 

Gerard  W.  Finnerty  Stephen  H.  Stavro 

Thomas  J.  Fitzgerald  Robert  F.  Sullivan 

Walter  D.  Fitzgerald  Felix  A.  Sweeney,  M.D. 

Christopher  J.  Flynn  James  C.  Sweeney 

Paul  D.  Flynn,  M.D.  Edwin  M.  Thomas,  D.D.S. 

Rev.  Francis  L.  Gallagher  John  A.  Toomey 

Joseph  G.  Galway  Albert  J.  Twomey 

Michael  J.  Gargan  Philip  C.  Vincello 

Rev.  William  F.  Glynn  John  F.  Walsh 

Laurence  F.  Greene  Donald  J.  White 

WilHam  F.  Haley  Leo  F.  Wilson 
Edward  F.  Hennessy 

4-  J      8  Pine  St.,  Hyde  Park 


11   Stevens  Terrace,  Arlington 

Congratulations  to  REPRESENTA- 
TIVE JOHN  CAMPBELL  on  his  ap- 
pointment as  military  aide  to  Gov.  Fos- 
ter Furcolo.  John  has  been  very  active 
in  the  political  field. 

Good  luck  to  JOHN  CURRY,  co-editor 
of  our  classnotes  on  his  election  to  the 
presidency  of  the  Boston  chapter  of 
Chartered  Property  and  Casualty  Under- 
writers. Formerly  with  Mass.  Bonding 
and  Insurance  Co.,  he  has  recently  be- 
come associated  with  a  large  brokerage 
office  of  O'Brion,  Russel  &  Co.,  Boston. 

DR.  GEORGE  E.  FARRELL,  Water- 
ville,  Maine  has  been  appointed  radio- 
logist at  St.  Luke's  Hospital;  Dr.  Joe 
Saunders,  specializing  in  internal  medi- 
cine announces  the  opening  of  his  new 
office  on  Main  St.,  in  Greenfield,  Mass. 

ATTY.  TOM  SEAVER,  active  in  Mil- 
ford  politics,  announced  his  candidacy 
for  election  to  a  three  year  term  on  the 
school    committee. 

TOM  COLBERT,  active  in  Real  Estate 
in  Watertown,  teaches  at  Boston  Latin. 

WESTON  (Sandy)  JENKS  has  been 
appointed  Director  of  Educational  Guid- 
ance at  the  College  of  Arts  &  Sciences. 
He  has  been  a  member  of  the  faculty  for 
10  years  and  is  presently  an  administra- 
tive member  of  the  staff  of  the  Naval 
Reserve  Officer'   School  in  Worcester. 

JOHN  J.  DEVLIN,  JR.,  received  his 
Ph.D.  in  Romance  Languages  from  B.U. 
at  the  1956  Commencement.  His  thesis 
subject   was    a    study    of    Spanish    anti- 

clericalism  in  prominent  modern  Spanish 
authors.  He  was  recently  appointed 
Chairman  of  the  Modern  Languages  Dept. 
at  St.  Michael's  College,  Winooski,  Vt., 
where  he  has  been  teaching  for  the  past 
three  years.  He  is  married  and  makes  his 
home  with  his  wife  and  2  sons  in  Col- 
chester, Vt.  John  adds  further  that  the 
boys,  Sean  Joseph  and  Christopher  Plun- 
kett  are  future  B.  C.  men. 

T.  X.  CRONIN  has  done  it  again  and 
is  now  Vice  Pres.  and  Comptroller  of 
The  Radio  Shack  Corp.,  New  Englands 
largest    Electronic    Distributor. 

FRED  and  ANN  LEONARD  attended 
the  Presidential  Ball  in  Washington.  Fred 
has  been  stationed  in  that  area  for  the 
past  year. 

JOHN  LOSCOCCO  has  been  negotia- 
ting for  his  own  business  and  we  wish 
him  much   success  in  this  venture. 

We  would  like  to  hear  more  from  more 
of  you. 

BILL  CURLEY  at  one  time  suggested 
a  common  luncheon  place  once  a  week 
for  the  class  members  working  in  down 
town  Boston.  This  sounds  like  an  ex- 
cellent idea — no  fixed  schedule  but  a 
habit  that  could  be  enjoyable  and  help- 
ful over  the  years.  (Don't  go  to  the 
Common  but  do  contact  the  correspon- 
dent if  you  feel  you  could  attend  some- 
thing like  this  on  occasion.) 

Class  of  1945 

95  contributing   51,082.41 
John  J.   Campbell,  Timothy  X.  Cronin,  Peter  K.   McHugh 
Class  Agents 

Angelos  S.  Afentakis  John  R.  Kenney 

Alfred  F.  Arcieri,  D.M.D.  Edward  J.  Kiley 

Peter  J.  Baleyko  Frank  E.  Landry 

John  T.  Berry,  M.D.  Rev.  Anthony  J.  Laurano 

Joseph  E.  Bellissimo  Henry  J.  Lawlor 

Rev.  John  J.  Berube  Frederick  C.  Leonard,  Jr. 

Rev.  Edward  W.  Beucler  Thomas  J.  Loftus 

John  P.  Birtwell  Rev.  Charles  D.  Logue 

Jeffrey  J.  Bowe  S.  John  Loscocco 

Kevin  J.  Bowers  James  W.  Luby 

John  J.  Brady  John  J.  McAleer 

Arthur  A.  Brennan  Rev.  John  K.  McAndrews 

Anthony  L.  Bruno  John  J.  McCarthy 

John  J.  Campbell  Francis  C.  McElroy 

Joseph  A.  Cancelliere  Rev.  Gerard  J.  McGann 

Matthew  F.  Carroll,  Jr.  Rev.  Frederick  F.  McGowan 

Thomas  J.  Colbert,  Jr.  Leo  V.  McGrath 

John  J.  Connolly,  Jr.  Peter  K.  McHugh 

William  D.  Corbett  Donald  R.  McMorrow 

William  P.  Cornyn  Eugene  S.  R.  McSweeney 

Timothy  X.  Cronin  Rev.  John  P.  Mahoney 

John  V.  Curry  Rev.  Maurice  J.  Mahoney 

George  E.  Desaulniers  Robert  F.  Mealy,  M.D. 

Stanley  J.  Dmohowski  W.  Warren  Mills,  M.D. 

Rev.  Francis  J.  Duggan  Robert  P.  Minichiello 

Rev.  Ronald  K.  Dunfey  Robert  P.  Murphy 

Daniel  F.  Eneguess  Rev.  George  F.  Murray 

Joseph  Figurito  Joseph  R.  O'Connor 

John  J.  Fleming  John  G.  0'Keefe 

Henry  M.  Foley  Robert  J.  Owens 

Rev.  John  J.  Foley  Paul  G.  Paget 

James  N.  Gabriel  William  V.  Palladino 

Carl  V.  Galante  Vincent  Pattavina,  M.D. 

Edward  R.  Gallagher  Lt.  (jg)  William  J.  Pototsky, 
Rev.  Edward  J.  Gaudette  U.S.N. 

Rev.  James  M.  Gibbons  William  H.  Reid 

John  J.  Greenler,  M.D.  Roy  A.  Robichaud 

William  F.  Hamrock  Jacob  A.  Santamaria 

James  J.  Harrington  Charles  H.  Smith 

James  P.  Harrington,  Jr.  Louis  V.  Sorgi 

Richard  J.  Hassey  James  H.  Sullivan 

Rev.  Cornelius  J.  Heery  Rev.  John  E.  Thomas 

Paul  J.  Hoar  Albert  G.  Tierney 

Weston  M.  Jenks  Rev.  Francis  X.  Turke 

Rev.  John  J.  Jennings  Francis  P.  Vetere 

Edward  J.  Kelleher  Joseph  V.  Waitkunas,  M.D. 

Robert  F.  Kelly,  M.D.  Edward  M.  Whelan 

Rev.  William  F.  Kenneally  Ciro  R.  Yannaco 

Class  of  1946 

12  contributing   592.00 

Leo  F.  Roche  Jr.,  Class  Agent 
Gilbert  N.  Arons  Robert  J.  Farrell,  M.D. 

William  J.  Bannan,  Jr.  Mario  A.  Fortunato,  D.M.D. 

Rev.  Gerard  D.  Barry  Rev.  James  E.  Knox 

Rev.  John  E.  Colahan  James  J.  Moran 

Dr.  Domenxa  A.  Conca  Leo  F.  Roche,  Jr. 

Rev.  John  R.  Crispo  Frederick  J.  Zappala 

'47      JAMES  F.  KILEY 

* '        294   Central  Avenue,  Needham 
Plans    are    now    being    made   for   the 

10th  class  reunion  in  June.  Full  details 

will   be    sent    out   by   letter   as   soon   as 

plans  are   completed. 


BOB  MANGENE  writes  from  Wash- 
ington, Illinois,  where  he  is  a  sales  pro- 
motion supervisor  for  International  Har- 
vester Co.  Bob  has  an  11  year  old  son 
and  a  6  year  old  daughter. 

ED  and  Jeanne  CRONIN  recently  met 
with  POWER  FRASER  and  his  wife  in 
New  York.  Power  is  being  transferred  to 
Greenwich,  Conn.,  as  assistant  to  the 
vice-president  of  the  American  Felt  Co. 

FATHER  RAY  NEE  is  being  trans- 
ferred to  California  where  he  will  take 
up   new  duties  this  spring. 

Planning  an  April  wedding  —  ED 
JONES  and  Mary  Garrity  of  Northfield, 
Vt.  CHARLIE  METCALF  has  been  pro- 
moted to  collection  supervisor  at  the 
National    Shawmut   Bank. 

MARTY  NORTON  of  Norwood  was 
married  recently  to  the  former  Barbara 
Yusikones   of  Waltham. 

At  the  Annual  Communion  Breakfast 
of  the  class  JOE  DEVLIN  was  elected 
president  and  TOM  McMANUS  vice- 

Class  of  1947 

61  contributing  $787.00 
James   F.   Kiley,    Class   Agent 

James  M.  Barrett,  Jr. 

William  C.  Bonner 

Rev.  Robert  J.  Boyle 

Edward  A.  Burbank,  Jr. 

George  A.  Burke 

David  M.  Carey 

Robert  E.  Clancy,  M.D. 

Gerald  W.  Coughlin 

Joseph  F.  Creedon 

Dr.  Edward  J.  Cronin 

Robert  L.  Cronin 

John  A.  Cunniff 

Thomas  E.  Dee 

John  S.  Dennehy 

Fred  P.  D'Errico 

Donald  R.  Desmond 

Joseph  T.  Devlin 

Joseph  S.  Donnelly 

William  S.  Downey,  M.D. 

David  J.  Farrell 

John  J.  Ferriter 

Richard  J.  F'tzgerald 

Edmund  L.  Flaherty,  D.M.D. 

Francis  J.  Fleming 

William  P.  Foley 

Stephen  M.  Frawley,  M.D. 

Henry  P.  Gaita 

Paul  F.  Harris 

John  V.  Harvey 

David  A.  Hern 

Leo  J.  Hinchey 

James  F.  Kiley 

Patrick  J.  King 

John  J.  Larivee 

Joseph  F.  McDavitt 

John  J.  McGonagle 

Charles  P.  McKenzie 

Thomas  K.  McManus 

James  J.  McTaggart 

Dougald  C.  MacGillivray,  M.D. 

Thaddeus  F.  Mal:szewski 

Thomas  M.  Maloney 

Henry  A.  Mariani 

William  F.  Meara,  Jr. 

Thomas  E.  Moran 

Paul  V.  Moynihan 

John  J.  Murphy,  M.D. 

Joseph  C.  Murphy 

Thomas  J.  Murphy,  Jr. 

David  J.  O'Connor,  Jr. 

William  E.  O'Halloran 

Paul  J.  O'Sullivan 

William  J.  O'Sullivan,  Jr. 

Alfred  C.  Peters,  D.M.D. 

James  A.  Ryan 

Paul  J.  Ryder 

Louis  P.  Sammartino 

Paul  L.  Sullivan 

Martin  B.  Underwood 

Alfred  N.  Weber 

Henry  W.  Welch 


6  MacArthur  St.,  Somerville 
92  Moraine  St.,  Jamaica  Plain 

JAMES  SPILLANE  has  been  promoted 
to  state  manager  for  the  Kessler  Division 
of  the  Seagram  Distillers  Co.  He  has 
been  with  the  firm  since  1951.  Jim  is 
married  and  has  6  children,  living  in 
North  Quincy. 

JOE  HILL  is  now  chief  purchasing 
agent  at  the  Mass.  General  Hospital.  He 
received  his  master's  and  is  studying  for 
his  doctorate  in  German  at  B.  U.  The 
Hills  have  four  children  and  live  in  West 

ED  CLASBY  is  with  I.B.M.  in  the 
Typewriter  Sales  Division,  Boston;  DICK 
DIGIANGREGORIO  is  employed  by 
Pratt,  Whitney  at  the  Oak  Ridge,  Ten- 
nessee plant.  EARLE  MYERS  received 
his  master's  in  Social  Work  from  the 
College  in  1950.  He  has  been  associated 
since  graduation  with  the  Family  Service 
Association.  JOHN  GIANOULIS  is  the 
principal  of  Abington  High  School — one 
of  the  youngest  principals  in  the  country. 
He  is  married  to  the  former  Helen  La- 
looses  of  Dorchester. 

SANFORD  WEINERT  received  his 
M.  D.  from  Chicago  Medical  School  and 
is  now  on  the  staff  of  the  V.  A.  Hospital, 
Jamaica  Plain.  He  is  married. 

teaching  at  Tulane  University  for  the 
past  2  years.  Received  his  Ph.D.  in  Zool- 
ogy  and   has    done   a   great   deal   of   re- 

Randall  P.   Cameron,  Jr.,   '\L)  CBA,   named   by 

the    State    Junior    Chamber    of    Commerce    of 

Massachusetts   Young  Man  of  the    Year. 

search  in  that  field.  IRVING  ZIEPER, 
married,  with  a  Ph.D.  in  Science  is  cur- 
rently attending  medical  school. 

Your  A&S  reporter  has  been  with 
the  Jerome  O'Leary  Advertising  Agency 
in  Boston  for  the  past  five  years  and 
is  now  account  executive.  Call  us  with 
your  items  for  class  notes — CO  7-7430. 

Received  a  nice  letter  from  HOWIE 
CHISHOLM  enclosing  a  clipping  from 
the  Gillette  Co.  paper  about  Howie  and 
Family,  which  reads  in  part,  "Howie  has 
been  with  Gillette  five  years  as  a  sales- 
man and  has  just  been  promoted  to  mili- 
tary representative,  contacting  armed 
forces  centers  and  large  variety  chains". 
Looks  like  the  Chisholms  have  moved 
around  a  lot  since  B.C.  because  each  of 
their  five  children  have  been  born  in  a 
different  community.  He  mentions  in  his 
letter  that  he  had  talked  recently  with 
JOHN  RILEY  and  also  suggests  "tell 
our  guys  to  write — its  our  way  of  keep- 
ing posted  on  their  doings".  Why  not 
take  his  advice  and  drop  a  line  to  Jack 
O'Neill,  address  above. 

Talked  with  GEORGE  SAVAGE  (Real 
Estate  and  Insurance)  recently  and  he 
has  bought  a  new  home  in  Quincy  near 
the  Braintree  line.  He  said  that  JACK 
McNULTY  of  Central  Mutual  Ins.  has 
been  around  talking  up  C.  M.  Ins.  Also 
told  us  that  BILL  BOODRO  has  a  little 
girl  and  is  still  living  in  Michigan. 

"I  wonder  what  became  of  Sally?" 
And  while  you're  wondering,  how  about 
RALPH,  JOE  THIBAULT?  Does  any- 
body ever  hear  from  them  ? 

Don't  forget  the  Stadium  Fund  Drive. 
Those  who  have  contributed  to  the  Alum- 
ni Fund  in  the  past,  how  about  adding  a 
little  extra  this  year.  As  for  those  who 
have  never  contributed,  how  about  mak- 
ing up  for  it  now.  If  we  are  going  to 
have  football  at  B.C.  it  could  depend  on 
your    contribution.    GIVE   NOW. 

Class  of   1948 

93  contributing   $896.00 
James  T.  Costello,  Thomas  F.  Spencer,  Class  Agents 
Mario  A.  Ablondi,  M.D. 
Harry  R.  Barker,  Jr. 
John  F.  Best 
George  E.  Brown,  Jr. 
Henry  T.  Burke,  Jr. 
Robert  F.  X.  Casey 
Howard  D.  Chisholm 
Robert  A.  Colbert 
John  P.  Coneys,  Jr. 

Timothy  J.  Connors 
John  E.  Corcoran,  Jr. 
John  M.  Corcoran 
James  F.  Costello 
Rev.  Robert  B.  Costello 
Frank  A.  Crosby 
Michael  Crowley 
William  H.  Curley 
Leonard  A.  Dalton 

Michael  J.  DeCesare 
John  W.  DePass 
Francis  X.  Doherty 
Francis  X.  Donelan 
Joseph  F.  Donohue 
Arthur  C.  Dorsey 
John  J.  Downing 
J.  Donald  Duffey 
Francis  J.  Dunne 
John  T.  Farrell 
William  T.  Fitzgerald 
Rev.  John  H.  Flynn 
James  J.  Ford 
Robert  E.  Foy  III 
Paul  V.  Gartland 
Eugene  C.  Gaulin 
Mario  Giannelli 
Prisco  F.  Giardiello 
Thomas  J.  Gilligan 
Thomas  J.  Greehan,  Jr. 
Richard  D.  Greene 
Joseph  P.  Harrington 
John  J.  Hart  III 
Frank  X.  Harvey 
James  D.  Hogan 
Robert  K.  Houlihan,  M.D. 
John  D.  Hughes,  Jr. 
George  B.  Kehoe 
Matthew  N.  Keleher 
William  J.  Kickham 
Edward  J.  King 
Richard  M.  Kirby 
Paul  E.  Lane 
Paul  G.  Lannon 
Arthur  F.  Law,  Jr. 
Rev.  Angelo  P.  Loscocco 
John  F.  Lyons 
Thomas  F.  McCall 

The  ABiauBBisi 

Charles  R.  McCready 
Dale  G.  McElroy 
John  E.  McMahon 
Edward  J.  McMorrow 
William  P.  Melville 
Thomas  M.  Moran 
Walter  J.  Mordarski 
Paul  S.  Morin 
Paul  G.  Murphy 
Leo  J.  Murray 
Sylvester  F.  Murray,  Jr. 
Roger  P.  Myette 
Eugene  F.  Nash 
Lawrence  H.  O'Brien 
Thomas  P.  O'Connor,  Jr. 
William  F.  0'Meara 
James  J.  O'Neill 
John  H.  O'Neill,  Jr. 
Joseph  F.  Paulson 
Francis  J.  Perry,  Jr. 
Thomas  E.  Ralph 
John  L.  Riley,  Jr. 
David  J.  Ring 
Vincent  D.  Riordan 
Arnold  A.  Rubin 
George  B.  Savage 
John  T.  Sayers 
Cornelius  J.  Scanlon 
Robert  J.  Sherer 
Thomas  F.  Spencer,  Jr. 
John  J.  Sullivan,  Jr. 
Francis  0.  Tracy 
Bernard  F.  Travers 
Joseph  Veanor 
Paul  A.  Waters,  Jr. 
Bernard  F.  Wermers 
Paul  R.  Wilkas 




1058  Tunbridge  Road,  Baltimore, 



288  Chestnut  Hill  Ave.,  Brighton 

On  December  14,  1956  the  Class  of  '49 
held  at  Alumni  Hall.  Even  though 
the  weather  outside  was  probably  the 
worst  of  the  year,  the  couples  who  braved 
the  storm  had  a  most  enjoyable  evening, 
dancing  and  gathering  around  the  piano 
harmonizing  with  the  "old  gang".  The 
Committee  appreciates  the  support  of  all 
those  who  were  able  to  attend  and  of  the 
many  others  who  purchased  tickets  but 
were  kept  away  because  of  the  bad 
weather.  A  special  vote  of  thanks  goes  to 
our  out-of-staters  who  were  able  to  at- 
tend—JACK  McQUILLEN  of  Baltimore 
and  TOM  MURPHY  of  New  Haven. 

Congratulations  to  RANDALL  P. 
CAMERON,  JR.  who  was  named  the  Mas- 
sachusetts Young  Man  of  the  Year  by 
the  State  Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
He  was  chosen  because  of  his  leadership 
achievement  and  service  to  the  commun- 
ity. Randall  is  President  of  the  Richard 
H.  Bird  and  Company,  Waltham,  manu- 
facturers of  jewels  for  precision  instru- 
ments. He  and  his  wife,  Dorothy,  make 
their  home  at  90  Cabot  Street  in  Wal- 
tham with  their  four  children,  Audrey, 
Randall  III,  Michael,  and  Joanne. 

Congratulations  are  also  in  order  to 
JOHN  (JACK)  GRAHAM  upon  his  re- 
cent promotion  to  Assistant  Sales  Man- 
ager of  the  American  Cement  Corpora- 
tion in  New  York  City.  Jack  was  formerly 
Office  Manager  of  their  Washington  Of- 

Our  best  wishes  for  a  speedy  recovery 
to  DR.  JOE  GILLIS  who  has  been  recu- 
perating at  the  Pratt  Diagnostic. 

We  understand  that  RICHARD  J. 
BARRY  is  attending  the  Dental  School 
of  St.  Louis  University. 

is  now  working  at  the  Pratt  Diagnostic. 

KARL  FASSNACHT  is  living  out  on 


Certified    Public    Accountant 

Announces    the 

Opening    of   an    Office   in 

Milford,    Massachusetts 

204  Main   Street 

Milford   4110 



The  Alumni 

Cherry  Street  in  Framingham  and  recent- 
ly had  a  new  addition  to  his  family. 

GEORGE  FERRIS  has  taken  up  resi- 
dence in  Hollywood,  Florida  and  is  teach- 
ing school  there;  JOHN  TYRELL  is 
teaching  at  Charlestown  High  and  coach- 
ing hockey. 

Down  Washington  way,  JOSEPH  A. 
BROWN  is  working  for  the  government, 
is  married,  and  has  one  child. 

Recently  discharged  from  the  Army, 
AL  SHAUGHNESSY,  is  now  working  in 
Baltimore,  Maryland  for  Morton  Air- 
craft and  is  the  proud  father  of  two 

BOB  MACLEOD  is  living  in  Framing- 
ham  and  working  for  the  Mercury  Divi- 
sion  in   Natick. 

Congratulations  to  the  ED  GRANTS 
on  their  new  arrival,  a  son,  Stephen 
Xavier,  and  also  to  the  BOB  BIDWELLS 
on  their  new  son,  Christopher. 

Our  congratulations  and  best  wishes 
to  BILL  MURDOCK  who  was  recently 
married  to  the  former  Pegge  Joy.  Bill 
was  given  support  on  that  day  by  our 
Class  President,  BILL  HARNEY,  who 
acted  as  best  man. 

JOHN  BROSNAHAN  has  been  named 
chairman  for  the  Upham's  Corner  area 
in  the  current  Red  Cross  annual  fund 
campaign,  John  has  opened  a  law  office 
at  650  Dudley  Street. 

TOM  JACKSON  was  a  candidate  for 
School  Committeeman  in  the  recent  Wal- 
pole  town  elections. 

TOM  CONNOR'S  engagement  to  Miss 
Barbara  Ann  Barrett  of  Arlington 
Heights  was  recently  announced.  Tom 
will  be  joining  the  married  ranks  in 

The  BOB  CURRANS  enjoyed  a  very 
pleasant  and  much  too  brief  visit  from 
AL  CASS  on  his  recent  sales  trip  to 

JIM  and  Betty  McETTRICK  have 
moved  into  their  new  home.  Jim  is  with 
the  A.C.  Division  of  General  Motors. 

Also  engaged  to  be  married  in  June 
is  JOHN  MURRAY  of  Newton.  John's 
bride  to  be  is  Miss  Jane  McSweeney  of 
Milton.  John  is  an  attorney  in  Washing- 

CAPTAIN  TED  McCARTHY  is  teach- 
ing new  Marine  Corps  officers  at  the 
Basic  School  in  Quantico,  Virginia.  Ted 
writes  that  all  is  fine  and  he  plans  to  be 
a  career  man  in  the  Corps.  He  sends  his 
best  regards  to  all  '49ers. 

EDWARD  B.  MURPHY  is  working  at 
the  M.I.T.  Lincoln  Laboratory  and  now  is 
living  in  Roslindale.  Ed  is  married  and 
has  four  children. 

Our  thanks  to  JOHN  CARNEY  who 
has  volunteered  to  handle  notifying  class 
members  of  all  activities. 

Best  wishes  to  BILL  and  Dolly  ABELY 
who  have  recently  moved  into  their  new 
home  in  Dedham. 

The  Class  is  planning  to  hold  another 
Dance  on  May  10  at  Alumni  Hall.  If  you 
don't  plan  to  attend  this,  you'll  be  miss- 
ing out  on  a  wonderful  evening — just 
ask  anyone  who  was  with  us  at  the 
December  Dance.  So,  don't  forget — re- 
serve the  night  of  May  10  now. 

Members  of  our  Class  who  attended 
the  Kick-Off  Dinner  for  the  Stadium 
Fund  included  BILL  HARNEY,  BILL 
BILL  McCOOL.  Although  most  of  you 
have  probably  already  sent  your  dona- 
tion for  the  new  stadium,  any  who 
haven't  I  know  will  do  so  promptly.  Let's 
get  behind  "Football  at  the  Heights." 
Remember,  donations  to  this  fund  are 
also  considered  as  your  contribution  to 
the  Alumni  Fund  for  the  year. 

How    about   some    more    news    items. 
Drop  us  a  line  and  let  us  know  what  you 
are  doing  and  where  you  are  living. 
Class  of  1949 

179  contributing  $1,685.64 
Paul  E.  Mitchell,  William  H.   Harney,  Class  Agents 

William  F.  Abely  John  P.  Hughes,  Jr. 

Henry  G.  Barry  Paul  P.  Kane 

John  A.  Berlo  Edward  A.  Kaunelis 

Robert  E.  Bidwell  Arthur  J.  Kavanagh,  Jr. 

Leo  W.  Bieler,  Jr.  Paul  G.  Kelleher 

John  C.  Birmingham,  Jr.  Paul  G.  Kelleher 

Francis  J.  Bowman  Charles  D.  Kelley 

John  J.  Bradley,  Jr.  Francis  J.  Kelly 

Charles  H.  Brennan  Leo  M.  Kelly 

David  A.  Brissette  Joseph  J.  Kendrick,  Jr. 

John  J.  Brosnahan  John  B.  Kremp,  Jr. 

Richard  A.  Bruno  Pierre  deR.  Lambert 

James  P.  Buckley  Leo  A.  Landers 

Rev.  William  C.  Burckhart  Joseph  J.  Lane 

Wallace  J.  Burgess  Francis  J.  LaRussa 

Joseph  L.  Burke  Ronald  E.  Leary 

William  H.  Butler  Patrick  J.  Leonard,  Jr. 

John  J.  Cahill  John  H.  Linehan 

Gerald  T.  Cameron  Edward  J.  Lynch 

Francis  P.  Canty  Rev.  Edward  G.  Lyons 

John  J.  Carney  John  J.  Lysaght 

John  C.  Carrabino  Charles  J.  McCoy 

Charles  S.  Carroll  James  G.  McEttrick 

Albert  J.  Cass,  Jr.  Walter  J.  McGauley 

Earle  J.  Childs  Charles  J.  McKenna 

Ernest  J.  Ciampa  Robert  J.  McLoud 

Harold  R.  Claus  Daniel  J.  McNamara 

William  E.  Cohan  John  J.  McQuillan 

Frank  C.  Codetta  George  F.  Mahoney 

Joseph  A.  Collins  Daniel  F.  Maloney 

Silvio  0.  Conte  Joseph  L.  Maloney 

John  J.  Cormack,  Jr.  Robert  J.  Maloney 

James  H.  Cotter,  M.D.  Robert  L.  Marble 

Joseph  F.  Cotter,  Jr.  Robert  J.  Martin 

Francis  P.  Coughlan,  Jr.  John  K.  Meany 

Robert  Q.  Crane  Stephen  P.  Michalowski 

John  J.  Crehan,  Jr.  Richard  J.  Millard,  Jr. 

Maurice  J.  Crounse  Paul  E.  Mitchell 

Robert  G.  Curran  John  T.  Moore 

William  H.  Curtis,  Jr.  William  A.  Murdock 

Donald  W.  Davidson  Edward  B.  Murphy 

Richard  P.  Devlin  Robert  T.  Murphy 

Vincent  J.  DiNatale  Thomas  J.  Murphy 

Leroy  J.  Doane,  Jr.  Russell  J.  Nagle 

William  L.  Donahue,  M.D.  Robert  C.  Najjar 

Daniel  J.  Donovan  John  D.  Nicholson,  M.D. 

Philip  E.  Doyle  Daniel  V.  O'Connell,  Jr. 

Robert  J.  Dray  John  F.  O'Connell 

John  T.  Driscoll  John  J.  O'Connor 

Roland  L.  Driscoll  Joseph  M.  O'Donnell 

Edward  F.  Dwyer  Alfred  J.  O'Hare 

Joseph  G.  Edwards,  Jr.  John  J.  O'Malley,  Jr. 

John  R.  Ellis  John  L.  Owen 

John  G.  Emmons  Robert  A.  Pasakarnis 

William  A.  English  Eugene  F.  Peyton 

Francis  J.  Farrell  Faustin  A.  Pipal 

Albert  A.  Fitzgerald  John  L.  Power 

Edward  R.  Fitzgerald  Thomas  0.  Power 

Rev.  Joseph  H.  Frates  John  T.  Prince 

David  Gaoer  Joseph  I.  Quinn 

Lester  E.  Gallagher  David  H.  Reardon 

Gerald  R.  Galligan  Peter  F.  Rogerson,  Jr. 

James  L.  Galvin,  Jr.  Francis  A.  Rooney 

Francis  R.  Gaw  John  M.  Russell 

John  J.  Geary  Edward  J.  Ryan 

Joseph  R.  Germaine  Thomas  E.  Ryan,  Jr. 

George  T.  Gildea,  D.M.D.  Arthur  C.  Sandler,  D.M.D. 

Joseph  L.  Gillis,  D.M.D.  Henry  R.  Santosuosso 

John  P.  Gleeson  Albert  J.  Shaughnessey 

Arthur  G.  Goldman,  M.D.  Murray  J.  Shea 

Raymond  H.  Gorman,  Jr.  Albert  F.  Smith,  Jr. 

Edward  J.  Grant  Joseph  P.  Smyth 

Sidney  Green  John  W.  Spellman,  Jr. 

Lawrence  J.  Griffin  Howard  H.  Spence 

John  J.  Grimes  Walter  L.  Spillane 

William  J.  Hajjar  John  F.  Stokes 

Charles  L.  Hansen  Louis  E.  Sullivan 

William  H.  Harney,  Jr.  Paul  J.  Supple 

Rev.  James  J.  Harrington  William  R.  Supple 

Charles  J.  Harvey  Edward  J.  Tedesco 

James  P.  Harvey  Joseph  E.  Travers,  Jr. 

Philip  C.  Hatton  John  J.  Turner,  Jr. 

Arthur  S.  Healey  Joseph  T.  Vanderslice 
Patrick  J.  Hennelly,  Jr.,  M.D.  John  J.  Waite 

William  F.  Hennessey  Rev.  Richard  P.  Wasnewski 

Michael  A.  Hirrel  James  A.  Whelton,  M.D. 

John  J.  Hogan  Francis  G.  Wynne 

William  E.  Hogan  John  R.  Yurewicz 

Joseph  G.  Hopkins  Edward  G.  Zapski,  D.M.D. 
James  P.  Houlihan 

)CA      DANTE  S.  DeFAZIO 
jl  I      9  Indian  Spring  Rd.,  Ashland 
16  Pleasant  St.,  Lynn 
REV.  WILLIAM  V.  AHEARN  is  now 
serving  with  the  Maryknoll   Fathers   in 
Korea.   He  was   ordained  to  the  priest- 
hood   at    Maryknoll    Seminary   in    June, 
1955.   Congratulations    to    ED    CLASBY 
who  was  elected  to  the  School  Committee 
in    Framingham.  Also    to     GIOVANNI 
FOLCARELLI,  R.I.  attorney  on  his  ap- 
pointment to  the  staff  of  Senator  Green 
of  that  state. 

BILL  LEWIS  has  successfully  com- 
pleted a  training  course  for  fire  protec- 
tion engineers  at  Jhe  home  office  of  the 
Factory  Mutual  Engineering  Division  in 

DR.  GERALD  B.  SPURR  is  now  asso- 
ciated with  the  Clinical  Physiology  Lab- 
oratory, Institute  of  Clinical  Investiga- 
tion at  the  University  of  Tennessee  in 
Memphis.  Good  to  hear  from  BOB 
GLEASON  now  the  father  of  a  son  and 
daughter,  Michael  Patrick  and  Brigid 
Ann.  The  Gleasons  live  at  7  Worcester 
Place,  Holbrook.  The  JAMES  J.  COLE- 
MANS  are  the  proud  parents  of  Michael 
Joseph  born  on  January  29. 

FRED  C.  ROBINSON,  Portland,  Maine 
was  one  of  six  students  named  to  the 
Dean's  list  for  the  first  semester  at  Port- 
land University  Law  School.  He  is  a  sec- 
ond year  student. 

opened  a  dental  office  in  Danvers  and 
DR.  HUBERT  HENKEN  has  announced 
the  opening  of  his  dental  offices  at  844 
Main  St.,  Greenwood.  JOHN  H.  WALSH, 
vice-principal  of  the  South  Memorial 
School,  has  been  elected  president  of  the 
Teachers'  Union  in  Peabody;  PAUL  K. 
SWEENEY  has  been  appointed  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Board  of  Assessors  and  secre- 
tary of  the  Board  in  Woburn;  BOB  PAL- 
LADINO  is  with  O'Neill  Motors  in  Wel- 
lesley;  FRANK  FINN  has  joined  the 
Boston  Agency  of  the  Mass.  Mutual  Life 
Insurance  Co.,  and  FRANK  DORAN  has 
joined  the  Boston  Legal  Aid  Society  as 
staff  attorney.  He  has  been  with  the 
F.B.I,  for  the  past  seven  years. 

DR.  JOHN  McCONVILLE  was  married 
recently  to  Hertha  G.  Horn  of  East  Bos- 
ton. He  is  a  Tufts  graduate  and  interned 
at  Carney  Hospital;  PAUL  HENNES- 
SEY'S bride  is  the  former  Sally  Walsh 
of  Dorchester. 

Among  classmates  engaged  are:  DR. 
DAVID  MARON  to  Nancy  J.  Canavan  of 
Revere;  Muriel  M.  Haase  of  Fitchburg 
to  JOHN  H.  O'NEILL,  JR.  John  is  a 
member  of  the  faculty  of  Boston  English 
High  School;  JOHN  M.  DEMPSEY,  JR. 
to  Marie  T.  Deignan  of  West  Roxbury; 
Mary  Ellen  Wagner  of  Woburn  to  ROB- 
ERT L.  BOWE;  Brenda  M.  Conlon  of 
Belmont  to  JOSEPH  F.  ABELY,  JR.; 
Ann  Murphy  of  Woodside,  L.I.,  to  ROB- 
ERT B.  BEGLEY;  Maria  T.  Zock  of  Wel- 
lesley  Hills  to  JOSEPH  G.  LIND;  HEN- 
RY F.  MULLOY  to  Irene  A.  Silvestri  of 

Class  of  '50— Let's  get  behind  the  B.C. 
Stadium  Drive — Contact  Bill  Flynn  at 
Alumni  Hall  or  your  A&S  correspondent. 

Class  of  1950 

400   contributing   $3,046.20 
John  R.  Logan,  John  E.  Gallagher,  Class  Agents 

John  E.  Ahearn  Maurice  F.  Burke 

Francis  X.  Amsler  Richard  A.  Burke 

Kenneth  A.  Anderson,  Jr.  William  A.  Burke 

Robert  S.  Andrews,  Jr.  Richard  J.  Burns 

John  M.  Bane  Edward  H.  Burrell 

Raymond  Baskin  Francis  W.  Cain 

Donald  J.  Beatty  James  F.  Cairns 

Cameron  D.  Beers,  Jr.  Richard  G.  Callahan 

Joseph  G.  P.  Belanger  Richard  P.  Callahan 

Carol  F.  Bernhardt  William  P.  Callas 

Richard  J.  Birmingham  John  A.  Canavan,  Jr. 

Walter  F.  Boggio  William  J.  Canty 

Francis  X.  Bova  John  B.  Casey,  Jr. 

Robert  L.  Bowe  Joseph  F.  Casey 

Bernard  G.  Bowers  Thomas  H.  Casey,  Jr. 

William  G.  Bowers  William  C.  Casey 

Robert  G.  Bowlby  Arthur  F.  Cassidy 

Edward  P.  Brady  Robert  R.  Catalano 

William  K.  Bragle  Walter  H.  Chick,  Jr. 

Mark  P.  Brash  Joseph  V.  Christopher 

Joseph  A.  Breen  Michael  0.  Ciccarelli 

Albert  C.  Brennan  John  L.  Clark 

David  D.  Bricker  Richard  N.  Clark 

John  J.  Brodbine  James  F.  Cleary 

Robert  L.  Brosnahan  Lawrence  R.  Coen 

Bernard  M.  Burke,  Jr.  James  F.  Coggins 

George  W.  Burke,  Jr.  John  J.  Colbert 

John  P.  Burke  John  E.  Collins 

Kevin  J.  Burke  Robert  M.  Collins 


The  Alumni 


James  B.  Condon 
Paul  V.  Conley 
John  J.  Connell 
James  P.  Connelly,  Jr. 
Garrett  J.  Connolly 
James  M.  Connolly 
Richard  M.  Connor 
William  J.  Connor 
William  P.  Cook 
Joseph  E.  Cormier 
Edmond  J.  Cotter 
James  W.  Cotter,  Jr. 
John  P.  Craven 
Salvatore  J.  Cretello 
William  M.  Croke,  Jr. 
Joseph  M.  Cronin 
Paul  X.  Cronin 
Joseph  M.  Crosby 
Francis  A.  Crowley,  Jr. 
Joseph  E.  Crowley 
Robert  J.  Crowley 
Joseph  J.  Cunniff 
Raymond  J.  Cunningham 
Gerald  R.  Curtis 
Paul  J.  Daly 
Alfonso  J.  D  Aniello 
Charles  B.  Davis,  Jr.  M.D. 
David  J.  Dawson 
Dante  S.  DeFazio 
Lawrence  J.  Delaney,  M.D. 
Julian  Demeo,  Jr. 
Joseph  F.  Desmond 
Mark  E.  Devane 
Albert  G.  Devejian 
Joseph  F.  Dever 
Joseph  M.  Devine 
John  F.  Devlin 
Vincent  A.  DiDio 
Joseph  J.  Diminick 
Anthony  R.  DioDato 
Edward  F.  Dirsa 
Robert  L.  DiSchino 
Edward  F.  Doherty 
Arthur  J.  Dolan 
Robert  P.  Dolbec 
James  F.  Donnelly,  Jr. 
Walter  E.  Donnelly 
Edward  F.  Donovan,  Jr. 
Frederick  .M.  Donovan 
John  T.  Donovan 
John  W.  Donovan 
Francis  J.  Dooley 
Francis  M.  Doran 
Thomas  W.  Doyle 
Edward  R.  Driscoll 
John  J.  Driscoll 
William  P.  Driscoll 
James  P.  Drummey 
Edward  P.  Dunn 
Robert  W.  Egan,  M,D. 
John  L.  Eisenmann 
J.  Joseph  Elliott 
Harry  B.  Ernst 
George  0.  Fall 
John  J.  Farley 
John  J.  Farrell,  Jr. 
Paul  G.  Fay 
Herbert  A.  Feeney 
Andrew  J.  Fichera,  M.D. 
Charles  F.  Field 
David  C.  Finlay 
Francis  L.  Finn 
Lawrence  P.  Finnegan 
Richard  P.  Fitzgerald 
William  R.  Fitzgerald 
Richard  B.  Fitzpatrick 
Vincent  P.  Flanagan 
John  L.  Flannery 
Neil  T.  Flathers 
Joseph  G.  Fleisch 
M.  Brendan  Fleming 
Thomas  J.  Flinn,  Jr. 
Paul  L.  Flynn,  Jr. 
Edward  L.  Fogarty 
Donald  E.  Foley 
Joseph  R.  Foley 
Harold  E.  Folger,  Jr. 
Robert  M.  Ford 
Armand  L.  Fortunato 
Robert  H.  Fouhy 
Charles  F.  Fredey  III 
Ralph  G.  Galeota 
Gerald  F.  Gallagher 
John  E.  Gallagher 
Joseph  C.  Gallagher 
Richard  C.  Gallagher,  M.D. 
Robert  H.  Gallagher 
Thomas  N.  Gallagher 
James  P.  Gallivan 
Charles  E.  Gardella 
John  P.  Garrahan 
Thomas  K.  Garrity,  Jr. 
Arthur  C.  Gaudreau,  M.D. 
Matthew  J.  Geoghegan,  Jr. 
Thomas  J.  Giblin,  M.D. 
Charles  W.  Gibson 
Joseph  A.  Gill 
Charles  V.  Gillis,  Jr. 
John  J.  Ginty 
Robert  M.  Gleason 
Thomas  A.  Gleason 
William  T.  Glennon 
Thomas  J.  Goff 
Jasper  T.  Grassa 
Richard  T.  Green 
Arthur  J.  Greene,  Jr. 

George  C.  Griffin,  Jr. 

Joseph  G.  Griffin 

Joseph  P.  Griffin 

Donald  J.  Grimes 

Stanley1  A.  Grzybinski,  D.D.S. 

Edward  D.  Guinan 

Paul  F.  Guinee 

Richard  C.  Guiney 

Charles  J.  Hague 

John  J.  Halvey 

Thomas  A.  Hanna 

Charles  A.  Hart 

James  C.  Harte 

Robert  F.  Harwood 

Victor  L.  Hatem 

Paul  H.  Hayes 

John  F.  Healey 

Joseph  M.  Hickey 

Francis  M.  Higgins 

Paul  F.  Hillery 

William  I.  Hirshom 

John  A.  Holston 

John  A.  Horgan 

William  J.  Horrigan 

Richard  J.  Hosmer 

H.  Francis  Houlihan 

Charles  F.  Hurley,  Jr. 

Thomas  S.  Hurley,  Jr. 

Paul  C.  Jellison 

Anthony  J.  John 

James  T.  Kane,  Jr. 

William  F.  Kelly 

Francis  X.  Kennedy 

John  P.  Kiley 

William  R.  Kiley 

Thomas  A.  Knowlton 

Joseph  P.  Krawiec 

Robert  A.  Kuppens 

Joseph  G.  Laffy,  D.M.D. 

John  S.  Langone 

George  F.  Laubner 

Charles  B.  Lawrence 

Peter  G.  Lelecas 

Gerald  A.  Lemieux 

Richard  J.  Leonard 

William  C.  Lewis 

James  B.  Lilley 

John  X.  Linnehan 

John  R.  Logan 

William  G.  Logue 

Edwin  J.  Loschi 

James  T.  Lynch 

William  J.  Lynch,  Jr. 

Thomas  J.  Lyons 

James  A.  McA'Nulty,  M.D. 

John  L.  McAvoy 

John  J.  McCafferty 

John  A.  McCann 

Charles  J.  McCarthy 

James  H.  McCarthy 

John  D.  McCarthy 

William  J.  McCarthy,  Jr. 

Anthony  J.  McConologue 

Alfred  E.  McCooey 

Richard  T.  McCue 

John  H.  McCusker  III 

Joseph  P.  McCusker 

Patrick  J.  McDermott 

William  H.  McDermott 

Edward  F.  McDonald,  Jr. 

Frederick  V.  McDonald 

Joseph  C.  McDonald 

Arthur  C.  McDonough,  Jr. 

Ralph  R.  McDonough 

John  P.  McEleney 

Joseph  A.  McEntee,  Jr. 

Thomas  J.  McGagh 

Harold  W.  McGinn,  Jr. 

John  D.  McGrail 

John  J.  Mclntire 

Francis  X.  McLaughlin 

Harold  J.  McLaughlin 

Robert  F.  McNeil 

Frederick  J.  MacCormack 

William  A.  MacDougall 

Robert  A.  Maclnnes 

John  J.  Madden,  Jr. 

Francis  P.  Mahan 

Charles  F.  Mahoney 

Dr.  Russell  F.  Mahoney 

Henry  C.  Malagodi,  D.M.D. 

Kenneth  V.  Malsch 

Luke  E.  Manning 

Edward  J.  Martin 

John  H.  Martis 

Richard  J.  Matulis 

Capt.  Walter  L.  Mayo,  Jr. 

Vincent  J.  Mazgelis 
Thomas  F.  Meade,  Jr. 
Angelo  P.  Medici 
Chester  J.  Melanson,  Jr. 
Paul  J.  Michalowski 
Ennis  J.  Montella 
George  H.  Moore 
Francis  X.  Moran 
Robert  A.  Muldoon 
John  D.  Mulhern 
John  A.  Mullaly 
Thomas  J.  Mullane 
Francis  X.  Murphy 
John  L.  Murphy,  Jr. 
Robert  T.  Murphy 
Walter  A.  Murphy 
Walter  T.  Murphy 
Francis  C.  Murray 

John  I.  Murray,  Jr. 
Robert  L.  Murray 
James  W.  Nagle 
Francis  J.  Nash,  M.D. 
Joseph  F.  Nelson 
Joseph  R.  Nolan 
John  D.  O'Brien 
J.  Paul  O'Brien 
Robert  L.  O'Brien 
Robert  P.  O'Connell 
Thomas  F.  O'Connell 
Brendan  P.  O'Donnell 
John  F.  O'Donnell 
William  J.  O'Donnell,  D.D.S. 
John  J.  O'Hare 
John  J.  O'Keefe,  Jr. 
John  J.  O'Leary 
Austin  J.  O'Malley,  Jr. 
Gerard  M.  O'Meara 
James  W.  O'Neill 
John  J.  O'Neil,  Jr. 
Francis  X.  O'Sullivan 
George  Padula 
Leo.  J.  Parente 
Frank  J.  Paul 
John  B.  Perroni 
Philip  A.  Phalon 
Cornelius  W.  Phillips,  Jr. 
Robert  J.  Pink 
Maurice  C.  Poissant 
Thomas  A.  Pollock 
William  J.  Power,  Jr. 
John  C.  Powers 
John  Pratt 
Henri  E.  Proulx 
Frederick  C.  Quirk 
Harold  A.  Radochia 
Eugene  J.  Ratto 
Thomas  W.  Rawson 
Frank  J.  Real  in 
Arthur  J.  Reardon 
William  E.  Reardon,  Jr. 
Paul  F.  Reddy 
William  J.  Reid 
William  J.  Reynolds 
John  F.  Richard 
Harold  P.  Rico 
John  M.  Ring 
Arthur  T.  Roberts 
Anthony  C.  Rose,  Jr. 
Frank  A.  Ruberto 
William  V.  Ryan 
Milton  M.  Sachs 
Thomas  A.  Sampson 
Francis  B.  Sanford,  Jr. 
Daniel  L.  Scali 
Robert  F.  Scannell 

William  J.  Scannell 
Richard  A.  Schena 
James  F.  Scollans,  Jr. 
James  A.  Scollin 
John  G.  Shack 
James  J.  Shannon,  Jr. 
Herbert  Shapiro 
Daniel  J.  Shea 
Jeremiah  W.  Sheehan 
William  J.  Sheehan,  D.M.D. 
Timothy  F.  Sheehan 
Anthony  C.  Simboli 
John  J.  Slater,  Jr. 
Charles  F.  Smith 
Francis  E.  Smith,  M.D. 
Joseph  Sousa 
John  J.  Spellman 
Lawrence  E.  Spellman 
James  J.  Stapleton 
Ward  F.  Strange 
Stephen  P.  Stuka 
Arthur  V.  Sullivan,  Jr. 
Francis  J.  Sullivan 
John  F.  Sullivan 
Patrick  D.  Sullivan 
James  A.  Sweeney 
Victor  J.  Taricano 
George  J.  Thomas 
Joseph  L.  Tivnan 
Edward  L.  Tobin 
Edmond  P.  Torpey 
Paul  K.  Tucker 
John  J.  Tyner 
Gerald  C.  Uniacke 
Robert  A.  Vachon 
Frederick  P.  Valente 
John  E.  Van  Tassel,  Jr. 
Paul  D.  Vergakes 
Francis  M.  Walley,  Jr. 
Walter  J.  Wallis 
Daniel  A.  Walsh 
James  D.  Walsh 
John  E.  Walsh 
Joseph  L.  Walsh 
Leonard  J.  Walsh 
Joseph  F.  Warren 
James  E.  Waters 
John  R.  Watts 
Edmund  C.  Wessling 
John  P.  Weston 
Edwin  F.  Whitman 
Paul  F.  Williams 
John  A.  Wisentaner,  Jr. 
John  Wisniewski 
John  A.  Young,  Jr. 
Theodore  F.  Zagaeski 


Box  357A,  Saugerties,  NY. 
68  Mill  St.,  Newton  Centre 

JOHN  E.  KENNEDY— Has  passed  the 
Bar  and  is  now  a  member  of  the  legal 
dept.  of  N.E.  Mutual,  he  is  also  Battery 
Commander  in  the  94th  Division.  GER- 
RY McCARTY— Is  a  Psychologist  with 
the  V.A.  in  New  Jersey.  JACK  HANK- 
ARD  is  working  for  the  Civil  Service  in 
Washington.  BOB  MEADE— Is  doing 
graduate  work  in  Sweden.  FRANCIS  J. 
SULLIVAN — Is  underwriting  for  Lum- 
bermans  Mutual  Insurance  in  Boston. 
LLOYD  MacDONALD— Recently  father 
to  his  third  child.  GREG  SCHIPANI  — 
Graduated  from  Georgetown  Medical 
School  is  interning  in  Boston.  PAUL 
KING — Is  practicing  Law  in  Boston.  He 
is  the  father  of  three  daughters.  DAVE 
GODVIN — Is  an  Investment  Councilor 
with  Eastman  Dillon  in  New  York.  PAUL 
HATTON— Is  working  for  the  Rand  Cor- 
poration at  the  Kingston  IBM  Plant.  Is 
the  father  of  three  children.  VIN  CON- 
NERS — Is  with  the  Rand  Corporation  at 
the  IBM  Sage  Site  at  McGuire  Airfield. 

The  IBM  Corporation  has  announced 
the  promotion  of  JIM  KEELEY  as  Shift 
Manager  of  the  Sage  Site  at  Topsham, 
cently promoted  to  Associate  Test  En- 
gineer at  Kingston  graduating  top  of  his 
System  Test  course.  FRANK  GAFFNEY, 
father  of  two  is  working  for  John  W. 
Stokes  Co.  in  New  York.  GEORGE  FAR- 
RELL, S.J.,  is  now  at  Weston  College  and 
RAYMOND  BERTRAND,  S.J.  is  in  Bei- 
rut, Lebanon. 

JOHN  GARVEY  at  Glemnary  Semina- 
ry (The  Home  Missioners  of  America)  is 
preparing  for  ordination  on  June  1  at 
Glendale,   Ohio. 

JIM  and  Pat  CUNNINGHAM  are  the 
parents  of  Stephen  James  born  Novem- 
ber 22,  and  the  BILL  COLLINS'  an- 
nounce the  birth  of  Joseph  Patrick  Col- 
lins on  May  last  year  bringing  the  score 
to  2  boys  and  2  girls.  Bill  is  still  in 
Engineering.  CAPT.  JOHN  E.  MAZU- 
ZAN,  MC,  USAF  is  presently  Medical 
Officer  in  charge  of  the  Obstetrical  Serv- 
ice at  the  3550th  USAF  Hospital,  Moody 
Air  Force  Base,  Valdosta,  Georgia.  He 
expects  to  complete  his  military  tour  in 
August  and  will  return  to  Boston  for  an 
Anesthesiology  Residence  at  Mass.  Gen- 
eral Hospital.  On  December  20  the  Mazu- 
zan's  became  the  proud  parents  of  twins, 
a  son,  Christopher  and  a  daughter,  Ste- 
phanie. Their  other  two  sons  are  John, 
III,  and  Mark.  Congratulations. 

DICK  STANLEY  is  sales  representa- 
tive with  Allied  Mills,  Inc.,  2607  S.  Union 
Avenue.,  Alliance,  Ohio.  JACK  HARBI- 
SON— Married  and  teaching  at  LaSalle 
in  Philadelphia.  TONY  JOHNSON— Still 
blowing  a  storm  was  an  active  spectator 
at  the  B.C.-Rutgers  game.  BOB  KALER 
is  President  of  the  Boston  Toast  Masters 
Club.  DICK  SAVAGE  was  named  chair- 
man of  the  Nahant  Housing  Authority. 
JOHN  E.  MOYLAN  is  with  the  Agricul- 
tural and  Empire  State  Insurance  Com- 
pany. FRANK  J.  SULLIVAN  has  been 
appointed  Chief  Clerk  of  the  Kemper- 
matic  Department  of  the  Boston  office 
of  the  Kemper  Insurance  Company.  REV. 
BILL  CARRIGG  has  been  assigned  to 
Saint  Ambrose  Church,  Dorchester. 

CAPT.  JOHN  RILEY  is  a  recent  grad- 
uate of  the  Army  Medical  School  at  Fort 
Sam   Houston,  Texas. 

Among  the  recent  class  manages  — 
ARTHUR  PANETTA  to  Dorothy 
Browne;  WILLIAM  H.  WHITE  to  Jac- 
queline Herel;  DR.  JOHN  A.  MacDON- 
ALD to   Miss   Lawrence,  Beverly. 

Recently  engaged:  JOHN  A.  FOLEY 
to  Miss  Louise  Jones;  STEPHEN  RYAN 
to  Miss  Jane  Dineen;  LT.  JOSEPH  HOL- 
DEN  to  Miss  Ann  Mansfield;  JOHN  F. 
SCHOENFELD  at  the  St.  Louis  Univer- 
sity Dental  School  to  Miss  Agnes  Hu- 
bert; DR.  ALBERT  ALLAIRE  to  Miss 
Helen  Banks;  JAMES  J.  MURPHY  to 
Miss  Pauline  E.  Madden;  DAVID  M. 
CREHAN  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Burke;  WIL- 
LIAM J.  KELLEY  to  Miss  Marjorie  E. 
Carr;  DR.  JOHN  FLYNN,  PHD.  from 
M.I.T.  to  Miss  Patricia  Anne  Sullivan; 
WILIFRID  LAHAIE  to  Miss  Elinor  Mul- 
queeney;  DR.  RICHARD  FRATES  to 
Miss  Mary  L.  Burns;  ALFRED  L.  MUR- 
PHY to  Miss  Jo  Ellen  Malliff ;  ROBERT 
BEGLEY  to  Miss  Ann  Murphy;  JOHN 
T.  SCALLY  to  Miss  Corrine  Carragher; 
MALCOLM  COVEN  to  Miss  Miriam 
Fish;  WILLIAM  CURTIN  to  Miss  Joan 

Class  of  1951 

421   contributing    $3,369.70 
Lloyd  P.  McDonald,   Joseph  D.  Goode,   Class  Agents 
Wilfred  J.  Baranick 
Robert  F.  Barrett 
Joseph  E.  Bastable 
Robert  B.  Begley 
Lou's  J.  Belliveau 

Thomas  J.  Ahearn 
Francis  Ahern 
Elmo  L.  Albertelli,  D.M.D 
Robert  W.  Alence 
Albert  F.  Allaire,  D.M.D. 
William  J.  Aylward 
William  M.  Anderson 
Casimer  A.  Antoniewicz 
Walter  J.  Avery 
Victor  A.  Balchunas 
Francis  G.  Bane 

Robert  E.  Bernard 
Richard  A.  Bernardin 
Francis  M.  Bianco 
William  F.  Blake 
John  F.  Bonasera 
Robert  J.  Bond 

Beef,    Lamb,    Veal,    Pork,    Poultry,    Provisions 

JAMES  J.   DERBA  CO.,  '51 

"Integrity   is   the  difference" 

Hotels     Institutions     Restaurants 

Business  CA  7-6766    CA  7-0916-Res.   UN  4-3854 

32 A    North   Street  Boston   13,   Man. 




The  Alumni 

Paul  V.  Bossi 

Alfred  F.  Breen 

William  J.  Broderick 

Thomas  J.  Brooks 

Robert  R.  Byrant 

Rev.  Robert  W.  Bullock 

Raymond  S.  Burgess 

Arnold  T.  Burke 

Leo  D.  Burns 

Francis  C.  Cadigan,  Jr.,  M.D. 

Jerome  C.  Callahan,  Jr. 

John  T.  Canane 

Joseph  F.  Canney 

Frank  C.  Cardosi 

William  T.  Carey 

John  W.  Carley 

Arthur  F.  Carr 

John  A  .  Casey 

Robert  L.  Castagnola 

Francis  E.  Charles 

John  B.  Ciampa,  D.M.D. 

John  F.  Clancy 

Gael  D.  Coakley 

John  R.  Coakley 

William  D.  Coffey 

Francis  E.  Coleman 

Edmund  T.  Collins,  Jr. 

Joseph  G.  Collins 

William  F.  Collins 

Edwin  F.  Comerford 

Thomas  J.  Conley 

John  J.  Connelly,  Jr. 

Walter  J.  Connelly 

Francis  X.  Connors 

Vincent  C.  Connors 

William  C.  Conway 

Francis  X.  Corcoran 

Walter  J.  Corcoran 

William  E.  Corcoran,  Jr. 

Carl  A.  Costanza,  Jr.  D.O.S. 

James  F.  Costello 

Thomas  F.  Costello 

Thomas  P.  Costin,  Jr. 

Paul  A.  Crandell 

Jerome  J.  Cronin 

George  S.  Crosby 

Albert  H.  Crowley 

Francis  X.  Cunningham 

James  F.  Cunningham 

Thomas  P.  Curran 

James  J.  Curry,  Jr. 

William  J.  Curry 

Timothy  J.  Curtin,  Jr. 

Rev.  Francis  F.  Daily 

Robert  F.  Dai  ley 

William  S.  Dalton 

Rev.  Anthony  J.  Daniele 

James  J.  Davis 

Rev.  James  W.  DeAdder 

Vincent  J.  DeBaggis 

Willard  L.  DeClue,  Jr. 

Raymond  I  Decoux 

Raymond  E.  Deely 

Robert  P.  Delaney 

Gerald  F.  Delang 

Philip  J.  Dennis 

William  A.  Dennis 

James  J.  Derba 

Carl  R.  Deyeso 

Joseph  H.  DiPietro,  D.M.D. 

Rev.  Arthur  H.  Doherty 

Rev.  Henry  F.  Doherty 

Philip  B.  Dolan 

Edward  J.  Donahue 

John  T.  Donahue 

Francis  D.  Donoghue 

Richard  A.  Donohoe 

Jeremiah  J.  Donovan 

Patrick  J.  Doonan 

Maurice  F.  Downey 

Paul  J.  Doyle 

Paul  E.  Duffy,  D.M.D. 

Paul  V.  Dullea 

Paul  J.  Dunbar 

David  J.  Dunne 

James  F.  Dunphy 

William  V.  Durante 

Jackson  H.  Dutton 

John  A.  Dwyer 

Richard  J.  Earley 

Wallace  M.  Edmands 

Frank  W.  Ellis 

John  P.  Flavey 

Joseph  C.  Farmer 

Leo  J.  Feeney 

Arnold  D.  Fiascone,  M.D. 

William  M.  Finn 

Albert  J.  Finney 

George  J.  Fitzsimmons 

Joseph  A.  Flaherty 

Leonard  F.  Flaherty 

Francis  B.  Flanagan 

Cornelius  D.  Flynn 

John  B.  Flynn 

Robert  S.  Flynn 

William  F.  Flynn 

James  J.  Foley 

James  P.  Foley 

John  A.  Foley 

John  L.  Foley 

George  F.  Fonseca 

Daniel  F.  Ford 

Alan  H.  Foster 

Gerard  D.  Fradette 

Francis  P.  Frisoli 

John  P.  Frost 

Francis  M.  Gaffney 

Robert  L.  Gagnon 

Francis  0.  Gallagher 

James  J.  Gallery 

John  B.  Gavin 

Kenneth  R.  Gannon 

John  R.  Garvey 

Coleman  P.  Geary 

David  L.  Godvin 

Richard  X.  Goggin 

John  A.  P.  Good 

Joseph  D.  Goode 

William  Grady 

Edward  F.  Gregory,  Jr. 

John  W.  Gunn,  Jr. 

Bernard  J.  Hagan,  Jr. 

John  J.  Hallahan 

James  J.  Hamrock 

Joseph  M.  Hanley 

James  F.  Hanlon 

William  F.  Hanrahan 

John  L.  Harbison 

William  A.  Harwood 

Paul  D.  Hatton 

John  F.  Hayes 

Joseph  H.  Hayes 

George  J.  Haykal 

Martin  J.  Healey 

John  E.  Hegarty 

Edward  P.  Henry 

William  E.  Hickey 

George  E.  Higley,  Jr. 

Richard  M.  Hines 

Carl  T.  Hoefel 

Paul  J.  Hogan 

J.  Bennett  J.  Holden 

Robert  L.  Holdsworth 

John  F.  Holland 

Raymond  B.  Hoover,  Jr. 

R:chard  D.  Hopkins 

John  B.  Horrigan 

Robert  E.  Houlihan 

Robert  F.  Howard 

Irving  T.  Howe 

Carl  F.  Humphreys 

Donald  F.  Hurley 

Francis  A.  Hurley 

Robert  M.  Hurley 

Vincent  L.  Inserra 

Francis  J.  Irons 

Charles  E.  Jedrey,  Jr. 

Robert  J.  Jespen,  Jr. 

Alfred  C.  Joyce 

John  P.  Joyce 

Martin  J.  Joyce 

Thomas  J.  Joyce 

Robert  J.  Kaler 

Edward  L.  Kane 

Daniel  E.  Kearns 

Edmund  0.  Kehoe 

Owen  J.  Kellett 

Francis  P.  Kelley 

William  J.  Kelley,  Jr. 

William  F.  Kelliher,  Jr. 

Lloyd  R.  Kelly 

William  P.  Kelly 

John  E.  Kennedy 

John  W.  Kennedy,  Jr. 

Francis  J.  Kenney 

Franc-s  L.  Kiley,  Jr. 

Paul  H.  King 

Paul  G.  Kinsella 

Edward  J.  Kirby 

James  F.  Kirwin,  Jr. 

Gerard  F.  Lane 

Gerard  J.  LaPierre 

Paul  A.  Lauzon 

Roger  A.  Letourneau,  M.D. 

John  T.  Loftus,  Jr. 

Francis  A.  Logue 

George  E.  Lonergan,  Jr. 

Robert  J.  Lowrie 

Cornelius  T.  Lynch,  Jr. 

John  J.  Lynch 

Thomas  G.  Lynch 

Daniel  P.  McAleer 

Raymond  R.  McAndrew 

David  F.  McAvinn 

Stephen  B.  McCabe 

John  R.  McCarthy 

John  J.  McCauley 

John  W.  McCue 

James  P.  McDermott 

Joseph  F.  McDonald 

Lloyd  P.  McDonald 

John  J.  McDonough,  Jr. 

Michael  M.  McGoldrick 

Joseph  P.  McGonagle 

Edward  J.  McGrath,  Jr. 

James  C.  McGrath 

Patrick  R.  McGrath 

Paul  J.  McKeon 

Paul  F.  McNamara 

Charles  D.  McNamee 

James  B.  McQuade 

Alexander  L.  MacDonald,  Jr. 

John  A.  MacDonald,  D.M.D. 

Robert  D.  MacDonald 

John  A.  MacDougall,  Jr. 

Carl  J.  Maddaleni 

Thomas  D.  Mahon 

Stephen  H.  Mahoney 

Thomas  F.  Mahoney 

Eugene  T.  Maloney 

Philip  J.  Mansfield 

Raymond  S.  Martin 

Robert  E.  Martin,  Jr. 

Thomas  F.  Martin,  Jr. 

In  memory  of  Robert  A. 

Frederick  J.  Mauriello 
John  E.  Mazuzan,  M.D. 
Horace  M.  Mazzone 
Robert  L.  Meade 
Robert  J.  Mitchell 
Alfred  C.  Molla,  Jr. 
John  H.  Monahan 
Patrick  J.  Montuori 
Richard  L.  Moody 
Thomas  A.  Moore 
Rev.  Thomas  B.  Morgan 
Francis  X.  Morrison 
Daniel  I.  Mullaly,  M.D. 
Hugh  H.  Mullin,  Jr. 
John  E.  Mulvaney 
Alfred  L.  Murphy 
Fred  G.  Murphy,  Jr. 
John  H.  Murphy,  Jr. 
Edgar  E.  Nadeau 
Joseph  F.  Nally 
Edward  C.  Nazzaro 
John  F.  Newton 
Charles  L.  Niles,  Jr. 
Oscar  A.  Nietzel 
Louis  J.  Nocera 
William  F.  Nolan 
Frederick  J.  Noone 
Richard  C.  Nowell 
Allan  J.  O'Brien 
George  A.  O'Brien,  Jr. 
John  F.  O'Brien 
Thomas  F.  O'Brien 
Daniel  G.  O'Connell 
John  J.  O'Connell 
William  I.  O'Connell 
William  J.  O'Connor 
Francis  J.  O'Donnell 
Hugh  E.  O'Donnell 
Robert  G.  O'Donnell 
William  E.  O'Donnell 
Francis  J.  O'Hara 
Robert  E.  O'Hara 
Francis  L.  O'Keefe 
Leo  P.  O'Keefe 
Robert  J.  O'Keefe 
Richard  A.  O'Leary 
JohnT.  O'Neil 
Paul  J.  O'Neil 
Paul  B.  O'Neill 
Thomas  J.  O'Neill 
Walter  C.  O'Neill,  Jr. 
Francis  F.  Oppedisano 
Thomas  J.  O'Reilly 
Charles  E.  O'Rourke 
Joseph  P.  O'Shea 
Theodore  A.  Pelosi,  Jr. 
Gerald  T.  Peters 
William  G.  Pfau 
John  F.  Phelan,  Jr. 
Conrad  R.  Pichnarcik 
Arthur  F.  Pierce 
Robert  M.  Pierre 
Michael  R.  Pizziferri 
Vincent  J.  Plansky 
George  E.  Port,  Jr. 
John  L.  Porter 
John  D.  Power 
John  B.  Powers 
Robert  E.  Powers 
Thomas  A.  Printon,  Jr. 
John  G.  Pyne 
Francis  X.  Quinn 
Richard  F.  Quinn 
Thomas  M.  Quinn 
Edward  S.  Quirk 
Richard  N.  Raher 
Donald  F.  Reilly 
L.  Guy  Reny 
Robert  C.  Resker 
John  J.  Reynolds 
Joseph  L.  Reynolds 

>C>      WILLIAM  J.   FANDEL 
J  /       39  Court  Road,  Winthrop 
56   Dix  St.,   Dorchester 

Massachusetts  the  home  of  diversified 
industries  seems  to  be  the  home  of  the 
men  with  diversified  activities  as  evi- 
denced by  the  recent  reports  of  fellows 
from  our  class.  Air  Force  CAPT.  PAUL 
FLEMING,  heard  a  "May  Day"  distress 
call  high  over  Nova  Scotia  while  piloting 
a  B-47  Jet  Bomber;  he  sought  out  the 
plane,  whose  pilot  had  become  "dis- 
oriented", and  led  him  to  a  safe  landing 
at  Sydney  Airdrome  in  Canada.  And  a 
"Well  Done"  to  you  Sir. 

ATTY.  DON  McAULIFFE,  now  prac- 
tising in  Wakefield,  was  the  recent  re- 
cipient of  the  Carnegie  Foundation 
Bronze  Medal  and  the  Massachusetts 
Humane  Society  Medal  for  heroism,  in 
that  he  saved  the  life  of  a  youngster 
drowning  in  Wakefield.  A  "Well  Done" 
to  you,  Counsellor  McAuliffe. 

ED    SHEEHAN,     our    nationally    ac- 

John  R.  Richards 
Warren  J.  Ridge 
John  M.  Riley,  M.D. 
John  A.  Ronan 
Matthew  J.  Ruggiero 
James  E.  Russell 
Nicholas  T.  Russo 
Richard  F.  Russo 
Joseph  P.  Ryan 
Robert  M.  Sacco 
John  P.  Sanderson,  Jr. 
Frank  R.  Sanning 
John  J.  Santisi,  Jr. 
Richard  A.  Sardella 
Harold  J.  Savard 
William  J.  Seaver 
Daniel  R.  Shaughnessy,  Jr. 
Robert  F.  Shay 
Edward  R.  Shea 
James  F.  Shea 
John  M.  Shea 
Owen  D.  Shea 
Roger  P.  Shea,  M.D. 
James  J.  Sheehan 
Frank  V.  Shellenback 
Frank  A.  Sikora 
Arthur  T.  Silk 
Melvin  J.  Silverman 
John  J.  Skehan 
Fred  D.  Slaney 
John  E.  Slein 
Charles  M.  Sliney 
Richard  N.  Smillie 
Edw:n  L.  Smith 
Vincent  G.  Spadea 
Paul  J.  Stamatos 
Vincent  P.  Stanton 
John  H.  Stapleton 
Paul  L.  Stapleton 
John  J.  Stevens,  M.D. 
Richard  C.  Stevenson 
Francis  J.  Sullivan 
Francis  T.  Sullivan 
Gerald  F.  Sullivan 
John  J.  Sullivan 
Joseph  B.  Sullivan 
Timothy  F.  Sullivan 
William  P.  Sullivan 
Alfred  E.  Sutherland 
John  J.  Svagzdys 
William  C.  Tallent 
Michael  A.  Taricano 
James  G.  Taylor,  Jr. 
B.  Donald  Thibault 
Giles  E.  Threadgold 
David  R.  Thornton 
Joseph  W.  Tobin 
Nello  R.  Traverso 
Raymond  A.  Trott 
Francis  F.  Tully,  Jr. 
John  A.  Tuttle 
Frederick  T.  VanVeen 
Nicholas  Varga 
Rev.  Anthony  J.  Vasaturo 
John  A.  Venti 
James  Verme 
Rev.  Everett  F.  Vierra 
Carl  P.  Wallner 
Joseph  E.  Walsh 
Michael  F.  Walsh 
Thomas  J.  Walsh 
Robert  J.  Weber 
Francis  J.  Weisslinger,  Jr. 
Paul  F.  Welch 
Donald  J.  Wenger 
Paul  C.  Wenger 
Leo  E.  Wesner 
John  E.  Whelton 
Edmond  H.  White,  Jr. 
Richard  M.  White 
Richard  F.  Wixted 
John  E.  Workman 

claimed  foreign  correspondent  for  the 
North  American  Newspaper  Alliance  in 
Europe,  recently  addressed  the  Em- 
manuel League  of  Emmanuel  College. 
Ed,  hailed  by  an  Irish  newspaper  as, 
"the  youngest  and  certainly  one  of  the 
most  perceptive  American  foreign  cor- 
respondents in  Europe,"  has  just  returned 
from  six  months  of  reporting  from  Is- 
rael, the  Arab  Nations,  the  Anti-Com- 
munist revolts  in  Hungary  etc  .  .  .  You 
mention  the  place  and  the  scene  and 
Ed  has  given  the  news. 

We've  heard  that  ATTY.  TONY  VIG- 
NONE  was  an  unsuccessful  candidate  for 
Selectman  in  the  Town  of  Franklin,  Mass. 
but  we  have  yet  to  hear  how  JOHN 
HENNRIKUS  made  out  for  School  Com- 
mittee in  Framingham,  Mass.,  John,  the 
father  of  three  is  the  Sales  Manager  for 
T.  F.  Houlihan,  Inc.  heating  consultants. 

Applauds  due  to  ELMER  ZIRKEL, 
recipient  of  an  M.B.A.,  from  the  Uni- 
versity of  Chicago.  Talked  to  GEORGE 
CARNEY  recently,  he's  now  doing  re- 
search in  Chemistry;  JERRY  CLEARY 
is  selling  office  supplies  and  BILL 
CLEARY  is  selling  insurance  for  Mutual 
of  New  York.  TOM  FORD  is  now  in  the 
Real  Estate  and  Insurance  business. 

FR.  DAVE  TYRELL  was  ordained  re- 
cently and  is  stationed  at  St.  Dorothy's 
Parish  in  Wilmington.  FR.  LARRY 
MURPHY  was  ordained  in  December  in 
Rome  and  will  continue  his  studies  there. 
God's  choicest  blessings  on  them  and 
their  labors. 

Congratulations  to  the  bride  and 
groom:  MR.  &  MRS.  GEORGE  T. 
BURKE.  The  bride,  the  former  Marianna 
Mclntyre  of  West  Roxbury,  is  a  graduate 
of  Newton  College  of  the  Sacred  Heart. 
They  will   live   in  Northboro,  Mass. 

Engagements  announced  include  Con- 
stance Hamel  to  STEVE  HARDY;  Claire 
Quirk  to  MICHAEL  McCARTHY;  Cyn- 
thia Robertson  to  JOE  QUINLAN;  Pa- 
tricia Heaney  to  FRED  DRISCOLL; 
Mary  Elizabeth  White  to  JIM  GROGAN; 
Lillian  Urbonas  to  FRANCIS  GASSIR- 
ARO,  D.M.D.;  Marie  Bowman  to  MUR- 
RAY VIEHL;  Janet  Kincade  to  JOE 
HAGGERTY  and  Celeste  Higgins  to 

Your  'CBA  correspondent  finds  himself 
with  a  scarcity  of  news  to  report  at  this 
printing  .  .  .  for  your  convenience  my 
address  is  2926  28th  Street,  N.  W.,  Wash- 
ington, D.C.  (home  address)  and  during 
the  day  I  can  be  reached,  if  you  happen 
to  be  in  town,  at  the  Office  of  The  Sur- 
geon General  of  the  Army,  Liberty 
5-6700,  Ext.  62501  .  .  .  BOB  DOHERTY, 
after  serving  four  years  in  the  Air  Force, 
is  now  assisting  his  mother  in  the  man- 
agement of  the  A.  H.  Doherty  Funeral 
Home  in  Natick,  Massachusetts  .  .  .  Bob 
served  in  Texas  where  he  resided  with 
his  wife  and  daughter  .  .  .  GENE  TOBIN 
is  working  in  Ohio  .  .  .  GENE  YOUNG- 
ENTOB  and  the  former  Alane  Ansin 
were  married  last  December  .  .  .  Gene 
and  Alane  are  residing  at  1870  Common- 
wealth Avenue  in  Brighton,  Mass.  .  .  . 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Burns  of  Dorchester, 
Mass.,  have  announced  the  engagement 
of  their  daughter  Elaine  to  MAURICE 
HASTINGS  .  .  .  Elaine  is  a  graduate  of 
Mt.  St.  Joseph's  Academy  .  .  .  Congratu- 
lations to  FR.  CARL  WILSON  on  the 
occasion  of  his  recent  ordination  .  .  .  Fr. 
Wilson  celebrated  his  first  Mass  at  the 
Holy  Name  Church  on  February  10th. 
To  TOM  CUMMISKEY  all  I  can  say  is 
that  it  has  been  a  long  time  between  let- 
ters, my  fault  as  usual,  Thomas  .  .  .  BOB 
RICHARDS  has  been  assigned  to  Ger- 
many .  .  .  He  is  scheduled  to  leave  the 
States  sometime  during  the  first  week  in 






Robert    J.     Kaler 
Class  of    1951 


of  our 


who  offer  a  complete 


The  Qene 


James    A.     Ryan 
Class  of   1947 

William    P.    Shields 
Class  of   1950 





ii  o  s  r  o  .v 

Lloyd  P.   McDonald 
Class  of   1951 

LI  berty   2-0553 









363  South  Huntington  Avenue 

Jamaica  Plain 
(opp.  Cardinal  O'Contiell  Seminary) 

MY  CREED:  To  serve  every  family  as  if  ihey  were  my  own 
to  freaf  every  woman  as  if  she  were  my  mother  or  sister  .  .  . 
every  man  as  if  he  were  my  father  or  brother.  This  is  my  creed 
as  a   funeral  director. 

















JOHN  J.  CARRIGG,  '51 

165   BROOK    ROAD,   QUINCY 
Tel.   GRanite  2-3664 

Tel.  BRockton  6588 

Corner  V.F.W.  Parkway 

Tel.  FAirview  3-2454 





1  9tf 


v    ■ 

100  SUMMER  ST. 

S  m 



LI  2-3572 



85  YEARS  OF 


Booklet     of     Catholic     Monuments 
On    Request 


TEL  JAMAICA   4-4300 

FREDERICK  A.   DAVIS,  President 
Class  of   1925 



The  Alumni 

April  ...  As  many  of  you  might  know, 
TOM  McELROY  and  my  sister,  Regina, 
will  be  married  on  April  27th  at  St. 
Ambrose  Church — Dorchester  .  .  .  FR. 
JOHN  McELROY  will  marry  them. 
Class  of  1952 

295  contributing  $1,935.00 
George  T.  Burke,  Paul  Y.  Clinton,  Class  Agents 

Joseph  H.  Abbadessa 
Robert  E.  Ahern 
Albert  J.  Arsenault,  Jr. 
James  H.  Awad 
James  C.  Baatz 
James  J.  Baggett 
Charles  F.  Barrett 
James  J.  Battles 
Gerard  J.  Beauheu,  Jr. 
Guy  A.  Beninati 
George  E.  Bergin 
James  G.  Birmingham 
Alexis  W.  Blood 
Sumner  M.  Bravman 
Edward  J.  Bresnahan 
John  J.  Buckley 
Donald  G.  Burke 
George  T.  Burke,  Jr. 
Thomas  E.  Burke 
Walter  J.  Burke 
Francis  G.  Bush 
Oliver  F.  Cabana,  Jr. 
Dan  el  E.  Callanan 
William  J.  Canty 
Leo  G.  Carney 
John  J.  Carpenter,  Jr. 
Francis  L.  Carroll 
Stephen  J.  Casey 
Joseph  G.  Chisholm 
James  W.  Christian,  Jr. 
Robert  B.  Christie 
Albert  S.  Cicoria 
John  E.  Clancy 
Richard  M.  Clancy 
William  H.  Clancy 
William  F.  Cleary 
John  T.  Clifford 
John  B.  Clinton 
Paul  Y.  Clinton 
John  T.  Coakley 
Edmund  J.  Connolly,  Jr. 
Joseph  V.  Connolly 
Roger  T.  Connor 
Renald  A.  Cote,  M.D. 
John  F.  Coughlin 
James  H.  Cox 
Robert  E.  Cox 
James  D.  Cregan 
William  J.  Cronin 
Thomas  G.  Cullinan 
Thomas  R.  Cummiskey 
Stanley  R.  Curley 
Paul  E.  Curran 
Julian  J.  D'Agostine,  Jr. 
Eugene  F.  Daley 
Charles  W.  Daly,  Jr. 
Paul  D.  Daly 
Alan  J.  Deerfield 
Michael  J.  DeFeo 
Charles  W.  Delorio 
Robert  Delaney 
Albert  P.  Deshaies,  Jr. 
Robert  J.  Desmond 
John  E.  Dineen 
Enio  D.  J.  DiPietro 
Robert  A.  DiTullio 
Dana  G.  Doherty 
Robert  E.  Doherty 
William  F.  Doherty 
Hugh  P.  Donaghue 
John  F.  Donahue,  Jr. 
Paul  A.  Donnellon 
John  P.  Donovan 
Francis  E.  Dooley 
Paul  E.  Doucette 
Hugh  J.  Doyle 
James  M.  Doyle 
Frederick  J.  Driscoll 
James  B.  Driscoll 
David  W.  Drislane 
Rev.  Joseph  T.  Dropski 
Paul  E.  Drummond 
Francis  P.  Duggan 
Lawrence  E.  Durkee 
Robert  F.  Earley 
Carl  H.  Emilson 
Edward  L.  Englert,  Jr. 
Joseph  A.  Fagan 
John  J.  Faherty 
William  H.  Falvey 
John  J.  Farrell 
Donald  H.  Farren 
Generoso  J.  Ferullo 
Ralph  F.  Filippone 

John  E.  Finnegan 
A.  Bernard  Fitzmaurice 
David  L.  Fitzpatrick 
John  F.  Flaherty 
Rxhard  H.  Flanagan 
Richard  J.  Fleming,  M.D. 
Richard  E.  Foley 
Walter  R.  Foley 
Joseph  B.  Ford 
Robert  A.  Freeley 
Henry  J.  Gailiunas,  D.D.S. 
Nicholas  F.  Gallinaro 
Edward  T.  Gallivan 
James  L.  Galvin,  M.D. 
Anthony  E.  Gargano 
Peter  T.  Gately,  Jr. 
William  J.  Gauthier 
Peter  B.  G.  Genovese 
Claude  E.  Gilbert,  Jr. 
Joseph  E.  Gill  is 
David  J.  Good 
Daniel  D.  Gordon 
Edward  F.  Gordon 
James  W.  Gormen 
Sumner  G.  Gorman 
Robert  G.  Gosselin 
John  J.  Grady,  Jr. 
Raymond  J.  Grady 
James  I.  Grogan,  Jr. 
Ralph  E.  Guilliams 
Kuson  J.  Haddad 
Charles  L.  Hanafin 
Thomas  J.  Hannon 
John  R.  Hardy 
Leonard  R.  Hardy 
Robert  W.  Hart 
Joseph  J.  Healey 
William  F.  Heavey 
Earl  G.  Helbig 
Joseph  P.  Henehan 
Frank  J.  Hennessy,  Jr. 
Edward  J.  Hewitt 
J.  Paul  Hickey 
Gerald  F.  Holland 
Charles  Jingozian 
Eric  L.  Johnson 
Leo  P.  Johnson 
Paul  T.  Johnson 
Thomas  M.  Joyce 
Thomas  C.  Kane 
John  H.  Kastberg 
John  J.  Keefe 
John  F.  Kellaher 
Albert  P.  Kelley,  Jr. 
Paul  F.  Kendrick 
James  X.  Kenneaily 
John  K.  Kennedy 
Joseph  R.  Keohane 
G.  Robert  Kincade 
Edward  J.  Lafferty 
Justin  M.  Laforet 
Henry  C.  Lahey,  Jr. 
John  H.  Leary 
Leo  F.  Leary 
Francis  J.  LeBlanc 
Sylvio  0.  LeComte,  Jr. 
James  D.  Leonard 
Nicholas  C.  Loscocco 
Paul  T.  Loughlin 
Donald  J.  Lynah 
Robert  B.  Lynch 
Donald  T.  McAuliffe 
Philip  L.  McAuliffe,  Jr. 
Robert  J.  McAuliffe 
Joseph  E.  McCall 
Rev.  Paul  F.  McCarrick 
Michael  J.  McCarthy 
George  P.  McCormick 
Rev.  John  J.  McCormick 
Thomas  B.  McCusker 
Paul  R.  McDevitt 
John  A.  McDonald 
Daniel  W.  McElaney,  Jr. 
Daniel  J.  McFeeley,  Jr. 
Henry  J.  McGinley 
Arthur  F.  McGonagle 
Thomas  F.  McGowan,  Jr. 
Edward  C.  Mclntire 
Kenneth  J.  Mclntire 
Joseph  P.  McKenney 
Francis  X.  McKeon 
Thomas  L.  McLaughlin 
James  T.  McMahon 
Eugene  S.  McMorrow 

Paul  R.  MclMaughton 
Eugene  R.  IvlcNulty 
Paul  F.  McPherson 
Edward  J.  MacDonald 
John  A.  MacDonald 
Joseph  L.  MacDonough 
Kirwan  T.  MacMillan,  M.D. 
Emil  F.  Macura 
Peter  V.  Maggio,  Jr. 
Ralp  J.  Malagodi,  D.M.D. 
James  F.  Maloney 
John  W.  Miloney 
Philip  L.  Maloney,  D.M.D. 
Richard  F.  Maloney 
Ralph  H.  Manganiello 
Ernest  J.  Mazzone 
Thomas  F.  Megan,  Jr. 
Joseph  L.  Miett 
John  F.  Monahan 
John  F.  Moran 
Augustus  J.  Morelli 
Alexander  D.  Morgan  III 
James  E.  Mullin,  Jr. 
Joseph  R.  Murano 
Lodovico  C.  Murano 
David  W.  Murphy 
John  E.  Murray,  Jr. 
John  J.  Murray 
Lawrence  P.  Murren 
James  W.  N'chols 
Paul  J.  Nolan 
David  A.  Norton 
John  E.  Nylander 
John  R.  O'Brien 
Richard  P.  O'Brien 
Robert  C.  O'Brien 
John  J.  O'Connell,  Jr. 
Timothy  B.  O'Connell 
John  A.  O'Connor 
Richard  T.  O'Connor 
Richard  F.  O'Donnell 
Joseph  F.  O'Loughlin 
Thomas  M.  O'Maley 
John  H.  O'Neil 
Rev.  Hugh  H.  O'Regan 
Frederick  T.  O'Sullivan 
William  C.  O'Sullivan 
Edmund  C.  Page 
Edward  L.  Palmer 
Leo  P.  Paradis 
Robert  M.  Parish 
George  A.  Peirce 
Joseph  J.  Petros 
Joseph  A.  Phelan,  Jr. 

Addison  J.  Powers 
Edward  A.  Puglisi 
Robert  H.  Quinn 
Bernard  E.  Raeke 
John  H.  Reardon 
James  R.  Regan 
John  R.  Ricci 
Robert  J.  Richards,  Jr. 
John  J.  Ricketts 
Michael  T.  Roarke 
Robert  C.  Robinson 
Richard  J.  Russell 
Charles  W.  Ryan  III 
Stanley  L.  Saperstein 
Donald  R.  Sartor 
Thomas  F.  Scanlan,  Jr. 
Alfred  W.  Schmitz,  Jr. 
Richard  R.  Schwartz 
J.  Warren  Sennott 
Albert  J.  Sexton 
Donald  J.  Shaker 
Robert  P.  Shannon 
Joseph  F.  Shay 
Robert  S.  Shea 
Joseph  D.  Sheehan 
diaries  F.  Sherman 
Harold  R.  Sinnett 
James  H.  Smith 
Paul  G.  Smith 
William  J.  Smith 
Richard  W.  Spillane 
Leo  F.  Stankard,  Jr. 
Paul  S.  Stanton 
Frank  R.  Sullivan,  Jr. 
Joseph  T.  Sullivan 
Lawrence  W.  Sullivan 
William  F.Sullivan 
Edward  J.  Sumpter 
Frederick  J.  Tarpey 
Timothy  M.  Thornton 
Eugene  P.  Tinory 
Harry  H.  Trask,  Jr. 
John  V.  Troy,  Jr. 
Adelbert  J.  Tuleja 
Lawrence  J.  Vachon 
Louis  0.  Vadnais 
Daniel  J.  Valway 
Francis  A.  Vaughan 
Lawrence  H.  Welch 
Kenneth  J.  Wells 
Francis  J.  Whalen 
Joseph  M.  Zdanovich 
Thomas  E.  Zippoli,  M.D. 

Tel.    HAncock    6-4250 




A.    C.   ALLYN   &   CO. 

Members  of   New   York  Stock  Exchange,   American  Stock 

Exchange:   (Associate)  Midwest  Stock   Exchange 


>Ca       FRANK  L.  KELLY 
J  J      22  Elm  St.,  Scituate 

34  Edward  Ave.,  Lynnfield  Centre 

We  received  a  very  nice  note  the  other 
day  informing  us  that  FRED  COLE  is  a 
proud  father  of  a  little  girl  and  is  the 
co-owner  of  the  Cole-Coster  Insurance 
and  Real  Estate  agency  in  Lynn.  Fred 
now  lives  in  South  Peabody  .  .  .  Does 
any  one  remember  Fr.  Paul  Curtin  and 
his  terrific  courses  ?  Well  I  just  heard 
that  he  officiated  at  the  wedding  cere- 
mony of  one  Mary  O'Donnell  and  TOM 
CASEY.  They  will  reside  in  Hartford, 
Conn.  (Speaking  of  things  out  in  Wal- 
tham,  whatever  happened  to  LARRY 
MALONEY?  How  about  a  letter  Larry?) 
.  .  .  Here  is  another  worthwhile  note 
BOB  GREENE  married  Mary  Mahoney 
during  the  month  of  February  and  Bob 
is  now  teaching  at  Harvard.  Just  received 
word  that  FRED  CONROY  is  at  Ft. 
Knox  .  .  .  Joanne  Garrity  and  ED  JONES 
have  announced  their  engagement. 
"Jone'sy"  is  now  at  Georgetown  U. 
school  of  Medicine.  Here  is  another  first 
for  a  53er,  Arthur  Sandler  has  been  the 
first  one  of  us  to  enter  a  veterinary 
school.  Art  is  working  on  his  D.V.M.  at 
Oklahoma  A  &  M  ...  In  the  fair  month  of 
April,  BOB  McCARTHY  will  marry 
Mary  Mahoney  of  Chestnut  Hill.  (At 
least  we  all  expect  him  to  marry  her 
then.)  BEN  ROWE  who  attended  BU 
law  after  BC  has  just  anounced  his 
engagement  to  Marcia  Halpern  of  Holy- 
oke.  Ginny  Cummings  and  JIM  WHOLLY 
are  planning  to  be  married  in  June  of 
this  year  .  .  .  During  the  fall  of  1957 
BOB  QUINN  and  Marilyn  Conley  are 
planing  the  big  step  .  .  .  here  is  good 
news  .  .  .  good  friend  RAY  KENNEY 
and  Clair  Ducey  are  planning  a  late 
summer  wedding  ...  all  the  best  .  .  . 
Jack   Kane   and    Alfreda    Marie    Stupak 

have  set  Sept.  1st  as  their  wedding  date. 
PAUL  CONWAY  and  Dotty  Casey  have 
announced  their  engagement  .  .  .  Another 
June  wedding  is  that  of  Tom  Considine 
and  Mary  Caleran  .  .  .  JOE  DHOSI,  who 
is  presently  attending  MIT  and  working 
as  a  metallurgist  at  Watertown  arsenal 
and  Rita  Kreshpani  of  Natick  have  an- 
nounced their  wedding  date  .  .  .  there  are 
other  things  happening  to  the  53  ers  be- 
sides wedding  dates.  No.  1.  ANGELO 
NERO  has  announced  his  candidacy  for 
the  school  board  in  Milford.  He  graduated 
from  Georgetown  Law  after  BC  .  .  . 
JACK  BALKIND  has  been  recently 
promoted  at  Filenes  .  .  .  JOHN  McPHAIL 
is  out  of  the  Navy  and  living  at  5  Dionne 
Road,  West  Medford  with  his  wife  and 
son;  LARRY  CONSIDINE  is  attending 
the  American  Institute  for  Foreign 
Trade  at  Thunderbird  Field,  Phoenix, 
Arizona  in  preparation  for  a  career  in 
American  business  or  government  aboard. 
Congratulations  to  REV.  JAMES  J. 
O'BRIEN  who  was  ordained  a  Columban 
Father  on  December  21. 

JACK  CONNOLLY  has  a  unique  dis- 
tinction which  I  just  found  out  about 
and  that  is  that  he  is  one  of  the  few 
Navy  Pilots  that  is  also  a  frogman.  Jack 
recently  took  part  in  a  rescue  in  the 
Antarctic.  Sounds  a  bit  chilly  to  me  .  .  . 

One  last  word  .  .  .  FRANK  STAPLE- 
TON  .  .  .  how  are  you  .  .  . 

About  CBA — A  double  ring  marriage 
ceremony  joined  together  Muriel  Rose 
O'Shea  and  ARTHUR  MICHAEL  DE- 
LANEY. The  newlyweds  honeymooned 
in  Bermuda,  and  are  now  making  their 
home  at  57  High  Rock  Street.  He  is  a 
sales  representative  for  Sylvania  Electric 
Products  Inc.  in  Salem. 

We  are  happy  to  announce  the  engage- 
ment of  Beverly  Ann  Loeffler  to  BARRY 

Joan  Marie  Brock  of  Maryland  and 
JOSEPH  T.  McCUSKER  plan  a  March 
wedding.  Also,  an  August  wedding  is 
planned  by  Miss  Gretchen  Louise  Wylie 

The  class  extends  most  sincere  sym- 
pathty  to  the  family  of  JAMES  F. 
KELLEY  of  Cambridge  who  died  in 
January,  and  to  ED  DUGAN  on  the 
accidental  death  of  his  sister  and  her 
two  children. 

Class  of  1953 

224  contributing  $1,437.50 
Leo  F.  Grace,  James  A.  Lynch,  Jr.,  Class  Agents 
David  C.  Aheam 

Donald  J.  Akikie 
Francis  L.  Alfe 
James  H.  Armstrong 
Merrill  L.  Baker 
David  P.  Barry 
Lt.  (j.g.)  John  T.  Beaver, 

Eugene  A.  Beliveau 
Robert  L.  Bogan 
Gerard  F.  Boyle 
Robert  L.  Brawley 
William  G.  Brooks,  Jr. 
Daniel  V.  Brunnick 
Charles  F.  Butler 
Joseph  J.  Byrne 
John  P.  Cahill 
Hector  D.  Caiola 
Arnold  C.  Cammarata 
Eugene  J.  Campbell 
Anthony  C.  Cardullo 
Frederick  T.  Carey 
Anthony  S.  Carlisi 
Richard  A.  Carroll 
Leo  P.  Casey 
James  M.  Cashman 
Henderson  C.  Center 
Robert  H.  Ciullo 
Ens.  Edward  J.  Clancy,  U.S.N 
William  E.  Clancy 
Robert  F.  Cochrane,  Jr. 
Guillermo  Colom 
Edward  L.  Condon 
John  J.  Connelly 
Laurence  F.  Considine 
Thomas  F.  Considine 
John  F.  Costa 
Joseph  F.  Coughlin 
Paul  D.  Coughlin 

Dennis  M.  Cronin 
Walter  L.  Cullinan 
Richard  P.  Curran 
Timothy  F.  Daly 
Joseph  V.  D'Avella 
John  T.  Day 
Arthur  M.  Delaney 
Vito  E.  DeLuca 
Salvatore  W.  Discepolo 
Bernard  P.  Doherty 
Jeremiah  E.  Donovan 
Joseph  L.  Donovan 
Michael  E.  Doohan 
Francis  X.  Downey 
Robert  G.  Driscoll,  Jr. 
Paul  A.  Duffy 
Edward  M.  Dugan 
Thomas  E.  Dunn,  Jr. 
Edward  J.  Early,  Jr. 
James  J.  Enright 
John  E.  Erwin 
Gerald  l\l.  Eskin 
Edward  F.  Fahey 
Robert  E.  Finnin 
Thomas  B.  Fitzgerald 
Paul  B.  Flaherty 
William  J.  Flanagan 
Thomas  J.  Fleming 
Paul  Flynn 
M  chael  F.  Foley 
William  J.  Follen 
Joseph  W.  Fournier 
John  M.  Gallagher 
Kevin  C.  Gallimore 
Robert  E.  Galvin 
Paul  F.  Gannon 
James  B.  Garland 
Peter  D.  Gianino 
Charles  A.  Gilday 


The  Alumni 


Joseph  J.  Giovino 

John  P.  Glennon 

Frederick  L.  Good 

Leo  F.  Grace 

Robert  A.  Greene 

Lt.  Harold  C.  Hannaway, 

Robert  L.  Harhen 
John  J.  Harrington 
James  F.  Hart 
Stephen  T.  Hefferan 
Francis  X.  Herlihy 
John  F.  Herlihy 
Edward  L.  Hoban 
Donald  D.  Hodgins 
Harvey  A.  Hoffman 
Philip  E.  Hopkins 
Joseph  C.  Horrigan 
John  F.  Hughes 
Fred  J.  Hurley 
Robert  J.  Hurley 
Robert  L.  Irons 
Algimantas  A.  Ivaska 
Charles  E.  Jandrue,  Jr. 
John  R.  Kasper 
John  J.  Keaney 
John  H.  Keating 
Cornelius  H.  Kelley 
Francis  L.  Kelley 
Paul  A.  Kelley 
Kenneth  R.  Kelly 
Myles  A.  Kelly 
Robert  W.  Kelly 
Francis  J.  Kenney 
Raymond  J.  Kenney,  Jr. 
John  W.  King 
J.  Richard  Kirk 
Nicholas  A.  LaFauci 
Thomas  J.  Lally 
George  L.  Lamb,  Jr. 
Angelo  P.  Lanzillotta 
Augustino  P.  Laurini 
John  M.  Lawton 
Arthur  J.  Leary 
William  J.  Leary 
Louis  G.  LeBlanc,  Jr. 
Harry  J.  Ledgard 
Francis  X.  Ledwith 
Alfred  J.  Lennon 
James  J.  Low,  Jr. 
James  A.  Lynch,  Jr. 
Owen  F.  Lyons 
John  J.  McAuliffe 
Lawrence  C.  McAuliffe 
Robert  N.  McCarthy 
John  L.  IVIcCauley,  Jr. 
James  J.  McCusker 
James  L.  McDonald,  Jr. 
Stephen  D.  McDonald 
William  J.  McDonnell 
Thomas  E.  McGuigan 
Donald  J.  Mclver 
Ralph  J.  McKenna 
John  P.  McKinnon 
Joseph  R.  MacDonald 
Martin  P.  MacDonnell 
Richard  J.  Magill 
Lawrence  P.  Maher 
Francis  X.  Mahoney 
Leonard  Mahoney 
Paul  F.  Mahoney 
John  F.  Maloney 
Robert  V.  Manning,  Jr. 
George  P.  Massa 
John  J.  Mastro 

Robert  E.  Moore 
Martin  F.  Morgan,  Jr. 
Francis  J.  Mulligan 
Edward  F.  Mullowney 
Martin  M.  Murphy 
Franklin  J.  Nolan 
Henry  F.  O'Brien,  Jr. 
Joseph  G.  O'Brien 
Duane  F.  O'Doherty 
John  W.  O'Gorman 
Gerald  L.  O'Grady 
Thomas  B.  O'Heir 
William  H.  Ohrenberger 
Arthur  J.  O'Keefe 
Roderick  J.  O'Neil 
Edward  G.  O'Rourke 
Francis  X.  O'Sullivan 
Albert  F.  Owens 
Alexander  P.  Paciulan 
Roger  E.  Perfetti 
Paul  F.  Printon 
Andrew  J.  Pullo 
Gerard  W.  Pyne 
James  F.  Queenan,  Jr. 
Peter  J.  Quinn 
Robert  K.  Quinn 
Daniel  F.  Reardon 
John  l\l.  Reicheld 
Kieran  T.  Ridge 
Robert  J.  Roach 
Robert  D.  Ross,  Jr. 
John  J.  Rudd,  Jr. 
Edward  P.  Ryan 
Paul  T.  Ryan 
Roger  F.  Ryan 
John  J.  Savage 
Michael  R.  Scordino 
In  memory  of 

Sgt.  Gerald  F.  Scott 
William  E.  Shea 
Cornelius  F.  Sheehan 
William  E.  Sheehan 
Paul  E.  Shield 
Paul  N.  Sinesi 
Anthony  T.  Soares 
Francis  V.  Sollitto 
Joel  M.  Solomon 
Francis  M.  Stapleton 
Francis  H.  Stevens 
Arthur  E.  Sullivan 
Frederick  L.  Sullivan 
Sigismund  C.  Szymezak 
Francis  A.  Tanner,  Jr. 
Robert  B.  Thomas 
James  L.  Tibert 
Arthur  E.  Tierney 
John  J.  Tobin 
Stanley  F.  Tomaszewski 
Jeremiah  J.  Toomey 
Arthur  P.  Tourangeau 
Paul  F.  Twitchell 
Dennis  F.  Twomey 
Francis  D.  Twomey 
Aidan  B.  Underwood 
Jerome  T.  Underwood 
Thomas  A.  Vanderslice 
John  M.  Violette 
John  H.  Voke 
John  P.  Warren 
Robert  H.  Weall 
Charles  W.  Weddleton,  Jr. 
James  F.  Welch 
Benjamin  J.  Wheaton 
James  R.  Wholly 
Angelo  F.  Ziino 

'S4      J0HN  J-  CURTIN,  JR. 
-J*       24    Laurel   Lane,   Dedham 

Well  it's  a  new  year  —  1957.  Just  as 
Boston  College  pushes  forward  towards 
a  new  stadium,  new  dormitories  and 
even  a  new  gymnasium,  so  the  alumni 
of  the  class  of  1954  are  getting  new 
jobs,  taking  fiancees  and  even  taking 
new  brides. 

Since  the  ladies  come  first  in  any  com- 
pany, let's  look  at  the  recent  engage- 
ments and  marriages.  JACK  MCCAR- 
THY, now  in  his  last  year  at  the  Law 
School  and  Joanne  Roland  thought 
Christmas  the  proper  time  to  announce 
their  engagement.  The  fiancee  of  JACK 
CADIGAN,  who  with  his  family  has  ap- 
peared on  the  cover  of  the  Alumni  News 
and  is  now  an  ensign  in  the  Coast  Guard, 
is  Mary  Teresa  Flaherty,  R.N.,  of  Wo- 
burn.  A  June  wedding  is  being  planned 
by  Nancy  Bemis  and  WAYNE  COSTLEY. 
Wayne  is  now  a  physicist  with  the  Atomic 
Energy  Commission  in  Washington. 

Former  hockey  captain  BOBBY  BA- 
BINE  and  Betti  Rose  plan  a  September 
wedding.  JOE  BRENNAN  and  Elizabeth 
Jane  O'Brien  have  set  June  22  for  their 
wedding  date.  BILL  GLOVER,  now  work- 
ing for  the  National  Cash  Register  Com- 
pany is   engaged  to  Sally  Wright.  BOB 

JONES,  who  is  working  for  the  Ford 
Motor  Company  in  Natick  is  affianced 
to  Agnes  Edmands. 

Two  classmates  still  going  to  school 
have  set  the  date— BILL  BRADY,  now 
attending  the  University  of  Maryland 
School  of  Dentistry,  will  wed  Julia  Piat- 
toni  in  June  and  JIM  LAWLOR,  now  a 
B.  C.  graduate  student  has  named  Au- 
gust 3  as  the  date  for  his  wedding  to 
Mary  Ellen  Clifford. 

Other  summer  weddings  planned  in- 
clude ED  GREEN'S  to  Barbara  Brooks 
and  TOM  McHALE's  to  Ann  Kearney. 

Some  of  those  who  have  already  tied 
the  knot  include  ED  KODZIS  and  Pat 
Quigley.  Ed  is  now  a  representative  of 
the  Boston  Gas  Company.  Ann  Austin 
became  the  bride  of  Charles  Pelczarski 
last  February.  GEORGE  DUGGAN  and 
his  wife,  the  former  Carol  Brauer  are 
now  living  just  a  stone's  throw  from  the 
College  in  Brighton.  EDDIE  DiLOREN- 
ZO  of  baseball  and  dramatics  memory 
recently  wed  Marilyn  Healey. 

News  from  the  armed  forces  keeps 
coming  in  dribs  and  drabs.  JOHN  WALL, 
now  a  lieutenant  in  the  Army  recently 
completed  the  Far  East  Air  Force  Sur- 
vival School  Course  on  Okinawa.  FRAN- 
CIS KIELY  is  in  the  U.  S.  Army  Hos- 
pital at  Fort  Belvoir,  Georgia.  But  don't 
worry, — he's  stationed  there  as  a  lab- 
oratory technician.  OWEN  HANNON 
joins  the  list  of  B.  C.  men  who  have 
served  gloriously  if  frigidly  in  Alaska. 
He  is  at  Ladd  Air  Force  Base. 

BOB  COUGHLIN  is  in  the  Army  sta- 
tioned in  Germany.  In  a  note  to  the 
Alumni  Office  he  advises  that  he  met 
classmates  LEN  MATTHEWS  and  BOB 
JONES  recently. 

ED  CARDONI  is  now  lieutenant,  J.G. 
— promoted  while  serving  on  the  U.S.S. 
Franklin  D.  Roosevelt.  He  is  married 
and  has  a  son,  Edmund,  Jr. 

Here  are  a  few  tidbits  from  here,  there, 
and  everywhere.  JOE  JOHNSON,  former 
football  captain  now  starring  at  halfback 
for  the  Green  Bay  Packers  joins  the 
Proud  Papa's  Club.  His  wife,  the  former 
Dorothy  Carty  gave  birth  to  a  girl  in 
February.  Another  Proud  Papa  is 
GEORGE  McDEVITT  now  associated 
with  his  father  in  the  insurance  adjust- 
ment business.  He  recently  moved  into 
a  new  home  in  Framingham. 

ED  DOHERTY,  Proud  Papa  of  Mary 
Macy  is  now  with  Structo  School  Cor- 
poration. (Anyone  need  any  schools?!!) 
TIM  QUINLAN,  just  out  of  the  Marines 
is  living  in  Milwaukee  with  his  wife  the 
former  Joan  Quinn  of  the  class  of  1956. 
He  is  working  for  the  Chaim  Belt  Link 

Accolades  are  due  FRANK  MORRONE 
who  became  the  youngest  division  chief 
in  the  Rhode  Island  State  Government. 
He  is  director  of  the  division  of  vital 
statistics  in  the  Department  of  Health. 
Also  rating  applause  is  TOM  MULLIN 
who,  after  separating  from  the  Army 
and  becoming  associated  with  Raytheon 
was  recently  appointed  military  aide  to 
Governor  Foster  Furcolo.  Tom  is  married 
to  the  former  Barbara  Brennan  of  Ros- 

And  for  the  crowning  touch  here  is 
some  real  hot  news.  PAUL  SALLY  has 
become  an  Instructor  of  Mathematics  at 
—  hold  your  breath  —  Regis  College,  — 
and  it  isn't  the  one  in  Denver.  'Nuf  said. 
Class  of  1954 

184  contributing  $968.20 
Frederic  L.  Cox,  Joseph  H.  Skerry,  Class  Agents 

Paul  Abrahamson  Robert  L.  Babine 

Francis  X.  Abundo  Henry  S.  Bagley 

Richard  D.  Acton  Justin  C.  Barton 

John  R.  Alexander  William  P.  Beaton 

Paul  E.  Ares  Stanley  F.  Bedell 

Thomas  E.  Atkinson  Denis  W.  Birmingham 

Order  Some  Today  ! 


One  glass  will  toll  you  this  Is  a  superior 
milk.  Every  drop  is  "creamy"  tasting, 
smoother.  Children  and  grownups  alike  en- 
Joy  drinking  Cosgrove's. 

H  you  live  in  Dorchester,  Roxbury,  South 
Boston,  Jamaica  Plain,  Roslindale,  West 
Roxbury,  Milton,  or  Ouincy,  we  would  be 
very  pleased  to  take  care  of  your  dairy  re- 
quirements, either  retail  or  wholesale. 



H  WalyTo/i  50UAR!  BoniB 

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Whichever  way  you  are   travelling 

vt\\\  Kgpfyou  on  the  road  to  health 
Call  SOmerset  6-8180 




I  Ik-  All 

Charles  F.  Bovaird,  Jr. 
Francis  R.  Bowen 
Edward  P.  Breau 
Lawrence  W.  Brennan 
Norman  W.  Brodeur 
Albert  J.  Bronsky,  Jr. 
Daniel  T.  Brosnahan 
Edward  C.  Buckley 
James  J.  Buckley 
John  E.  Buckley 
John  J.  Burke 
James  D.  Burns 
John   Butchko 
Henry  T.  Camerlengo 
Paul  C.  Canney 
Gerard  A.  Carey 
Maurice  A.  Caron 
Carmine  J.  Caso 
Ernest  J.  Chi  Ids,  Jr. 
Frank  R.  Connolly 
Thomas  B.  Cosgrove 
James  J.  Cotter 
Francis  A.  Cruise 
R'chard  V.  Cullen 
James  E.  Cummings 
John  J.  Curtin,  Jr. 
Anthony  F.  DeDomenico 
Salvatore  A.  DeLuca 
John  J.  Devereux 
Mario  DiBiase 
Charles  E.  Doherty 
William  A.  Donatioe 
John  A.  Donahue 
Edward  P.  Donlan 
John  J.  Donohue 
Robert  Donovan 
Thomas  M.   Dooling,  Jr. 
Edmund  F.  Doyle,  Jr. 
Richard  J.  Doyle 
John  H.  Driscoll,  Jr. 
David  L.  Dropski 
John  J.  Duggan 
Joseph  W.  Fandel 
Paul  R.  Farrell 
John  A.  Fiala 
Thomas  J.  Fitzgerald 
Paul  X.  Flaherty 
Louis  Florio 
James  T.  Flynn 
Richard  M.  Foohey 
Richard  F.  Foy 
Francis  J.  Furtado 
George  A.  Gallagher 
John  J.  Galvin,  Jr. 
Francis  R.  Garbarino 
James  G.  Ghiradi,  Jr. 
James  F.  Gibbons 
John  F.  Giglio 
William  R.  Glover,  Jr. 
Albert  E.  Good 
Francis  J.  Greehan 
James  R.  Hamel 
Owen  T.  Hannon 
F.  Edward  Harrington 
William  R.  Hart 
Robert  J.  Hasenfus 
George  S.  Hickey 
James  B.  Hoynes 
Richard  F.  Hughes 
Robert  F.  Jesse 
Francis  X.  Johnson 
William  J.  Kasper 
Edwin  L.  Keating,  Jr. 
James  L.  Kelley,  Jr. 
John  M.  Kelley 
Leo  T.  Kelly 
William  F.  Kelly 
William  P.  Kenney 
Edward  M.  Keohan,  Jr. 
Robert  E.  Kerwin 
Joseph  M.  Keville 
Robert  J.  Kiley 
James  J.  Ktlgallon 
Stephen  A.  Koen 
Marvin  J.  LaHood 
David  L.  Landers,  Jr. 
John  H.  Lane 

Thomas  F.  Lane 
Thomas  W.  Lane 
James  J.  Lawler 
Paul  E.  Leary 
John  M.  Leavitt 
Brian  J.  Lee 
John  P.  Leonard 
W'lliam  E.  Leonard 
Robert  P.  Little 
Edward  D.  Long,  Jr. 
John  J.  Lynch,  Jr. 
John  C.  McAvinn 
Eugene  G.  McCarthy 
George  W.  McCarthy 
John  J.  McCarthy 
Richard  J.   McCarthy 
Ens.  Robert  M.  McCarthy, 

John  J.  McCormack 
Jerome  A.  McCusker 
Thomas  J.  McDermott 
Hugh  W.  McDonagh 
William  F.  McDonald 
Joseph  M.  McDonnell 
John  P.  McGagh 
Paul  A.  McKenna 
George  D.  McKenzie 
William  F.  McManus 
Douglas  T.  Macmillan 
Raymond  J.  MacPherson 
James  L.  Magill 
Leo  F.  Maguire 
Richard  D.  Mahoney 
Richard  P.  Malaguti 
Eugene  P.  Maloney 
Thomas  L.  Matthews 
Robert  H.  Melanson 
Richard  J.  Montvitt 
Laurence  B.  Mullaney 
James  P.  O'Brien 
Robert  J.  O'Brien 
Vincent  G.  O'Brien 
Paul  P.  O'Connor 
Terrance  D.  O'Connor 
John  A.  O'Hara 
James  J.  O'Malley 
Vincent  P.  O'Rourke 
Joseph  V.  Paci 
John  B.  Parker 
Charles  M.  Pelczarski 
William  E.  Philbin 
David  E.  Pickett 
David  F.  Pierre 
Robert  J.  Piro 
Francis  R.  Proctor,  Jr. 
John  J.  Przybyla 
John  T.  Reboulet 
George  P.  Rice 
Edmund  J.  Richards 
G'lbert  T.  Rocha 
Joseph  R.  Rokous 
Francis  V.  Russo 
Nicholas  W.  Schaus 
George  R.  Seaver 
Thomas  G.  Sellers 
John  W.  Shyne 
William  T.  Skayhan 
William  D.  Slyne 
Francis  R.  Spellman 
Francis.  E.  Stretton 
Ens.  Eugene  J.  Sullivan,  Jr. 

James  A.  Sullivan 
John  H.  Sullivan,  Jr. 
Louis  J.  Totino 
Edwin  L.  Trask,  Jr. 
Joseph  P.  Tuohy 
John  E.  Turco 
Peter  P.  Vasaturo 
Alfred  E.  Ventola,  Jr. 
Michael  J.  Waldron 
Thomas  F.  Warren 
Robert  B.  Welts 
Edward  A.  White 
George  G.  White 
Richard  H.  Young 
Albert  J.  Youngclaus 

?rr      JAMES  E.  HAYES 
33       52  Wyatt  St.,  Somerville 

53  Stanton  St.,  Dorchester 

Received  a  letter  from  DICK  CAR- 
PENTER a  few  weeks  ago  passing  on  to 
me  some  information  on  some  of  the 
soldiers  guarding  the  home  front.  PHIL 
DOBBYN  is  with  Hqts.  737th  AAA  Mis- 
sile Bn.  at  Orangeburg,  N.  Y.  near  West 
Point;  STEVE  SHEEHAN  is  stationed 
near  Plainfield,  New  Jersey  also  with  a 
AAA  Missile  Bn.;  DICK  DREW,  in 
AAA,  is  stationed  in  Cromwell,  Conn.; 
and  Dick,  himself,  has  quite  a  plush  as- 
signment, "I'm  on  the  most  beautiful 
Nike  site  in  the  New  York  defense — at 
Lloyd  Harbor,  Long  Island  "  They're  all 
first  lieutenants. 

Congratulations  to  Lt.  and  Mrs. 
CHARLES  COSLELLO  on  the  arrival  of 
their    baby    girl.     JOE    CUNNINGHAM 

and  his  Mrs.  too  have  had  a  blessed 
event,  it's  a  girl  Joe  is  stationed  in 
Long  Island  at  a  Nike  base.  Charlie  is 
stationed  at  Ft.  Devens.  Among  the 
cohorts  at  Devens  are:  PAUL  CROKE 
and  JOE  FERRARI.  I  have  no  news  on 
Joe,  but  Paul  is  holding  down  an  assign- 
ment as  General's  Aide. 

DICK  GHIDELLA  is  now  a  happily 
married  man  (Lieutenant,  that  is)  His 
wife — Marion  Rood,  who  else?  Among 
those  soon  to  join  Marion  and  Dick  are: 
DAVE  SHEEHAN  and  Grace  McGonigle; 
BILL  FLANAGAN  and  Judy  Walsh; 
JIM  CRONIN  and  Virginia  Robinson- 
Jim  is  stationed  somewhere  in  Germany; 
JIM  HALL  and  Arline  Halpin;  CHARLES 
COAN  and  Janice  O'Keefe;  DICK  MUL- 
HERN  and  Eleanor  O'Neil— Dick  is  at- 
tending Boston  University  Law  School; 
JOHN  FRANCIS  and  Barbara  Whelton 
— John  is  an  Ensign  aboard  the  USS 
Taconic  in  Portsmouth,  Va.;  FRANK 
FLOOD  and  Dorothy  McCauley— Frank 
is  with  the  firm  of  Dunn  &  Brody  in 

DON  MINOT  is  at  a  Nike  station  at 
Ft.  Niagara,  N.Y.;  GEORGE  MALONE 
is  at  Ft.  Dix,  New  Jersey;  PAUL 
LOONEY  and  JOHN  WOODS  are  in  the 
Army,  but  their  whereabouts  unknown; 
PAUL  RYAN  is  stationed  in  Ft.  Ben- 
ning,  Ga.;  ED  FITZGERALD's  location 
is  also  among  the  unknown,  Ed  recently 
took  and  passed  all  the  C.P.A.  exams; 
congratulations  Ed.;  TED  MEEHAN,  a 
recent  inductee,  is  over  in  Germany; 
JIM  KANE,  too,  is  stationed  in  Ger- 
many; CHARLIE  DOHERTY  is  in 
Washington,  D.  C;  and  last  but  not 
least,  MATT  HOWARD  is  with  a  AAA 
Missile  Bn.  at  Warehouse  Point,  Conn. 

A  new  addition  to  the  Pratt-Whitney 
bandwagon  is  JACK  WARREN.  Jack 
is  undergoing  a  course  of  studies  in  en- 
gineering sponsored  by  Pratt-Whitney 
at  Renssalaer  Poly-Tech. 

DAN  McDONALD  is  a  radio  operator 
in  the  74th  F.  Arty.  Bn.  in  Germany  and 
recently  participated  in  the  VII  Corps 
"War  Hawk"  Training  exercises.  RALPH 
DONNELLY  has  just  completed  his  pre- 
flight  course  at  the  Navy's  Pre-Flight 
School  at  Pensacola,  Fla.  He  will  be  as- 
signed to  Saufley  Field,  also  at  Pensa- 
cola, for  primary  flight  training. 

Working  as  Time  Study  and  Methods 
Engineers  are  JIM  CASHIN  and  TOM 
REYNOLDS.  Jim  is  with  Raytheon  Mfg. 
Co.  in  Waltham  and  Tom  is  with  Wal- 
worth Mfg.  Co.  in  South  Boston.  Doing 
Materials  Control  work  is  DICK  COMO 
for  Detroit  Controls  Inc.  at  Norwood. 

PAUL  O'LEARY  is  at  St.  John's  Sem- 
inary where  he  is  studying  for  the  priest- 

Class  of   1955 

130   contributing    $761.50 
Walter  F.  Bankowski,   David  L.  Quinn,  Class  Agents 

James  R.  Alvord 
Walter  F.  Bankowski 
David  L.  Barker 
Paul  J.  Beddia 
Harold  F.  Bennett 
Bertram  G.  Bouchard 
Donald  P.  Bradley 
Fred  J.  Brennan,  Jr. 
John  E.  Brennan,  Jr. 
Gerard  F.  Byrne 
Francis  X.  Callahan 
William  J.  Callahan 
Norman  T.  Campanaro 
John  J.  Carroll 
Edward  F.  Casey 
John  J.  Casey 
James  J.  Cashin,  Jr. 
Robert  C.  Cefalo 
Paul  V.  Clausen 
Charles  R.  Coan,  Jr. 
James  L.  Collins 
Paul  J.  Comeau 
Richard  J.  Comeau 
Albert  T.  Connolly 
James  E.  Cotter 
John  J.  Crane,  Jr. 

Paul  V.  Croke 
James  J.  Cronin,  Jr. 
Thomas  J.  Cullinane 
William  F.  Deehan 
Michael  D.  Derosa,  Jr. 
Joseph  R.  DeSisto 
Terrence  F.  Dewsnap 
Philip  J.  Dobbyn 
David  P.  Doherty 
Peter  B.  Doherty 
Philip  J.  Doherty 
Gerard  P.  Donahoe 
Joseph  J.  Donahue 
Stephen  V.  Dooling 
Thomas  C.  Driscoll 
Richard  M.  Dunleavy 
Thomas  J.  Dunnigan 
Paul  J.  Fallon 
Henry  J.  Fanning,  Jr. 
David  J.  Farrell 
Paul  R.  Fencer 
Joseph  L.  Ferrari 
Robert  F.  Flanagan 
Joseph  T.  Fleming 
William  P.  Gavin 
Joseph  A.  Gillis,  Jr. 

David  C.  Glynn 
Donald  F.  Grady 
James  T.  Grady 
Thomas  J.  Griffin 
Thomas  F.  Guthrie 
Roger  C.  Hankins 
William  R.  Hanrahan 
Walter  C.  Hasenfus 
Joseph  P.  Harrington 
Gerard  M.  Hayden 
Francis  M.  Heneghan 
John  P.  Higgins 
Joseph  P.  Hogan 
David  L.  Hopkins 
Rev.  Christodoulos  Kallos 
Robert  T.  Kearns 
Robert  B.  Kelleher,  Jr. 
Paul  V.  Kenneally 
Donald  B.  Kiley 
Eugene  L.  LaPierre 
George  D.  Lemaitre 
Edward  P.  Leslie 
Eugene  C.  McCabe 
Richard  G.  McCarthy 
Robert  M.  McDonald 
James  T.  McDonough 
Gerard  J.  McGonagle 
Thomas  J.  McLaren 
George  F.  McLaughlin 
Leo  P.  Maguire 
John  P.  Manning 
James  E.  Martin 
Joseph  P.  Mattaliano 
John  T.  Meaney 
Vincent  M.  Milano 
Donald  M.  Miner 
Edward  J.  Montana,  Jr. 
Austin  T.  Moran 
George  E.  Morrissey 

Giles  E.  Mosher,  Jr. 
Anthony  J.  Mrugala 
John  J.  Murphy 
Paul  A.  Murray 
Coleman  J.  Wee 
Edward  J.  Neville,  Jr. 
Francis  T.  O'Brien 
John  J.  O'Leary 
Paul  A.  O'Leary 
Henry  C.  O'Neil,  Jr. 
Paul  J.  Peters 
Philip  C.  Powell 
David  L.  Quinn 
John  F.  Regan 
Richard  W.  Renehan 
Robert  J.  Richardson 
John  F.  Riley 
Richard  M.  Roach 
Paul  H.  Robertson 
George  P.  Rossi 
William  J.  Rust 
Constantino  D.  Sabatini 
Richard  T.  Saunders 
Walter  W.  Secatore 
Thomas  G.  Shack,  Jr. 
David  F.  Sheehan 
Robert  W.  Simmler 
Harold  P.  Simonds 
Walter  G.  Sullivan 
Albert  C.  Sutherby 
Robert  J.  Sweeney 
Franc;s  X.  Tannian 
Ronald  J.  Tesorero 
Francis  J.  Thornton 
Frank  A.  Toscano 
John  J.  Vozzella 
George  C.  Whelan 
Robert  A.  White 
Harold  E.  Whittenberger 


31  Duncklee  Road,  Newton  High- 

302  Summit  Ave.,  Brighton 
Nearly  one  year  has  passed  since  the 
Class  of  '56  left  the  campus  for  the 
world  of  business,  Uncle  Sam  and  many 
other  activities.  A  great  deal  has  hap- 
pened since  our  departure.  The  Alumni 
Fund  drive  was  the  first  event  and  also 
the  first  success  of  our  class.  For  our 
first  year  as  alumni  we  showed  a  great 
deal  of  interest  in  B.  C.  and  didn't  become 
passive  alumni.  Then  came  the  announce- 
ment by  Father  Maxwell  about  the  new 
Stadium  and  here  the  Class  of  '56  is 
about  to  excel  even  more  than  in  the  first 
drive.  This  is  important — don't  let  B.  C. 
or  the  class  down — show  all  that  we  are 
real  alumni.  Through  all  this  we  have 
kept  in  close  touch  as  the  following  items 
will  testify.  Keep  it  up  and  send  us  the 
news  so  we  can  keep  the  class  together. 
News  came  from  GEORGE  LUCEY 
that  JACK  POIRIER  is  working  for  the 
Air  Force  as  a  civilian  employee  in 
Europe;  BOB  COCHRAN  was  commis- 
sioned a  Navy  Ensign  and  is  undergoing 
flight  training  in  Pensacola.  Also  at 
Pensacola  is  Navy  Ensign  JOE  MARRI- 
NAN.  Joe's  engagement  to  Margaret 
Murphy  of  Jamaica  Plain  was  recently 
announced.  At  the  same  base,  BILLY 

A  few  more  fellows  drawing  their  pay 
from  Uncle  Sam:  FRANK  FOLEY  and 
RONALD  BRIDGE  at  O.C.S.,  Newport, 
R.  I.;  PVT.  DAN  GEARTY  at  171st 
Station  Hospital,  Fitzsimons  Army  Hos- 
pital, Denver,  Colo.;  EDWIN  COOK  at 
Fort  Dix,  N.  J.;  JOHN  FLAHERTY, 
who  graduated  from  Air  Defense  Train- 
ing Center,  San  Diego  and  is  stationed 
on  the  U.S.S.  Savage;  ED  LYNCH  and 
TOM  COSTELLO  are  in  the  Army  and 
both  in  Virginia;  ED  McCULLOUGH 
graduated  from  O.C.S.  and  has  been  sent 
to  Panama  City  for  further  study. 

FRANK  COUSINEAU  is  teaching  in 
Watertown.  He  was  married  on  February 
16  to  Mary  Anne  Coffey  of  Newton. 

DAVE  GUINEE  is  in  the  research 
department  of  Chambers  &  Wiswell,  Inc.; 
JOE  MARCILLE  has  been  appointed 
group  representative  of  Mutual  of  Omaha 
in    Philadelphia;    DAVE    COLLINS    has 


The  Alumni 


completed  the  home  office  phase  of  the 
Conn.  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Co.'s  sales 
management  training  program  and  has 
been  assigned  to  the  Robert  H.  Whitte- 
more  agency,  Boston. 

BULL  DELANEY  is  assistant  man- 
ager at  Franklin  Simons,  Chestnut  Hill; 
ED  SULLIVAN  is  teaching  General 
Science  in  Wilmington;  JOE  HINES  is 
a  teacher-coach  in  New  Hampshire  and 
FRANK  FUREY  had  an  unbeaten  season 
in  Long  Island.  Speaking  of  our  former 
football  players,  the  biggest  news  and 
even  more  reason  to  really  support  the 
Stadium  Fund  is  that  VIN  ST.  PIERRE 
has  been  appointed  line  coach  at  B.  C. 
He  is  studying  at  the  Law  School.  Good 
luck,  Vin.  We  are  happy  to  announce 
that  JOE  FIORE  is  about  ready  to  leave 
the  hospital  after  his  summer  attack  of 
tuberculosis.  His  recent  engagement  is  a 
reason  for  his  complete  recovery.  We 
thank  you  all   for  your   prayers. 

are  teaching  at  Junipero  Memorial  High 
School,  Monterey,  California.  Tom  is 
football  and  basketball  coach — his  foot- 
ball team  won  the  Catholic  Champion- 
ship in  1956 — and  Phil  is  baseball  coach. 
JOHN  DUFFY  has  been  appointed  to  the 
writing  staff  of  the  national  medical 
news  magazine,  MD,  which  is  published 
by  MD  Publications  Inc.,  of  New  York 
and  London.  John  is  a  first  year  medical 
student  at  New  York  Medical  College, 
Flower  and  Fifth  Avenue  Hospitals  and 
a  member  of  Alpha  Kappa  Kappa  medi- 
cal fraternity,  Beta  Rho  Chapter.  He  is 
former  business  manager  of  The  Scope 
and  associate  editor  of  the  Stylus. 

Those  old  wedding  bells  have  rung  for 
CARTHY. JACK  BERGIN  has  set  the 
date  for  May  25;  CHARLIE  D'ENTRE- 
MONT  during  the  summer  months; 
ROVERE  in  the  fall.  Best  of  luck  to  all. 

Recentlv  engaged:  WALTER  SULLI- 
and  DICK  TOLAND,  whose  bride-elect 
is  Louise  Burke,  '56  School  of  Ed. 
Class  of  1956 

134  contributing    5585.00 

David  B.  Finnegan,   Paul  F.  Sheehan,  Edwin  J.  Cook 

Class  Agents 

Salvatore  J.  Annarummo 
Francis  J.  Arsenault 
Robert  B.  Austin 
James  A.  Barry,  Jr. 
John  G.  Barry 
Martin  D.  Becker 
Edward  C.  Bennett 
John  F.  Boyle,  Jr. 
John  J.  Brady 
Thomas  D.  Bresnahan 
Gerald  F.  Browne 
Thomas  F.  Burke 
John  A.  Caswell 
Anthony  J.  Cesario 
Robert  E.  Cochran 
Brian  E.  Concannon 
Martin  J.  Conway 
Edwin  J.  Cook,  Jr. 
Arthur  H.  Cotter 
J.  Harold  Crosby 
James  P.  Cullinan 
Joseph  A.  DanieM,  Jr. 
Philip  J.  Dawson 
William  A.  DeMalia 
Edward  DeSilva 
James  C.  DeSisto 
Leo  C.  Desmond,  Jr. 
James  M.  Dewire 
James  F.  Doherty 
George  R.  Dolan 
John  P.  Driscoll 
Robert  Driscoll 
John  C.  Duffy 
Edward  J.  Dunford 
Robert  Eagle 
Robert  F.  Ego 
John  P.  English 
David  B.  Finnegan 
Thomas  M.  Flaherty 
Charles  E.  Fleming 
John  J.  F.  Flynn 

Francis  H.  Freccero 
Frank  P.  Furey 
John  F.  Galv'n 
William  M.  Gannon 
Paul  G.  Gibbons 
David  M.  Guinee 
Raymond  E.  Hamel 
Joseph  W.  Hanss,  Jr. 
Rev.  Daniel  A.  Hart 
Denis  H.  Hassan 
William  M.  Hopkins 
Willard  A.  Jackson,  Jr. 
John  P.  Kane 
John  D.  Keating 
Robert  T.  Kelley 
A.  William  Kennedy 
Frederick  J.  Kessler 
John  F.  Kiely 
Arthur  P.  Killion,  Jr. 
James  A.  King,  Jr. 
Paul  D.  Kinsley 
Vincent  C.  Kneizys 
Edward  M.  Krasnof 
Paul  H.  LaMarche 
Thomas  J.  Lawton 
Francis  J.  Leary,  Jr. 
John  F.  Lee 
Thomas  G.  Leonard 
George  F.  Lucey 
Harold  N.  Lynch 
Owen  B.  Lynch 
Thomas  J.  McAuliffe 
Donald  L.  McCarthy 
Eugene  G.  McCarthy 
William  C.  McComish 
Edward  J.  McDermott 
Patrick  D.  McDevitt 
John  A.  IVIcInerney 
Robert  E.  Mclnerney 
James  H.  McLaughlin 
John  D.  Mackie 

John  J.  Mahaney 
James  F.  Maher,  Jr. 
James  M.  Maloney 
James  M.  Martin 
Anthony  Massimino 
James  Masterson 
i\!orbert  D.  Michaud 
John  T.  Moloney 
James  A.  Murnane 
Edwin  B.  Niemeyer 
T.  Jerome  O'Connor,  Jr. 
Joseph  F.  O'Connor 
John  E.  Odell,  Jr. 
John  E.  O'Malley 
Richard  P.  Pacino 
James  F.  Page 
Robert  H.  Pangione 
William  M.  Plansky 
Clovis  B.  Proulx 
G.  Kevin  Quinn 
Joseph  B.  Reagan 
Kevin  R.  Regan 
Rev.  Daniel  P.  Reilly 
Robert  F.  Renehan 
William  J.  Renison,  Jr. 
Stephen  V.  Riley 

Richard  E.  Rossi 
Richard  Sanders 
Richard  F.  Sawyer 
John  J.  Schrogie,  Jr. 
James  E.  Shea,  Jr. 
Paul  F.  Sheehan 
Richard  J.  Sorbera 
Kenneth  D.  Soule 
George  L.  Spillane 
John  J.  Stencavage 
John  A.  Stevens 
Thomas  E.  Stouter 
Jeremiah  F.  Sullivan 
Thomas  M.  Sullivan 
John  E.  Surette 
Eugene  E.  Sweeney,  III 
Nicholas  .M.  Tauraso 
Paul  B.  Tobin 
Richard  J.  Tobin 
James  A.  Trinchera 
Paul  A.  Vozzella 
John  T.  Walsh 
James  R.  Ward 
Joseph  M.  Waters 
James  F.  Wright 
Louis  M.  Xiferas 

Law  School 

Joseph  f.  McCarthy,  ll.b., 


11  Hardwick  St.,  Brighton 

Another  of  our  Alumni  can  now  be 
listed  with  the  Judiciary.  He  is  PAT- 
RICK F.  MAL1A,  Lewiston,  Maine,  Class 
of  1942,  who  is  Judge  of  Probate  Court 
for  Androscoggin  County. 

JOSEPH  L.  McQUADE,  '52,  after  four 
years  in  the  United  States  Air  Force  is 
now  associated  with  the  law  firm  of  Sher- 
idan and  Randall,  Framingham,  Mas- 

DONALD  A.  CLANCY,  '41,  was  re- 
cently appointed  City  Solicitor  for  the 
city  of  Springfield,  Massachusetts.  Mr. 
Clancy  succeeds  Charles  D.  Sloan  who 
has  taken  a  position  as  counsel  on  the 
staff  of  Governor  Foster  Furcolo. 

RALPH  S.  INOUYE,  '50,  has  been  ap- 
pointed by  the  Mayor  of  Honolulu  to  be 
Building  Superintendent  for  the  City 
and  County  of  Honolulu,  according  to 
word  received  from  RALPH  F.  MAT- 
SUMURA,  '41,  of  that  city. 

was  recently  appointed  by  Mayor  Hynes 
of  Boston  to  the  position  of  Assistant 
Counsel  for  the  Boston  Housing  Authori- 
ty. During  the  past  year  Mr.  Suchecki 
was  elected  a  National  Director  of  the 
Polish  American  Congress,  Inc.,  as  well 
as  President  of  the  Eastern  Massachu- 
setts division  of  the  same  organization. 

WILLIAM  A.  REGAN,  '53,  in  practice 
in  Providence,  Rhode  Island,  is  teaching 
a  course  during  the  current  semester  in 
Legal  Aspects  of  Hospital  Administra- 
tion in  Providence  College,  School  of 
Adult  Education. 

THOMAS  E.  O'CONNOR,  '49,  has 
been  appointed  assistant  director  of  the 
Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society's  pen- 
sion trust  division  at  the  home  office, 
New  York  City.  He  was  a  senior  con- 
sultant in  the  company's  special  services 
division,  specializing  in  taxes,  estate 
planning,  business  insurance,  and  related 

THOMAS  E.  GOODE,  '51,  has  recently 
become  associated  with  the  firm  of  Hale, 
Sanderson,  Byrnes  and  Morton,  Boston. 

VICTOR  L.  HATEM,  '56,  announces 
the  opening  of  his  office  for  the  practice 
of  law  at  301  Essex  Street,  Lawrence, 

JONAS  J.  MEYER,  III  both  of  the  Class 
of  1954  have  opened  their  office  for  the 
general  practice  of  law  at  83  Fairfield 
Avenue,  Bridgeport,  Connecticut. 

JOHN  A.  CANAVAN,  JR.,  '56,  has 
become  associated  with  the  Boston  firm 
of  Nutter,  McClennen  and  Fish. 

J.   ALBERT    LYNCH,    '49,   announces 

the  formation  of  the  partnership  firm  of 
Nelson  and  Lynch  at  168  Main  Street, 
Nashua,  New  Hampshire. 

JAMES  F.  ENRIGHT,  '56,  is  associa- 
ted with  KENNETH  McLAUCHLIN,  '50, 
in  practice  at  Nashua,  New  Hampshire. 
Mr.  Enright  recently  moved  his  family 
from  Hingham,  Massachusetts  to  Am- 
herst, New  Hampshire. 

From  a  large  field  of  candidates  for 
the  position,  JOHN  E.  HAMILTON,  '54, 
was  selected  as  Director  of  Labor  Rela- 
tions for  the  Maine  Central  Railroad 
with  offices  in   Portland,  Maine. 

JOHN  A.  SARJEANT,  '54,  has  joined 
the  law  firm  of  Connolly,  Cooch,  and 
Bove,  a  firm  that  specializes  in  patent, 
trademark,  and  anti-trust  law,  Wilming- 
ton, Delaware. 

JR.,  '54,  are  both  with  the  Legal  Division 
of  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission, 
Washington,  D.C. 

ROBERT  J.  SHERER,  '56,  and  JOHN 
D.  DWYER,  III  are  clerks  in  the  Su- 
preme Judicial  Court  of  Massachusetts 
— Mr.  Sherer  is  assigned  to  Mr.  Justice 
Counihan  and  Mr.  Dwyer  to  Mr.  Justice 

CORNELIUS  J.  SCANLON,  '56,  who 
was  one  of  the  instructors  in  the  course 
in  Legal  Research  in  the  Evening  Divi- 
sion of  the  Law  School  in  the  first  semes- 

iRrmitlu,  Hrrrasrn 



Stephen   F.    Murphy,    1923 June    21,  1954 

Francis  J.  Whalen,  1924  December  19,  1955 

Rev.  Charles  I.  Brown,  1914 October  10,  1956 

John  F.   McCarthy,  1918  November,  1956 

Rev.  Andrew  J.   L.  Corbett,    1921 

November   12,  1956 

Edmund  C.  Talbot,  1927 November  14,  1956 

Edmund    A.   Berger,    1924 November  20,  1956 

John   J.    Shea,   1928 November  30,  1956 

Rt.  Rev.   William  S.  Condon,  1896 

December  2,  1956 

Thomas  F.  Curtin,  Law  1935.. ..December  8,  1956 

John  M.   Flynn,  M.D.,  1923....December  11,  1956 

Francis  T.  Kiely,  1920 December  12,  1956 

Rev.    Edwarc"   J.   Campbell,   1905 

December  13,  1956 

Hon.  James  E.   Luby,    1908. ..December  22,  1956 
Rev.  George  E.   Marin,  S.J.,   1913 

December  24,  1956 
Rev.   Thomas   J.   Stapleton,   1923 

December  27,  1956 

Andrew  J.  Carroll,  1926 December  28,  1956 

Rev.  Thomas  F.  Murphy,  1914 

December  29,  1956 
William  J.   Sweeney,  M.D.,  1940 

January  10,  1957 

John  J.  Hendry,  M.D.,  1920 January  14,  1957 

James  F.  Kelley,    CBA'53   January   17,  1957 

James  B.   Connolly,   Honorary  '53 

January  20,  1957 

Edward  T.  McGrath,  1925 January  20,  1957 

Rev.  John  J.   Consodine,  1922....January  25,  1957 

John  J.  Good,  1925 February  5,  1957 

William   B.   Trainor,  1937 February  5,  1957 

Thomas   E.    Mahoney,   1908 February   7,  1957 

George  F.  Connors,  1926 February  17,  1957 

Rt.   Rev.   Michael  J.  Scanlan,  1895 

February  18,  1957 
Arthur  W.  Clancy,   M.D.,  1925 

February  24,  1957 

Theobold  M.  Kelley,   1921 February  24,  1957 

John   F.    McCarthy,    1932 March  4,  1957 

Rev    John  M.  Gillis,  C.S.P.,  Honorary  1941 

March  14,  1957 

Arthur  V.   Burns,  M.D.,  1924 March  20,  1957 

Thomas  C.  O'Hare,  1914 March  21,  1957 

Tohn    J.  Connelly,  Graduate  School 

'                                                             April  1,  1957 

John  R.  Taylor,  1914 April  10,  1957 


Died  January  17,  1957. 
Former  dean  of  the  Col- 
lege of  Business  Admin- 
istration from  1949  to 
19  5  3,  Father  Sullivan 
was  spiritual  counselor  at 
Weston  College  at  the 
time  of   his   death. 




The  Alumni 

All  the  Family  Will 
ENJOY  a  Visit  to 

Phillips  Candy  House 

818  Wm.  T.  Morrissey  Blvd., 

"The  Best  In  Candy  in  More 
Than  275  Varieties" 

ammartino,   39 

When  in  Belmont  Visit 

295  Belmont  St.-BE  5-4549 










Experience    Not   Important.    Candidates 


Who   Qualify    Receive   the   Benefit  of  a 






to   you   who  want  your   rewards  to  be 

in    direct    proportion    to    applied,    intel- 



ligent    effort,    we    offer    high    income, 

security,  and  moral  satisfaction. 


contact  George  Donaldson,  '29 



Your  Placement  Director,  or 


Winslow  S.  Cobb  Jr.  G.  A. 


50  Congress  Street 


^     Boston 

f)    J 

/  — * 

ter  of  this  year,  recently  resigned  as  a 
teacher  in  the  Boston  public  schools  to 
accept  an  excellent  position  with  Ray- 
theon   Manufacturing    Company. 

ARTHUR  J.  O'KEEFE,  '56,  has  been 
accepted  for  officer  training  school  in 
the  Army  of  the  United   States. 

DANIEL  COUGHLIN,  '56,  is  with  the 
Federal  Trade  Commission  in  New  Yoi'k 

ARTHUR  WEINSTOCK,   '56,  is  with 
the  Boston  office  of  Angoff  and  Davis, 
1   Court   Street,  Boston. 
Law  School 

96  contributing   $1,783.50 
Kenneth  P.  Akey  '52  Darald  R1  Libby  '55 

Constantine  W.  Akstens  '42 
Salvatore  E.  Aloisi  '34 

William  G.  Lynch  '41 
Edmund  L.  McCarthy  '51 
Paul  J.  McCawley  '54 
Charles  E.  McDermott  '53 
George  F.  McGrath  '53 
Patrick  F.  Malia  '42 
Herman  Matthei  '40 
David  J.  Moran,  Jr.  '41 
Paul  F.  A.  Moriarty  '53 
Paul  E.  Mullaney  '48 
Charles  F.  X.  Murphy  '55 
John  F.  Murphy  '52 
Neale  D.  Murphy  '55 
Francis  W.  Murthur  '36 
Walter  A.  Nicewicz  '55 
George  C.  O'Brien  '47 
Louis  A.  Petrarca  '55 
Alfred  L.  Podolski  '50 
Vincent  A.  Ragosta  '51 
Charles  A.  Rivers  '50 
Nestor  F.  Robidou  '38 
William  P.  Rockwell,  Jr.  '45 
Miriam  T.  Rooney 
Daniel  J.  Ryan  '52 
V.  Frederick  Sano  '32 
John  P.  Scholstein  '52 
Harold  L.  Schwab  '56 
Eugene  G.  Seems  '54 
Edward  J.  Shea  '52 
Maurice  W.  Silber  '40 
Hon.  Harold  A.  Stevens  '36 
Stanislaw  R.  J.  Suchecki  '53 
Cornelius  J.  Sullivan  '50 
Donal  W.  Sullivan  '53 
Ralph  W.  Sullivan  '49 
Alexander  R.  Sutton  '47 
Harvey  L.  Titus 
Edmond  M.  Trespacz  '51 
Louis  A.  Vachon,  Jr.  '40 
August  C.  Vancouyghen  '53 
Marcel  R.  Viger  '53 
John  R.  Vincens  '43 
David  W.  Walsh,  Jr.  '53 
William  F.  Weber  '34 
Sidney  Weinberg  '43 
Francis  H.  White  '48 
David  L.  Whitney  '55 

George  Ankeles  '35 
Francis  X.  Asselin  '56 
Thomas  A.  Bannen  '52 
John  E.  Baril  '52 
Donald  W.  Barr  '53 
Selwyn  I.  Braudy  '39 
Beryl  I.  Breitstein  '40 
Russell  E.  Brennan  '34 
Edward  Bromage,  Jr.  '41 
William  H.  Burkhead  '52 
Philip  H.  R.  Cahill  '48 
L.  John  Cain  '50 
John  L.  Casaly  '36 
John  M.  Casey,  Jr.  '54 
Michael  J.  Connolly  '43 
John  F.  Cremens  '41 
Franklin  J.  Cronin  '50 
John  N.  Crowley  '53 
Claude  L.  Cyr  '52 
Charles  J.  Delaney  '40 
John  DiNublia  '55 
Thomas  E.  Dwyer  '42 
John  C.  Farley  '38 
John  J.  FitzGerald  '36 
James  E.  Flannery  '41 
Robert  R.  Gabriel  '56 
James  R.  Gallagher  '53 
Joseph  G.  Galligan,  Jr.  '49 
John  S.  Gasper  '55 
William  E.  Gorton  '53 
Edward  J.  Grace  '36 
John  J.  Graham  '46 
Lawrence  W.  Guptill,  Jr.  '52 
Frank  T.  Healey,  Jr.  '51 
John  J.  C.  Herlihy  '49 
Eugene  F.  Hickey  '40 
Frederick  R.  Houle  '33 
Joseph  F.  Howard  '49 
Edward  D.  Hurley  '46 
Ralph  S.  Inouye  '50 
Francis  L.  Kelly  '48 
Thomas  D.  Kenna,  Jr.  '51 
P.  Joseph  Kenney  '47 
Thomas  F.  Kiley  '51 
John  S.  Lennon  '49 


GEORGE  L.  KEEFE,  '47 
125  Kent  St.,  Brookline 

We  of  the  Intown  Alumni  are  very 
proud  of  the  achievements  of  the  or- 
ganizer of  our  particular  Alumni  Asso-. 
ciation  —  JOHN  A.  GAVIN,  '49,  who 
has  capped  a  career  of  success  in  his 
chosen  field  of  Penology  by  his  appoint- 
ment as  Principal  Officer  (Warden)  of 
the  Mass.  Correctional  Institution  at 

Congratulations  to  BOB  MOORE,  '53 
on  his  appointment  to  the  staff  of  the 
State  Parole  Board  as  Parole  Officer. 
The  same  to  John  Dowcett,  '51,  who  left 
his  position  as  social  worker  in  Maiden 
to  become  Correctional  Social  Worker  at 
the  Mass.  Correctional  Institution,  Nor- 

Our  sympathy  and  prayers  to  FRED 
DONOVAN,  '39,  on  the  death  of  his 
mother.  We  join  in  the  joy  of  BROTHER 
JAMES  FRANCIS,  C.F.X.,  '52,  on  the 
occasion  of  his  Silver  Jubilee  in  the  Bro- 
therhood. Bro.  James  is  at  Flaget  High 
School,  Louisville,  Ky.  Ad  Multon  Annos, 

Our  monthly  corporate  communion  and 
discussion  panel  schedule  at  St.  Francis 
Xavier  Chapel  continues  an  outstanding 

The  Annual  Day  of  Recollection  in 
preparation  for  the  Passiontide  was  held 
on   April    7   at   Lyons   Hall   on   campus. 

Conferences  were  given  by  our  ever  faith- 
ful Spiritual  Director,  Rev.  D.  F.  X.  O'- 
Connor, S.J. 

Intown   School 

53  contributing   $458.00 
Frederick  J.  Arata  '51 
Francis  P.  Assmus  '38 
Robert  V.  Barrett  '50 

Leo  G.  Brehm  '40 
John  R.  Brew  '44 
Paul  E.  P.  Burns  '53 
Richard  Coakley  '56 
John  J.  Connelly  '50 
John  F.  Cotter  '52 
William  C.  Crimmings  '53 
Robert  I.  Cunningham  '53 
Robert  A.  Dean  '56 
Guy  J.  Detellis  '52 
Frederick  E.  Doherty  '51 
Paul  J.  Dolan  '49 
Frederick  J.  Donovan  '39 
John  E.  Donovan  '56 
Thomas  G.  Doyle  '42 
Leo  J.  Fallon  '33 
James  F.  Finneran  '56 
William  B.  Fitzpatrick  '52 
John  P.  Hartigan  '53 
William  L.  Hartnett  '36 
Maurice  G.  Hebert  '55 
John  C.  Hoell  '53 
Francis  A.  Hurley  '31 
George  L.  Keefe  '47 

Walter  J.  McGlynn  '45 
Francis  M.  McLaughlin  '54 
Thomas  J.  McLaughlin  '35 
Francis  J.  McNulty  '52 
John  J.  McSweeney 
Carl  F.  Mattson  '54 
James  M.  Meehan  '51 
Raymond  J.  Melican  '53 
John  J.  Mullin  '39 
J.  Edward  Mulvanity  '38 
Alfred  C.  IMeenan  '41 
Thomas  E.  Palmer,  Jr.  '56 
Albert  Pizzi  '52 
Charles  W.  Reilly  '55 
John  A.  Rice  '36 
John  F.  Rinaldi  '51 
Salvatore  N.  Romeo,  M.D.  '4 
Stanley  F.  Ross  '51 
Armand  C.  Sarasin  '39 
Sylvester  F.  Scanlan  '42 
John  L.  Sullivan  '54 
Joseph  A.  Sullivan  '43 
Leo  F.  Swierk  '39 
Andrew  J.  Trent  '38 
William  A.  Welch  '30 
Raymond  F.  White  '53 

Graduate  School 

40  contribut 
William  V.  Archambault  '53 
John  I.  Biergel  '54 
John  M.  Canty  '33 
Rev.  Albert  J.  Contons  '53 
Edward  F.  Convery  '55 
Paul  V.  Daley  '53 
John  W.  DiLibero  '54 
James  J.  Dolan  '49 
Rev.  Arthur  J.  Driscoll  '56 
Robert  E.  Driscoll  '53 
Roger  H.  E.  Dupont  '55 
Ernest  F.  Eastman,  Jr.  '54 
Constantino  S.  Gianotti  '55 
William  J.  Greene  '53 
Rev.  John  M.  Groves  '15 
Warren  G.  Hamill  '51 
Owen  A.  Hanley  '39 
William  J.  Harrison  '47 
Dr.  Leo:  F.  Hennessey  '46 
Raymond  F.  Lamore  '54 

ing  $304.00 
Rudolph  J.  Landry  '56 
Leonard  F.  Leamy  '49 
Joseph  P.  McGill  '51 
Philip  W.  McG'nn  '51 
Thomas  J.  McGrimley  '51 
Henry  P.  McLaughlin 
Paul  E.  Marcotte  '53 
Joseph  T.  Mullen,  M.D.  '51 
John  D.  Murphy  '56 
Thomas  W.  0'Keefe  '54 
Rt.  Rev.  Timothy  F.  0'Leary 
Joseph  M.  Pagano  '53 
Thomas  C.  Quirk  '50 
William  H.  Schenk  '54 
Lewis  B.  Songor  '56 
Rev.  Albert  I.  Thomas  '55 
Victor  L.  Tseki  '54 
Rev.  Robert  J.  Whiteside  '52 
Harold  A.  Zager  '31 
John  A.  Zalonis  '51 

Social   School 

6  contributing  $49.00 
Salva.ore  A.  Carrano  '56  Norman  A.  Perry,  Jr.  '51 

Donald  E.  Fosa  '56  Rev.  Stanislaus  T.  Sypek  '46 

Joseph  A.  Greci  '55  Charles  T.  Weber  '56 

Freder'c  J.  Driscoll 

Hon.  Alvan  T.  Fuller 

Rt.  Rev.  Augustine  F.  Hickey, 

Hon.  John  B.  Hynes 


9  contributing  $2,250.00 

Most  Rev.  Jeremiah  F.  Minihan 
Patrick  A.  0'Connell 
Francis  J.  O'Halloran 
Vincent  P.  Roberts 
Joseph  E.  Sullivan 


1  contributing  $50.00 
George  C.  Shields 

Adaptation  of  Old  New  England  Hubbard 
Chair,  of  choice  birch  wood,  black  or  old 
pine  lacquer  finish,  gold  trim  and  maple  arms, 
with  college  seal.  Price:  $25.00  express  col- 
lect from   Gardner,   Mass. 

give  a  B.  C.  chair 

Call  or  write  Alumni  Office 
Bl  4-5230 


m  n  i 



Front  Street,  Scituate  Harbor 

Telephone  1303 
Edward  Stewart,  '32  Paul  Reynolds,  '33 


Miniature  and  Large  —  All  Classes 

JOHN  F.  LYNCH,  '25 

5174  Washington  Street,  Boston 

FLORISTS   Since    1896 


Telephone:   GEneva  6-2095 

Holbrow's  Parker  House  Florist 

Downtown  in   the  PARKER  HOUSE 
Telephone:  CApitol  7-8057 


MY  8-9861 

25  Richfield  Street      (off  311  Columbia  Rd.) 
DORCHESTER   25  COlumbia   5-0112 



60  Adams  Street,  Milton 
CUnningham  6-1884 



All  Forms  of  Insurance 


DEdham  3-0109 


55  Burroughs  Street,  Jamaica  Plain,  Mass. 

JA  2-2558 

Male  —  Female  —  Ambulatory  —  Bed  patients 

Continuous  Nursing  Care 

Felix  F.  Albano,  Prop. 

Ph.B.-Pre-Med.,  B.  C.  1932         M.  G.  H.  Grad.,  1935 


Insurance  <S  Bonding 

24  School  Street  Boston 

LAfayette   3-2076 

For  CHEVROLET  for  1957 



BL  8-3800  FA  5-7423 

New  England's  Fastest  Growing 
Printing  Establishment 



Main  Office  and  Plant  at 

Auxiliary  Plants: 



All  BC'ers: 


THOMAS  R.  SULLIVAN,  A.B.,  '39 

JOSEPH  E.  SULLIVAN,  JR.,  A.B.,  '43 

JAMES  H.  SULLIVAN,  A.B.,  '45 



Frank  Elbery  '25,  Jim  Elbery  '51,  Jim  Kelley  '53 


Elbery  Motor  Co.,  Inc. 

360  River  Street 
Cambridge  KI  7-3820 



18  Oliver  Street,  Boston 

Est.   1896 



BOB  DUNN,  '42 
DAN  DUNN,  '42 


JAmaica  2-3300 


Modern  CAREERS  for 



1  and  2  year  programs 

Executive,   Legal,   Medical,  World  Trade,  Travel 

and  General  Business  Courses 

Outstanding  Professional  Education 

Accredited    by   the   Accrediting   Commission   for 

Business  Schools 


Short  Term   Programs  —  Days  and   Evenings 

Air  Hostess,  Reservations,  Sales,  Cargo,  Traffic, 

Ticketing,  Ground  Services 

Free  Life-Time  Placement  Opportunities 

Licensed  by  Comm.  of  Mass.  —  Dept.  of  Education 

Write  for  Free  Catalog  or  Call  CO  6-0220 

30   Huntington  Ave.,   Copley  Square,   Boston 

All  Divisions  of  Aviation  Training  School 

LOUIS  F.  MUSC0,  '34,  President 


T.  Edmund  Garrity,  '23 
Thomas  E.  Garrity,  Jr.,  '50 

60  Congress  Street,  Boston 

School  Supplies      School  Furniture 
School  Equipment  Blackboards 

FRANCIS  J.  DALY,  '29 






LJtAUh&td  and  Ottioi  Suit 


uniture.  • 

EDMUND   C.  WEBSLING     '50 


James  J.  Ricciuti,  '39 

295  Hancock  St.,  North  Quincy 

GRanite  2-3447 


BOB  O'HAYRE,  '36 


Largest   Exclusive   Manufacturers 

of    Office    Equipment    and    Office 

Systems  in  the  World 

LI  2-9410 


Almost  a  century  ago  —  98  years  to  be  exact  —  the  A&P 
was  founded  by  George  Huntington  Hartford,  a  native  of  Augusta, 

The  original  store,  near  New  York  City's  waterfront,  at  first 
sold  nothing  but  tea. 

In  this  pre-Civil  War  era,  tea  was  a  luxury  item.  It  came  from 
the  Orient,  'round  the  Horn,  on  sleek  China  Clippers.  Before  it 
reached  the  consumer,  it  passed  through  so  many  middlemen  and 
brokers  that  the  retail  price  was  exorbitant. 

Mr.  Hartford  changed  all  that.  He  bought  whole  cargoes  di- 
rectly from  the  Clippers  and  sold  tea  at  rock-bottom  prices. 

Today's  ultra-modern  A&P  Super  Markets  are  about  as  far  re- 
moved from  the  old,  red-front  A&P  stores  of  yesteryear,  as  China 
Clippers  from  Atomic  Subs. 

But  one  thing  at  A&P  has  remained  unchanged — volume  sales 
of  quality  merchandise  at  low  prices — the  business  policy  pioneered 
by  Mr.  Hartford. 

*S  "°N  »™«ed 

ssvw  naMOi 


aovisod  s  n 

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oii>h  inng 

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